Spore Story

Chapter 315 Agreement, Fair Use of Rumors

Chapter 315 Agreement, Fair Use of Rumors
This is today's update.

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January 1st is the legal annual festival of the Pengzu, that is, the Chinese New Year.

Removing the old and welcoming the new has a market in any civilization. After all, in our lives, there will always be those unsatisfactory things that we want to throw away.At this time of alternating years, throwing away those old and bad pasts; looking forward to and welcoming a hopeful future is the meaning of this day.

And when the "Friends and Spirits Agreement" was signed and the official notice was received from the high-level ethnic groups, all the friends, no matter whether they were friends or Dunjia people, fell into a strange atmosphere: questioning, joy, relief, dullness, miss...

No matter what, most people still chose to accept this thing, and in the new year, they learned the way of burning firecrackers from their friends to vent their depressed emotions.

After all, whether to sign or not, people's lives have begun to stabilize after more than a year. Only the soldiers of the three major fortresses finally had a comfortable and relaxing New Year Festival.

Although it is still impossible to return to the family, the members of the same fortress can still hold a small event together, and everyone can sing, dance and burn firecrackers together.

Speaking of which, burning firecrackers was originally a game that was accidentally discovered by adding bamboo when everyone was burning a fire, but that was a long time ago, and only a few people like to play this game for a long time .

For peaceful friends, the crackle of this thing drives them to noise, not comfort.

But the war has changed many things. When people are attracted and frightened by this crackling sound, people find themselves trapped in the memory of the war, but they can get some peace from it.

On the contrary, those items such as calming incense that can make people calm and peaceful can only make people recall more clearly and make them more painful.

It has to be said that sometimes the necessary catharsis is correct, so, naturally, firecrackers were gradually promoted, and finally became a New Year's sideshow under the restrictions of Pengcheng.

In fact, it is restricted because this kind of behavior of burning bamboo consumes too much bamboo and wood resources. Whether it is based on the frugal character of Pengcheng's high-level executives or the position of 8051 as the planet's will (agent), we all think that it should restraint.

Of course, proper catharsis is also possible, so there is an action of only burning firecrackers during the New Year.

But Kong Huan, who was sitting in the elders' courtyard, was surprised to find that he had also calmed down when he heard the sound of firecrackers outside the door and the screams of children.

"Thinking about it carefully, human beings seem to have firecrackers for the New Year, but what are the causes? I can't remember." Turning the refined bamboo cup filled with crystal clear tea in his hand, Void seemed to be talking to himself.

However, there are still two illusions present, so the so-called soliloquy is not very convincing.

"Forget it, the human race is a human race, and the friends are friends. Unless we can travel through time and space in the future, our connection with the human race will only become smaller and smaller. At least for now, I don't think I am a human race." Regarding this, Dark Blood It seems very open-minded.

After thinking about it, Kong Huan felt that maybe it was because the human race did not leave a deep impression on him, and coupled with the fact that he cared deeply about the friend race, comparing the two, the human race became a thing of the past.

"But there are still those civilizations who travel through. Maybe some of them will stubbornly develop into human races. Besides, many of those traversers must be human races." What Bai Nong raised inappropriately , causing the other two to glare.

"Well, when I didn't say it."

"No, this is also a problem we may have to face, but we are now a native civilization. Everyone must remember that we are no longer traversers. This is something that the system recognizes." He knocked heavily On the table, unexpectedly, the sound was in sync with the sound of firecrackers outside the window, embarrassing Kong Huan for a while.

"But our main problem now is the guy in the sky."

Pointing to the top of his head, Dark Blood casually raised his teacup and took a sip, took out a pastry mixed with flour and Xiguo powder from the plate, and squinted his eyes in satisfaction.It seems that the catastrophic thing in the sky is not as attractive as the pastry in hand.


I have to lament the dark blood's psychological quality as one of the three standing teams, the leader of the dark blood team, but Kong Huan also seems a little helpless when the two of them repeatedly bring up things that destroy their mood.

"Okay, you two guys, since you have brought it up, let's talk about the current issue." Fortunately, without doing anything else, Kong Huan quickly snatched the pastry in front of Dark Blood and stuffed it into his mouth. Choked because of too much urgency, had to cough heavily.

This naturally aroused the contempt of the other two, but the dark blood that was originally dissatisfied because of the pastry being robbed suddenly turned cloudy and laughed.

"Okay, cough cough, now that the Pengling agreement has been signed, cough cough, although I don't think the binding force of this agreement is very strong, at least there should be no large-scale war between the two sides within ten years." Carefully took a sip of clear tea Moisturizing his throat, Kong Huan said with a serious expression while ignoring the expressions of the other two with a ruddy complexion.

"Although we rely on the invisible support of 8051, and the strengths of both sides are similar, it is agreed that the spirit race shall not appear above 70 meters underground, and the friends shall not enter below 70 meters underground. It seems that we do occupy a large The advantage, because the territory of the Pengzu ground is obviously not large compared to the mainland, but the problem is..."

"Even if it is possible now, the Spirit Race will discover this sooner or later. When they find out, there will obviously be a crack in the peace between the two parties. What's more, the Spirit Race will definitely enter the land formally." Tapped lightly The bamboo cup, listening to the thumping sound in it, Kong Huan gradually calmed down.

Shaking his head, he continued: "The strength of the two parties is about the same. If you add the population of Outland and the population of the Dunjia, the population of the Pengzu is obviously similar to that of the entire species of the Spirit Race, but the strength of the Dunjia is too weak."

This is not to despise. In actual battles, if there is no armor and weapons provided by Pengcheng, the Dunjia can only be used to deal with the animal army of the Spirit Race in many cases, and friends must always be careful not to be attacked by the Dunjia. To control.

Because once controlled by the Spirit Race, the Dunjia people will be used by the Spirit Race to dig new passages. During the war, this trick caused the friends to have several crisis situations, and there were often battles where they were almost attacked by the Spirit Race. .

I have to say that the digging ability of the Dunjia people is really nothing to say. Both friends and spirits have to admit that it seemed nothing at first, but now that I think about it, dozens of Dunjia people have dug through more than 70 meters even though they paid for their claws. The rock layer, this is not what ordinary creatures can do.

Shaking his head, Dark Blood looked at the lively scene outside the window, with a smile on his face: "The hatred between Pengling and Pengling is actually not as good as the hatred between the Canyon Quack Ape and the Black Bone Ape."

"However, that is already a thing of the past. Now the black bone ape is in chaos, there is no threat in the short term, and the spirit race, in fact, we should try to communicate with them, our main enemy is the guy in the sky, what does the spirit race say It is also a double-moon star creature, and its strength is no less than that of the friends. If they can unite, it will be a great help to future battles."

"We can't take everything on our friends. We still have to share what should be shared. I even thought about uniting the black bone apes sometimes, haha." With a wry smile and shaking his head, Dark Blood didn't seem to want much Talking about the Black-Bone Ape, he turned the topic back to the Spirit Race.

Perhaps, only members of the older generation in Xinzhong District can understand this complex emotion, and neither Kong Huan nor Bai Nong can.

"For the Spirit Race, we can build a market at the entrance of the three fortresses, and the two parties can trade something that does not affect the improvement of strength, so that the relationship between the two can be improved." Judging from the dark blood's expression, this should be her temporary idea Out of things, so not much to say.

After thinking for a while, Bai Nong nodded to Kong Huan and said: "You can consider submitting it to the management for discussion, but for the time being, it can only be handled by the Ministry of Commerce. After all, the communication methods between the Lingzu and the Pengzu are too different."

"The Spirit Clan doesn't even have eyes and ears. The two sides can only communicate with spiritual power. This greatly limits the members of the two sides of the exchange. At least the Dunjia Clan, there are less than [-] members of the high priest level and above, who have this ability."

"That's right." Nodding his head, Kong fantasized about a friend clan strength statistics report he had seen not long ago.

In the later stage of the negotiation and discussion of the Pengling Agreement, because they realized that the war might be over, the ethnic group conducted a census of the entire ethnic group with power statistics.

The total population of friends (excluding Outer Domain) is 92117, many of them are friends from the same fast continent before, after and during the war, relying on quasi-priests and 8051, and gradually gathered friends of the friend clan.

There are 10012 Yiren and 82105 Yuanren in the entire Peng clan.

The strengths are classified as follows:
8 Youshen-level people (excluding Chu Ling and Lingyun, two main consciousnesses, including 5 Zhengshen);

111 people at the peak of the soul level (61 people who manage gods);

837 people in the mid-to-high stage of the soul level (361 people who manage gods);

There are 1179 people in the initial stage of the soul level (121 people who manage gods);

There are 9774 high-level ghosts (7211 official priests).

The average strength of adult friends is mainly concentrated in the middle stage of the ghost class.

It has to be said that the tempering of the war, coupled with the support of continuous improvement of cultivation knowledge, has made the strength of the entire friend clan have a qualitative leap.

You must know that before the war, there were only more than 200 soul-level people in the entire friend clan, which could not even reach the city level, but now there are more than 2000 in total.

In comparison, the Dunjia people are much poorer, but they are not very weak.

Their total population is 20 people.

Among them, there are 7 people in the middle stage of the soul level, all directly belonging to the three major legions. Their own internal title is "Holy Priest". In the eyes of Kong Huan and others, it is just because they want to separate them from the original high priest, but they cannot take it. Friends such as god priests only have the title of one person (Lingyue), so it just became this title.

But no matter the Dunjia people or their friends, they respect the Holy Priest very much.After all, in the war, they played a very important role. Relying on the ability to manipulate mental power more finely than the friends, they are even much better than the friends of the same level in the use of certain mental skills.

There are 121 people at the beginning of the soul level, belonging to the [High Priest] level. In terms of combat power in terms of spiritual power alone, they should be equal to friends in the middle of the soul level;

There are 1321 people in the high-level ghost class, belonging to the [high priest] level;
There are 2276 people in the mid-term of the ghost class, belonging to the [official priest] level;
There are 3987 people at the beginning of the ghost class, belonging to the [apprentice priest] level;
In addition, the average strength of the Dunjia adults is only at the high level of ghosts.

Looking back on the overall strength of the current Pengzu, Kong Huan happened to see Bai Nong looking up at the sky, and his expression suddenly became a little helpless.

"Zerg? In the memory of human beings, these guys are not easy to mess with."

"Now the memory of the friends is different. A reconnaissance base (8051 language) requires several Youshen-level dispatches, and only one person will win."

Although they have not experienced the original battle, they only need to drag Lingxue or Chu Xia who have experienced it personally, and then let the other party create a dream world and restore the scene at that time. People can feel the scene at that time as if they experienced it personally. , It is more real than the so-called 3D movies.

It has to be said that the dream world is really a great invention, so the few people sitting here at this time can be regarded as individuals who clearly knew the battle situation at that time.

"A reconnaissance base is so powerful. Although in the eyes of the current friends, any ordinary team can solve it, but through a reconnaissance base, it is impossible to analyze the real situation of the Zerg base in the sky."

Bai Nong and Dark Blood didn't say anything about Void scratching their heads depressedly.

At this moment, as if thinking of something, Dark Blood suddenly said, "Do you guys know about that rumor?"

"What?" The two looked at Dark Blood at the same time.

Bai Nong (soul-level senior), as the Minister of Agriculture, has traveled around for a long time to deal with agricultural affairs. Even during the war, this important position has not changed.But the recent farmland issue has caused him to be overwhelmed, so he has no mood to care about rumors.

And Kong Huan (soul-level senior), as the director of the technical bureau, has technology research, mission acquisition, diplomatic negotiations, etc. one by one, and has no time to pay attention to other things.

Therefore, among the three, only the president of the military academy, Dark Blood (peak soul level), who was able to take a rest because the war gradually calmed down, could have the leisure to pay attention to these things.

But seeing that Dark Blood raised it so mysteriously, the two of them couldn't ignore it.

"Hey, you guys really worked hard..." Seeing the two people's black faces for a moment, Dark Blood decisively interrupted the taunting skills, collected his mind, and said with his fingers in a storytelling gesture: "The rumors are actually like this..."

"It is said that there are three moons in the sky, but only two of them are [True Moons]. The remaining one is a false [Evil Moon]. At some point in the future, [Evil Moon] will Come down to the earth, destroy all life, and let all dead souls fall into [Dark Hell], only by destroying the evil moon and its subordinates can everyone get a truly peaceful life."

"Who made this?" Kong Huan's reaction between the two seemed to be extremely quick. When Bai Nong was still worried about whether such rumors would cause panic, Kong Huan had already thought that this was obviously someone from the upper echelon or even from the elders' house , is vaccinating the public, because Kong Huan himself has done similar things before.

"It is said that Chu Jie and the others made it up." Spreading his hands nonchalantly, Anxue recalled that when he first heard the rumor, he rushed to the elders' house in a foolish way and asked to control its spread, but was told that the source was the elders' house .

This made her feel depressed, as if she had run into a den of thieves.

"Aren't you worried about causing panic! Wouldn't it be dangerous for a certain cult to appear at that time!" That's what Darkblood asked at the time, but at this time...

(Bai Nong, why do you have the same problem as ours ==) Dark Blood felt extremely speechless, so she decisively chewed the pastry she just put in her mouth completely, and turned her head like "we can't speak" Stare at Kong Huan to see what he will explain.

"Ahem, actually, think about it, the arrival of the Zerg is almost certain, right now the specific time is actually controlled by Bai Nong." Pointing to Bai Nong who was staring at him, Kong Huan didn't care said.

"So since it is certain that the enemy will come, first use a plausible rumor that looks more like a story than a fact to make people bored. When people are bored, there is a kind of thinking in their hearts, 'If this really happens, what should we do? '"

"Then what should we do? In the face of 'destroy all life and let all souls fall into [dark hell]', we can only resist."

"But at this time, this thing is just an unreliable rumor, so people will just laugh it off, but in fact, they already have a certain bottom in their hearts, and maybe there will be some literary works based on it. maybe."

"Then, we slowly used some formal channels to confirm it on the sidelines, allowing people to gradually build up their understanding of the enemy and the psychological basis that 'the enemy will really appear'."

"Finally when the enemy does show up, people just have a 'knew you guys were coming, we've been waiting for this' kind of thinking."

"It's better than being suddenly attacked by the enemy without being prepared." Spreading his hands, Kong Huan said with a stiff smile: "This is actually a helpless method."

"If the ethnic group confirms it at the beginning, it will only cause the people to fall into chaos and waste development preparation time; if it has been concealed, let alone whether it can be concealed, even if the concealment is really good, when the enemy really comes that day, then the time will come. Chaos is nothing more tragic; so it is up to us rulers to gradually build up the psychological foundations and coping strategies without causing chaos."

"As for cults, let's punish them in the name of God."

"So that's how it is." Bai Nong and Dark Blood looked at each other, and at the same time turned their heads to stare at Kong Huan.

"What! That lewd look makes people uncomfortable."

"...It's all illusory, Hui Li, how do you know so much?" Regarding this question, Bai Nong and Dark Blood were deeply puzzled.

"Well, what am I talking about?" Wiping his sweat with relief, Kong Huan looked at Dark Blood and Bai Nong with contempt: "Why do I know so much? When it comes to fighting, I am not as good as Dark Blood; When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, I am not as good as Dark Blood; when it comes to farming, I am not as good as Bai Nong; when it comes to calendars, I am still not as good as Bai Nong, why do you think you know so much?"

"Tch, I thought we got too little, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

"You two..."

(End of this chapter)

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