Spore Story

Chapter 325 Shang, the commercial status of the provincial capital

Chapter 325 Shang, the commercial status of the provincial capital

Passing through two villages in a row, with a journey of hundreds of kilometers. During this period, due to natural behaviors such as missions and poor calculation of takeaways, Mr. Merchant Ring, who was sleeping in the wild, finally fell under the rain and dew in the early morning. With an armor box half his height, and his camel full of goods, Miaolong Miaomiao appeared at the gate of Baishi City, the provincial capital of Baishi Province, which is next to the central province.

He was then stopped by two patrolmen.





Interrogation as always, but this time, Kong Huan did not meet any patrol member who wanted to see the armor box, let alone the patrol leader who wanted to buy something by the way.

Because the patrol members in the provincial capital are not equipped with [special armor] that has been assigned generations, but they can be regarded as wearing the best special [vine armor] below special armor.

Moreover, except for special circumstances, the provincial teams are stationed in the provincial capital. Now these local teams are also equipped with a simplified version of [special armor].

Therefore, the patrol members in these provincial capitals obviously saw the armor equipped for the team from time to time. At this moment, they were not interested in the armor box that looked very ordinary on the back of Kong Huan.

In comparison, on the contrary, the fact that a merchant is carrying armor instead of being carried by a Tuo beast makes these patrol members more curious.

However, after Kong Huan replied in a timely manner, "Let the camel dragon bring more goods", the patrol members muttered with black lines all over their heads, "As expected of a businessman", and then completed the routine inquiry records , and let the illusion go.

In this regard, Kong Huan was extremely excited. This was the first time he heard someone agree with his disguised identity (please ignore the compliment from the big barbecue lady), so Kong Huan decided to hurry on his way in the future. this box.

The records of these personnel movements will be statistically sorted by the management of each place, and then sent to the nearest superior institution or high-level temple, and then sent back to Pengcheng as backup data for the census.

In fact, each patrol team is not very strict in questioning the floating population, as long as they know the purpose and identity of the other party, because the friends are not in a situation where the same race is divided into civil wars, but are facing confrontation from surrounding alien races.

Therefore, the patrol members are not strict with friends and Dunjia people. As for the spirit tribe and the black bone ape man...they are the targets of being caught directly, or beheaded first (by the way, the spirit tribe is trying to arrest them now), or There are other races... Obviously, no one on the patrol has seen them.

"Finally came to another city."

Looking at the ten-meter-high cement city wall of Baishi City, and the illusion of living in Pengcheng, he patted the solid cement wall with emotion, "The cement used to build the city alone has consumed the cement of the entire Pengzu for more than a year." Yield! If it is used to build houses, the entire Peng clan will live in concrete houses by now."

Having said that, the effectiveness of these concrete walls in resisting the attack of the Eldar makes it impossible for the Friends to give up on it.

Of course, it didn't take much force for Kong Huan to slap the wall, otherwise the four Dunjia guards would have scolded Kong Huan loudly instead of glancing at Kong Huan.

After all, the solidity of the concrete city wall is not for the friends who have strange powers in the eyes of the Dunjia people.

However, the ratio of the width to the height of the city wall of the provincial capital is generally at the level of 3:5. Even if Kong Huan used all his strength, it would take dozens of punches to damage the wall.

"Miss Dark Blood, it seems that the feat of tearing down the city wall with a few punches and kicks cannot be replicated."

From this point of view, in fact, the provincial capitals of today's provinces already have the ability to defend against friends.

Walking into the provincial capital along the porch, the roads are full of traffic, bustling, noisy people, and various hawkers... This is impossible.

However, even though he was mentally prepared that the provincial capital was not as lively as the market, when he looked at a street so clean and tidy that he couldn't even find a single person, Kong Huan still felt a deep sense of loss.

"Why is it so quiet?"

"Why is it so quiet?"

The Dunjia guard who was in charge of guarding the gate looked at Kong Huan's slightly dull expression, and said clearly.

"Ah, you, can you see what I'm thinking?" Kong Huan was very shocked, how could a dunjia who was not at the soul level know what he was thinking.

However, he didn't seem to mind Kong Huan's surprise, the Dunjia guard smiled and said, "You are a novice, right?"


Well, Kong Huan has already become numb to this, he has already deeply realized that he is indeed not like a merchant, but just considered a novice, he is already very satisfied.


As for these NPCs who are like novice guides, Kong Huan feels that they are really competent...

Looking around, the main road in the provincial capital was deserted, and this dunjia guard happened to be in the city.

City defenses are generally external and not internal, so it seems that after confirming that it is okay to be lazy, he nonchalantly greeted Kong Huan to sit down, and then began to express himself to Kong Huan (also known as NPC quotations) like a senior.

"You don't even look at what time it is. The workers are at work, the students are in class, and the teams generally don't have holidays. Apart from traders like you, there are only messengers and management transport teams on the street."

"And the management transportation team passes by regularly every month, and you don't have many merchants every day, let alone messengers. If you put it in such a large provincial city, it will be good if you can splash some water."


"I see."

Looking up at a deserted street, there are various reasons, and it's not an illusion that I don't understand anything, it's obvious that there is nothing wrong with it.

Now it's no nonsense to be composed of people from various provinces and cities of the Pengzu. These people have fixed work and rest time, and generally don't hang out on the street in the middle of the morning.

But the friends are now absolutely waiting for work, so almost everyone has their own job: working, going to school, farming, training, patrolling, office, quarrying...

"Hey, wait, where are the merchants? There should be regular shops in the provincial capital, why haven't you seen them?"

Only then did Kong Huan discover a problem.

Although only a quarter of the main road can be seen at a glance (a cross-shaped urban main road, the center is occupied by administrative buildings and squares, and only a quarter can be seen at the city gate), this quarter One of them is the residential area on the left, and the factory area on the right. Logically speaking, this is the area with the largest population flow. It is impossible that there is not even a shop on the road in the middle.

But the problem is, there is really not a single shop on it.

"Shops? Oh, don't you look at this time, there is no one on the street, and no one came to the door of those merchants, so they should all be chatting in the square now, drink tea and chat, I really envy their leisure life."

Hearing the Dunjia man's words, Kong Huan couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Even if there are no customers in the city, those merchants who need to purchase goods should be regarded as big customers.

So if the fixed store is open, it can attract these big customers who come from time to time faster, right?
"Businessman?" Hearing Kong Huan's words, the Dunjia looked at Kong Huan in surprise, then nodded in understanding.

(Hey, what do you mean?)

"I don't know what those shop guys are thinking, but at the north gate I'm guarding now, there are only about two merchants who pass by every day. You are the first one to come here today."

(Isn't this natural?) Thinking of the scene where he had to sleep in the wild because the task took a long time, Kong Huan subconsciously wiped his cold sweat.

Speaking of it, it was okay to sleep in the wild before, but now I am used to living on a high bed with soft pillows, and suddenly I went out to sleep on the grass, and I felt really uncomfortable all over.

"I think the reason why you are a novice, apart from not being a familiar face, is that after you entered the city, you didn't go to the inn first, but chatted with me here."

(...Um, you said we are newbies, you said it when we first entered the gate, dude, you don’t have amnesia, or your hidden job is actually an NPC explaining how to enter the city for novice merchants Right, ga.)
Although I thought so, the fantasy was not so boring as to say it out loud, and the guard was obviously continuing his explanation that he felt good about himself.

"Listen, when merchants come to the city, they usually go to the inn to store their things, and then go to the square or the city to wander. After get off work and get out of class, when the shops are open, they go to the shops to buy, or take their own things with them. Go to the square to set up a stall, that's when the city really starts to buy things."

"You've been talking about the square, what are those merchants talking about?" Hearing this, Kong Huan had a general understanding of the procedure, but became curious about the behavior of those merchants.

According to this dunjia doorman, the "square chatting" behavior of businessmen is obviously normal, which can be interpreted as a kind of entertainment behavior during the time when there are no customers, or as a kind of industry communication among colleagues.

However, these things are obviously difficult for a guard. Even if the other party may be a hidden NPC, the professional gap cannot be eliminated.

So upon hearing what Kong Huan said, the Dunjia guard smiled wryly and said, "It's true to say that you are a novice. In comparison, you are a novice businessman, and I am not even a businessman. I guard the gate all day long, how can I know?" What do you businessmen think."

"Ha ha."

Smiling awkwardly, thanking the enthusiastic doorman, Kong Huan walked towards the direction of the inn pointed out by the other party.

...into the city...

According to the latest statistics of the friends, the average number of friends in the village is 40, and the number of Dunjia people is 100; the average number of friends in the city is 90, and the number of Dunjia people is 200;

This does not include temples, mines, forts, quarries, etc. special locations that are separate from these units, but does illustrate the current population distribution of the friends.

However, all the urban population has their own jobs. During working hours, there are obviously not many people who can go out and hang out.

At the same time, the floating population in the city is mainly merchants, students, and farmers who help in slack.

Most of the fixed population outside the cities only live in their respective living areas, at most at the city level.

Everyone in the city has a fixed residence, and even the helpers in the slack period have special dormitories. An inn in a city mainly accepts an average of three or four businessmen per day.

Then, the profit-making targets of the function of hotel accommodation are these people.

"What! 50 coppers for one night!" That doesn't sound like much, but the problem is, that doesn't include the price of the food.

In other words, these 50 copper coins are just what Mr. Copper Coin said, the food cost + accommodation fee + sundries fee + gone.

"You look like a novice, and you're still a merchant. This is a very reasonable price."

Although the waiter who received me was a beautiful woman with a bulging chest and a hint of Yujie's temperament, but for a guy like Kong Huan who hangs around high-level beauties all day long (why does he sound so like, he will definitely be a good ship? Harem man?), this level is a bit worse.

However, the crux of the problem is not here. Although I don’t know whether sending beautiful women out is a deliberate act of the businessman or a random act, what I imagined is, (Is this the regional price difference? You know, the accommodation of the Mr. Copper Coin in the city Fee plus food is only 43 copper coins a night.)
But seeing the other party's sincere face, the most important thing is to have a calm mind, without any signs of lying, after thinking about it for a while, he felt that the price should be correct and reasonable in the city.

Of course, if the other party has reached the level of a peerless master of self-hypnosis, making himself believe in lies, then Kong Huan can only admit defeat.

So, after being stunned for a while, Kong Huan still smiled and said: "Well, this is not the first time for me to be a businessman. I still don't understand a lot of things. Please forgive me for any misunderstandings caused by what I don't understand."

"No wonder," said a waiter who was dissatisfied because of Kong Huan's exclamation before, but after hearing Kong Huan's explanation, her dissatisfied face gradually eased.

Shaking her head, she looked at Kong Huan clearly, then turned around and motioned for him to follow up: "It's been a while since I've seen any newcomers, come here, sister, take your friends in to graze."


Although he thought these words were weird, Kong Huan obediently brought the even more obedient camel dragon Miao Miao to the backyard.

The same animal pen, except bigger; the same long green grass, except older; the same grocery room, except tidier... Generally speaking, it is more urbanized than Mr. Copper Coin's farmhouse-style inn.

Is this the difference in decoration?
But there is nothing to say about the empty illusion, let alone such an inn in the whole city, what should I do if I can't live here?
Is it necessary for Kong Huan to go to the high-level temple or the provincial capital and tell the other party that Mr. Kong Huan, who is the director of the technical bureau and the elder of the elder, finally revealed his identity because he reluctantly paid a dozen copper coins during a private visit on the micro-service?

In that case, Kong Huan felt that it would be better to cut a few more rabbit hairs for the brush, even if Xiao Lingyun chased up half of his friends, it would be better than being laughed to death by them.

"Oh, they are all small things brought from the countryside. Did you buy them after trading along the way?"

Flipping through the unloaded goods blankly, the waiter Yujie also picked out a few small things, and some food and other things that are needed for places with restaurant functions like inns. It seems that the other party is It is the first customer of Konghuan after entering the city.

"I want these things, how much?"

Ordinary peddlers, under such circumstances, would estimate the price and offer a price that both parties are satisfied with.

But Kong Huan is not a real businessman at all, even if he acted, there are many mistakes and omissions. Up to now, he thinks that he is a newcomer, and it is unnatural to think so much. (==)

Therefore, when the other party asked, Kong Huan gave his own purchase price (travel expenses and so on, which he ignored): "5 copper coins for rag dolls; 5 copper coins for fluffy cloth; fresh Xunlong meat, bought at a The village buys just caught, 60 copper coins for ten catties..."

After careful calculation of a series of items, the money the inn earned from a peddler in a day was not enough to even buy something.

Thinking about it carefully, in an inn in a provincial city, except for those customers who do not want to eat in the factory school cafeteria and come out to try something new in the inn after get off work, there are only two or three main customers who are merchants.

Then, in a day's calculation, maybe you can earn more than 200 copper coins, and most of the costs have to be excluded.

(According to this calculation, it seems that the business of the inn is not very good. It seems that the city will be more active after the issue of [relocation of workers' relatives] is resolved. By then, these inns should be better. )
Shaking his head, Kong Huan looked up at the waiter.

It seemed that after calculating the combined prices of these things in detail, and comparing her expenditure plan for this month, she found that there was not enough food left over. The waiter Yujie looked at the dolls and flannel in her hands in embarrassment.

After thinking about it, she seemed to have plans to put it back, but she seemed very reluctant to let it go.

At this time, if Kong Huan regards himself as the hero of the galgame, maybe it will become a gift, and then the favorability will be +1 or something.

However, just when Kong Huan was still entangled in, 'Is he the leading actor? 'By that time, the other party had already made a decision.

"I want all of these. Here, here are copper coins."

It seems that the waiter Yujie still couldn't resist the temptation of these things. When the store's food and self-needs were all met, her modest purse dried up in an instant, while the purse at Kong Huan's waist swelled up. .

(Why do we suddenly feel guilty?)

For some reason, seeing the waiter carefully leaving with the doll in his arms after pointing out the inn to Kong Huan, Kong Huan couldn't help but feel uncomfortable all over.

"Meow, businessman, I'm a businessman now, isn't it natural for a businessman to make money?"

Shaking his head, he lay on the bed for a while before realizing that it was still an illusion in the morning. He shook his head and put the armor box in a corner of the guest room, rubbed his cheeks, and walked out.

"Go and see what the doorman called a 'meeting of merchants chatting' in the square."

=. =Supporting Shenma, this is the author's supreme motivation! !

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(End of this chapter)

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