Spore Story

Chapter 321 The Realm of the Dead Souls of the Friends, the Illusory Realm

Chapter 321 The Realm of the Dead Souls of the Friends, the Illusory Realm

As many years later, all civilized races said, 'Time is the greatest weapon of the friends. '

At that time, people of other races always had the illusion that time was in the hands of friends, as if they had been cloned, and 1 second became 3 seconds, 4 seconds or even 10 seconds.

Of course, this is just an illusion, but it also shows that the speed of development and recovery of the Pengzu is so powerful.

It has only been two years since the signing of the Pengling War Contract in January 7 AD, and the official end of the war.

By January 9 A.D., the warehouses in various places had been refilled with grain, and people's hands were also full of copper coins.

Of course, the reason for the rapid accumulation of grain in the warehouse is also the exchange of copper coins.

According to the report in the internal meeting of the Presbyterian House in AD 9, as of January AD 9, the circulation of copper coins totaled 1 million in five batches.

The stable price at that time was the price of 1 copper coins for 4.7 catty of rice, and the government exchange price of copper coins was the standard 1:5 for the first three batches.

However, after some smart guys used copper coins to buy grain from ordinary people and even grain stores, and then exchanged it at the government to earn the difference.The government's exchange rate has also kept pace with the times, choosing an exchange rate equal to the current price.

And up to the present position, the grain exchanged by the five batches of copper coins has a storage capacity of 1 million catties in various places, that is, more than [-] tons.

In addition, the grain in warehouses in various places, in addition to the exchange of copper coins, also has a hundred-one tax (this amount is very small), commodity trading (the copper coins obtained from the sale of goods in factories can be used to trade grain with copper coins when needed) brought food.

It is conservatively estimated that the total amount of grain in warehouses in various places exceeds 3 million catties, that is, more than [-] tons.

In fact, the capacity of warehouses everywhere is much more than that.

Of course, the specific storage situation of the warehouse needs to be verified by the people from the elders' house in person, because there are only a dozen provinces that need to be verified, so the people in the elders' house seem to be very relaxed, which is also the benefit of the small number of people. , good management.

As a matter of course, Kong Huan, who is also a member of the Elder's House, is also a member of the verification team.

However, because he is only at the peak of the soul level, and because he has a lot of things to do and is not leisurely, he was only assigned to the provincial capital of Bingling Province at the southernmost end of the Fourth Ring Road, which is adjacent to the Southern Province where the fortress of the Lingyue team is located. The province is Lingyue who is responsible for the review.

This also makes it easier for Void to further understand the current internal status of the ethnic group, instead of only knowing from the data in the report.

[The thirsty woods task is completed, get the reward. 】

With a smile on his face, he walked out of the woods exuding a moist atmosphere, waved goodbye to the woods, stretched his waist heavily, and walked forward.

Kong Huan seemed quite satisfied with the formation of the mission of the control center at the moment, because no matter where he was, as long as it belonged to the location controlled by the will of the planet, he could find suitable missions.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about delaying his task of earning civilization points due to the task of going out for review that may take several months at this moment.

Moreover, this censorship actually has the meaning of making these almost transformed into house gods, and everyone in the elders' house went out for a trip to gain popularity.

As for their safety, no one is worried.

This is not only because of the strength of the Youshen class, but also the prestige of the elders in the friend clan, and the thunder scale armor on their bodies that is more defensive than the mind shield.

Of course, as the only non-youshen class in the elders' house (Bai Nong and Dark Blood have not entered the elders' house for the time being), Kong Huan failed to wear the rare thunder scale armor.

However, what he is also carrying now is a simplified mass-produced version of the Thunderscale armor [Thunderscale Type 1].

This is limited by the amount of scale iron, and using high-quality bronze to replace scale iron, and then retaining the version made after the auxiliary attack circuit can be distributed in batches to soul-level peaks and soul-level senior commanders.

As for the [Lightning Scale Type 2] used in the middle and early stages of the soul level, it has eliminated some auxiliary circuits that require high control and energy, such as the secondary simplified version of the circuit like [Lightning Strike].

People below the soul level are temporarily using the second-generation [Copper Wall Type 2 Kai], but a certain type of circuit has been strengthened on the armor of the second-generation late period.

In fact, the original function of this kind of armor was to verify the rationality of the circuit on the thunder scale armor, but the second-generation armor has only appeared for three years, and it is obviously impossible to update it so quickly, so upgrading the original armor becomes a feasible solution.

Of course, after the appearance of the fourth-generation armor, which is still in theory, members below the soul level will be able to obtain the thunder scale armor.

"Let's go, Meow Meow."

He stretched out his hand and patted the camel dragon who had been on the concrete road leading to the provincial capital, waiting for Kong Huan to complete the task. Kong Huan looked at the copper box containing his thunder scale armor, turned and walked forward.

Riding beasts is not in great demand for Yiren, but it is available for Yuanren, but it is too expensive and troublesome to take care of.

In addition, the friends who mainly fight in the sky don't need cavalry very much, so there are only two or three types of cavalry in the group, and the scope of use is mostly concentrated on the Dunjia tribe and a small number of original people.

What's more, letting Kong Huan with two pairs of wings on his back to ride a beast will make other friends laugh.

On the contrary, for Kong Huan pretending to be a businessman, it is normal to carry a Tuo beast. At least in the Pengzu, there is no merchant who carries his own things.

Speaking of which, [Thunderscale 2] also weighs close to 100 jins, which is nothing for a friend, but for a Tuo beast, it takes up nearly 1/4 of its transportation capacity.

Of course, Void is not a real merchant, and it's okay to bring a little less merchandise.

But now, the illusory behavior is the super-vulgar skill that any ruler possesses: [Weibo private visit].Quack, this is the skill that Konghuan is using now.

Well, in fact, he just thought it was fun, and it was also in line with his purpose of traveling, so there was this ring of businessmen at this time. (=.=)

Of course, for Kong Huan, who is still busy with tasks while traveling, he will not slack off on important research models.

However, the current task research time in the research mode is getting longer and longer, and the next step of research, Illusion, has just started, so there is almost half a year to squander.

Among them, [Application Circuit] was researched and completed half a month ago, and soon after, Kong Huan opened [Currency Management], which is expected to take 6 months.

The basic theoretical knowledge such as "Conservation", "Energy Technology Fundamentals", and "Electric Power Fundamentals" obtained by the [Applied Circuits] Institute is being sorted out by the Energy Bureau, and it is planned to be officially issued to the classified schools for promotion and use in the next semester. , to cultivate more electrical talents for the ethnic group.

As for the issue of setting up a separate power school, it is still in the discussion stage within the elders' house.

As for another research position, the research on [Extended Dream World] has been completed after half a year, and its advanced [Illusion World] has also been officially opened, which is expected to take 10 months.

In fact, what Kong Huan doesn't know yet is that Dream World and Fantasy World, as well as subsequent development projects, are exactly 'time' and the greatest weapon of the Friends. ' is the real reason for the phrase.

Expanding the study of the dream world is just to expand the dream world that can only attract no more than 5 people, whose consciousness is lower than 1/3 of their own, so that the dream world can accommodate 50 people, whose consciousness is lower than 1/2 of the main body [-] people enter the dream world, of course, that requires the other party to be voluntary.

This can be said to be an absolute weapon for teaching.

Nowadays, among the major classified schools, the Dream World, which can only accept 5 students at a time, has become a brand-new elite teaching mode, which is deeply loved by the majority of students.

Because in the dream world created by these soul-level advanced or even peak teachers, many scenes can be simulated to assist teaching, whether it is floating mountains, volcanoes, grand canyons, oceans, rivers, sky... the dream world It has almost become a model of "nothing is impossible, only unexpected".

Of course, with these teacher standards, no one would do anything out of the ordinary, and the students cultivated in this way are obviously experienced people.

After the expansion of the dream world, this teaching model can be extended to all classified schools, so that those students can get the treatment that only elite students could get before.

And [Fantasy World] is a great progress in the study of consciousness.

It was theorized by a governing deity who suffered from the overcrowding of the dead.

At that time, Kong Huan, who was doing a task in the temple where the management god was, talked about the dream world while chatting with the management god.

At first, the management god suggested that his priests discovered that when using it in the dream world, if the drawn target is a dead soul, then the dead soul seems to disappear in the real world.

It seems that the whole person has entered the dream world, and the other party will not reappear in the real world until he exits the dream world.

The other party infers from this that when a stranger enters the dream world, his consciousness may also enter the dream world.

Kong Huan had noticed this phenomenon before, but he didn't think of anything, so when the management god raised it, he didn't have the expected response from the other party.

Then, the management god pointed out that for management gods and dead souls who don't need food, after creating the dream world, the dream world can last for a long time. Basically, as long as he doesn't quit, he doesn't feel any discomfort , but if the time is too long, there will be no distinction between reality and dreams.

What's more, the God of Management also proposed that with the support of various wishes from the temple, as long as he is not disturbed in the middle, the God of Management can even maintain the dream world for an infinite period of time.

Of course, at that time, what is reality and what is a dream may not be able to distinguish.

Hearing this, Fantasia became interested. Something like 'infinite length' sounds very tempting. However, this idealized situation obviously lacks the support of reality.

Immediately afterwards, the management god continued to raise the issue of too few people entering the dream world.

However, at that time, Kong Huan had started the research of [Expanding the Dream World]. After telling the other party this, the management god seemed very excited.

He directly proposed to Konghuan that if there is a kind of "super dream world", it can form a dream world independent of reality based on the consciousness of the management god, and pull all the dead souls who enter the domain of the management god into that dream world.

As long as the management god does not wake up, this dream world will always be maintained. At the same time, this dream world is almost controlled by the management god at will, and its size, according to the current experiment on the dream world, can also be concluded. It is jointly supported by the consciousness of the people in the dream world.

So, can it be said that if this kind of dream world can maintain tens of thousands of dead souls, the "super dream world" of the management god will become a real world of dead souls.

And the Management Temple has completely become a channel for the dead souls to enter the 'Super Dream Realm' completely controlled by the Management God from the real world?

To be honest, Kong Huan was shocked.

At this time, the response of the research mode is generally much faster than that of the empty illusion.

When Konghuan was still struggling with the "super big dream world of tens of thousands of people" and "infinite duration", a new research project [Huanjie] had appeared in the research mode.

And since the last time, after a year of busy work, he has never turned off the reminder, and he received the reminder immediately.

At this time, he also excitedly understood that once the study of this fantasy world is successful, the problem of managing too many dead souls in the temple can be fundamentally improved.

And based on the management gods of various places, this kind of fantasy world produced, as long as the management god's body can be well protected, and the reason of the management god can be controlled, then the management god will become the real god of each fantasy world...

"This shit, isn't it just a personal version of the kingdom of God that only the conscious body can enter? Is the world of the dead finally going to appear?" After throwing away a bunch of messy things, Kong Huan pointed out the key point where.

Then, he threw this thing to the elders' house for secret discussion, and after completing the study of the extended dream world, he officially started the research on the illusion world.

At the same time, the House of Elders communicated with the Court of God to accurately and meticulously screen the gods of management from all over the ethnic group, and prepare to select three to ten outstanding gods of management from among them to establish the [Revenant of Souls].

After all, in the fantasy world, the management gods are really gods, and the size of the fantasy world makes it unnecessary for the ethnic group to establish a fantasy world with hundreds of management gods.

Therefore, the selected remaining management gods will be responsible for collecting dead souls from various places in the future, and then send them to these dead soul worlds.

At the same time, Konghuan can also see from the situation in the fantasy world that this follow-up research may have better things.

Of course, those are things for the future.

At this moment, Kong Huan (annulus), who is pretending to be a businessman, is walking on the concrete road while thinking about the management of the management god after the appearance of the illusion world.

At this time, a burst of shouts awakened Kong Huan.

"Hey, seller, do you have any good products?"

As always, ask for clicks, recommendations, subscriptions, monthly tickets, comments, etc., quack=w=
(End of this chapter)

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