Spore Story

Chapter 323 Merchant Accommodation, Copper Coin Hotel

Chapter 323 Merchant Accommodation, Copper Coin Hotel

Among the Peng clan, although there are four administrative units: center, province, city, and village, it does not mean that the degree of prosperity is also arranged according to this level.

With the camel dragon Miaomiao, passing through the hardwood gate in the two-meter-high and one-meter-thick concrete wall outside Tianqing City, the first thing that enters the empty illusion is the 'bazaar area' that every city has.

It is the key to a city, and even the name 'city' comes from 'bazaar', which shows its importance.

Today, most of the Peng population is concentrated in villages.

Because the provincial capital is a little far away from the surrounding cities and villages, people prefer to trade in the city's bazaar more often.

People will only go to the provincial capitals unless they encounter some important specific goods that need to be purchased or are needed for work. At other times, the city-level bazaar is enough to meet people's needs.

Especially after the emergence of the profession of "trader", the products in the provincial capital began to be brought to the city or even the village for sale, which made some villagers who are close to the "province-city" concrete road only need to wait at the entrance of the village. You can buy what you need from these passing merchants without even going to the city.

It is said that where there is demand, there is motivation. Because of the demand of the people, the coming and going of merchants has gradually become a major feature of the concrete roads of the Pengzu.

They take the beasts, drag wooden carts, load the carts or the beasts on their backs full of various goods, and walk on main roads or even 'village-to-village' dirt roads, creating business opportunities for themselves and earning a lot of copper coins At the same time, it also promoted the circulation of goods, and brought what they needed and news from the outside world to those villagers who didn't like to go out.

Therefore, Hongshang has been welcomed by people everywhere.

Moreover, sometimes the merchants also accept the task of transporting goods to the fixed shops in the city and province, so in the eyes of those fixed shops, the merchants are not considered enemies.

Walking through the market, walking on the cement avenue in Tianqing City, I sniffed the aroma from the kitchens on both sides of the road, looked at the friends and armored people passing by on the road, with a slightly serious face, hanging A faint smile.

Tianqing City is an ordinary city within the second ring road. It is neither a traffic point nor a strategic location during the Pengling War, so it looks very peaceful and peaceful.

Due to the supply of cement and modular construction factories in various places, although the production is overtime, the supply of cement modules is still in short supply.

So up to now, apart from Pengcheng and the arterial roads in various places, only the provincial capitals have undergone modular transformation, while the city has only renovated the inner city roads and the outer walls of the city for the time being. Obviously, the renovation of houses will have to wait for a while.

Therefore, what Kong Huan sees at this moment is the concrete road that is much smaller than Pengcheng, and the brick and tile houses that have been invisible in Pengcheng two or three years ago.

From the many wooden parts or new brick areas on these houses, it can be seen that in response to frequent earthquakes, even without the supply of cement modules, they are also developing in other directions.

"So, the wisdom of the people is infinite."

In this regard, Kong Huan was a little helpless, but more gratified.

"Excuse me, is there any inn in the city?"

Although Tianqing City is not big, there are only dozens of private houses, but all the houses follow the ethnic habit of "unified planning and construction" of the friends, so they all look similar.

Even the Dunjia people obviously don't need such a big house, and they got the house used by their friends during the distribution.

This made the Dunjia people both happy and helpless, but as long as there are more people living in one house, it will be fine.

But I couldn't see where the illusion of the inn was. Under the gradually dimming night, I could only choose to ask passers-by.

Fortunately, this is because passers-by did not answer that they are soy sauce (soy sauce has not yet appeared =. =).

"At the intersection of the market, there is a house with a relatively large door. That house will usually allow passing merchants to move in. Of course, it will cost some copper coins."

"Thank you."

After speaking, Kong Huan took Miao Miao back to the market.

Obviously there will be no transactions at this moment (except for the shady scene), and soon found the illusion of the house, and unexpectedly discovered that the owner of the house is actually a Dunjia tribe, and this house is obviously just an ordinary private house. It's bigger.

"Is there no place to rest? Traders passing by, come in and sit down."

At dusk, a person is walking on the street blankly with a camel dragon full of goods. In this era when occupations are not rich, anyone can recognize the identity of Kong Huan at this moment, or the identity he deliberately pretends to be.

"Oh, thank you." Not very used to this fantasy of life, but still very reserved.

Obviously, for him who has been in a high position for too long, his usual habits have gradually lost touch with the lives of ordinary people.

In fact, after being in the Technical Bureau for a long time, he has gradually adapted to the life of thinking about technical issues all day long. Usually, these small things are taken care of by his maid team. Now, he has returned to the life of ordinary people. It feels really hard to do.

Following the Dunjia people in front into the compound, they unloaded the things on the camel dragon and put them away, and then piled up a pile of long green grass for his camel dragon Miaomiao. Tired for a day, the camel dragon immediately buried his head in this place with satisfaction. A tasty treat (for herbivores).

"Young man, this is the first time you have come out to be a trader." (Affirmative tone.)
"You, how do you know?" Kong Huan immediately became vigilant. Although it had been decided at the gate not to speculate on people with malice, Kong Huan, who had been tricked by the villagers before, was obviously very sensitive to this sentence.

"Ah, hehe, isn't this obvious? It is impossible for merchants to travel all over the place without considering the issue of accommodation. Therefore, generally speaking, they will remember clearly which places in the city have residences."

Stretching out his hand to push open the door, under the faint light of the fire, the hut looked very dim. Looking at the light source, Kong Huan unexpectedly discovered that it was a lit candle.

【Candle】appeared by chance.

Just because of staying up late at certain times and not having a ghost body to provide a light source (too extravagant=.=), Kong Huan tried to make this kind of lighting tool first, but because Kong Huan was busy at that time, he experimented with candles. After a while, there was no stable time, and in the end it was still unsuccessful.

Afterwards, he conveniently distributed this experiment as a task to two classification school students who were interns at the Technical Bureau. For such a small thing, it was obviously impossible for Void to use the research mode.

To Kong Huan's surprise, the candle was made in just two days under the single-minded efforts of the two students and the experience provided by Kong Huan.

So, this made the two students very excited, and at the same time let Kong Huan verify a truth, 'you must concentrate on doing things'.

However, limited by the production of oil, the price of candles is obviously very expensive, and ordinary people still won't buy them.

What's more, the energy in the friend's body can provide light for a short time. Since it is impossible to see whether the energy consumption or the copper coin consumption is high, the main sales target of the candles is the Dunjia people.

As for the candle at this moment, perhaps it was just taken out by the Dunjia man because he wanted to receive guests, and it was impossible to make the illusory lights of the guests shine by themselves.

After thinking about it, Kong Huan followed the Dunjia man who was holding a candle and walked down the aisle to the hall, while the Dunjia man continued to speak.

"...I saw you when you passed by the market before. Although there are not many merchants in the city, there is one in two or three days, which is considered a familiar face. When they come to the city, the first The general thing is to put the goods on a stall in the market..."

"But it's almost dark at that time, and no one will buy it." Although it was very rude to interrupt the other party's speech, Kong Huan couldn't help asking curiously.

"Haha," waving his hand with a smile, the Dunjia man said without hesitation: "No one bought it at the time, but after getting up the next day, wouldn't it save the time to set up the stall? And even if you go late in the morning Yes, if the products are there, the person who comes first can choose them.”

"I see." (But aren't you worried about being stolen?) At first I wanted to ask this name, but thinking of the extremely low statistics of theft cases, Kong Huan still smiled and didn't ask.

"Besides, it happened to be dinner time at that time. You neither set up a stall nor stayed in a store directly. Instead, you dragged the beast into the city to hang out. Generally speaking, don't the merchants first put the goods and the beast Put it away, and then have dinner alone, and finally want to go shopping, wouldn't it be much easier?"

"Hey, is that so?" Before he knew it, Kong Huan felt that he had done the right thing by coming out as a businessman this time.

Whether it's being bargained, selling things, or chatting, you can gain a lot of experience that you couldn't get before, which is what Unreal needs now.

Of course, the necessary vigilance is still indispensable, and Kong Huan doesn't want to be tricked again.

The fire seemed to brighten a lot at once, but in fact, it was only because the scope of the fire became wider when entering the hall from the corridor.

Looking up, there is a table that is neither high nor low in the hall. It seems that the Dunjia sits on a higher chair and the friend sits on a lower chair. Both parties are almost suitable.

This can also be regarded as the improved furniture of wood factories in various places after the Dunjia people officially joined the friend clan. Other furniture specially provided for the Dunjia people are listed here.

Putting the candle on the table carefully, the Dunjia man lifted the bamboo cover on the table, and a tangy fragrance immediately attracted the illusory sense of smell.

"This is?"

"My house in the whole city accepts merchants as residents, so I saw you coming, and it was so dark, and you were still wandering around when it was time to eat, so you must have not eaten at this time. These are all done not long ago, Let's eat together."

"This..." Kong Huan was slightly moved, but of course, also a little wary.

Human memory makes him very worried, whether this kind of thing is poisonous or something, and then this is a black shop or something, this situation must be guarded against.

What's more, for the study of toxins, there is not no herb research group attached to the priest school.

Up to now, the Friends have no less than four deadly toxins, more than a dozen kinds of psychedelic toxins, and more than a dozen non-lethal toxins that are enough to make people very uncomfortable. little effect.

However, watching the Dunjia man pick up his chopsticks and eat without hesitation, Kong Huan couldn't help but blush at his malicious speculation.

(It's not that everyone is a villain, not to mention that today's friend society is not so bad.) Shaking his head with a smile, Kong Huan also raised his chopsticks.

"Thank you." Looking at the Dunjia man who was skillfully using the chopsticks, Kong Huan thanked him and felt a little amused at the same time.

Although the Dunjia also has five flexible and flexible fingers, there are three sharp claws protruding from the wrist joints, which are used for digging, and they are not retractable like the fists that the tentacle quack once had. These claws are Standing there directly, the use of chopsticks obviously caused a lot of trouble.

But now the Dunjia people no longer shy away from diseases and avoid digging holes as they did back then.

But it is not as crazy as before. 'Punching holes' has now become a special professional skill of Dunjia people, and it can be regarded as one of life skills.

Such as drilling wells, mining, digging sewers, digging foundations, etc.

Nearly 1/3 of the Dunjia people have already lived in the friends' settlement. Except for their appearance, they are the same as friends in other aspects. Most of them are veterans and their families in the Pengling War.

The rest of the Dunjia chose to live in the mountains. They built their own brand new cave cities in the mountains according to the plans of the students who had studied "Geometry", "Basic Physics" and "Architecture".

They connected the exit with the Pengzu road and accepted the management of the Pengzu, forming another landscape of the Pengzu today.

"Speaking of which, my name is Huankong, and I'm a novice merchant from Pengcheng. May I know your name?"

Swallowing a mouthful of rice, Kong Huan asked the Dunjia man in front of him.Although it seems bad to speak while eating, no one in the entire ethnic group really minds this, let alone the Dunjia people who have never had these etiquette requirements.

Hearing Kong Huan's words, the Dunjia chewed heavily, and reluctantly threw the clean bones into a rattan box that looked like a garbage bag. They didn't have the teeth to eat bones like hard candy. .

"Call me Copper Coin. Since I discovered these cute things, I decided to change my name to Dunjia Copper Coin. Anyway, I chose the previous name myself."


Although Dunjia people are influenced by their friends, many of them have names, but generally speaking, they use Dunjia as their surname.

Although I can't figure out the reason, the empty fantasy is not boring enough to interfere with these things, it just regards it as a racial hobby of the Dunjia people.

However, seeing the fanaticism of the Dunjia man in front of him for copper coins, Kong Huan unconsciously became a little worried. His copper coins would not be spent. A little worried.

"Uh, can I ask, how much is it for one night here? Mr. Copper Coin."

"Not much, not much," he waved his hand nonchalantly. The Dunjia copper coin man obviously didn't know that his actions made Kong Huan even more worried.

Looking around, he put down the pottery bowl in his hand, raised his hands and began to snap his fingers: "The evergreen grass of Tuolong costs 3 copper coins for a meal, two meals in the evening and morning, adding up to 6 copper coins; this meal costs 6 copper coins." Copper coins, there is another meal tomorrow morning, adding up to 12 copper coins; overnight accommodation only needs 20 copper coins; other miscellaneous items are 5 copper coins."

"All of these add up, and there are only 43 copper coins in one night."

While the other party was calculating, Kong Huan also compared it in his mind, and found that he was still worrying unnecessarily. Although this Mr. Copper Coin is a bit of a money fanatic, it can be regarded as a good way to get it.

The meal in front of me alone costs more than 10 copper coins in Pengcheng. Of course, it is for a single person, but now Mr. Kong Huan and Mr. Copper Coin are considered to be eating together.

"Not many, I may stay here for a while. This is for tonight, and I will pay the bill every day, okay." He counted 43 copper coins from the purse and put them on the table. At the time of the copper coin, a bright light suddenly flashed in front of my eyes, and I even suspected that if there were no candles at this moment, the bright light would make people feel like it was dawn.

"Hehe, no problem. You eat first, and I'll count it. This thing is great. With it, you don't have to worry about having no place to live, and you don't have to worry about being hungry... Speaking of which, if it wasn't that I don't like going out, I would Going to be a businessman."

"Oh, really."

Looking at the joyful face, he was pawing at the copper coins on the table reflecting the light of the candles with his paws, Kong Huan noticed that Mr. Copper Coin seemed to pause when he saw the four characters 'Friends Dunjia' on the back of a copper coin, There was an expression of emotion on his face.

(Actually, there may be another reason for not being able to be a merchant.) Seeing the other party's expression, Kong Fan glanced at the direction of Mr. Copper Coin's right leg.

In fact, when seeing the other party, Kong Huan habitually observed the other party with mental power (of course, the mental power suppressed to the initial soul level).

Mr. Tongbi's right leg should have an old injury, although he tried his best to cover it up when he walked, it still seemed a little unstable.

However, if the other party didn't say anything, Kong Huan would not ask.

In this way, the meal ended with the sound of the collision of copper coins and the sound of crunching bones.

Washing the dishes is of course the responsibility of Mr. Tongbi. This should belong to the miscellaneous matters of the 5 copper coins. After reluctantly putting the copper coins into the purse, the copper coins first sent the empty coins to the guest room.

For friends, especially winged people like Void, the guest room is a little narrow, only 7X7 in size, and you can't flap it with confidence when you spread your wings.

However, which wingman would be so bored that he flaps his wings in the room?
"Do you want to keep the candles?"

Mr. Copper Coin's eyes clearly showed some reluctance. Candles cost 10 copper coins each, but it didn't take long.

Just from the arrival of the void, the candle has been burned by a third. If this is also included in the miscellaneous expenses, then 5 copper coins are obviously not enough.

"No, I can use the electricity in my body."

An electric light was released from the horn above the head, and the dazzling light instantly overshadowed the faint light of the candle, but Mr. Copper Coin's actions made Kong Huan dumbfounded.

The first action he made was actually to blow out the candles, rather than feeling illusory and slightly ostentatious.

Knowing that the candles were extinguished, he turned his eyes around and said with emotion: "It's really convenient, my friend, there are still copper coins left to buy candles."


"Okay, then the ring space, sleep well, good night."

"Good night."

After closing the wooden door and sealing the doorknob, Kong Huan stretched heavily, and threw himself onto the bed made of linen and straw.

"Tomorrow at the market, we must perform well."

Hey, continue to pay various supports equivalent to copper coins, clicks, recommendations, subscriptions, monthly tickets, comments... everyone understands, quack
(End of this chapter)

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