Spore Story

Chapter 320 Leisure Possession Time, Part [-]

Chapter 320 Leisure Possession Time, Part [-]

Thank you for the romantic winter, and the reward of the three-legged witch crow~\(≧▽≦)/~
"I am back."

With a smile (it's a fantasy, in the possessed state, you can't see the expression of the possessed target, except for the mirror=.=), the original person who was possessed by the illusion gently pushed open the courtyard door.

According to the general rule, at this time, there should be a virtuous and gentle (actually black-bellied) wife standing on the porch with a soft smile and saying 'Welcome back' or something to this man.

However, this is not the human world.

So, after pushing the door and entering, the one standing in the porch was not his wife, but a cute little girl. (Hey, loli!)

"Ah, welcome back, brother." (I see.)
(Don’t get me wrong, Peng Clan established a decree prohibiting the marriage of close relatives in AD 4, these two are just pure brother and sister relationship...probably=.=)

The little girl on the porch was about sixteen or seventeen years old, and she was in the extension school (actually middle school). Seeing Yuanren's entry, she immediately put down the book in her hand, and then said with a gentle smile to the entrant: " Did you buy anything back? Brother."

"Well, here." Reaching out his hand to pass the vegetables in the basket and the kitchen knife to the little girl, Yuanren said in a slightly reproachful tone: "Remember to be careful next time, don't accidentally break it again , kitchen knives are very expensive.”

"I see, who told me to practice power control recently? Sometimes the necessary tests are also very important, but they are all bronze. Why are the bronze knives in the school so sharp, but the bronze kitchen knives are so fragile?"

"Uh, well, you don't need to use a kitchen knife to practice power control."

It seems that the elder brother was speechless in his answer to his younger sister. While speaking, the other party subconsciously averted his gaze.

Through the other party's line of sight, Kong Huan saw two broken kitchen knives in the corner. Apart from the fracture, the kitchen knife also had dents or cracks of different sizes, obviously caused by the uneven control of the user's strength.

And the emptiness who is appreciating all this, is full of black lines for this sister who is practicing power control with a kitchen knife, (I hope this brother will not be caught in the wrong boat, speaking of it, this sister should not be called the world or some Jiao =.=)

At the same time, this also made Sora fantasize about the limit of bronze.

Without the toughness of steel, bronze cannot be thin and tough. Whether it is a special bronze sword, a rough bronze kitchen knife, or other bronze utensils, the hardness may be okay, but the durability is not very satisfactory .

What's more, the friends who use these tools now have a lot of power.

"Didn't I build a small practice room at the back of the yard?" Seeing my younger sister joyfully holding a kitchen knife and rushing towards the kitchen with food, my elder brother followed suit and asked curiously, "Is there any room in there?" Did you put some practice tools? It should be enough to practice strength control, brother, I used those at the beginning."

"No, although those tools were used by you before, brother, but now the school curriculum has changed again. The teacher told us that we must practice anytime and anywhere in life, so that we can grow quickly. What is it called 'will' Practice is integrated into life' and what's the 'habit is scary' or something."

"Anytime, anywhere...uh."

Xu Shi thought of something bad, and the elder brother carefully wiped his sweat with his hands.

As for the illusion of possession observation, I am already sweating profusely, (This, these two sentences, how familiar do they sound? No matter how you look at it, it seems to be my memory. Could it be that Dark Blood brought it up at school sometime? ?)

Thinking of this, Kong Huan immediately nodded in agreement. Given the prestige of Dark Blood among the teachers in the school, especially the physical training teachers, even if she occasionally mentioned a plausible sentence, as long as these teachers can think of something from it, they will obviously be very good. implement.At least for now, Kong Huan believes that this should not need to be controlled.

(However, this is indeed a good exercise method. Why does this guy have a headache? It’s just a kitchen knife.) Obviously, the illusion at this time did not realize the main problem of the matter.

The two brothers and sisters, at this moment, entered the kitchen on the side of the yard.

With the current technology of Pengzu, it is obviously impossible to have any very advanced kitchen style.

The whole kitchen looks like a hut from the outside, and inside is a typical wood-burning stove (refer to N years ago, or the countryside in impoverished mountainous areas), and a bellows of a carpentry room (price: 15 copper coins) stands quietly beside it.

Putting a basket of vegetables on the kitchen counter, the younger sister was in charge of washing and chopping the vegetables, while the older brother took advantage of the situation and sat in front of the big stove, took out a ball of flammable hay from the stone cabinet next to the stove, and held it in his hand.

"Concentrated burst power, concentrated burst power..."

A weak current flashed, and with a barely audible 'bang', the flame ignited in my brother's hand.

Afterwards, he deftly threw the flame in his hand into the stove, and quickly put in a small amount of grain stalks.

When the flames began to stabilize, he put in large pieces of dry wood and began to pull the bellows.

(Hey, really, because of the problem of the energy core, the friends are missing another commodity: Flint=.=) Kong Huan is in his own nest, making complaints irresponsibly.

In fact, nowadays, all the large-scale factories of the Pengzu are under the control of the provincial governments in various cities.

Because of the sparse population, these factories are very convenient to supervise, and there is no need to worry about excessive corruption, not to mention the completely unpredictable possession behavior of Void.

Therefore, the production of the whole commodity is still stable.

Moreover, what the government controls is only the production of important commodities that require technology and quantity, such as large-scale carpentry (cars), important bronze wares (bronze weapons), and so on.

However, small commodities (decorations, daily necessities, etc.) are completely produced and traded by ordinary people. The government has little supervision over this, and generally will not intervene unless there are major problems.

What's more, now even the commercial tax has not appeared.

At this time, Xu Shi noticed his brother's behavior. The younger sister who had just poured the cut food into the clay pot and put the rice in it, said with a surprised look: "Ah, brother, you actually order it all at once!" Alright, so my brother's energy control has reached level 2?"

"Haha, I haven't tested it yet. After all, your brother and I are only working in a wood factory now, so we don't have much requirements for energy control." Overheard(?) Hundreds of years old(?) Fantasy.

(Duplicate guy) Maybe that sister thinks the same way.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the application classification of energy control, one of the three important abilities of the ethnic group.

In the entire group, Chu Xia and Kong Huan have the highest level of energy control, both reaching level 5.

Level 0 energy control, any original person with an energy core is at this level at first, there are no more requirements, as long as there is active (that is, controllable) energy in the body, this is the basis for friends and net rabbits, but The Dunjia tribe can only stay away, and things like internal strength, regardless of whether they exist or not, at least the friends don't have them yet;

Level 1 energy control refers to the ability to control the energy in the body, roughly flow in the body, and conduct electricity conduction to external objects under direct contact.Friends only need proper exercise, except for a very few special individuals, they can reach this level.Its representative applied skills are [Body Discharge], [Magnetic Disturbance];
Level 2 energy control is able to further control energy, and in designated areas of the body, bursts of electricity beyond the usual value.In this way, stronger energy can be erupted in a fixed area.Just now, the elder brother exploded electricity in his hand, thus igniting combustible objects at once, which is a representative of this ability, but because of the total energy of the original person, he lacks actual combat power.Among them, the representative skills are [Thunder Palm], [Thunder Whip];
Level 3 energy control refers to the energy attack released in the external environment under the specified energy level.And the ability to use energy to stimulate the body, allowing the body to explode with extraordinary strength.This level requires a great combination of energy and mental power, as well as the total amount of energy. Therefore, it is basically the limit for ordinary primitive people to reach this level (except those who enter the soul level). The representative skill is [Electric Shock] [Surge], [Thunder Scale], [Speed] and [Strength], etc.;
Level 4 energy control is to flexibly control the flow of energy inside and outside the body, and thereby control the body's magnetic field to generate current in a designated area without contact.That is, through the change of the magnetic field, some conductive substances are caused to generate current, rather than the method of direct current attack from this person.This requires extremely high control ability of the controller, and the representative skills are [Electric Snake], [Electric Lightning], [Electric Field], [Magnetic Lightweight Technique], [Magnetic Vertigo] and so on.

As for level 5 energy control, the requirements for speed, attention, precision, etc., as well as the quantity are extremely high, so there is no nonsense here.

Among ordinary primitive people (not counting those who have cultivated to the soul level), like this brother, who has entered the second level of energy control level, although it is not a genius, it can be considered smart.

Therefore, when the fragrance of food came out from the clay pot, the two people who were still talking about energy control realized that the food was almost burnt...

"Ah, put out the fire!"

"Huh, luckily the dry firewood that was put in just now was not right. I am indeed wise."

"It almost spoiled the taste of the dishes." Carefully taking the clay pot off the stove and putting it on the stone platform aside, the brother and sister joyfully carried the bowls and chopsticks to the courtyard under a big tree. at the stone table, and set the supper.

"Speaking of which, the ability test will be held in a few days? Brother, you will have to rely on you in terms of energy control. Of course, you can obediently wait for my good news about your mental strength and physical strength, ahaha." A certain sister changed her face so quickly, she obviously had a lot of experience.

"Okay," he may have gotten used to his younger sister's attitude, but this elder brother was just refilling the rice and seasoning it nonchalantly.

"Our mental power is controlled at level 2, and we are a talented young lady who has learned intermediate martial arts through physical training. Here, lunch, Sancai stewed soup, please accept it."

"Well, good boy." With an empty and speechless expression, the younger sister proudly took her food with both hands, then raised her chopsticks, and started the battle of eating that makes her feel happy and satisfied every day.

"However," after taking a few mouthfuls of rice, my brother seemed to think of something, and looked up at his younger sister who was chewing a bone with a smile on his face: "Since there are exams, other mathematics, physics, writing, history, music..."

"Stop! Brother, don't talk while eating! It's polite."

"Uh, good."

Without the harassment of those annoying theoretical knowledge, my sister obviously enjoyed eating.

Washing dishes is of course the work of the servant and elder brother, the original boy, while the younger sister jumped into the room. There was a 10X10 spacious room with three big characters [practice room] hanging on the door. After a while, humming came from inside. Ha ha sound.

The eyes in front of him flickered, and it seemed that the elder brother was shaking his head. The other party might just move out of habit, but he was dizzy from the emptiness of the picture all the time.

(Happy family.)
With a sigh of relief, Kong Huan glanced at the kitchen in sight.

Because there is no iron, there is no need to think about items such as woks for the time being, and seasonings such as soy sauce and vinegar have not appeared for the time being due to various reasons. The cooking tools in the entire kitchen are just a few clay pots.

To Kong Huan's surprise, the whole kitchen looked like a pottery age, except for the bronze kitchen knife, there was actually a bronze tripod.

Although it is only a small style, it seems that the decoration is more meaningful, but given the importance of bronze ware, this kind of bronze tripod is obviously not cheap, and the price is between two and three hundred copper coins. It looks like an ordinary family, but there is one.

And after putting away the bowls and chopsticks, the line of sight actually approached the bronze tripod at the height of a small arm.

Then, the elder brother carefully lifted the bronze hammer, which Kong Huan hadn't noticed before, lightly tapping on the bronze tripod.

A crisp voice came, Kong Huan realized that the other party had closed his eyes, the screen went black suddenly, and the original person's voice came.

"God, please bless my sister to enter her favorite school for priests flying in the sky..."

"Please bless my sister to successfully chrysalis into a winged man soaring in the sky..."

"Please bless the mother who is practicing in the management temple to enter the soul level..."

"Please bless my work in the carpentry factory..."

"Please also bless Pengcheng with no more earthquakes and wars."

The words were spoken in vain and fell into silence.

From the beginning to the end of this family, he only saw the elder brother who cared about his younger sister and the younger sister who was cheerful, and they looked like a model of happiness in the story.

And because the family has only been implemented for less than ten years, this kind of family with only brothers and sisters is not a minority in the Pengzu.

However, what Kong Huan didn't expect was that he randomly chose a target to possess, and it was all related to war, managing temples, soul levels, dead souls...

"God is unreliable, everything depends on your own efforts." Sighing rather vicissitudes, Kong Huan withdrew from the possessed state.

Such words, Kong Huan will not tell them,
Having a 'god' is essential for most ordinary people, so that they can gain a spiritual support for the weak.

And relying on the [Shenting] (formerly temple management) organization independent of the management, these temple gods who can receive people's wishes and prayers can summarize and analyze the content of these wishes and prayers, so as to draw voices of the people of all walks of life.

This completely unrestricted, direct access to the voices of the people at the top has become a hidden management monitoring system, which cannot be interfered or restricted.

Of course, if there is a problem with the upper level, especially if there is a problem with the Shenting, it will be really troublesome.

Therefore, for the selection of the God of Righteousness and the God of Management, Kong Huan is cautious and cautious.

However, no matter how good the words and plans are, when they are implemented, there will always be problems of one kind or another.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan put the "Internal Intelligence Summary Report" of the Elder's House aside, and one of the corners of it was written "Finally dispose of the report on several management gods who violated the laws of the court".

Because of the importance attached to the Divine Court system, the higher-ups adopted the principle of "serious treatment" for these management gods who ignored the laws of the Divine Court, and this "serious treatment" was to let them return to the will of the planet.

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Kong Huan couldn't help but envy the siblings.

Although they live at the grassroots level, the elder brother has a regular job in the wood factory every day, and the younger sister also has a regular school education. In life, they are careful about the use of a few copper coins, but they have effective spiritual support, a stable life, and companions who can talk to each other. ...

And what about the illusory self? (Who do I trust? Myself?)
"I can only believe in my own life, it's really tiring." Sighing heavily, Kong Huan looked at the dim hut he was in, carefully folded the "Internal Intelligence Summary Report" and put it in the stone cabinet aside In the middle, got up and walked outside the house.

"I really want to have a cute younger sister," Kong Huan let out a heavy breath when the dazzling sunlight outside the door shone into the room, narrowing his eyes slightly as he thought.

Looking around at the two-story courtyard where I live, which is also a standard private house, there are two trees, three hell butterflies, two net rabbits... ORZ
"Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling, do you really think my house is a zoo?" He looked at the Hell Butterfly and Net Rabbit, who were looking at each other from a distance through the fence. Shaking his head speechlessly, he walked outside the house.

The two guys always seem to like to do this kind of confrontation, and the net rabbit is afraid of the toxin of the hell butterfly, and the hell butterfly is afraid of the electric shock of the net rabbit, so the two sides divide the land in the empty yard, completely ignoring the identity Master's vain thoughts.

"What I want is a cute girl!" The empty whine attracted the attention of a group of people.

But until Kong Huan entered the compound of the elders' house, he didn't meet the target he wanted.

At this time, he caught sight of Chu Qin who was writing something under an ancestral tree in the elders' courtyard.

(Although she is a bit older, she is considered a little sister to me.) Thinking this way, Kong Huan, who was controlled by the sister-in-law's soul, walked to Chu Qin's side, reached out and rubbed the other's head, and then said kindly : "Chu Qin, call us brother."

"Huh?" Chu Qin was speechless...

"Well, Kong Huan, you're sleepy."

"..." Ginseng (=.=)

One click, one recommendation, one monthly ticket, one chapter subscription, one comment, one tip... These are our motivations.

(Okay, let's admit that when I wrote this, I happened to think of the tenth screening room ==)

(End of this chapter)

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