Spore Story

Chapter 322 Is the Merchant Ring Space, let's trade

Chapter 322 Is the Merchant Ring Space, let's trade

"Hey, seller, do you have any good products?"

(Selling, selling things...good products? Why do you feel a sense of disobedience==)

Looking around, Kong Huan realized that he was the only one on the whole road, and he looked like a businessman (completely forgot that he was playing role-playing).

At this time, it was noon, the sun was shining, and Kong Huan was walking on the scorching concrete road like a fool. Although there were trees stretching along the road for shade, they couldn't hide the hot and humid atmosphere, so he looked very conspicuous.

(However, isn’t a businessman just trying to make himself stand out?)
Not even a half-baked businessman (Kong Huan) thinks so, he is obviously very proud that he can meet people who want to see the goods while walking on the road. (It's called the advertising effect, quack.)
So after being stunned for a while, Kong Huan quickly realized that the middle-aged man who was sitting at the entrance of the village by the roadside, drinking tea and enjoying the cool, was calling him "selling things", and it was Kong Huan himself.

"Meow, do I really look like a seller?"

"No, I originally played the role of a merchant. This shows that our acting skills are good, Quack."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan tried his best to put on a smiling face of a businessman (in his opinion), and happily walked towards the entrance of the village.

And the Tuo beast behind him, because it has been domesticated by Kong Huan with mental power, is obediently following behind Kong Huan at this moment, but this scene makes the eyes of several villagers enjoying the cool at the entrance of the village brighten up.

They have never seen this kind of animal taming method, so they just think that the illusory beast is just a good thing, and then they have expectations for the illusory cargo, "The cargo carried by such a good camel dragon cannot be bad. '

When he came to the villagers who were attracted by the Tuo beast behind Kong Huan, when Kong Huan learned how to possess himself, he saw the salesman's sales method in Pengcheng and said: "Good afternoon everyone, I just came from Pengcheng Those who came here really brought some good things, why don't you take a look?"

"Nonsense, don't see why I called you here, take it out quickly."

"Um, yes, immediately."

(It sounded like I met a gangster.) Kong Huan looked at the impatient middle-aged man in front of him speechlessly. It had been a long time since he had encountered such a bad attitude among his friends. Kong Huan opened his mouth, Still haven’t taken any drastic actions, (Forbearance, I want to endure, forbear for a moment of calm, take a step back and see the sea and the sky...)
take a deep breath...

"I said, you kid, did you hear that? Quickly take out the goods and have a look! Fuck, it's such a hot day, it's not tiring to stand here."

It seemed that the middle-aged man in front of him was not patient enough. Seeing Kong Huan's slow response, he turned around and went back under the big tree, fanning the banana fan in his hand, bringing out a few breezes.

Kong Huan smiled stiffly, while lamenting that he was really not suitable for acting; while taking advantage of the timing of picking up the goods, he turned around to cover up his embarrassment.

Of course, before that, he moved the unloading location to the big tree at the entrance of the village.

This point, Kong Huan has noticed, not to mention Tuolong is also dissatisfied with the environment under the direct sun.

The rattan frames were unloaded one by one, and the goods inside were all carefully selected by Void, many of which were his favorite things.

A few days ago, he confirmed that he used the role of a merchant to go out to play, ah no, after going out to review, he took the time to go to all the shops in Pengcheng, and picked out a lot of good things, such as copper tripods, Wooden boxes, pottery carvings, necklaces and so on.

Even Lingyun and Chu Ling, who knew the situation later, came to help (make trouble?), adding a lot of burden to the Tuo beast prepared by Konghuan, and suggested that Konghuan bring a net rabbit and a hell butterfly, For 'protection' purposes.

"Who has ever seen a merchant with net rabbits and hell butterflies, do you think it is a zoo!" At that time, Kong Huan refused so much, although the result in exchange was two fists, but at least it became an animal The possibility of running merchants in the administrator version is gone.

(However, why are we who are the main consciousness, who are hundreds of years old, and who are the director of the Ethnic Group Technology Bureau, and we are just buying something at the moment, so we are all nervous.)
Looking at his slightly trembling arms, facing the emptiness that even the ruler of the spirit race had no fear of, he realized that his reaction was a bit over the top.

(Isn't it just to buy something? Is it more difficult than technology research and development!) After cheering himself up in his heart, Kong Huan finally stabilized his mood and continued to remove a large number of rattan frames.

And as the rattan frames with goods on Tuo Beast's back were put on the ground one after another, the middle-aged people who couldn't wait, and the villagers who heard the businessman came and surrounded them, didn't wait for Kong Huan to take out the rattan frame. For the goods, I opened the empty rattan frames one by one, and then looked through the things inside.

(This, it’s not good to casually flip through people’s stuff.)
Looking hesitantly at the villagers who were picking out goods in their rattan boxes, Kong Huan seemed a little overwhelmed.

You know, when human beings, this situation is very easy to cause merchandise theft.

(However, this is a group of friends, and looking at the actions of these villagers, it seems natural, so it should be nothing.)
"Well, may I ask, is there anything you like? The price is very favorable here. It's definitely much cheaper than Pengcheng."

Originally, I planned to play a good role as a businessman, and then when I met a buyer, I had to say a lot of drafts that I had prepared early. After the situation, I immediately forgot about those so-called belly drafts that could make customers pay stupidly.

At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to have checked all the goods in front of him, and none of them were satisfied.

He looked up at the Tuo beast behind Kong Huan, and said in a rough voice to Kong Huan: "Did you make a mistake, you went to the village to buy these things, you think this is the provincial capital..."

Looking along the fingers of the middle-aged man, there is a string of pure copper necklaces inlaid with aquamarine.

Kong Huan clearly remembered that this was a good item he picked out after traveling all over the three jewelry stores in Pengcheng. When he bought it, it cost him 40 copper coins for a bunch.

At first, he thought that the purpose of his trip was not to make money. He originally planned to sell only 30 coins, but after thinking about it, since he wanted to act as a businessman, he had to care about the price, so he raised the price to 41 copper coins in his heart. . (=.=)

According to his prediction, this kind of beautiful thing, and a necklace that is also a best-selling item in Pengcheng, should be popular outside if the price does not change much.

But the current situation is that there are many people looking at these products, but none of them asked about the price, let alone bought them.

For the first middle-aged man who asked in front of him, although he didn't seem to want to buy it, Kong Huan still planned to have a good discussion with him: "Well, what do you have for this necklace? My price is very cheap. If you want want……"

"Why do I want such a thing!" The middle-aged man in front of him looked annoyed.

"Haha, you bought the stone for your wife, what's the point?"

"That's right, I haven't seen Sister Shi wearing jewelry yet."

"Mao!" His face was flushed by the words of the surrounding villagers, and seeing Kong Huan's bewildered expression, the middle-aged man called Stone immediately roared at Kong Huan as if he had found someone to vent his anger on.

"You are a merchant, why don't you sell those candies and tools, why buy jewelry, huh? You think you are a big merchant in the city! Where are the hoes? Where are the clay pots? Where are the sackcloths?..."

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, he still felt a bit dark-faced and almost ran away, but after hearing a lot of things that the other party said immediately, he suddenly realized his mistake, and he was unexpectedly unprepared for a single practical thing.

(Um, no, you can’t retreat. At this time, what should a good businessman do?... Well, he wants to buy things that others have never bought. Yes, that’s it.)
Kong Huan, who was aroused to be competitive, looked left and right, and his eyes lit up.

Stretching out his hand and grabbing the objects on the side, Kong Huan sold them to the surrounding villagers: "Since the things that the big brother just mentioned have already been bought, of course I will bring you some things that others don't have."

"This, for example, this copper tripod, is very good for praying to God. It sounds good when you knock it..."

"...And these leathers are also good, they are very strong for making a bag or something; and also, isn't this dress beautiful? It doesn't take time to make it, does it?"

But it was clear that Unreal was not suitable for being a businessman, at least not now.

After observing all of Kong Huan's products, none seemed to be satisfied, and the villagers left one after another, leaving Kong Huan devastated.

(Crap, everyone understands the truth, but few people really know how to use it.)
Although there was still a stiff smile on his face, his hollow heart had sunk.

(My image at this moment... hey, luckily I didn't agree to bring the Internet Rabbit and Hell Butterfly. Otherwise, Xiao Lingyun and the others would know about it and spread it in the elders' house. In the end, we would be laughed to death by her, my God!)

"Are you really a seller?" In the end, Kong Huan found that the only person left in his booth was the middle-aged man.

After saying a lot of critical words, the other party seemed to sum up the above question.

"Of course they sell things." Kong Huan said angrily.

(Are you really going to buy something?) He also really wanted to ask this question, after all, this middle-aged man seemed to be ridiculing himself from the beginning to the end, and he didn't want to be someone who wanted to buy things properly.

But the Psychic Power Sensing at the Void Soul level clearly told him that the other party had no malice.

(What's going on here? Could it be that the guy in front of me is actually able to resist, no, it's an investigation that deceives me, who is the peak soul-level spiritual power, is this person a hidden boss?)
Taking a careful look at the opponent, Kong Huan looked at the armor on the back of the camel dragon. He was obviously confused by the poisonous tongue skills of the middle-aged man in front of him.

Just when Kong Huan felt that he couldn't help but digitize the other party, and then see the other party's strength and skills, the middle-aged man spoke again.

"Young man, this is not your first time as a merchant."

Speaking of this, the eyes of the middle-aged man flashed brightly, but Kong Huan didn't notice it at all because he was in a mess of thinking.

Hearing the middle-aged man's question at this moment, he looked around and found that there were no customers around. He fell into a deeply frustrated fantasy and nodded subconsciously.

"You, didn't you think about it before you came out? In a village like ours, you usually need to buy things from merchants, not all the things you just need, and you don't need to go to the city to buy things, such as kitchen knives, Hoes, candies, linen, needles and threads."

Seeing Kong Huan nod, the middle-aged man patted Kong Huan on the shoulder again and said: "Look, what are you bringing with you, a copper tripod, a good thing, but unfortunately it's too expensive, and no one in the village would be willing to buy it. With that money, it’s better to save some more cloth to make a few good clothes; the pottery carvings are very good, but it’s a pity that everyone can do it by themselves, the meaning is much better than buying..."

(Golden jade good words) Kong Huan looked gratefully at the middle-aged man in front of him, and the other party was commenting on Kong Huan's mistakes one by one, which made Kong Huan deeply touched.

(These are experiences, so it is said that threesomes must have my teacher, and someone who specializes in art, this time the role-playing is right.)
Kong Huan felt that the limitation of his thinking seemed to be broken. At this moment, he sublimated, and he made up his mind that after returning, he must further subdivide each research department and try to achieve a reasonable division of labor.

If the middle-aged man in front of him, who is constantly commenting on the illusory and unsalable products, knows that his actions have promoted the precise division of labor in the science system of the friends, I am afraid that he will die of laughter on the spot.

However, obviously the other party did not know this.

After commenting on everything, the middle-aged man looked at Kong Huan, who had begun to pack up a large number of goods and seemed to be planning to leave, and stepped forward to pick up the necklace at the beginning.

"Well, when you come to our village, it's not good if you didn't sell a single item. They were right about this necklace. It's true that you should buy something for the one at home. You can't feel sorry for her."

Looking at the aquamarine necklace in his hand with emotion, the middle-aged man seemed to miss it for a while, then looked at Kong Huan and said, "How much is it, I bought it."

(Good man.)
The middle-aged man who was still a "troublemaker" in Kong Huan's mind before, after telling a lot of "experience talks", in Kong Huan's chaotic mind at the moment, he has completely become "enthusiastic", "friendly", " A good man who is kind to take away and take care of the family.

"Brother, you see that you have said so much, and it has benefited me a lot, right? That necklace is not expensive, so let me give it to my sister-in-law." After finishing speaking, Kong Huan fixed the rattan frame on Tuo Beast's body, and then Pressed the other party's hand holding the necklace, and clapped gratefully.

"I'm also inexperienced. Thanks to the teaching of my elder brother this time, I can earn more in the future, so I'll go first."

"Ah, oh, what a shame..."

"Nothing, goodbye, brother."

On the flat avenue, a group of merchants (false) and a group of beasts gradually disappeared among the hills under the gaze of a customer.

He didn't react until Kong Huan took the Tuo beast, sighed, and rushed to the nearest city.

"Damn it! That person didn't want to buy that necklace in the first place!"

Followed by the illusory Tuo beast, still strolling leisurely.

Two pterosaurs fly across the sky...




"Where are you from?"

"Friend City."

"...for what?"


"Where is the destination?"

"Ice Spirit City."

"……so far!"

"The farther you go, the easier it is to make money."

"And this statement?"

"What's in this box?"

This is outside the small town of Tianqing City, because the supervision of the population of the ethnic group is relatively strong. Although there are no restrictions on the movement of people within the group of friends, the requirements for the monitoring and statistics of the flow of people are still very high, which makes all regions The work of the patrol members appears to be very important.

At this moment, Kong Huan was at the gate outside Tianqing Town, being questioned by two patrol members.

These are two original people wearing leather armor of the patrol team, which can be regarded as the standard equipment of the friend clan patrol team. can not say it clearly.

At the gate, there were two Dunjia soldiers in wooden armor standing guard with two spears.

Although the few people seemed a little absent-minded under the scorching sun, the whole work was still done strictly according to the procedure, which made Kong Huan feel very gratified.

At this time, one of the patrol members patted the box on the back of Konghuan's camel dragon, which contained the [Thunderscale Type 1] armor, and asked.

The corners of Kong Huan's eyes twitched, but he replied immediately: "That's the armor. After all, there may be remnants of the Eldar in some places in the group, so I wear the armor just in case, but I don't need it usually, so I put it in the box for the time being."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan felt bad for a while. Several patrol members were obviously aroused by the "armor". After all, armor can only be matched by the team now. The price is not something that patrol members like them can afford.

And if the other party discovers the armor inside, although they may not be able to recognize it, it is the Thunderscale 1 armor that is only equipped with soul-level peaks and high-level commanders, but a fool can also see that it is very powerful. Obviously, his business trip has come to an end.

Sure enough, after hearing Kong Huan's words, two patrol members surrounded him curiously. The eyes that looked at Kong Huan were clearly saying, open it up and let us see, open it up...

"This one……"

"What are you doing! Why don't you patrol well and surround others?"

(Heroes!) Kong Huan looked gratefully at the Winged Man who landed among them.

Judging by his clothes, he should be the patrol captain of this city.

He walked in front of the two team members, maybe he glanced at the armor box above, and looked at Kong Huan in surprise.

However, now the patrol captain can be regarded as a person who can be assigned to the second generation [Bronze Wall Type 1 Modification]. Ordinary players are not stronger at all.

The illusory armor box looked ordinary, and after taking a glance at it, the patrol captain lost interest.

After all, among the merchants there are not a few people who wear the first-generation armor, which is why Kong Huan travels with armor, but he obviously didn't notice that the merchants wearing armor are not ordinary people.

"Have you finished asking about this businessman?"

"It's over, my lord."

Obviously, the prestige of the patrol captain is not small among these people. After the captain appeared, the two patrol members stood obediently, and the two Dunjia gatekeepers not far away even straightened their waists, only However, their originally smooth backs looked a little funny after they were straightened up.

Of course, none of the people around made any gestures of ridicule.

"is that OK."

He reached out and patted the camel dragon obediently on the ground. The patrol captain was obviously more interested in the products in the rattan frame. After seeing the copper tripod, he showed an expression of surprise and understanding.

After hearing the team member's answer of "no question", he took out the bronze tripod from the rattan frame without any scruples, and began to appreciate it carefully.

(This, it’s not about embezzlement and corruption, and then pull out the mastermind behind the scenes, and then let’s reveal our identity, scare a bunch of young people, and leave a legend among the people.) Seeing the actions of the patrol captain, the illusory divergent thinking, it’s natural To the plot development in the TV series.

But since it is said here, obviously it will not develop in that direction.

After admiring it for a while, perhaps feeling very good, the patrol captain walked up to Kong Huan: "How much is this?"

"Huh? What?"

Apparently, Kong Hua, who had fallen into fantasy, was distracted. After he woke up, he looked at the patrol captain with a hint of vigilance, which made the patrol captain feel baffled.

"I said, are you really a businessman? How much is this copper tripod? I want it."

"Ah! Two hundred copper coins." (Wait, he really wants to buy it, instead of grabbing it? I won't be detained for such a asking price, right? What did you say, "I am a tyrant of XX, you dare to ask me for money" or something of?)
However, the patrol captain obviously didn't have such complicated thoughts as Kong Huan. He weighed the copper tripod in his hand. After thinking about it, he felt that the price seemed good, so he reached out and took out his wallet.

Two hundred copper coins is not a small amount. Although a purse can barely hold it, who would normally carry so much money with them.

The patrol captain who counted and counted only 120 copper coins was obviously a little embarrassed, but when he saw that the other party obediently wanted to sell things for money instead of grabbing them by force, Kong Huan finally calmed down.

Because I was bargained before, I felt ridiculous that I subconsciously thought of these people in a bad place, I shook my head, and the dignified expression before seeing the other party turned into embarrassment at this time, Kong Fan smiled, and was about to When he said, "I'll get 120 copper coins," the patrol captain took the first step.

"Brothers, do you have any money on you, lend me some and pay it back to you at night."

The population of a city of the Pengzu is only about 1000 people. Although the area is several thousand square kilometers, it is not large for the Yiren.

Therefore, people in the city are also very familiar with each other.

Seeing that the captain opened his mouth to borrow money, the two patrol members readily took out the money bags around their waists, and the Dunjia soldiers who guarded the gate seemed to have the same idea, but when they were far away, they took out the money bags. The captain had enough money, so he could only take it back embarrassingly.

Smiling at the two Dunjia soldiers and the two patrol members, the captain counted two hundred copper coins to Kong Huan.

And Kong Huan also nodded symbolically, and handed the copper tripod to the other party.

"Thank you for your patronage."

After saying something with a smile, Kong Huan walked towards the town with his camel dragon named 'Meow Meow' after the other party let him go.

"This is the first business deal in Hongshang Ring Space, so I'm very happy."

Keep asking for support =w=
(End of this chapter)

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