Spore Story

Chapter 324 Barbeque restaurant, big and small things in life

Chapter 324 Barbeque restaurant, big and small things in life

"Get up."


He yawned heavily, rubbing his sleepy eyes, wearing a loose linen robe, and walked (floating?) out of the room as if he was sleepwalking, with gradually clear sight, just in time to see that he was feeding the camel dragon. Grass Mister Copper.

"Ah, Copper Coin, good morning."

Based on the conversion between the age of the Dunjia clan and the age of the Peng clan, the other party is not much bigger than Kong Huan, and coupled with the chat last night, Kong Huan doesn't want to appear extravagant.

"Speaking of which, copper coins, is there any water? I want to wash my face and brush my teeth."

Hygiene is one of the points that friends pay attention to, so most friends seem to love cleanliness, and Dunjia people are now adapting to friends' living habits, it just takes time.

Glancing at the armor box that had no problem, Kong Huan took out a [toothbrush] made of wood chips and bristles and a [fleece cloth] for washing his face from the goods stacked in the small warehouse not far from the animal pen, and looked at asked the copper coin.

Seeing the "high-end goods" in Kong Huan's hands, the copper coins were obviously a little surprised, but he didn't say much about it, but pointed to the other side of the yard: "There are wells, wooden barrels and pottery bowls there. Let's fight, your friend's strength is good."

"By the way, remember that the dirty water should be poured into the ditch next to the wall, which leads directly to the sewer, so don't fall into the well."

In the beginning, there was only one well in each village and each street in the construction of wells. On the one hand, it was manpower, and on the other hand, friends were not good at this aspect.

However, since the Dunjia people joined, the situation has been improved.

Their "low-cost, high-efficiency" well-drilling technology, combined with the power of friends, now almost every household in the entire Peng family has a good well.

Kong Huan still remembers that the work of "drilling wells for the whole ethnic group" was one of the measures taken by the top management at that time to integrate the Dunjia people into the Peng clan, and it seemed to be effective.

But now, when many friends call the Dunjia people group, they don't call them 'Dunjia people', but 'Jing people'.

When some children saw Dunjia people on the road, they still called 'Uncle Jing' or something, which made many Dunjia people dumbfounded.But who made them impress ordinary people the most, these wells related to people's livelihood?What's more, they don't hate this kind of address.

It was almost early summer at this moment, and the planting of bean vines had just finished. While taking care of the farmland, people also had a little leisure time.

Members of the friend clan who have food in their hands and are not in a hurry, take the opportunity of taking a walk to go to the nearby market to buy something they like or need.

Therefore, the market at the city level is very lively.

Pulling his own camel dragon, Kong Huan came to the market leisurely, only to realize that he was good enough not to be recognized as a counterfeit.

Although there were no other merchants today, the market had already started early, and a large number of villagers from various villages, as well as members of the handicraft workshops in the city, set up various stalls.

But Kong Huan, who was supposed to be the most dedicated "businessman", became the one who came late.

"Lu Manman, we really failed."

Looking around with emotion, Kong Huan couldn't help but come up with an idea, if he didn't come out of the city at this moment, but came in through the gate.People's view of themselves should be "this is a dedicated businessman who rushed to the market early in the morning", not the current situation, where everyone looked puzzled and even looked at Void with a little contempt.


However, no matter what, they are still merchants, and the goods in Kong Huan's hands are not what can be found in ordinary cities.Although they were deflated in the village and were cheated once, in the city, these things were still somewhat welcomed.

"Boss, how much is this paper fan?"

"Ah, that 10 copper coins."

"No way, isn't it made of paper? You can use any leaf as a fan. I'll buy it for 7 copper coins."

"How can you say that? Well...forget it, you can take the 8 copper coins."

"it is good."

Obviously, neither of the two parties is very good at bargaining, and Kong Huan is not a guy who is dedicated to doing business, so the price was reached when both parties were satisfied.

While Kong Huan was selling things, he was still observing his surroundings.

After all, his main purpose is to travel around as a businessman to understand the situation at the grassroots level.At the same time, there is also a way to relax, so that the brain that has been concentrating on research for a long time and has become somewhat fixed in mind can change the direction of thinking, so as to better promote future research.

At noon, due to the signboard of "goods at the ring space of Hongshang, the price is good and the quality is cheap" was displayed, Kong Huan unexpectedly quickly sold those goods that he brought from Pengcheng.

So, he had free time and began to wander around the bustling market in the city.

"Speaking of which, how long has it been since I went shopping leisurely like this? Don't think about ethnic groups, don't think about the third month, don't think about technology, ah! If only I could live like this every day."

After taking the camel dragon Miaomiao back to the inn of the copper coin, Kong Huan returned to the market.

At this time, he accidentally found a food stall.

"Hey, have you developed snacks yet? Go up and have a look." Kong Huan is not very good at eating. Although he reads a lot, he doesn't have time to make it, so that he usually eats stews, soups, etc. rice or something.

It's okay to get used to it, but seeing the snacks now, I'm bored with those foods.

"Boss, what is there to eat?" Sitting carelessly at an empty square table next to the booth, Kong Huan said to the eldest sister who was busy in the shelves: "Business is not bad."

"Hehe, yes. It's mainly barbecue, three skewers for a copper coin, and now there are only roast pork, roast beans and roast cabbage. What do you want?"

Looking at the well-made bronze grill, Kong Huan blinked in surprise, thought for a while and said, "Let's have 3 skewers."

Kong Huan obviously admires the production of this barbecue grill, but it is not here that attracted the attention of Kong Huan.

Although bronze is not a controlled product, there are many restrictions. It seems that only the top layer of the grill is made of bronze, and the rest are grooves thrown by stones with sharp tools, but that layer of bronze can be regarded as having Three or four kitchen knives have been measured.

(Could it be made by buying a kitchen knife and melting it, but do folks have this kind of technology?) Along the way, Kong Huan didn’t see any small coppersmith’s shop there. As for the large copperware factory, there should be no production This kind of thing.

"Come on, do you want your barbecue spicy?"

"Ah, oh, okay." Seeing a plate of barbecued meat handed over from the side, Kong Huan sniffed the smell, with a fascinated look on his face, (It would be better if there was cumin, but it's a pity that Bai Nong doesn't Awesome.)
I didn't expect a roadside stall to have such an illusion of good things, and I couldn't help but feel a little satisfied with the self-development ability of Pengzu. However, the issue of bronze still needs to be paid attention to.

"Sister, where did you buy that grill? Can you tell me?"

"Don't you think I'm a merchant? I just bought some grills like this, and the sales should be good." Using his own identity as a cover, although the technology is not up to standard, Kong Huan feels that for the friends who don't have any scheming right now. In other words, this is enough.

And this barbecue lady was obviously not vigilant. Hearing what Kong Huan said, she looked at Kong Huan in a little surprise.

"Um, that, it's my first time, it doesn't look a bit different, haha." Kong Huan smiled helplessly, and Kong Huan could tell what the other party was thinking from the other party's expression.

There is no way, along the way, I have seen this kind of illusory expression too much.

What's more, Kong Huan realized that he really didn't look like a peddler. It's impossible to play such a well-known profession without a background, so Kong Huan simply said that he was a novice when he met everyone, which actually made the transaction go smoothly.

Because people generally don't bully novices, this will affect the chances of the other party coming here in the future, and merchants can be regarded as the key point of commodity circulation in the current group.

Of course, what ordinary people want is to leave a good impression on this kind of novice, so that after they get familiar with it, they may be able to ask the other party to bring something or something.

As for pure kindness, there are actually quite a few.When I met that kind of middle-aged person in the village at the beginning, I could only say that it was a matter of unreal luck, or in popular terms, it was a matter of character. (…)
Hearing Kong Huan's explanation, it was obvious that the famous barbecue lady blushed, and hurriedly waved her hands and said: "No, no, you misunderstood, young man, you can see that you are a businessman, how can you not look like it..."

(Making a business...囧) Kong Huan's face darkened even more, you know, he is a member of the Technology Bureau, a businessman, not even a side job.

The lady who seemed to have misunderstood something felt that things were going in a bad direction, so she decisively changed the subject (actually bringing back the topic): "You said that this barbecue grill was made by my husband."

"Husband?" Don't get me wrong, it's just emptiness thinking about what the husband of the other party does.

The big barbecue lady seemed to be very proud of her husband's job. When she said this, she was full of pride. The barbecue grill, he made it out of those Feitong himself, it’s not bad.”

"Well, it's good. But, isn't there no place to buy it?" Regarding the phenomenon that workers use those discarded things to make some private goods, Kong Huan is actually very clear about it, and he doesn't mind about it. It has never been less than human beings entering modern society.

Feelings and systems have to find a balance point, and one side cannot occupy absolute strength.

As long as it doesn't go too far, so that they directly embezzle important materials from the factory, use this kind of waste mine that can't be used as a tool, and make some small things for their own use, the factory management will turn a blind eye and close one eye. Oppose and disagree.

And hearing Kong Huan's words, the elder sister seemed a little bit embarrassed: "It's not just my family who made it casually, I'm afraid I can't buy it if I want to, I'm really sorry."

Maybe the atmosphere was a bit dull, so the elder sister smiled and said, "Speaking of which, young man, this barbecue tastes pretty good."

"Well, Boss, you have great skills. If you open a store in the provincial capital, there must be many customers."

Unreal is not a compliment, let alone the opponent's technology is really good, in today's Pengcheng, because most of the city is factory workers, researchers, students, administrators and team members, each has a fixed canteen.

There is only one restaurant in the whole city, and it was built under the promotion of the management, and it is occasionally used by foreigners.

Therefore, if there are many such barbecue restaurants, it will obviously attract many leisurely people to go. Isn't this the beginning of the tertiary industry.

"Ah la, young man, you really hit the mark."


The big barbecue lady smiled and handed a few skewers of roast meat to another diner, then put the three skewers of baked beans on the plate in front of Kong Huan, and finally said with a happy face: "My family was originally a helper in the slack season. , Later, the technology was developed, and I heard that the factory manager is considering recently, and directly dragged him into the factory."

"In this way, the family will move to the city. When he works in the factory, I will open a barbecue restaurant outside the house. Even without the ten fields, I can live comfortably."

Looking at the happy face of the barbecue lady, the diners who heard this all sent congratulations.

And it seems that this is the first time that the other party has said this to other people. Citizens who are familiar with each other come over and add a few words, and there is a tendency to develop a strong onlooker, so that the emptiness of talking at the beginning has now become Pedestrian level.

This kind of scene makes Kong Huan dumbfounded, but it also makes him very satisfied. If the relationship between people becomes indifferent, then Kong Huan will cry.

Nowadays, workers in various cities of the Pengzu have fixed houses, which are standard houses agreed to be supplied by Pengcheng. These workers living in the cities do not have farmland, and the factory wages are their income.

Among the farmers, taking advantage of the slack season to go to various factories in the city to work as a helper is a behavior encouraged by the management of the friends.

Because in that way, farmers who enter the slack season will not be idle and cause trouble; they can also exercise certain skills of farmers to be selected as skilled workers; they can also expand the output of factories to temporarily deal with the problem of lack of workers.

Such a good thing that kills three birds with one stone is obviously highly praised by Pengzu.

On the other hand, some farmers with strong abilities, if they learn excellent skills during the slack period and are discovered by the factory managers, they can work in urban factories, become urban residents, and get a standard residential room. .

However, among farmers with families, it may not be possible for both husband and wife to get factory jobs, so it may happen that one of them lives in the city and the other farms in the countryside.

This is obviously not appropriate.

"I didn't notice it before. This eldest sister can gain a foothold in the city with barbecue, but other people can't. Obviously, this kind of situation is not uncommon."

After thinking about it, Kong fancied that no one was paying attention to him, so he took out a palm-sized hardcover notebook from his waist, and wrote down the point of "placement of workers' relatives" with a charcoal pencil.

At the same time, Kong Huan also discovered that the selection of workers at this time can only rely on "being discovered by managers", and there is no fixed selection mechanism, which is obviously incorrect.

Of course, if you use unreal data, you can easily screen useful talents.

But the problem is that it is impossible for Void to consume tens of thousands of civilization points, so let's digitize every worker and even temporary workers.

With that civilization point, Illusion has already upgraded the civilization control center to the third level, and there will definitely be better and more cost-effective digitalization capabilities by then.

Then, establishing a stable mechanism for the selection and confirmation of technicians, and even a mechanism for assessing the technical level of technicians, has become what the ethnic group needs today.

Still, population is a problem.

Although more than 20 Dunjia people rushed into various classes, especially the peasant class, liberated a large number of friends and farmers, allowing them to enter the city.

But no matter how the total population of the Peng clan is calculated, the number of friends plus Dunjia people is less than 30.

"In this way, more attention should be paid to the cultivation of elites."

Nowadays, the thinking of the elders' homes and management is to train friends in the direction of elites, and train Dunjia people in the middle and low levels. With the population of Dunjia people and the strength of friends, a new mixed ethnic group will be formed, which will definitely make people The development of Pengzu has reached a higher level.

But whether the Dunjia people have an opinion on this is the key to the matter.

A lot of things are not what you want, but you can do it, even if it is a good choice for everyone.

After conveniently writing down the words [Technical Worker Evaluation] in the notebook, Kong Huan reached out to pick up a bunch of beans and put them into his mouth. The softness had a pungent taste of chili noodles, which obviously whetted his appetite.

What's more, it was almost noon, but there was no lunch in the countryside.

Although Mr. Copper Coin will obviously provide lunch for the copper coin, but Kong Huan intends to use barbecue instead here.

Looking up at the eldest sister who was surrounded by acquaintances chatting about entering the city, but still flying up and down cooking barbecue, Kong Huan smiled and said: "Boss, three more skewers of barbecue."

In fact, from the elder sister's words, Kong Huan still found a problem.

Although he is valued, since he has not moved into the city, it means that the eldest sister's husband is still just a temporary worker.

Even if a temporary worker is valued, he can actually use the core smelting equipment of the copperware factory to make barbecue grills out of scrap copper. This is obviously a management error.

From this, Kong Huan wondered whether factories around the world also have this kind of management problem. After all, although assembly line production has been standardized, people are very conscious for the time being, so that there is no such thinking as system standardization among managers.

In the past, no matter whether it was empty fantasy or other management people, they were too busy with their own work to have time for such 'little things', while ordinary factory managers were focused on solving technical problems and production problems, causing everyone to ignore the system management aspect. Condition.

"It's really rewarding this time."

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, after nodding his thanks to the barbecue lady who put three skewers of roasted cabbage on his plate, Kong Huan took out his notebook again and wrote down the words [factory management system is perfect].

It's just a barbecue grill, which leads to three obvious problems that need to be dealt with. Kong Huan couldn't help but feel a little afraid of this trip, but he also looks forward to it.

"Problems can only be solved when they are discovered. Reason tells me to keep this book full, but emotionally tells me that none of them is the best. This is really contradictory."

Bite off the whole bunch of grilled cabbage in one bite, the tender and refreshing taste makes Kong Huan look forward to the scene when barbecue restaurants are popping up everywhere.

What's more, everything is difficult at the beginning. With this kind of leadership, many good things may really appear in the future.

"Do you want to send some apprentices to this eldest sister? Hehe."

Boss, I want a bunch of comments =w=
By the way, all kinds of support come in three strings

(End of this chapter)

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