Spore Story

Chapter 328 is a single mission, the dense forest incident

Chapter 328 is a single mission, the dense forest incident
"Excuse me... ah, is it Master Konghuan?"

"it's me."

Walking slowly into the high-level temple not far from Baishi City, as a member of the elders' house, plus the illusion that he ran around during the war, it is obviously impossible for Yiren, who is the high priest of the high-level temple, not to know him at this moment .

Therefore, Kong Huan did not hide his identity.

What's more, the purpose of his coming here is to send a letter to the top management.Has anyone ever seen an ordinary merchant who will go to the high-level temple to deliver a message to the top management?The messenger of the high-level temple is a righteous god.

"There are some things that need to be passed on to the top management by Nanfang Zhengshen. When will he come over the next time?" He shook his head and looked at the high-level temple. After the cement appeared, the transformation of the high-level temple was also going on.

However, the main part of the high-level temple is the statue and the altar. As long as these two things are well protected, other things are just accessories.

Therefore, the high-level temple has not actually undergone much transformation, that is, the walls have been strengthened, and the roof of the tiled house has been changed to a curved cement roof.

"The god will stay at the Temple of Pengcheng every morning, and will rotate a temple every day in the afternoon. It is expected that he will come to the Temple of Baishi City in the afternoon three days later."

As a member of the House of Elders, Kong Huan obviously has the qualification to call the high-level temple to send messages, so when he heard Kong Huan's inquiry, the high priest immediately replied respectfully, and asked: "Is the letter urgent or ordinary?"

For urgent letters, these priests can directly communicate with the gods, but that is obviously troublesome; and for ordinary words, just wait for the gods to come by themselves.

"Well, it's not so urgent, it's okay to wait for three days."

After thinking for a while, Kong Huan took out the notebook at his waist, and tore off a few pages that said, this time, he considered the issue of product pricing.After looking it over carefully, Kong Huan wrote a few more strokes before handing it over to the high priest.

"Remember to keep this thing well, let the people in the management discuss it first, don't rush to implement it, the main thing is this matter." Looking up at the priest, Kong Huan said solemnly: "However, the matter of my appearance here, apart from you And Nanfang Zhengshen, don't tell other people, you know."

"Yes." Infected by the illusory and serious expression, the high priest immediately straightened his waist and nodded, expressing that he would never spread the word.

Smiling in satisfaction, Kong Huan turned and left.

After various trainings during the war, the number of soul ranks increased greatly, enabling each high-level temple to be equipped with a high priest.

However, most of them are at the middle stage of the soul level, and they are obviously a little weaker in the face of the illusion of the peak soul level.

"Business, although it is said that 'business should develop freely', for those of us with low IQs, businessmen are really not trustworthy, so some restrictions must be added. Of course, the things brought by business cannot be ignored. .”

Smiling and shaking his head, Kong Huan looked up at the sky.

It was still in the middle of the morning, and at this time a few days ago, Kong Huan should have been sitting in the square, listening to the lively debates of those businessmen, but now, he did not plan to stay in Baishi City any longer.

Those merchants had the previous reminder, it would be fine if the price was stabilized, but if the price was increased blindly, Kong Huan had already notified the high-ranking officials here how to deal with it.

After returning to the inn to pay the bill, Kong Huan bid farewell to the waiter Yujie who had a complicated face since he reprimanded the merchants that night, took his own to rest comfortably in the inn for a few days, and was already a little flustered The camel dragon Meow Meow walked out of the inn.

"Speaking of which, you still don't know the waiter's name? Forget it."

When a man and a beast came to the square, the debate among the merchants was still going on. Surprisingly, the topics discussed by these guys were still 'making money and circulation'. It seemed that they would never stop without discerning the truth.

But this illusory has lost the initial interest.

"If you identify 'merchant circulation', that's fine, but even if you identify 'merchant seeking profit'. With the constraints of management, you can only pursue profit within the framework of management, so , there is nothing to listen to anymore, the rest is your own business."

With a confident smile, Kong Huan, who had already purchased sufficient goods in Baishi City, walked out of the south gate of Baishi City along the street full of calcium carbide trees.

"Passing through Baishi province, now we are going to the third ring road? What is waiting for me there?"

Looking up at the front where the population was gradually thinning out, Kong Huan patted the camel dragon beside him, and walked forward with the armor box on his back.


A few days later

"Is my life related to sleeping on the streets?"

Depressedly looking at a pitch-black forest, he shook his head speechlessly, stretched out his hand and patted the restless camel dragon Meow, and the two of them stopped in the dense forest.

Since it is necessary to ensure that the earning of civilization points is not delayed during the trip, Konghuan has to accept those tasks not far from the area he is traveling.

Now the task is to go to this forest to solve the case of animals disappearing for no reason.

But after walking a large circle in the forest and scanning back and forth several times with mental power, I could only see the illusion of some small animals. I also felt that this task might not be so simple.

However, if it is not a little strange, how could it be issued as a level 3 task by the will of the planet?

Speaking of which, at the very beginning, Kong Huan thought that the Level 3 missions of the Civilization Control Center were all large-scale missions with a large number of people and a large area.

For example, after the last "Processing the Underground Passage in the Central Province", I continued to do follow-up tasks such as "Processing the Passage of the Friends' Territory" and "Excavation Planning of the Dunjia Clan". civilization points to meet the research consumption of the research mode during the War of the Penglings.

But later, Konghuan discovered that level 3 tasks should actually be divided into two categories: one for multiplayer and one for single player.

Needless to say, multi-person tasks are all tasks with a large number of people and a long time;
The single-player mission can only be completed by Konghuan alone. This kind of level 3 mission is generally a very dangerous task for Konghuan, but the time required is not very long. It is suitable for obtaining a large number of missions in a short time. Be civilized, though, the security is way too low.

This is the first time for Kong Huan to accept this task, because there is only one level 3 task closest to him, so Kong Huan took it with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

"Dangerous, who is the target of this mission? An epic creature?"

Shaking his head, since he couldn't reach the nearest village tonight, or even the concrete road, Kong Huan could only continue to sleep in the open. Regarding the issue of missing animals, Kong Huan actually had his own ideas.

And for this kind of camping situation, he was also prepared.

"Dangdang! The illusory version of the camping tent." This is a forest tent that he made from a large piece of sackcloth, which is suitable for his own use.

After a while, a small fire was ignited in the forest, and then, the smell of barbecue began to permeate the area. There were no big animals, and even small animals were edible.

"I really miss my old life. I slept in the wild and ate raw meat. I still had diarrhea after eating cooked meat for the first time." Thinking of the happy place, Kong Huan couldn't help laughing.

And the originally silent forest, because of the illusory laughter, added a hint of terror.

"Good night, Meow, have a good night's sleep, and tomorrow we'll go find those villains."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan turned around and got into his tent.


In the middle of the night, the camel dragon Miaomiao, who was snoring slightly, suddenly opened his eyes vigilantly, looked up and looked around.

Due to the lack of population, in the entire territory of the Peng clan, there are many places such as forests in the original ecology, especially the third ring road and beyond. The population density is getting smaller and smaller, and the forest area is getting bigger and bigger.

And where the empty illusion and the camel dragon are now, is the outlying area of ​​a large dense forest.

But this is not a place like the World of Warcraft Forest or the Endless Forest in the fantasy world, so there is no saying that the monsters become more powerful as you go in. For friends, if you go out now, unless you encounter rare special animals and powerful monsters. Epic creatures basically don't have to worry about their own safety.

But at this time, in the dark dense forest, there seemed to be many unknown things that were constantly moving, and gradually surrounded the location of Void and Camel Dragon.


Shaking his body and getting up from the ground, Tuolong Miaomiao stared at the grass in front of him, and roared lightly.

The camel dragon is a vegetarian animal, but it has evolved so much in nature, it is impossible to be vigilant, and when encountering enemies, the camel dragon is also very resistant.

Because their strength is close to that of friends, if it explodes, creatures of the tyrannosaurus rex level will not dare to do anything to the camel dragon.

But at this moment, Tuolong Miaomiao felt a great threat.

Following the training content of the animal trainer, the camel dragon Miaomiao began to roar, and approached the tent carefully, flicking its tail to remind its impudent master who was still sleeping.

Suddenly, as if something swept over here, the camel dragon suddenly stopped roaring, its body movements calmed down instantly, and there was a trace of confusion in its eyes.

After a while, it seemed to have received some order, and it sank into the dense forest ahead without looking back.

Inside the tent, Kong Huan closed his eyes and carefully felt everything around him through magnetic sense. After a while, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

(So ​​it was really you guys, old friends? Hehe.)
Smiling in his mind, Kong Huan in the tent did not make any movements, and lay still quietly, as if he had really fallen asleep.

As time passed by, Kong Huan frowned slightly.

Originally thought that the other party would leave after taking away the camel dragon that the other party was planning to take away. After all, the Pengling War is so long, and the remnant soldiers of the ground spirit tribe who have persisted until now cannot be so careless.

(Hmph, seeing that I didn't respond, did you actually get bolder?)
Shaking his head with some regret, Kong Huan instantly opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.

However, the mental power that was originally intended to contact Kong Huan was withdrawn as if being electrocuted the moment Kong Huan stood up, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Tch, I thought it was so powerful, so timid."

After thinking about it, Kong Huan still didn't release his mental power, but closed his eyes again and lay down.

"Wait until I get a good night's sleep, and I'll clean you up tomorrow... let's go."

With that said, the atmosphere became strangely quiet.


In the early hours of the morning, the warm sunlight shone into the tent through the analysis of the linen, and the original combination of one person and one animal became a lonely person at this moment.

Although there are also human factors in it.

Accompanied by the sound of clanging bronze, Void in armor came out of the tent with a big thorn, and casually released a weak range of mental impact, causing several animals not far away to fall to the ground instantly.

The [Thunderscale Type 1] armor assigned to the peak of the soul level is composed of breastplate, skirt armor, helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, etc., and is connected with chain armor, which can be regarded as a full body armor.

Under the sunlight, the circuits on the armor reflected light, making them appear extremely mysterious.

Even though he didn't like thieves very much, Kong Huan still put on this armor.

On the one hand, it can also be considered as its inventor, Wu Huan, to conduct an actual combat test on it; on the other hand, if the level 3 mission is only an enemy of this level, isn't it too bad?

"Not only stole our Miaomiao, but it can also be regarded as letting Miaomiao go on a trip, anyway, we will bring it back, but actually stole all our goods, we are now a standard peddler! "

After putting away the remaining tents and other things, Kong Huan closed his eyes for a little feeling, and opened the four wings behind him.

"Stealing things is not an easy task, just wait for the owner to get it."

The four wings flapped vigorously, and the figure of electric light was mixed with it, rushing up to the height of the treetops with a strong air current, and flew straight in one direction.

On the edge of the forest near the mountains, a group of animals with complex composition are walking towards the mountains, including Tyrannosaurus rex, brontosaurus, camel dragon, and ridge dragon, etc. What is surprising is that there are actually two wings in the sky dragon.

"I don't know how these two miserable guys were controlled."

If an uninformed person sees it, they may think that the animals are holding a party of various races, but Kong Huan, who is hiding in the woods not far away, can be regarded as an insider.

"There are so many, so obviously there is more than one?"

After calculating the number of creatures here, Kong Huan also had to be careful.

According to my own calculations, the number or quality of the opponent is likely to be an existence that I cannot confront directly, and if I rush forward as stupidly as before, the only end is to become one of these animals.

No, maybe as the main consciousness, he will be decisively silenced because he cannot control it. It is not that this situation did not happen when he encountered the opponent's ruler.

"But how did these guys get together?"

The animals stopped after reaching the edge of the mountain range, like marionettes out of control, and they lay staggeringly in the open space below the mountain range.

Hundreds of animals of medium size and above (more than friends), laying dead bodies under the mountains, this scene is really intrusive.

Unnaturally adjusted his helmet, Kong Huan's eyes lit up.

Because, at the edge of another dense forest, my little friend Tuolong Miaomiao is walking out of the woods with goods on his back.


"Uh, my pottery."

Obviously, the camel dragon Miaomiao was nothing special, so after walking to the edge of the mountain, it fell down like other animals. The crisp cracking sound clearly showed that Kong Huan paid hundreds of copper coins for the exquisite pottery, At least half was reimbursed.

Perhaps because of being infected by the business profession, Kong Huan couldn't help but want to rush out to save his remaining goods, but, after all, he is mainly rational, and reason prevails.

But Xu is that the cracking sound is too different from the natural sound, and the animals all stopped for a short while.

At this time, two figures came out from the mountains, and with their appearance, the group of animals began to move.

"Sure enough, there are more than one. Let's see what you guys want to do today. When you appeared in front of my eyes, you were already dead, quack quack."

The remnants of the Spirit Race hadn't been wiped out since the ground battle a few years ago.

Even after the defense of the three major fortresses, there have been cases where a single or a small number of Eldar entered the ground through secret passages.

For these enemies, even if the two sides are at peace now, the friends will not show mercy.

Because there will be a war between the two races sooner or later, this is almost the consensus of both sides.

Carefully supporting the mental protection force field woven with mental power, Kong Huan checked the situation of the distant enemy with his vision.

The level of mental power used by the spirit race is very high. If Konghuan uses mental power to check, it will be found for sure.

However, during the War of the Friends, in order to deal with the spiritual power scanning problem of the Eldar, the Priest School of the Friends also researched the prototype of the current spiritual power protection force field.

But while protection brings safety, it also restricts the external use of spiritual power. Therefore, the empty illusion can only confirm the enemy through vision and magnetic sense. For the level of spiritual power of the spirit race whose full strength lies in the spirit, at this moment He doesn't know.

The two Spirit Race people quickly discovered the existence of the camel dragon Miaomiao, and they seemed to be a little interested in the things on Miaomiao. The two seemed to communicate and began to disassemble the goods on it.

But obviously, what is easy for Tuolong, Void and other friends is a bit heavy for the Eldar.

After a while of extremely low efficiency caused by moving, lifting, and dragging like a joke, the two Eldar people finally realized the gap between their small arms and legs and the camel dragon.

After summing up with each other, they, who didn't want to give up these commodities, returned to Tuolong Miaomiao's side again.

After a while, the camel dragon Miaomiao stood up unsteadily, and then followed the two Eldar men to the mountain range, picking up the scattered goods they dragged along the way.

I looked at the open land at the junction of the mountains and the dense forest, and there were groups of dead animals; I also looked at the mountain cave where the two spirit tribesmen and the camel dragon meowed, and they disappeared; woods.

The emptiness hiding in the woods felt very confused.

"What are these spirit people doing? Cult rituals? Isn't Double Moon Star a fantasy world?"

But when it was mid-afternoon, Kong Huan, who was about to lose his patience and was about to approach the cave of the spirit tribe, suddenly felt the ground shaking.


Looking at the two pterosaurs in the sky, Kong Huan hesitated for a moment, but gathered the four wings on his back, and hugged the big tree beside him.

(No, not like an earthquake?)

The vibration of the ground alone cannot be called an earthquake, because the passing of large animals can also cause the ground to vibrate, and the way the friends judge earthquakes is the disorder of the magnetic field and the ability to warn of disasters that seems to have been weakened.

At this moment, although the trees were shaking violently, and even though the animals in the distance were controlled, they subconsciously let out terrified roars, but the magnetic field of the overall space did not change, and the flying creature pterosaurs in the sky did not change at all. An unstable situation arises,

Suddenly, Kong Huan felt a violent tremor on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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