Spore Story

Chapter 327 Businessmen, profit-seeking should be done to a degree

Chapter 327 Businessmen, profit-seeking should be done to a degree

'Commodity Circulation' and 'Copper Earning'.

After Kong Huan summarized the businessmen's remarks on the stage and Chen Guang's businessmen's remarks, these two words were recognized by all the businessmen present.

However, the words are agreed, but the debate on which of the two is more important, which is right and which is wrong, immediately overwhelmed the previous topic of "businessmen making money", which further increased the popularity of the square.

However, what surprised Kong Huan was that most of the merchants who were mainly responsible for the circulation of goods supported 'earning copper coins'; on the contrary, the merchants who were originally responsible for the transaction of goods, that is, making money, supported more " Commodity Circulation'.

But after thinking about it carefully, Kong Huan also discovered the reason.

Today's merchants, most of them value the interests of merchants, and appear spontaneously.

Their purpose is to earn currency for themselves. Although they play the role of a small commodity circulation, that is only the opinion of the high-level. In the eyes of these merchants, their main purpose is to earn copper coins to support those who are not interested in planting farmland. Own.

As for shop merchants, most of them are factory workers. Although they are also responsible for exchanging commodities into currency, they consider issues from the standpoint of managers or factories.

As far as the factories are concerned, they obviously hope that the goods will be circulated everywhere, and the behavior of "making money" has become a side effect under the unconscious restrictions of the management. Therefore, they are more supportive of the circulation of goods.

From this point of view, Chen Guang, who is a merchant but supports 'commodity circulation', and the guy on the stage who was a merchant but supported 'copper coin earning' at the beginning, are two guys who are outliers in their profession.

Of course, let's ignore the pseudo-trading ring.

However, the time of the day is limited after all. When the discussion had just entered a climax, several patrol members who had been watching the show suddenly reminded, 'It's time to get off work. '

In an instant, the businessmen who valued their work more seriously dispersed, leaving a stunned Kong Huan still standing there, accepting the surprised eyes of several patrol members.

(From this point of view, whether it is earning copper coins or circulating goods, taking care of your own business is king!) Shaking his head and smiling, Kong Huan looked at the factory area and school area that seemed to be bustling with activity, and also followed the morning light Back to the inn.

Since the other party is a merchant, it is obvious that he also lives in the inn, but he does not know how many days he has been here.At least after listening to the debate for most of the day, Kong Huan already planned to stay here for a few more days, and looking at this Chen Guang, he obviously liked the atmosphere of this kind of debate.

"Ah! Don't think about it too much, setting up a stall, as a merchant, how can we forget about the business?"

(This is a great time to learn about life in urban populations.)
...Buzzing Thoughts & Working Businessmen...

"Ah...we're exhausted."

As night fell, Kong Huan slumped back to the inn in the residential area of ​​the city with the rest of the merchandise on his back.

"I didn't expect the guys in the city to be so good at bargaining. We obviously don't pay much attention to the price, but we still get dizzy."

At this time, various voices came from behind Kong Huan: "I said, your price is a little too cheap. If you look like this, you won't be able to make much money this trip. You are really a novice."

"Damn, I'm close to this kid, and I haven't sold a few."

"Your prices are cheap, those people are going to buy your things, it will be miserable here, you don't know how to pay attention!"

"Sorry sorry."

Looking at the few merchants who came in with big bags and small bags, Kong Huan nodded apologetically.

But looking at the faces of these people, it is obvious that everyone is still very dissatisfied with the illusory low-price sales behavior.

"I'm sorry, I won't be like this tomorrow, and I didn't expect this to happen. If I want to raise the price later, I will be besieged by a group of people. I can't raise it at all."

Kong Huan himself didn't value copper coins because he wasn't a real merchant, but others didn't. After all, merchants depended on this to make a living, didn't they?
So when he thought of discovering that his 'price doesn't matter' attitude caused damage to other merchants' transactions, Kong Huan thought about raising the price.

But the problem is, the group of people who found that the price here is cheap here in Kong Huan obviously won't allow Kong Huan to temporarily raise the price.

The previous person you still sell goods at the price of 2 copper coins, but when you come to me, you will become 3 or even 4 copper coins, what is this!
If you have a good temper, you just complain a few words; if you have a bad temper, you immediately yell...

Responsibility, it's nothing, as long as the illusory display ignores Dafa, that's all right.

But the problem is, those cute little girls who are calculating the price carefully, only to find that the price has suddenly increased, will stare at you with tears in their eyes at this time, as if Void has become a full-fledged villain at this moment, This made Kong Huan, who had no ability to fight back, immediately fall.

So, he had to bear the anger of his peers, bite the bullet and insist on his price until night fell and the crowd dispersed.

But at the moment when he returned to the inn, he was almost isolated in the hall below, and he could only silently pick the food in his mouth amidst a bunch of verbal criticism from his peers.

Fortunately, due to the good law and order situation, and the strength shown by Kong Huan, there are soul-level early stage merchants, most of whom are just ghost-level ordinary merchants, and they can be regarded as "gentlemen who talk but don't do anything". (Who dares to do it =.=)

"Okay, okay, didn't he do it on purpose in the ring space? Everyone saw in the middle, how those customers behaved when he wanted to raise the price, no one would dare to change us, let's not be an example."

Perhaps because of their acquaintance, coupled with the fact that their thoughts are somewhat different, Chen Guang stood up to speak for Kong Huan at this moment.

"However, this price does have to be fixed, otherwise it will be difficult for everyone to set a price for each person." The conversation changed, ignoring Kong Fan's grateful eyes, Chen Guang looked at the surrounding merchants, and stroked the products in front of him. The wood carving said so.

This proposal immediately aroused the echoes of the surrounding merchants.

(Price control? Unified pricing?) Hearing the words of Hongshang Chenguang, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, but in an instant he was sullen, (this thing can be good or bad, although it is generally necessary. But how to control it? Who To control? These are the key.)
In the human period, these things were generally controlled by the government, but there were also some countries that were controlled by big businessmen. Generally speaking, there was chaos with subtle order.

Now it seems that the Pengzu is also beginning to face this situation, so what should Kong Huan, a member of the elders' house, do?

"In my opinion, it's better for us merchants to discuss a unified price together."

"How do you discuss this? Isn't everyone at the same price? Besides, we travel around in business and set a good price. People in other places may not be willing to accept it."

The peddler obviously made a point, the peddler discussed the price internally, maybe these few people would abide by it now, but what about the others?What about people from other places?
This is the gap between managers and non-governmental organizations. If managers are allowed to do this, they can directly mobilize management agencies in various places and implement it on a large scale.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Once there is a problem with the management and regulation, it will be a big problem, not to mention whether it can satisfy the businessmen and the public, it will be a test of ability.

At this moment, the inexperienced Kong Huan sat obediently aside, picking up the tasteless food while listening to the discussions of the merchants.

"Actually, we don't need to think so far. You see, we are only in Baishi City now. Among the things we buy, some commodities that everyone has, we can discuss a price that everyone is satisfied with... Well, as for those special items , of course it’s whoever sets the price.” After thinking about it, Chen Guang seemed to be thinking about it for a while.

And the surrounding merchants took advantage of this time to put forward their own suggestions.

From the beginning to the end, these merchants may really think that Kong Huan is a novice who knows nothing, and it is useless to ask; maybe it is their behavior during the day that made them feel dissatisfied, so no one paid attention to Kong Huan sitting aside.

Only the waiter Yujie, when Kong Huan went to clean up Kong Huan's bowls and chopsticks after eating, gave Kong Huan a few words of comfort, which made Kong Huan feel very emotional.

(This quality should enter the high-level maid team.)
The merchant's internal discussion of pricing was learned by the merchants during the "square debate" where they continued to discuss "making money and circulation" the next day.

The prices of factories and shops are generally determined by the factory managers who accept high-level proposals, so shop merchants generally have no say in prices.

But since they are all businessmen, and the merchants want to discuss, they are not to be outdone.

When the meeting was adjourned the next night and everyone started shopping, the prices of certain commodities within the merchants had begun to be unified, and the merchants in the shops who saw the situation seemed to be about to move around, and some of them even proposed to jointly propose to the factory managers' Price self-adjustment' proposal.

But up to now, the group of "unified pricing of goods within the merchant" led by Hongshang Chenguang is just like an unspoken rule, and the unified price is only a default fact, and has not further developed an obvious organization.

After getting a general understanding of the emptiness that has been clear for the past two days, I plan to push it forward.

The unified price behavior of commodities, as long as the price can be stabilized to a certain extent, it will not be a situation where one hundred people have one hundred prices like friends, and it will be much more convenient for the people to buy things.

However, what must be noted here is that it cannot be used by businessmen to make huge profits. This situation obviously needs to be jointly supervised by the public and the management.

But for the public, if there is no core, the effect of this kind of supervision will be greatly reduced. Therefore, public supervision groups can be organized by the government and developed into voluntary private institutions.

On the night of the third day, Wu Fan, who had sold out the goods the day before, sat in the lobby of the inn, waiting for the return of the merchants.

"I'll just say that it's okay to unify the price. Everyone has the same price. If you want to bargain, you don't have to sell it."

"Yeah, do you want to add a little more to the price? Anyway, we are the only ones selling it, and people in the city only spend an extra copper coin, but we can get dozens more copper coins?"

"No, if it is too much, those customers will not buy if they are unhappy, and we will not make any money."

"It shouldn't be too much, after all, it's not much added."


Seeing the peddlers who came in arguing, Kong Huan, who had planned to step forward, did it again, and at the same time frowned worriedly.

(These guys, have they already thought of such a thing by this time?)
At this time, it would be a bad thing to gather these merchants. I originally planned to propose a pricing organization, or even the illusory idea of ​​the chamber of commerce, but I suppressed my thoughts and planned to continue to observe.

"Don't buy it? It's impossible." The arrogant voice just now seemed a little hesitant after hearing that sentence.

"How can it be impossible? You must know that we merchants are just buying some dispensable things."

"And the unified pricing is only decided internally by the dozen or so merchants staying in Baishi City temporarily. It's really urgent. They don't want these products, and we can't force them to buy them, right?"

Hearing this, Kong Huan couldn't help but smiled and heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt grateful for his previous unconscious behavior.

The initial commodity circulation was carried out by the regular [management transportation team] organized by the high-level. The commodities transported by this team were mainly important materials such as grain, salt, and bronze wares, and the sales of these materials were all managed by the cities. Layers are uniformly carried out at reasonable prices.

In particular, the price of food is completely in accordance with the price standard specified by Pengcheng, and there is no possibility of large fluctuations.

If this is not the case, just in today's situation, there may be internal fluctuations due to the intentional price changes of the merchants.

At this time, listening to the words of these merchants, Kong Huan couldn't help but feel a little depressed, (Are merchants really looking for profit? Wasn't it a little naive to want merchants to serve the ethnic group completely?)
Shaking his head, Kong Huan looked up at the group of businessmen surrounded by Chenguang.

This peddler obviously has his own thinking and is very creative, since he put forward the idea of ​​'uniform pricing of commodities' that has never been done before. Under the heat wave, he also seemed a little hesitant.

"I hope you don't let me down." He said in a low voice, and Kong Huan gently put the tea cup provided by the waitress for free on the table, then got up and walked to his guest room.

For Kong Huan, the businessmen who are dazzled by the benefits at the moment, it is meaningless to listen to the topic at this time. To whom the right to set the price is handed over.)
In fact, at this moment, the emptiness already has another idea, three groups that have a say in pricing: businessmen, the public and the government.Each has the right to participate in pricing.

Merchants, who are responsible for the circulation of commodities, earn profit from the price difference by selling commodities;

The public, who are responsible for the use of commodities, meet their own needs by purchasing commodities;
Governments, they are responsible for the supervision of commodities, and by controlling commerce, they stabilize the trading market.

The first two are directly related to commodities. If they are in charge, it is easy to appear biased, just like the idea of ​​these businessmen today, and the public obviously prefers cheaper commodities. At this time, a restraint organization is needed , that is the government.

However, if the government is responsible, it is almost certain that there will be bribery by businessmen, resulting in an imbalance among the three parties, so what should we do?This makes people have to have a headache.

"It's really...complicated."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan slammed himself heavily onto the bed on the concrete floor. (Of course, face down =. =)


On the fourth day, there were no special circumstances. The merchants who had sold out their goods had already left one after another, and the new merchants came to Baishi City again, and accepted the experience of their predecessors and implemented unified pricing.

The merchants in the shops did not attract the attention of the top management to the commodity price issues raised by the managers of the factories, so they were dismissed by the managers.

But these shopkeepers have not realized the benefits for the time being, or the changes in interests have little effect on themselves, so they just let it go.

And Hongshang Chenguang has already left. After all, he still has his own products to sell, and he didn't realize the importance of the consensus he had inadvertently established before. Maybe, he can do it in the future, but not now.

But to Kong Huan's surprise, the other party who hadn't talked to Kong Huan for a few days actually remembered Kong Huan as a novice when he left, and asked if he wanted to leave together, but Kong Huan temporarily planned to observe in Baishi City for a while, so he rejected the other party's offer kindness.

On the seventh day, it was time for sales. Because there was nothing to sell, Kong Huan was walking on the street and found that something was wrong.

There are obviously fewer people shopping on the street, and even though they bought things, they all have a hint of aggrieved expression, which makes Kong Huan realize that these merchants who have gained experience from their predecessors but have no rational restraint seem to have made a mistake. Some bad decisions.

"What's the matter with you, you really raised the price?"

Because the merchants who stayed in Baishi City have changed one or two batches, now no one among these merchants knows that Kong Huan is a 'novice', only a colleague who is attracted by the 'square debate'.

It's just that the empty illusion products have been sold out, and as soul-level, they don't have any idea of ​​greeting empty illusion, even if they see more, they are just in awe.

But at this moment, Kong Huan was sitting in the hall, looking at these businessmen with a frosty face, who were discussing "after today's price increase, whether they are earning more or less", and asked these businessmen dissatisfied. The majesty is still revealed at this moment.

This obviously frightened these merchants who were only ghosts. Seeing the empty faces, one or two were a little submissive.

But after the atmosphere was cold, Kong Huan was stunned again.

Think about it carefully, they uniformly raise prices in order to earn more profits, isn't it their nature to be 'businessmen chasing profits'?

Do not!
Rubbing his forehead heavily, Kong Huan shook his head in his heart.

That's the nature of human businessmen, this is the friend race, it's my race!I don't want to, and I don't need businessmen to take "profit-seeking" as their nature.

Thinking of this, the empty eyes became firmer.

"You can raise the price, you can indeed earn more copper coins, but have you noticed the faces of those customers today?"

After glancing at everyone, Kong Huan knocked heavily on the table, and the dull voice echoed in the hall.

"Maybe you don't feel much about it, but you will increase the price. So, if the price of our hotel doubles today, what do you think?"

Using mental communication to stop the waiter Yu Jie who wanted to refute subconsciously, Kong Huan looked at these merchants seriously.

This is a very common method.

With Kong Hua's previous deterrence, these merchants will not underestimate Kong Hua's words.

Looking around at the quiet merchants, Kong Huan sighed, got up and left his seat and walked to his guest room.

"The most important thing is, don't be dazzled by the little profit. Today you raised the price and made a small profit. Will customers come to buy your things in the future? Remember, you are just merchants, not management!"

The last sentence was obviously more convincing than the previous ones, but for this, Kong Huan could only shake his head with a wry smile, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Comment, comment, so that we can know what the readers think, and we can better improve the civilization of the friends, isn't it? =w=
(End of this chapter)

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