Spore Story

Chapter 318 Is this the Sea Clan? Armored

Chapter 318 Is this the Sea Clan? Armored

Everyone, happy Dragon Boat Festival. =0=
Thank you Bingpu and Fengsexiang for their monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~

A group of crocodile people looked at the giant 'creature' in front of them with trepidation.

Its huge size is almost twice that of a large crocodile. Although it is not comparable to an epic creature, it is enough to destroy them in the eyes of these crocodiles.

Is it just our luck?
The two 'tentacles' on both sides of it are constantly piercing through the water flow, bringing out walls of bubbles one after another, clearly showing the opponent's strong strength. If they hit this time, even the crocodiles will be broken.

Don't move at all, don't let it feel any hostility!

The patriarch's words reached everyone's ears, but seeing the giant 'creatures' approaching their side, all the members could only smile wryly.

hostility?At this time, it was a miracle that no one escaped.No, it must have been too frightened to run away. After all, when I met the epic creature, I only dared to run away from the edge and watched from a distance.

As a result, more than 90 crocodile-like creatures kept various postures, floating in the water motionless, and stared straight at the things in front of them.The whole scene is like a funny mime.

However, that 'creature' seemed to completely ignore the crocodiles, and continued swimming among the crocodile groups on its own.

A clear sound of bone fracture was heard by the silent crowd. It was obvious that an unlucky ghost was hit by one of the two powerful tentacles.

It hurts.

Such an immoral thought flashed through the minds of all members of the crocodile clan, and then, all the crocodile clan members made a reflexive thought...


Suddenly, the surface of the water seemed to be boiling, and a group of crocodile tribe members frantically paddled their limbs and fled in all directions.

Because the plot was so chaotic, no one noticed that the tragedy that was hit on the right paw was their great patriarch.

After sighing heavily, the patriarch, who was about to turn around and run away, suddenly stopped, as if he had discovered something under that blow, should it be called a blow to the head?

This thing doesn't seem to be a creature?
Maybe it was because his right paw was smashed, but he couldn't escape anyway. The patriarch unexpectedly became courageous at this time. He carefully followed the huge object above his head, and swam under the opponent, watching The 'tentacles' that were slid regularly and coordinated on both sides, he unexpectedly found that this thing did not respond to the situation where he concentrated himself before.

what happened?Didn't notice this, or ignored my existence?

Originally, because of running away constantly, and then encountering a brainless prehistoric crocodile, the backlog of anger exploded at the moment of being injured. With the current strength of the patriarch, even if he returned to the clan, he might not be able to Being driven down by some ambitious guy, the end is probably no different from being killed now.

Soul light!Am I easy? Me!Why so unfortunate!
With a bang, the patriarch's exclusive weapon [bone spur hammer] (attack power +10), which the patriarch had been holding in his left hand, hit heavily on the belly (bottom) of the object above his head.

Accompanied by a dull sound, the two 'tentacles' stopped sliding regularly, and the sound in the water also attracted the fleeing crocodiles around.

At this moment, everyone became quiet. They couldn't believe that the patriarch, who was the first to run away when encountering a strong enemy, dared to raise the patriarch's weapon, which was used to bully the weak, to attack such a powerful enemy.

But at this moment, the patriarch is probably a little confused. Even if he ran away with academic language, ignoring the surrounding situation, under the eyes of the peripheral tribes who looked at gods and fools, the patriarch who was under the giant 'creature' once again raised his hand. the weapon in hand.

Why do I have to bring a bunch of bullying souls with me!boom!
Why can I only be miserable and forced to follow a bad-tempered king!boom!boom!
Why follow a cup king, and finally meet an epic creature rarer than a hurricane!boom!boom!boom!
Why did he escape to a messy Danshui River that didn't look like a desolate hell at all after he escaped a catastrophe!bang bang bang! ...

The most important thing is, why did we meet a giant brainless crocodile that should have been exterminated long ago, causing us to move again!Soul light!boom!Click!


Ah!I'm not done yet...

Suddenly feeling a loose hand, the patriarch, who was almost out of strength, finally woke up at this time.

He found in disbelief that he had knocked the powerful object in front of him, and a large amount of water was flowing in along the hole, intending to coerce himself to fill the hole, and from the hole, there seemed to be something A panicked voice came out.

This... this, sorry, I flashed first!

After finishing speaking, the patriarch, who had just shown off his power, decisively dropped the weapon belonging to the patriarch, and under the reverent eyes of a group of people, he disappeared into the murky waters with a trail of water.

This is the bad point in the freshwater area. The water is easy to become muddy and you can't see anything.

Looking at the overturning unidentified object, a group of stunned crocodile tribe members looked at each other, as if they still couldn't believe it, and they could only bully their patriarch, and killed a crocodile that looked bigger than the crocodile king. The 'bio'.

Although the patriarch threw away the patriarch's logo and fled, everyone thought about it and chose to follow the patriarch who was courageous (dare to attack a strong enemy), powerful (able to destroy a strong enemy) and knowledgeable (retreat decisively after the battle).

Thus, the ninety-degree multi-headed crocodiles turned around decisively, brought out water trails, and disappeared into the muddy waters.

And behind them, next to the overturning object, there were two splashing sounds of falling into the water, as well as the sound of creatures struggling and roaring, but no one paid any attention to these.

...Time drifted for half a day...

"It's here." Kong Huan, who was flying in the air, looked at Die Wu at the side, and when he was confirmed by the other party, his mental power had also found the target.

A man-made structure that exists at the bottom of the river, and a biological skeleton that looks like a weapon.

"What does that mean?"

"There are civilized creatures in the Shangyun River? But a search was carried out a few days ago, and there was no abnormality in it. Besides, there is no shortage of boring time among the workers in the quarry. They used their mental power to scan the people at the bottom of the river, but none of them were abnormal. report?"

At night, in the elders' house, Die Wu and the few people staying in Pengcheng in the elders' house were talking about the harvest during the day.

The six months of peaceful time allowed the members of the elders' house who were exhausted during the war to get a better rest (except for emptiness).

At this moment, hearing this situation, although they didn't seem to take pains to manage it, the vigilance left over from the war still made them unable to ignore this situation about civilized creatures.

"The man-made building seems to have been abandoned not long ago. Many places are new, but the location is relatively remote. Workers generally don't pay attention to that area. However, the monthly search is very accurate, unless you have the spirit Force shielding, it is impossible to escape the mental power scan of the ethnic group."

Rubbing his chin, Kong Huan smiled and said: "Now it seems that there are two situations. One is that the other party is an aquatic civilization species with the ability to shield mental power. They have lived under our noses for a long time, but now I don’t know where it went; the second is that in less than six days (the time since the last search), a small aquatic civilization tribe was established here, but it was abandoned again.”

"No matter how you say it, the possibility of 'at least one species of aquatic civilization exists in the Shangyun River' is very high. As for which of the above two situations they are in, it doesn't really matter."

Seeing the expressions of the people around him waiting for the next article, Kong Huan shook his head helplessly. It really is not a good thing that the two parties know each other too well, and no one cares if they want to feel the role of the narrator.

"Hmm, what we need to pay attention to now is, where did this civilized species come from? Where is it now? What is it doing now? Why is it attacking our ships?"

Now several people have confirmed that it was indeed the possible species that attacked the friend clan quarry ship, because after finding the bone of the suspected weapon, Kong Huan and Die Wu took it to the capsized ship to compare the marks on the bottom of the ship.

Apparently, the two sides fit perfectly.

Then, the murder weapon was confirmed, because it was only half a day away from the incident, and there was no piranha in the river that could instantly turn a living thing into a bone; nor did it have the ability to make the time of the bone pass quickly, so this bone obviously did not belong to any living thing. Leftover wreckage.

Therefore, it can only be a tool to be used, or a weapon.

Combined with the abandoned building complex, the Elder's House finally confirmed the existence of this aquatic civilization species living in the Shangyun River.

"Actually, have you ever thought about whether it is the investigation force of the Sea Clan? For example, the Sea Clan wants to develop inland rivers? After all, it didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist now." Chu Qin said Remind.

In fact, this is why everyone is so calm in the face of the possible existence of aquatic civilization.

Because a long time ago, a few people at this time knew from 8051 that there were such things as sea people in the ocean of Double Moon Star.

However, in line with the will of the planet's attitude towards the breeding of civilized species, 8051 would not pay attention to it if it were not for the reasons of its friends.

After confirming that the Sea Clan only valued the ocean, neither 8051 nor the Peng Clan took the Sea Clan seriously.

And then the War of Friends broke out, and this kind of civilization species with completely different living worlds was temporarily put aside by the friends.

But now that Chu Qin said this, everyone became a little worried.

"Do we have to fight again?"

"No, since it is a civilized race, can we talk about it?"

"But now we haven't even identified who the enemy is, how can we talk about it? There is more than one type of Sea Race, and even 8051 said that she can't fully confirm the type of Sea Race!" He shook his head helplessly. The sea of ​​moon and stars is so lively.

When 8051 told himself about the situation of the Sea Clan, he said that various groups within the Sea Clan emerged one after another. Almost every year, some species groups died out, and every year new species groups formed tribes.

The extremely high rate of change or replacement rate, combined with the vast and far-reaching domain of the sea, has resulted in 8051, which is only an agent rather than the real will of the planet, and it is impossible to know how many sea people there are.

"How about organizing a comprehensive investigation of the Shangyun River, using a Youshen-level team with ten soul-level teams to search from the upper reaches along the river to the mouth of the sea?"

This method is obviously time-consuming and labor-intensive. Although it can be regarded as a permanent cure and has many benefits, if the "standard" undergoes drastic changes before the "ben" is "cured", it will be a tragedy.

"How about it," Chu Xia said with a smile after clapping her hands to attract everyone's attention, "It is also necessary to check the river course. Send a team to garrison at the mouth of the sea."

"If any Hai Clan enters the inland river through the estuary, the team can find it. At that time, if the other party has few people, they will drive away; if there are many people, they will negotiate." In short, the current Peng Clan does not want to be dragged into the war. After the Pengling War, most of the warehouses in the provinces were still empty.

"Okay, let's deal with the problem of the river channel in this way, and hand over the relevant issues to the management. By the way, Die Wu, the quarry can start work. Since the other party has left, there is no trouble. Notify the quarry upstream and downstream Keeping the safety in mind is, of course, the peace with the river species to continue."

"Okay." Nodding, Die Wu took out her maid's note from her bosom, ah no, it's the patriarch's note, looked at it and said: "The next question is about the split of Shuilan Province."

"Until now, Shuilan Province has a population of more than 2 and a territory of more than 4 square kilometers. It is larger than some tribes in the Outlands. It is obviously not suitable for maintaining a single province. For the balance and stability of the provinces, management After discussion at the higher levels, it was proposed to split Shuilan Province into three provinces, namely [Shuilan Province], [Xinzhong Province] and [Linhai Province], with 31 cities, and this is the detailed division rule."

Regarding administrative issues, the House of Elders generally does not interfere, but submitting important cases to the House of Elders for final ruling is also an essential process.

This is actually a way to strengthen the deterrence of administrative orders.

Because, with the transfer of high-end power to the elders' homes, the top management has become a real service management organization, which has nothing to do with the implementation of ordinary administrative orders, but if it involves the splitting of provincial administrative units, if there is no elders' homes The management of Shuilan Province may feel dissatisfied if they express their position.

Although they would still be dissatisfied even if the House of Elders expressed their opinion, they would not take radical or resistive actions because of this.

And now the management of the friends are all students who graduated from the management school, and [sensibility] is one of the necessary characteristics of these students.


With the glimmer of light flashing in front of his eyes, the illusion of returning to the bedroom after the meeting ended, and opened the interface map again.

On the map, most of the once dotted spots have disappeared. Kong Huan found that if there are no friends in the gray area within a year, then after the annual self-update, these areas will turn black again.

But now, because of the gathering of people, the species of Friends has all gathered in the six areas of Double Moon Star.

The biggest one is obviously the [Central Plains Region] (=.=), which is the territory of millions of square kilometers directly controlled by the top management of Pengcheng.

There are 20 Pengren and [-] Dunjia people living on it, and it is also the most advanced area in the entire Shuangyue star land civilization.

If classified according to the ancient times of human beings, the current [Central Plains Region] civilization should reach or even exceed the level of the Qin Dynasty.

And the remaining six regions, one of which belongs to the same continent as [Central Plains Region].

It is called the [Far West Region], and it is located at the northwest end of the mainland, a piece of coastal plain of about 30 square kilometers farther away.

Now, there are more than 4 friends living in the [Far West Region], relying on the friends books brought by 8051, and the friend priests she developed, has officially entered the farming era, and has given priority to the development of relatively stable education , Barter mode.

At this moment, with the support of basic factories such as cement factories, construction of three cities that reached the size of the provincial capital of the Pengzu is under construction there, and more factories are being developed.

Unlike the unfortunate situation where we always encounter hostile civilization species here in Pengcheng, [Far West Region] has no possible enemies except for the three species of the Sea Race that maintain a certain degree of friendliness on the coast. The carefree world, which made the people in the empty fantasy envious.

This is also the reason why Konghuan did not let 8051 force the other party to come over. Of course, there is also a factor of tens of thousands of kilometers between the two parties.

The remaining five regions are respectively distributed on five continents of unknown size (because it changes from time to time).

Because they were gathered under the artificial model of 8051, they chose areas with better locations for their settlements. However, the population of each of their areas does not exceed 2, and the territory does not exceed 20 square kilometers.

Five cities belonging to different regions are also under construction, and the implementation of farming is also very smooth, and no region is stupid enough to move to the frigid zone.

That is to say, all the friends of Double Moon Star have already entered the agricultural society, and will soon enter the comprehensive urban society.

This should be a good thing for Konghuan, Pengzu and even the entire Shuangyuexing.

Because of this, with the help of 8051 and the interface map, Unreal can control the entire 20 or so friends, allowing the group to achieve rapid and stable development.

For example, under the current elite development model of friends, all kinds of things developed can be promoted.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan opened the progress interface of the research mode, looking at the things above, a smile appeared in his eyes.

In ancient times, many technologies had applications first, and then theory, and Pengzu was no exception.

Relying on the original little circuit knowledge, Kong Huan developed a simple circuit, and after teaching a few researchers, let the other party acquire the basic circuit skills, and then asked the other party to propose the research of [auxiliary attack circuit], which was actually researched Pattern accepted.

That's why the third generation of thunderscale armor appeared. Otherwise, more than a dozen pairs of armor made of scale iron that cannot be popularized can only be regarded as things with slightly better defensive power.

But the current Thunderscale armor is an epoch-making thing in the eyes of Kong Huan, because the [auxiliary attack circuit] on it can be implemented on other armors assigned to ordinary members.

Moreover, the former first and second generation Youshen armor should be regarded as conventional armor, similar to the armor used by humans for defense;
But today's third-generation thunderscale armor already possesses the ability to attack with auxiliary energy, which makes the armor no longer used for defense, but also an offensive weapon.

This has gone beyond the scope of human civilization, and now, there are two research positions in the illusory research model, one of which is still researching techniques related to cultivation, while the other...

【Application circuit research progress: 30%】

The premise of this research project [Basic Physics], it took Wuhuan half a year to successfully research it, and it has already begun to be implemented in the extended school.

The current [Application Circuit] is theorization of the third-generation Thunderscale armor that has just appeared, allowing researchers to obtain theoretical support for further research and development of the next-generation armor, and the research is expected to last for one year.

"Maybe, the friends will develop into a type of civilization that relies on self-cultivation and armor strengthening, ah quack quack!"

Clearly, someone is getting carried away again.

Ask for clicks, recommendations, and various supports on Monday =w=
(End of this chapter)

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