Spore Story

Chapter 316 Thunder Scale Armor, Shangyun River Incident

Chapter 316 Thunder Scale Armor, Shangyun River Incident

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The night is dark and windy...

On a quiet night, by a dark river, a friend tremblingly walked among the tall weeds.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rocks hitting in front of him.

when!when!When! Only...


My friend regretted going out to hang out in the middle of the night. I must have lost my head when I heard the story before. How could there be spirits by the river?Even if there is, how can you keep it for yourself to catch?And even if he really catches it, he has already negotiated a peace, and he won't get much reward.

At this time, he suddenly realized, (There is a voice, are there really remnants of the Spirit Race?)

Xiao Xiao held the spear in his hand, and the friend walked forward step by step. Now he regretted that he had spoken rashly before, because the strange voice disappeared after he spoke.


"What, it turned out to be a small crocodile, cut it."

Looking at the man with a curved tail and marking the water trails into the water, the friend shook the spear in his hand depressedly, kicked a stone into the river, then turned and walked towards the quarry, at least he still remembered The prohibition against attacking each other with creatures in the river.

Under the gloomy water surface, a few pairs of shimmering eyes watched the friend leave.


I thought that the five-year Pengling war had just ended, and the Pengzu could at least live a peaceful and worry-free life for a few years. Of course, the development has not stopped for a moment.

But in less than a year, Pengzu had to face another abnormal situation.

Of course, at that time, no matter whether it was Konghuan, the Elder's House or 8051, they didn't know what would happen afterwards.

After all, no matter how much people know, it is impossible to predict the future that is even more dizzying than quantum mechanics. Time, according to 8051, is an ability that can only be mastered by a [God] beyond the spirit level.

As for whether this is the case in reality, 8051 said in private that she leaked it: she herself didn't know.

Well, so, Unreal also began to maintain a dialectical attitude towards some of 8051's words.

Of course, this has no effect on the relationship between the two parties.

Looking back and looking at it from the beginning, we can find that Kong Huan and 8051 do not look like lovers at all, and there is no possible factor to become lovers. I am afraid that no one will believe that they are lovers. Of course, these are all nonsense.

In fact, the current relationship between the two is a complete habit, a habit that has been established for a long time, a messy relationship that seems to be friends but not friends.

So, back to the topic.

The time at that time, to be precise, was sometime in the afternoon of November 7, 11 AD (there was no such thing as precise hours and minutes).Really, this kind of thing, according to Pengzu's perverted historical record hobby, you can find a history book or even a story book at any book stand, so why do we have to write it here, meow.

Ah, forgot, you can't buy those books, that's why.

Whoops, back to the topic.

So, at that time, Kong Huan was in a clean and almost dust-free workshop of the copperware factory, with a standard obscene uncle expression, looking at the strap and stroking the gorgeous armor (lady) in front of him.

This is the latest version of the special armor for the ghost body, which is made by using the research data of the Technology Bureau, combined with the armor factory affiliated to the copperware factory, and the armor production experience accumulated over a long period of time.

In fact, the lack of protection of the Youshen body has long caused the elders' house and the entire friend clan to be troubled.

Among the four ghosts sacrificed during the War of Friends, two of them were hit by the attack of the Eldar and died due to the lack of protection of the energy core.In addition, there is a great ghost body, in order to seal an important passage, he detonated the core in desperation, and brought thousands of high-level spirits to sacrifice.

Now with the original talisman, there are already four Youshen bodies in the Pengzu, who died because of the protection of their own energy cores.

Although the Nianli skin was created during the period, that thing is the same thing as the main attacking Nianli, and both need to be distracted to maintain it. It is so easy to become a real habit.

In this way, the Youshen body that uses the skin of mind power must not only pay attention to the enemy, but also pay attention to not damaging its own skin when fighting. In a real fight, [-]% of its strength will also lose [-]-[-]% of its strength, so that when it is really fighting, No ghost body has used this very tasteless skill.

Therefore, considering that the Youshen Body has the ability to touch matter, in short, it can wear clothes and carry armor. The people from the Technical Bureau and the Armor Factory in the empty illusion specially became the Youshen Body Armor Team and created the Youshen Body Special protective armor.

It is completely hammered from bronze, and the [Dragon Scale Armor] is made of piece after piece of armor.

Of course, that is only the first generation of Youshen armor, which only has the most basic ability to defend against ordinary attacks, and it only serves to share the energy of Youshen's body.

However, with the deepening of the production of Youshen armor, the simplified version of the armor has become the favorite of non-Youshen level generals.

Because of this unexpected benefit, the Nether God Armor later became a test product for testing advanced armor technology.

And now, what is placed in front of Kong Huan is the third generation of Youshen armor.

It is made of a newly discovered high-grade metal named [Scale Iron] by the illusion, which actually has nothing to do with human iron.After being doped with calcium carbide and pure copper, this kind of armor not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has strong defensive power, and even has the ability to assist in attacking.

From the armor in front of Kong Huan, it can be seen that its surface has a circuit-like pattern-shaped circuit supported by calcium carbide, pure copper, iron and some special metals.

After entering the huge energy contained in the Youshen body itself through the access port, these energies will be guided and regulated by these patterns, without the need for the Youshen body to expend energy to control, it will automatically issue [Electric Power], [Lightning Strike] , [Shocking], [Strong Light], [Thunder Flash] and other energy attack methods.

At this time, what the Youshen body needs to do is to supply power to the area where the corresponding means are located, and then control the armor to aim at the enemy.

This can save about one breath of time on average during a tense battle, and it can also greatly relieve the user's energy consumption, making the user's battle more durable.

Of course, the defensive power of the third-generation Youshen armor has far surpassed that of the first and second-generation bronze armors.

It is the first type of practical armor whose defensive power has officially surpassed that of the Youshen-level Psychic Shield.

However, limited by the output (or total amount) of [Scale Iron], the third generation of the Youshen Armor called [Thunder Scale Armor] can only be equipped with ten Youshen-level, including Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun both have the same.

But the production technology is enough to upgrade the armor of the friends at this time.

Of course, because the war is over at this time, it seems that it is temporarily unable to shine on the battlefield.

What everyone doesn't know is that [Scale Iron] is actually not the material of the double moon star, it is from the enemy of the friends, the destroyed Zerg reconnaissance base of the Zerg.

Scaled iron is a metal substance extracted from the chassis of the Zerg base. Under the control of Youshen-level energy and mind power, it is shaped by cold treatment, which is why the scaled iron is lacking.

(Think about it, after encountering Zerg in the future, it will become rich.) Someone thought without feeling nervous.

As for the weight of these armors, as long as they do not exceed 500 catties, they are nothing more than light and fluffy clothes to the Youshen class.The simplified version suitable for ordinary members is generally between 50 and 100 catties.

Looking at the [Thunder Scale Armor] specially made for Chu Xia at this time, after the emotion of admiration passed, Kong Huan looked a little complicated.

Whenever he thought of the super armor that the technicians in the copperware factory were so proud of, the raw materials used were nothing more than the chassis of a Zerg reconnaissance base breaking into the planet, he felt powerless for a while.

"Come on slowly, with the current speed of development, it only takes 200 years, no, 100 years! The friends will be able to gain the strength to ignore the reconnaissance base. By then, our two tribes should have the strength to fight. If Plus 8051 and other civilized species, hum."

However, it is obvious that no one wants to let Kong Huan relax.

Just as he was dreaming of a bright future, a maid landed in front of Kong Huan: "Master Kong Huan, Master Die Wu said, please go to the Shangyunhe quarry."

"Oh, are you in a hurry? I still have work here?"

Seeing that the maid's expression didn't seem urgent, Kong Huan looked at the armor next to him with a little hesitation. Every piece of this thing was supervised by him. Although his subordinates are already very skilled, Kong Huan still hasn't learned to let go. After all, it's about the people closest to you.

"This one……"

Enviously peeking at the [Thunderscale Armor] lying on the workbench from time to time, the maid who heard Kong Huan's answer thought about it a little bit, and finally said: "The quarry encountered an unknown attack, and according to the original Under the agreement reached under the supervision of Master Kong Ling, it is impossible for river creatures to attack us, so Master Die Wu wants you to go and have a look."

"Oh, is it? Are there any casualties?"

While talking, Kong Huan also supervised the workers' movements, and saw that they were carefully bonding calcium carbide and pure copper and other fusion agents to the armor with special tubular tools, and then built it up little by little.

The entire production process, except for the armor forming at the beginning, is almost like miniature sculpture, which requires extremely high precision control ability of technicians.

If it is not supported by the fine observation brought by mental power and the fine control ability brought by physical exercise, this kind of work will be placed in human society, and only CNC machine tools or workers with decades of experience can barely do it.

"Ah, that, it seems that two people were injured, but no one died." Depressedly answering the illusory question, the maid breathed carefully and softly, and at the same time complained insufficiently in her mind, (I was just ordered by Master Die Wu Shocking, I don’t understand the situation at all!)
The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Kong Huan carefully stared at the production of the armor energy circuit. It was not until the three technicians fitted the last circuit line that they carefully inspected the entire circuit with mental strength.

Only when the poor little maid wanted to see more about the manufacture of these armors and wanted Kong Huan to pass quickly, so complicated that she was about to cry, Kong Huan smiled and withdrew her mental power.

"Okay, let's go." Patting the little maid who was relieved and slightly disappointed, Kong Huan nodded to the three technicians and said: "The follow-up cleaning must be careful, and I will strictly inspect and accept it when I come back."

"Don't worry, Master Konghuan."

...As expected, the maid is also very loving...

"Hey, Patriarch Die Wu, what's the matter? Your little maid is crying out of anxiety."

"I, I don't have it!" Seeing Die Wu's surprised eyes, the maid replied with a flushed face, and hurried back behind Die Wu.

Helplessly nodded to Kong Huan, apparently thinking that Die Wu, who was teasing his maid, was Kong Huan, shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards the river with Kong Huan.

"Elder Kong Huan, it's actually not a big deal, it's just that we haven't seen it before, and it will surprise us when it appears this time."

Walking along the four-meter-wide concrete road, Die Wuti pointed to the destination quarry ahead.

"A few years ago, with the help of Mr. 8051, we reached a consensus with the creatures in the river that 'the two sides will not attack each other'. In the past few years, the fish food has been completely provided by the artificial pond fish in the group, even if the food is the most scarce. At the moment, we also abided by the consensus and did not attack the creatures in the river, so until today, both sides have maintained a friendly attitude.”

It's unbelievable to say that Void is very aware of the brain level of aquatic creatures, and the friends and them, with the help of 8051, can actually sign an agreement like civilized species, and they are more honest than civilized species, which makes today's The status of friends seems to be very detached.

"However, just this morning, this attitude may have changed," Die Wu looked serious, looking at the spacious Shangyun River, a trace of evil spirit flashed in his eyes, which is unique to the management that grew up in the war , managers living in peaceful times are hard to get.

What happened would have been very ordinary if there hadn't been the magical consensus of 'peaceful coexistence between the friends and the creatures in the river'.

That is to say, when two friends were rowing a boat to collect stones and sand in the shallows of the river to provide raw materials for the cement field, the two suddenly felt that the flat-bottomed wooden boat was attacked from the river.

Then, not long after the boat capsized, the unlucky two passed out in a daze after choking on N's saliva. When they woke up, they found themselves lying on the river beach a few kilometers downstream, and they were summoned by energy communication① The nearest Wingman to the rescue.

The whole thing happened like this. If it weren't for the peaceful relationship between the friends and the river creatures for no less than five years, the first thing people would think of would be the large creatures in the river.

But now, this is the first thing that Kong Huan thinks of, but that's just one of them.

"Do you have any information about that part of the river?" Feeling that the matter is not too simple and illusory, he intends to deal with it carefully.

Although it is very easy to clean up the river with the current strength of the friends, but it will destroy the relationship between himself and 8051, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"Yes, after I got the report this morning, I checked the relevant information in the reference room. Within half a kilometer of the river, there are only three creatures that can affect the sand boats of the Pengzu: the water splitting dragon, the giant crocodile on the cloud, Megalodon."

"Among them, the Shangyun giant crocodile is the overlord of this water area. It usually moves alone, and only appears in pairs during the breeding season, but it is obviously not the breeding season now. The one in the waters is an adult Shangyun giant crocodile, with a little strength. Weaker than epic creatures, not strong in mental strength, but strong in physical strength, a flat-bottomed boat can be broken through with a single impact, so it should not be it;”

"The water splitting dragon is a small group of creatures. The individual strength is relatively weak, but the speed is fast and the group impact is great, which is in line with the information reported by the two of them that there is a short impact when they are attacked. However, the water splitting dragon usually moves at night, and I have never seen it. They appeared in the morning, not to mention hitting the barge, they could not have lost nothing."

"Is that the Megalodon?"

"No, I don't know." Shaking his head, Die Wu continued: "Although the Megalodon lives in groups, and the combination of impact force is indeed in line with the reports of the two, they are very timid and most afraid of large objects. Usually, when encountering flat-bottomed boats, they would go far away, and if they dared to capsize the boat, at least a large number of corpses and marks would be left behind."

In good time, everyone came to the river, and a sand boat ten meters long and four meters wide was overturned on the river beach, obviously being dragged out by people.

Pointing to the bottom of the flat-bottomed boat, Kong Huan saw a lot of marks of blunt objects on it.

"At this size, normal-sized creatures can't have any effect at all, but large-sized creatures, like the giant crocodile on the cloud, shouldn't leave so many marks." Die Wu explained in confusion as she gestured to the marks on the flat-bottomed boat. .

"Has anything happened to the Shangyun River recently?" Looking at the mud-stained river bank, Kong Huan asked the person in charge of the quarry who had just arrived.

"There was a small high tide more than ten days ago, but this phenomenon is very common, other than that, there is nothing special."

"Aren't there still remnants of the Spirit Race?" A quarry worker at the side suddenly said at this moment.

Most of the time, the workers in the quarry are friends from the same clan who have made minor mistakes, and some of them even have soul-level mid-to-high stages.Therefore, when facing Kong Huan and others, they did not have the fear of ordinary members.

Of course, out of awe of the management, especially the elders, their attitude was not so arrogant, it sounded more like a complaint.

"That's just a rumor. Didn't you confirm it a few days ago?" The person in charge was obviously not very happy when he was interrupted when reporting the situation.

"What rumor? When did it appear?" Frowning, Kong Huan nodded to Die Wu, and then stepped forward to ask the worker.

"It's nothing, it's just that everyone is bored, and I made up the story to amuse the workers from the beginning." Seeing the elder's questioning, the person in charge wiped off his cold sweat, and could only ignore the angry eyes of a few workers. be honest.

It turned out that because of the uneven strength of the workers in the quarry, after a day's standard work, many people seemed energetic and prone to friction.

Therefore, in order to let them have something to vent, the person in charge made up a story about "the remnant soldiers of the Eldar clan", and let these people immerse themselves in the wish or game of "find the remnants and release them with amnesty".

It was a good move to say it, but it just happened to be in the current situation, which made the person in charge feel very depressed.

"It's nothing, your purpose is considered good, but it's just lack of skills and luck, pay attention in the future." With a smile, he comforted the depressed person in charge with a spiritual connection, and Kong Huan turned around and walked towards Die Wu.

"The two of us walked along the river, scanning from both ends to the middle, to see if we could find anything."

① Energy communication: It is the communication of magnetic field fluctuations, radio communication, etc., which are gradually developed and applied with the support of energy language, but the requirements are still a bit high.

(End of this chapter)

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