Spore Story

Chapter 317 The crocodile tribe haunts, squid girl?

Chapter 317 The crocodile tribe haunts, squid girl?

Great Sea Clan...

The crocodile family, a branch of ..., is a race that has lived in coastal areas for a long time.

A long time ago, a great crocodile ancestor, after accidentally learning to think with his head instead of his mouth, began to call his companions to fight together. Of course, this is a euphemism. The guy who thinks with his mouth fights, and then feeds the leader who thinks with his head.

Then, after a long time, more and more crocodiles think with their heads, and fewer and fewer crocodiles think with their mouths.

As a matter of course, these guys who think with their heads started fighting each other because they couldn't find their men.

After a while of confusion, the crocodiles that think with their mouths seemed to be gone, and all the crocodiles started to think with their heads, so they met their eyes and began to gather together, thus the first rational biological group among the sea clan appeared.

They use their constantly upgrading heads every day to think about how to have a bigger territory?How to get more food?How to produce more offspring...

So, after a long time, some crocodiles felt that the claws should not only be used for picking food, but also for holding things, just like the mouth can not only eat, but also carry children and talk.

Of course, in the end, everyone agreed that the front paws can only do this, and the back paws can only be used for swimming;
Then, a few guys with heads that seem to be a little bigger than the crocodile started to catch fish with their claws instead of their mouths, and then sent them to their mouths...

Doesn't this sound completely the same as before?No, at least when eating, there is an extra step of 'clawing'.In the past, they bit directly with their mouths, and their claws were used for paddling water.

Speaking of this, there are two main points, which have been noticed by the pervasive scholars of later generations.

One is that there is an extra step of "grasping with claws".

Scholars believe that shows that the life conditions of the crocodilians were very good at that time.

Being able to take an extra step while eating leisurely shows that the life of the crocodile family began to become easier at that time. At least there is no need to worry about eating this bite of fish and there will be no food.

And the extra unstable step of using claws also shows that the crocodile tribe no longer has to worry about robbing each other for food, and can enjoy the food with their claws leisurely (scholars brainstorm), and then slowly get back to normal.

This shows that the relationship among the members of the crocodile family at that time was harmonious and friendly, and it should be a model for those crocodile families who are always looking for things for everyone in later generations.

All in all, two points can be seen here, the food is sufficient, and the internal river crab... harmony.

The second is 'catch fish', which seems to be no exception. Isn't it just a kind of food? The fish should just think of this point.

But the scholars of later generations don't think so. After careful and scientific demonstration and analysis, they believe that it is precisely because they eat more fish that the crocodiles will become more and more intelligent and eventually develop into a civilized race.

Similarly, other sea races are also for this reason, and even land civilized races are also for this reason.

Regardless of whether this is correct or not, at least after the publication of this report, the sales of fish in the entire crocodile tribe and even the sea tribe, or the entire Double Moon Star’s farmers’ market, have increased significantly. It seems that at least the fishermen should give these scholars a report. Medals, two kilos, masonry...

Of course, the protest of the mermaid clan was completely ignored by people.

Anyway, the confrontation between the fish farmers and the mermaids is not a day or two, not to mention that there is also a saying within the mermaids that 'those stupid fish can't be treated as equals with a civilized race like myself'.

No matter how later scholars ridicule, at least this shows one thing, that is, at this time, the crocodile tribe, and even the sea tribe, are backed by the resource-rich ocean, and the food pressure should be small, if not non-existent.

Then, according to the general rule, the desire to eat when you are full... Cough cough, no, it should be after the first step solves the problem of food and clothing, we, ah no, the crocodile tribe, have to consider the spiritual and material needs of the second step or something like that.

To put it simply, it is housing (territory), entertainment (heterosexual)...

So, the idlers started attacking each other, increasing their territory, and snatching all kinds of things that they had dismissed before, such as beauties, handsome men, stones...

At this time, these guys discovered that the ocean is so colorful. (They met other civilized sea people =.=)

Various civilized tribes appeared one after another. As the civilized tribes who didn't know which tribe they belonged to at first, and didn't even know whether the other party still existed or not, took the first step of expansion, wars and exchanges spread across the vast expanse. staged in the sea.

These civilized races either expanded their territorial waters during the war, or exterminated their race during the war, or found that they still achieved nothing after the war. Of course, those guys who were sadly wiped out by epic creatures, please ignore them and mess with them. Epic creatures would have been their own fault.

And now, there is such a Sea Clan, um, a little problem happened to the Crocodile Clan among the Sea Clan. (Aren’t you still a sea tribe?)
Well, there was a little friction between this crocodile family and a dolphin family next to the territory.

The matter is actually very simple, that is, the porpoises laugh at the crocodile for having many skin folds and hard lumps, without the smooth and delicate skin of the porpoise, and the whole shape is as boring as a stone in the sea; while the crocodile laugh at the porpoise for their fat body and sharp mouth, which is not as slender as the crocodile strong...

In later generations, it might just be a fight between two people, and then go to the abyss for a few days, but now is the ancient times when wars are frequent.

Annoyed, the two parties immediately stated that it was natural to have a physical debate about 'whose skin is better'. As for who started it in the first place, it is unknown.

Then, when it was time for the decisive battle, the crocodile king of the crocodile clan, Xiong Jiu Jiu, led tens of thousands of his clan, and rushed out of the dolphin clan's territory...

However, if there is such a chance, the Crocodile King will definitely say: "As a person who thinks with my brain, I will never go to the territory of the dolphin tribe."

what is the reason?The reason is that he died.

When the crocodile king swaggered to the porpoise territory, waiting for the arrival of the enemy, what he waited for was not his own enemy, but an epic creature measured by kilometers. (In the sea, if the body size does not exceed [-] km, or there is no record of genocide, you are embarrassed to call yourself an epic creature. Epic creatures are also qualified for certification =.=)

At that time, the crocodile king only had time to say "I X", and was struck to death by this epic creature who lived in the dolphin tribe's territory (or just finished eating in the dolphin tribe's territory) with a thunderbolt.

Then, the crocodile king's subordinates fled in all directions very rationally. As for the porpoise family, who can control so many of them.

At this time, there was a small tribe of crocodiles, about a hundred people, relying on the extremely correct tribal action plan of "as long as you are faster than your companions", unexpectedly all returned to the tribal territory unscathed. (It seems that the whole tribe is like this =.=)

Then, feeling that this place was not too safe, after packing up their miscellaneous belongings, they headed towards a mouth not far away, and then swam upstream along the Danshui River.

After they woke up, they realized that this place was already in the middle of the Danshui River, and their tribe had actually gone deep into the inland. (A guy with brains, but no guts.)
But because they are not quite used to life in the freshwater area, all the crocodiles can only carefully lurk and wander on the edge of the river bank, and build temporary nests of their own race without attracting the attention of surrounding creatures as much as possible, and go to the river bank to breathe fresh air at night. Breathe moist air in the river during the day...

One day, a few crocodile tribes were leisurely basking in the moon on the bank of the river. By the way, they chatted about how a certain miscellaneous fish always likes to attack tribes, how a certain crocodile is so big, and a certain area is so peaceful... Suddenly, they heard a strange roar.

There was a little excited trembling in this strong voice, which made the frightened crocodiles feel deeply threatened, so they dived into the water decisively.

Two of the daring crocodiles took advantage of the cover of night to see clearly the appearance of the creature on the ground that was making strange noises below the water surface.

Two hands and two feet, this is similar to the crocodile family, and they still hold a long stick in their hands, why?poke crocodile?

The tail, cut, is actually a bit smooth like that of the porpoise family, but it is actually pointed, hehe, how do they paddle, float like jellyfish;
There is actually a sharp horn on the head, which is similar to the one-horned mermaid family in the deep sea in the legend, but except for the one-horned, other parts are too different, especially the mermaid has no legs;
As for the back of the head, damn it, it's actually a squid family!It turns out that the deep sea can no longer satisfy you, so you actually came to the inland!How did you solve the problem of breathing out of water...

However, when these two idle crocodile tribes kept complaining about the creatures above, the next scene almost scared the two 'bold' crocodile tribes into a heart attack.

Just when the creature suspected to be the ground invasion force of the squid clan was about to disappear into the night, a faint current flowed through the other party's body, but it was as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark night, stabbing two people who had just been killed not long ago. Titanium Crocodile dog-eye escaping from an epic creature using Thunder.

Damn!It's electricity!run away!
This is the legendary psychological shadow, once struck by lightning, ten years afraid of bright light.

The two crocodile tribes who returned to the tribe hurriedly searched for their patriarch, preparing to persuade the other party to run away immediately.

But their patriarch, at this time, was thinking depressedly, how to make friends with the super crocodile in the river, who looked about the same level as the crocodile king.

It's five meters long, and our little patriarch is only a little over two meters. Boss, why is there such a terrifying thing that can only be seen in the deep sea in the Danshui River!Didn't it mean that the Danshui River is a desolate world, only miscellaneous soldiers, fish and shrimp?Is it a narrow hell that is spurned by all sea people?
However, the little patriarch obviously didn't know that this giant cloud crocodile didn't have the wisdom of the crocodile tribe at all, but only relied on a carefree life and a long time to grow to this level step by step .

Then, the tribe was still caught by two terrified tribesmen.

After hearing the news exaggerated by N times by the other party, it is said that the thunder squid tribe living by the river is not weaker than the epic creature last time, the patriarch decisively reduced the news by N+1 times, and then made a arbitrary decision... …

Pack your things and get ready to move in!
However, it seems that wanting to leave at this time is not an easy task.

Not to mention that the ethnic group has finally adapted to the Danshui area, and spent time building a small tribe at the bottom of the river. They are planning to work hard for the expansion and development of the ethnic group for a period of time, develop the great resources of the Danshui River area, and bring civilization When the dawn of dawn swayed on the bodies of these aborigines, they had to leave again.

It is impossible for all the civilized crocodile people not to feel a little uncomfortable.

What's more, everyone knows the situation of the two crocodile tribes. It's not uncommon for the small fish encountered on the road to be several kilometers long deep sea snakes. That time, my tribe was almost kicked by the crocodile king one by one Die, this time it might be a mess of lies.

But they obviously didn't expect that these two people were just a shield pulled out by the patriarch.

It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not. Now the family is running for their lives. If they want to find it, they must find a stable territory. As long as there is a possibility of dangerous territory, they should be excluded.This is the words of the patriarch (translated into friends =. =).

However, before that, he still wanted to talk to that 'crocodile king' level crocodile first.

If the other party is willing to lead their own group, then it may not be difficult to return to the ocean now.

Even, as the patriarch who gave up his position, he might be able to get a high-ranking official in the future.

Just do what you think, and after ordering the reluctant people to pack their luggage, the patriarch took the two crocodiles to the location of the 'crocodile king' level crocodile.

...the world of the lost...

The chief of the crocodile tribe is confused, whether the world is crazy or he is crazy, or all this is just a dream.

After waking up from the dream, there is no giant crocodile, no thunder squid girl (ah, why mother?), no freshwater river, no epic creatures, not even dolphins...

Well, if it's really a dream, it's better not to even have the ghost who snatched my girlfriend when I was young.

Unfortunately, all of this is reality.

But since it is a reality, why is there such a situation?The patriarch fled, wagging his tail vigorously.

A five- to six-meter-long giant crocodile can't speak, and doesn't even seem to be thinking. Is he still an ancient creature that thinks with his mouth!The patriarch felt that his common sense had been broken.

Tragically, he was right, and he didn't know a long-established concept of human beings 'common sense is to be broken'.

At this moment, he rashly ran to negotiate with that crocodile, intending to become the other party's vassal or the patriarch of his subordinates, and now he was being chased by this giant Shangyun crocodile who was feeling uncomfortable because his territory was invaded by other crocodiles.

Poseidon!world!The crocodile king!Why does this happen!

But the reality is like this. However, it is impossible to adhere to the idea of ​​"as long as you can run faster than your companions" in the tribe, and as the patriarch, you have no strength. Therefore, when he woke up, he found that he was already sitting In the tribe's scattered temporary residence that was demolished because of his order, none of the two team members who followed him came back.

Hun Dan, you think I like to make you king!Lao Tzu is now the only leader of the crocodile tribe in the Tamsui River. As long as it continues to develop, Lao Tzu will be the king of the Tamsui River!
Ah, wait!It seems to be the case! (…)
Recalling carefully, the patriarch found that the Tamsui River has never encountered a civilized aquarium at least from the time he and others entered the long river. As for the 'Thunder Squid Girl', he temporarily put it in side.

However, after calming down, he realized that his side was not invincible in the Danshui River. At least that big crocodile that thought with its mouth could chase itself all over the place.

Of course, it's not because he and the crocodile are not strong enough, but because... this patriarch knows very well what kind of stuff the members of his tribe are.

If the enemy is a powerful individual, they will run away immediately; if the enemy is a powerful group, they will gather together and flee...

What's more, there seems to be more than that big crocodile in this river...

Scratching the hard outer skin helplessly, the chief of the crocodile tribe raised his head and looked outside the tribe.

When did the crocodile tribe, which belonged to the strong in the offshore, be reduced to the point where a group of miscellaneous fish could bully them.

I don't know what's going on, but ever since the Crocodile Tribe built a temporary lair here, there has been a group of moderately strong miscellaneous fish who come to fight with the Crocodile Tribe every night.

In the beginning, these miscellaneous fish caused confusion among the members of their own tribe, to the point that they lost several crocodiles.

But not long after, after discovering that the other party was no better than that, the members of their own side finally showed their might. At least now, as long as the other party dares to come, the tribe can drive them away.

Thinking of this, the patriarch had no choice but to feel ashamed for losing a few people at the beginning.

'Well, there must be an adaptation period in everything, isn't it? 'This is what a certain crocodile in the clan claims to be the smartest under the patriarch said, and the patriarch deeply agrees with this.

Originally, I used these miscellaneous fish to practice my hands, and it’s okay to provide some food by the way, but the problem is that the patriarch is in a very bad mood today, so I can only use you to vent!

Grabbing a bone spur, the patriarch pierced a miscellaneous fish with one shot.

Let you trash fish dare to attack us!
Waving the fish on the bone spur, he put it into his mouth. Looking at the three fish rushing towards him, the patriarch showed great power and pierced one of them with a single shot. Smashed miscellaneous fish.

Let your soul Dan Danshuihe be so weird!

Seeing that the sky could only return in vain today, these miscellaneous fish left indifferently after the sun penetrated into the muddy river.

Looking bitterly at the direction in which the school of fish left, the clan leader turned back to his temporary tribe while cursing the other party for meeting the big crocodile.

Pack your things and let's go.Find a safe place, and we'll rebuild our tribe.

He waved his hand angrily, and there were only more than 90 members of the crocodile family left, shaking their tails, like an ordinary crocodile, lined up to carefully avoid the location of the giant crocodile, and swam downstream.

At this moment, they suddenly found that the water surface above their heads darkened, and a huge shadow swam towards their side.

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(End of this chapter)

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