Spore Story

Chapter 326 Debating, spending leisure time

Chapter 326 Debating, spending leisure time

What exactly is the role of a businessman?
Kong Huan didn't think about this kind of thing at the beginning, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it. His work mainly focused on research.

However, the issue of merchants was discussed in the elders' house after all, and with the experience of this period of time, he also summed it up a little bit.

The development of friends merchants has gone through four stages:

First of all, it is the barter stage. At this stage, everyone who goes to the market to trade is considered both a merchant and not a merchant, because they only use their own goods to exchange what they need from others, not the commercial ones. a merchant in the nature of a middleman;
Then, there is the store stage. At this stage, the friends only appeared because they needed some people to use the goods produced by the factory to exchange the food needed by the city from the farmers, and this kind of workers appeared to take care of the workers in the fixed stores.

They are the most primitive store owners of the Pengzu, but they are not so much merchants as factory workers, because they just take care of the store, and the factory is responsible for both pricing and supply;
Next, is the stage of commerce. At the beginning of this stage, the circulation of goods in each city is completely dependent on the monthly management team.However, the transportation team will only transport goods produced by factories, or important raw materials, food and other items, and does not pay attention to small commodities and the like.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the people for small commodities from all over the world, there is the profession of peddling merchants.

That is to say, the earliest merchants were actually units that appeared in a controlled manner to supplement the management team for the circulation of small commodities. They lacked a certain degree of autonomy when they first appeared, but now, with the increase of private independent merchants, They can also be regarded as real middlemen;
Finally, there is the stage of private street vendors. At this stage, people start to create commercial careers and earn money by relying on their own abilities. To be honest, the later-stage merchants are dispatched. These private street vendors are the real businessmen.

In fact, the first three stages were just barter. It wasn't until the appearance of copper coins that occupations such as merchants and private vendors appeared with the habits of real merchants.

However, as to the specific relationship between the appearance of copper coins and real commerce, this is a question that businessmen or historians need to discuss in later generations.

At this moment, our elder, Mr. Kong Huan, is visiting the Baishi City, which was originally built under the supervision of Bai Nong.

Walking boredly along the deserted concrete avenue, watching the calcium carbide trees whose flowers began to fade in summer, turned around and greeted a cleaner from the City Affairs Bureau who happened to pass by, and casually asked about the square. Condition.

Such a slow walking pattern, that after noon, Kong Huan finally came to the square outside the Executive Yuan in the center of the city after going around Baishi City.

What is the function of this kind of square, I will not talk nonsense here, it is nothing more than meeting, meeting, and meeting.

Now, this square is being occupied by a group of idle businessmen.

"What is the essence of a businessman? It is to earn copper coins, earn more copper coins, and earn endless copper coins! This is a businessman!"

Just entering the square, I was shocked by the emptiness of dozens of people surrounded by the square, and suddenly heard such a very domineering and arrogant sentence.

If this sentence is placed in modern human society, it is an absolute true portrayal, but the problem is that this is a group of friends who have just appeared on a small scale.

(How could this person have such a deep understanding?) Hearing this kind of words at this moment, he frowned a little dissatisfied with the emptiness of his thoughts.

This sentence is indeed correct in human society, because the social thinking at that time has been completely dominated by the absolute interests of commercialization.

But here is the Friends of the Clan. The merchants created by Void Fantasy were not for the purpose of making them make money. It should be said that making money is only a side function of the Friends of the Clan of Merchants.

Although the appearance of hong merchants is somewhat accidental, their task is to be responsible for the circulation of small commodities that the management transportation team cannot care about, and at the same time strengthen the flow of information among the ethnic groups;
As for the fixed shops in the city, they are only used as a commodity transfer station, responsible for exchanging the goods produced by the urban factories with the goods in the hands of the people, so as to supply the life of the urban population and the development of the ethnic group.

The so-called profit is entirely to meet the living needs of workers and management.

In other words, the current commodity trading behavior of the friends is more like barter, and copper coins are an absolute intermediate tool, not money in the current sense.

However, over time, businessmen whose main purpose is to make money will obviously appear gradually.

In this regard, Kong Huan also knew that it was inevitable.

But at this time, it was only 9 AD, and the copper coins had been issued for less than two years. To be able to hear such blatant remarks about interests here made Wu Fan, who was extremely sensitive to the internal situation of the friend clan, feel a little uncomfortable. There are some puzzles.

(How did these ideas emerge? Could it be that these 'businessmen' chatted and discussed? Is my estimate of the development speed of the friend society still too slow?)
Nodding to the few people outside who noticed him, Kong Huan found a clean calcium carbide floor and sat down, then looked up at the podium that was usually used for large meetings.

On the podium, the original person who made the statement of "the essence of a businessman" was debating with several people who rose up to refute him.

He patted the original person beside him friendly, who seemed to have just come out of contemplation, and Kong Huan planned to understand the current situation in a more direct way.

Among the friends, because of their own factors, Yiren are generally filled in the management, schools, teams, courts, messengers, etc., while the workers in farmland, shops and ordinary factories are mostly composed of original people.

However, after the war, some free wingmen realized the benefits that trading can bring, and began to switch to this profession. This is one of the reasons why Yiren Konghuan chose this profession to play.

"What's the matter?" As soon as he got out of thinking, someone greeted him, and he was still an unknown person, which obviously made the original person feel strange.

"Sorry to bother you, my name is Huan Kong, and I'm a novice merchant. It's not the first time I've come here, but I just want to ask what they're doing." With an apologetic smile, Kong Huan pointed to the people around him, and then pointed to Refers to the red-faced original man on the stage arguing with the people around him.

From the beginning of the domineering 'essence of a businessman' speech, this person has been advocating the essence of a businessman and the interests of a businessman, but he didn't make any more outstanding speeches, so that he quarreled with the people around him.

This made Kong Huan a little disappointed, but at the same time, he also had some understanding in his heart.

If he can say more useful words and organize them into a book, he might become a great man in the business field. After all, until now, the Pengzu has just begun to take the form of business, and there is no theoretical basis. support.

(Do you want to study business issues?)
However, if what this person said today was entirely his own, I am afraid that as long as this sentence can be passed down, he can already become an important figure among businessmen.

"A peddler? A novice?" Looking curiously at Kong Huan, the original man looked around and didn't rush to answer, but said with a smile: "My name is Chen Guang, and I'm also a peddler."

(Well, it turned out to be a colleague.)
"Who are they?" Not very good at communicating, and he didn't like detours, so he got straight to the point. In the eyes of this merchant, he seemed a little impatient, but the two of them didn't seem to mind it.

"It's just a small talk," he said, and Shang Shang Chenguang smiled and shook his head.

But when Kong Huan was thinking about whether this merchant regarded his colleague as an enemy and concealed something, the other party paused for a moment, and then explained carefully to Kong Huan.

It turned out that these businessmen would go to the square to chat in the daily city working hours. It has been going on for a long time. Every day, they would chat about different topics, but at first, they just chatted about their own things. .

Until one day, two businessmen had a dispute over a certain issue. When they were at a stalemate, the businessmen who seemed to be in distress suddenly began to form cliques, supporting two and more opinions after that, resulting in a large area. quarrel, but with the supervision of the city patrol and even the team, they can't fight.

As a result, everyone is a civilized person, talking but not using hands. After arguing to no avail, a simple way of debating appears.

(I forgot about this, so I will write it down and go back to promote it later.) Hearing this, Kong Huan quickly took out his notebook and wrote down the word [debate].

As for the behavior of the empty illusion, the merchant just looked at it, then shook his head with a smile and continued, thinking that this was a novice's behavior of taking notes.

Who doesn't have this habit as long as they have studied in a friend school?

After that big debate, at first it was divided into several small groups of squares where they chatted, and gradually turned into a place for group debates, resulting in the special scene of "square debate" in Baishi City.

As for other cities, according to what Chen Guang said, they seem to have begun to learn to carry out such leisure activities, but each has its own characteristics.

Yes, in the eyes of many people, even these debate members, this is just a leisure activity for everyone to pass the time.

But it is precisely because of this that people can freely express their opinions, and local governing bodies have not interfered with this.

After the debate appeared, the merchants in the city who had the longest leisure time became the main members of this 'square debate', while the itinerant merchants became bystanders.

People can no longer remember what was the first issue that caused the debate. Nowadays, sometimes a topic may be debated for ten and a half months, and sometimes a topic is only debated for a few sentences before it is over.

But according to Chen Guang, until now, it seems that there has not been a topic that has been truly debated successfully, because even if a certain issue has reached a consensus on a certain day, after a period of time, someone will suddenly think of something again, and this issue will be discussed. overthrow.

Therefore, business people always have countless problems to discuss.

Even during work and rest time, they are used to thinking about the issues in the "square debate", which makes the businessmen in Baishi City seem to be more flexible in thinking.

Of course, according to Chen Guang, it is more cunning.

Hearing this, Kong Huan smiled in relief.

Some things just need this kind of unconstrained discussion.

But in the current situation, although the person on the stage has talked a lot, and even quarreled with the people around him, his face was red, but no one has made excessive abuse.

"Didn't they swear when they were in a hurry?" This thing was very common on the Internet before, and Kong Huan still remembers the joking feeling when he read those posts on the Internet.

"Oh, there was some time ago, and then they got anxious and even started fighting, and even the team got involved, so that the high-ranking officials ordered the debate to be suspended for ten days, so that those guys can reflect on themselves."

Speaking of this, Chen Guang seemed to think of something and suddenly laughed, which greatly increased Void's curiosity.

And Kong Huan's expectant expression was obviously very satisfied with the original businessman in front of him. He looked around and whispered to Kong Huan: "It's funny to say, but those guys couldn't hold back for three days, so they ran to the senior officials to swear , saying that everyone’s behavior will definitely be restrained in the future, and even fiddled with such things as the "Debate Regulations."

"Hey!" Kong Huan looked at the surrounding merchants in surprise, and felt admiration in his heart.

Is this the pressure to generate power?It seems that after such a pause, this 'square debate' actually became normal, (well, have to make a note.)
Thinking of this, Kong Huan took out his notebook again, wrote it down after the "Debate", and asked for the "Debate Regulations" from the senior officials of Baishi Province.

Of course, morning light cannot see what is written on the notebook.

"Then, did the senior officials agree to reopen the 'Square Debate'?" Looking at Chen Guang's curious eyes, Kong Huan had to say sorry in his heart.

Remembering things on it will cause doubts about one's identity, and it can be regarded as something that will affect the future planning of the management. It is better to keep it secret before implementation, although there are no occupations such as enemy agents and agents...

(Hey, wait, secret agent, this job needs to be written down, it may be useful in the future...)
Seeing the empty movement, Chen Guang smiled.

In his opinion, it is obviously selfish and unreasonable for this kind of fledgling little guy to write down his experience and not let others see it.

However, the two just met by chance, so why bother so much.

Hearing the illusory question, Chen Guang's thinking was obviously led to this direction, and then he looked at the central administrative area strangely and said: "Then, then the high-ranking officials exposed them for another two days, and waited for five days before allowing them to be quickly Bored guys go on."

"In the end, none of these guys dared to swear anymore, and they were afraid they would fight again and be banned, because the senior officials said, 'Fight again, take them all to the quarry to dig stones for me, and if you want to argue, wait until they come back. Debate.’ But the problem is that after going to the quarry, I’m afraid they won’t be able to do a leisurely job as a shopkeeper after they come back, unless they are willing to change their job to become a merchant.”

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing Chen Guang's words, Kong Huan couldn't help admiring these businessmen and this senior official.

These businessmen are clearly self-conscious and self-disciplined.

After an accident, she is still calm until now, and seems to have gotten used to the constraints of this regulation, so all behaviors seem to be normal;

But this high-ranking official knows how to give both kindness and strength, neither like some serious managers who enforce the law so strictly that when people fight, regardless of the reason, they immediately pull them to work in the quarry according to the law; nor like some gentle managers who always It is estimated that the acquaintances are indecisive in the judgment and punishment, resulting in the loss of the majesty of the law.

(He is already a high-ranking official. Well, Die Wu needs to join the Presbyterian House to break through to the Youshen level. In 10 AD, the management will have to move again. Maybe it can be pulled to the management.)
After thinking about it, Kong Huan raised his head, only to find that Chen Guang was looking at him helplessly, and the surroundings were quiet.

"What, what's the matter?"

This kind of atmosphere is obviously not a good thing, and seeing the angry or helpless expressions of the businessmen around, Kong Huan immediately turned his eyes for help to Chen Guang, the only person he knew.

"The third rule of the debate rules: When someone is speaking, others must not make any noise. You laughed too loudly just now."

"Ha!" Looking at the people around who hesitated to speak, Kong Huan stood up sweating profusely.

"Sorry, I'm new here, I don't know the rules, please continue." At this time, the identity of a novice is really useful. Without this as a shield, Kong Huan doesn't know how to deal with this situation.

After all, this is not a elder's house.

"Really, Chen Guang, you didn't tell him the regulations first."

"That's right, newcomer, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Sorry, I forgot what I just said."

Seeing the reactions of the people around him, Kong Huan finally realized that there seems to be an unspoken rule of bringing the new with the old?Or is this also the content of the regulations?
However, it is impossible for Kong Huan to remain indifferent when he sees others being blamed because of himself.

Kong Huan apologized and thanked, and sat back down again.

And the brief turmoil, like the waves on the surface of the lake, returned to calm after a while.

After listening carefully, the current topic seems to be the 'essence of a businessman'.

After listening to the content of the regulations described by Chen Guang, Kong Huan asked curiously while memorizing the content.

"Chenguang, you should be a merchant who has traveled to many places, what do you think about this thing?" I have to say, as the positioning of myself becomes clearer, the character played by Kong Huan who doesn't know anything about this profession , but a curious novice businessman' is becoming more and more similar.

"Aha, I'm actually only active in the south. Do you want to talk about the essence of this businessman?"

Subconsciously, he turned his head to look at the businessman in the stands who was discussing with the people around him, and who made such advanced remarks as 'a businessman is to make money'. Chen Guang seemed to shake his head with some disdain.

"In my opinion, the essential role of merchants should be to enable people from all over the world to obtain goods from other places."

Resolutely ask for monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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