Spore Story

Chapter 329 Do you want to eat me, no way

Chapter 329 Do you want to eat me, no way

Thank you Mango Hero and Slaughter Xuanshen for your support =w=
It was once said that such a huge sandworm is impossible to appear.

Then "Dune" expressed tears in his speech, because the sandworms there have become a pillar industry of civilization.

Therefore, we ignore the rationality of the existence of sandworms.

Let’s just say it’s reasonable. After all, human science has only been around for a few hundred years, and it can’t even explain things like spiritual power. What qualifications do you have to say that something you can’t explain is unreasonable. This is not the same as a white-skinned Are creatures as overbearing?


"So! You don't need to get us sandworms in the interior, Sinai!"

At this time, Kong Huan had the urge to smash the will of the double-moon planet, and this is only a level 3 task!

There are epic creature-level sandworms in the desert, and you can say that the sand is soft, but in places like inland forests and mountains, the appearance of sandworms is not a serious bug, do you want to be scolded by readers!

But unfortunately, it is one thing whether someone scolds, but it really happened and this is the reality.

Well, it shouldn't be called a sandworm.

Kong Huan cautiously huddled under the big tree that was 'frightened' and fell to the ground because of the infestation of sandworms (in fact, he was crushed under =. =).

After taking a closer look, he found that the monster in front of him suddenly emerged from the mud, and with the might of my king who hadn't eaten for N centuries, swept away those poor animals laying dead in front of the mountains... Well, it should be an epic creature, right? .

After all, if this is not an epic creature, Kong Huan thinks that the classification and creation of this world can be handled according to the model of a senior!
So, this epic creature, which looks a lot like a sandworm, just ate like no one else was there.

Its body is covered with fine scales, which seem to be washed clean by the mud, so it looks shiny.

The diameter is about six or seven meters, and the body exposed to the ground is only about 40 meters (only?).

The mouth occupies the entire head as before, and things like eyes seem to be gone, and the lightning flowing in the mouth breaks down all the food swallowed into the mouth like sharp teeth.

But just the size and power of the enlarged version of the earthworm's body completely suppressed all the surrounding creatures. (The earthworms who were used as bait sent a congratulatory message and spoke arrogantly. Who would dare to use us as bait! Who would dare! Then I was invited to have a carnival with the fish =. =)

In the entire forest, only the sound of this epic creature eating, as well as the sound of mud, stones and trees scattered.

"It's just a level 3 mission, is it necessary?"

Thinking back to the "Report on the Distribution of Epic Creatures in the Territory" that the ethnic group investigated and now exists in the archives, Kong Huan realized that he and others really underestimated these guys.

So far, among the epic creatures surveyed by the ethnic group, there are only three in the entire territory of the friend clan: one sleeps in the Crescent River and soaks in Duke Zhou; one basks in the sun and eats sand in the eastern desert; and one lives in the northern mountainous area Occupy the mountain as king and enjoy life.

But the one who appeared in front of Kong Huan at this time was obviously the fourth one, a guy who hadn't been found in the previous Youshen class's comprehensive inspection of the territory.

"Sure enough, an epic creature is an epic creature." After thinking for a while, Kong Huan carefully moved the leaves beside him, hiding his figure: "It seems that this task has become more complicated?"

Spirit race groups, planetary missions, epic creatures... Void, he found sadly that the weakest one in it seemed to be himself, who was only at the peak of the soul level, and if converted to the strength of the spirit race, he was only a little guy of a high-level spirit race.

As for the spirit race group, the other party can attract so many animals, obviously there are not a few of them, and there should be quite a few elite-level spirit races. If there is another ruler... Kong Huan plans to pack up and go home.

"Well, let's first see how the Spirit Race recruited such a guy."

Under the oppression of the huge power of the epic creature, his thinking became a little confused and illusory, and he completely forgot about the issue of spiritual power.

They are used to the convenience of mental scanning, eyes and so on are more of a habit, so in this kind of desperation, Kong Huan naturally used his spiritual power at the peak of the soul level.

Swipe, look, be surprised...

"No, it was discovered!"


I don't know why this guy is so sensitive to mental power. Needless to say, the spiritual power of epic creatures is completely accumulated by body size, not controlled by the brain, so it is generally very dull and can only be used for self-defense.

But at this moment, Kong Huan had just used his spiritual power, and the opponent immediately stopped his life-like eating behavior before, and turned his head (mouth?) decisively to Kong Huan, as if Kong Huan's mental power was an epic-level taunting skill.

At this time, even if a mountain is pressing on your head, you have to push it away. My life is important.

What's more, now it's just to hide the broken tree trunk that's being pressed on him, so Kong Huan only slightly exerted force, and the small tree more than one meter thick moved towards a certain part that looked like a sandworm. fly away. (Looks like that part is the most attractive =.=)

Kacha, the moment the broken tree flew into the opponent's mouth, it was turned into dust by the flashing electricity in the opponent's mouth at those moments without any pressure, which seemed to replace the teeth.

Speaking of which, from the beginning to the end, Kong Huan didn't find anything other than skin, blunt protrusions and lightning in the opponent's mouth, and of course there were no teeth.

(I said, this guy's energy value is also ridiculously high.)
The moment the tree flew out, Kong Huan spread its wings and flew into the sky. After killing the two flying pterosaurs with stiff movements without any pressure, it carefully stayed in midair.

"Hey, no matter how powerful your epic creature is, you can't deal with me in the sky." Any creature has its own domain, just like the epic creature in front of you. Although it is almost invincible on the ground and underground, but against the sky, There was nothing he could do.

In comparison, Yiren is much freer in the sky, but Kong Huan can only hover in this airspace at the moment.

It wasn't that Kong Huan didn't want to run, but that he couldn't.

Although the interior of the Pengzu territory is sparsely populated, there are also people who are not.

This is the inner circle of the third ring, that is to say, it still belongs to the inside of the friend clan. If you run around with such a big and brainless guy, if the other party happens to pass by a certain population settlement, you think a group of friends is more delicious than a friend , that emptiness has no place to cry.

It would be great if there were more floating mountains, but in the entire Double Moon Star, with 8051 statistics, there are no more than sixty floating mountains, and the one located in the territory of the friends is only the priest mountain.

Regarding the intelligence level of epic creatures, Hollow is very clear, although they only know how to eat and sleep, only know how to survive, only know how to reproduce, and only know... How do I feel that I am talking about myself?
Forget it, anyway, that is to say, epic creatures basically have no brains, because they are so powerful that they don't need that thing to help them survive.

"We who compared the epic creature with the Youshen class at the beginning are actually a tragedy."

After trying several of his most powerful moves, but found that the other party did not respond, and it felt that he was not even tickled enough, Kong Huan resolutely gave up this kind of behavior. After all, it is impossible to grind a little bit like pushing a boss in reality. die each other.

Unreal's three strongest attacks.

[Psychic Power Shock] concentrated the maximum output, and the result was that Kong Hua was dizzy by himself.

For this brainless epic creature, this attack is useless unless it can target every cell, because the mental power of the opponent is gathered from every cell.

Therefore, when Kong Huan attacked, the opponent just opened his mouth in doubt. By the way, when the opponent opened his mouth, he just swallowed the two pterosaurs that Kong Huan kicked down from the sky;

[Lightning Strike], if you use a lightning strike with less than Youshen level strength, you can only do it with the energy control LV5.

However, it is obvious that the other party's control, those things that shine with a low-key light, seem to be more powerful.

When the illusory lightning strike strikes the opponent's mouth, it seems to be at the same level as the unstable current coughed up by this guy when he convulses for a certain second.


[Dive Leg Strike], this is the strongest physical skill issued by Yiren. With the advantage of diving and physical fitness, he rushes down from high altitude and steps heavily on the target.

And while risking being swallowed by the other party, he circled and kicked this close relative of the sandworm, Kong Huan confirmed one thing very seriously, the muscles of the epic creature, after tens of millions of years, After that, it finally evolved from lava to the sun.

"Is this the toughness that creatures should have!" Obviously, Kong Huan didn't expect that the scale iron used as thunder scale armor was also extracted from biological tissues.

"Forget it, let's run away decisively."

The emptiness at this moment obviously cannot escape from all directions, the underground is the opponent's home field, let alone, so...

"The sky is the home field of Yiren."

Kong Huan, who was about to fly away, suddenly felt a little dazzled.

Why, the epic creature below, with its head held high, suddenly gave Kong Huan a feeling of getting bigger?


"Damn! This soul can still dance!"

earth shakes
Even at an altitude of [-] meters, Kong Huan can still feel the vibrations produced by the epic creatures that fall to the ground and communicate with Mother Earth cordially, being attracted by gravity and unable to escape the restrictions of physical rules.

"Huh, fortunately we fly high."

The difference between the sky and the earth lies in this, no matter how powerful the epic creature below is, because it can't exert its powerful spiritual power, the other party can only sigh at the emptiness in the sky... above.

Inexplicably, Kong Huan began to complain about the cloudless weather.

"Why is there not even a cloud, we can't hide if we want to!"

In this way, Kong Huan can't leave, and he can't leave without finding out the reason for the opponent's appearance. If the epic creature is controlled, the destructive power will be too great.

So, the two sides confronted each other like this...

one day……

two days...

ten days...

Hundred... Do you think it is possible?
In fact, for epic creatures, this kind of stalemate for hundreds of years is not a problem, because these guys are sometimes full, and it is common for them to sleep for the past few years. This is why there are three in the territory... um, Now there are four epic creatures, but the ethnic group didn't pay attention to each other's reasons.

Because dealing with epic creatures will obviously cause great losses to the group, whether it is the loss of a hundred people or the loss of a ghost level, it is unacceptable to the friends.

Therefore, the two sides have lived in peace until now.

But Kong Huan is an ordinary creature, flying in the air, even though he can hover for a long time with the updraft, but when night falls, he still feels that he can't support himself.

What's more, Kong Huan was obviously more concerned about those Spirit Race people who had been silent all this time.

Because most of the epic creatures are brainless, they will not think about anything other than eating. As long as this requirement is met, the epic creatures are actually very gentle, but the spirit race is different. They are a civilized race and they belong to the friend race. enemy.

Moreover, now it seems that the previous actions of the Eldar people were obviously preparing food for this epic creature, but why should they feed the other party?
Epic creatures won't do things for you just because you give them food. It's fine if they don't eat you together. This is probably why the Eldar people have been invisible since the epic creatures came out.

But that being the case, why do you still do what you did before?

Do these Eldar people have a way to control this epic creature?

Or can communicate with each other, by satisfying each other's food seeking, in exchange for the action help of epic creatures?

No matter what the situation is, when these two parties come together, it is a situation that Kong Huan will never allow.

Shaking the sour wings, the body began to mobilize the electric current to stimulate various parts of the body, and spread it as evenly as possible to the cell level, which is more conducive to stimulating the body's potential and allowing Kong Huan to last longer, but Kong Huan knew that in the end he still did not Might last longer than epic creatures.

The epic creature in front of him looks completely petrified, without any movement. If the two sides keep doing this, the epic creature will gradually accumulate soil, grow weeds, and finally turn into a mountain.

But how could the illusion persist for so long?

Regardless of Void's advantage now, the opponent's huge body will bring him the effect of slowing down anyway, just like the humans in the eyes of flies, of course, humans without fly swatters.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of hovering, under the stimulation of the current, Kong Huan swooped down and stepped on the opponent's scales again.

After staying for less than half a second, Kong Huan popped out with all his strength, and then stepped heavily on a rock on the mountainside.

The powerful impact shattered layers of rock, but the same force, what was exchanged for that epic creature was just a thunderbolt from the point of contact with the skin, comparable to a lightning strike.

Obviously, as long as the illusion at that time hesitated a little bit, it would be concentrated by lightning strikes one after another.

With a click, the shattered rock that just jumped off from the fantasy was turned into powder under the rolling of the epic creature.

At this time, Kong Huan also had a sliver of understanding, which is why this kind of guy can move in the inland ground, with strong physical strength and oral decomposition ability.

Suddenly, Kong Huan's head became dizzy, and the next move he was about to make was delayed by a step.


He paid too much attention to the Epic creature, and was attacked by the hidden spirit race. Although he was only dizzy for less than a second, it was enough to make Empty feel hopeless.

Seeing the giant mouth of Thunder that enveloped him, Kong Huan was stunned.

"Could it be that my emptiness just died like this?"


So, one of the protagonists is destroyed, and the protagonist jumps to the next one... I don’t know how many people expected this. (=.=)

However, the illusion did not die like this.

The mouth of this epic creature is different from ordinary creatures, it only has a bare channel shape, and apart from the electrode-like protrusions inside, it is even high-energy lightning, which is almost destructive to ordinary creatures and plants, but it has always been As far as the emptiness that maintains the electric stimulation is concerned, it has little effect.

Up to the current position, the void wrapped in the mouth by the epic creature is just paralyzed and unable to move.

And perhaps because it has always used the lightning in its mouth to destroy food, the epic creatures have no idea of ​​chewing up the void in their mouths.

Looking at the scene beside him, Kong Huan couldn't help thinking of his electric shock mouth when single cells evolved into multi-cells.

"I don't know, is this guy a previous branch of biological evolution?"

At this critical moment of life and death, Kong Huan unexpectedly developed a sense of pride.

Look, one of our branches is so powerful. (You are swallowed by this branch =. =)

Well, this kind of ignoring Dafa is obviously already at the level of inhumanity.

A few minutes later, the void showed no signs of being broken down. Instead, every part of the body was filled with powerful energy. The tough cells that were originally tempered by the energy core were now supported by the energy core of the blood and the electrodes of the cells. Holds more energy.

However, the circuit of the armor on his body was in chaos, and under the stimulation of the current, various energy skills were randomly firing around.

Perhaps the epic creature has never seen something that its own lightning chewing method can't decompose.

And when it eats a stone, how does the creature respond?Answer, spit it out.



Kong Huan felt that if he could see the scene at this time, the spirit clansman who was backlashed by Kong Huan's mental power before, and now probably passed out or even lost his mind, would definitely be pissed to death.

After the epic creature spit out the stone, Void, it stopped paying attention to Void at all. It had been in a stalemate with itself for a long time, but the little thing that couldn't do any harm to it turned its attention to the remaining food.

Sitting on the ground in a daze for a while, the empty fantasy that woke up from the momentary panic in the mouth of the epic creature, the first thing he did was to plunge into a small river not far away.

"So sad!"

Although there is obviously no foreign matter in the mouth full of lightning, Kong Huan still scrubs the surface of his body uncomfortably, but the numbness brought by the powerful energy continues in the body, and the creatures in the water seem to be stimulated by the electricity naturally emitted by Kong Huan. Belly.

Looking around, he probably realized that if he continued to stay in the river, 8051 would probably come over in a few days and angrily denounce his massacre of creatures in the river.

Coming out of the river angrily, Kong Huan looked up at the cave where the Eldar people were.

"No matter what relationship you have with the epic creatures, as long as you kill you, there will be no problems."

At this time, the illusion is also connected, no matter what relationship these spirit tribes have with the epic creatures, there are no accident reports from the surrounding cities, and these spirit tribes are still feeding each other obediently, but they did not appear when the epic creatures appeared Judging by their plans, it's clear that they haven't started yet.

Well, killing these guys, whatever the plan (it can't possibly be good for the Friends anyway), will die down.

At most, there will be one more creature in the archives of the friends, just an epic creature located in this forest.

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(End of this chapter)

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