Spore Story

Chapter 330

Chapter 330
Will people always pay attention to the stones they spit out?

Generally speaking, not at all.

Therefore, this epic creature who only knows how to eat food and eat available food (let's call it [Earth Dragon]), this Mr. Earth Dragon, obviously will not pay attention to the non-food that seems to be inedible.

In fact, he obviously never thought that if he swallowed the void, it would still be digested in ten days and a half months, and it would be much more nutritious than ordinary food...

Of course, none of them knew about this, and those who knew obviously wouldn't tell this Mr. Earth Dragon.

Then, speaking of the illusory attack power, it is indeed tragic that they can't do any harm to Mr. Tulong.

Therefore, in the eyes of this Mr. Earth Dragon, the illusory sense of existence is probably not as strong as those fresh game meats that lay corpses on the ground, waiting for the giant mouth of the Earth Dragon Thunder to eat.

(It's a bit more powerful than the torch, refer to Shana, one of the sources of Naimiya's poison...something in it.)
Therefore, at the beginning, when Kong Huan moved under the huge earth dragon's eyelids to the Eldar cave, he was still cautious. After all, the other party had just swallowed him. If he did it again, he might swallow it directly.

But after a while, Kong Huan realized that his worries were unfounded.

Even if Kong Huan walked up to the other side, not far from Kong Huan, was the big mouth of the other party who was eating, this Mr. Earth Dragon still didn't respond, even if Kong Huan got closer, the other party would subconsciously move his mouth away...

(Could it be said that after being eaten once to prove that he can't eat, this respectable Mr. Earth Dragon will commit the wingman phobia among food phobias?) Kong Huan is deeply ashamed of his own thoughts, although in nature you eat me and I eat you I'm used to it, but now that I'm a civilized person, how can I say it so directly.

(So, anorexia...)
"What the hell am I thinking?"

Kong Huan in OTZ suddenly found that since he escaped from Longkou, his spirit seemed to be a little abnormal, with some excitement and more indifference.

"Let's get down to business." Unable to figure out what was wrong with him, Kong Huan straightened up his electric body, and subconsciously looked at the earth dragon behind him.

"Are you really not going to react?"

After thinking about it, Kong Huan was not sure, so he walked to the skin of the earth dragon in a few steps.

As long as he reacts quickly and won't be attacked again, Kong Huan thinks he can still escape the opponent's attack.

Kick, I kick... didn't break the defense.

The earth dragon was still decomposing the food leisurely.

Kicking, I'm kicking... still haven't broken the defense.

The earth dragon was still decomposing the food leisurely.

Raise your hand, strike with a lightning fist...still didn't break the defense

The earth dragon was still decomposing the food leisurely.


"OK, the confirmation is correct, we can safely and boldly deal with these guys hiding in the cave."

Seemingly very busy, he clapped his hands, Kong Huan turned his head to look at Mr. Tulong who was still struggling with the food, but was really not eating fast.

"At this speed, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the food here in a few days." As for whether Mr. Tulong can eat these foods, Kong Huan won't worry about it.

Turning around with a smile, Kong Huan strode towards the cave.

There is a technique of using mental power, which the school of priests named [Seed].

In actual use, individual A interferes with the spiritual power of another creature B with his own spiritual power, and produces a spiritual power seed in B's spiritual power that can exist for a long time and has the same frequency as A's own spiritual power .

This seed is generally harmless to B, and it will not really grow on its own like a seed, but will only gradually dissipate.

But before the seed dissipates completely, it will continuously send out mental power fluctuations, pointing out to A the location of B and the mental state of B as an individual.

This skill has been used in schools to monitor students who go out for exercise, and it is used in scouts during wartime. Even if the scouts do not return, it can also analyze the enemy's situation from the opponent's mood swings.

And this is why Kong Huan can safely let Tuolong Miaomiao be taken away.

These spirit race people obviously don't know this kind of very superb mental power skills. After all, although their long years have given them a lot of research time, their mental power skills mainly focus on biological control, biological manipulation and brain worms. transfer on.

In these respects, they can be said to be absolute authorities, and friends are completely incomparable, and even unable to learn, but in other respects...

Therefore, when they took Miaomiao away, Miaomiao would continuously and automatically radiate spiritual power outwards. For this kind of spiritual power, the spirit race people who don't understand it will only regard it as a special property of creatures, anyway, it has not caused them any harm. Direct damage, the inexperienced Eldar people ignore this point.

Thus, Tuolong Miaomiao became a virus, a hacking virus that pointed out the location of the Eldar for Kong Huan.

At the same time, by feeling the condition of the camel dragon Miaomiao's spiritual seed, Konghuan can also know whether Miaomiao has been killed. After all, it is his own camel beast. After this journey, Konghuan doesn't want to find another one, it will be very troublesome.

"This is it?" Looking up at the deep cave in front of him, Kong Huan smiled and began to gather energy, the horn on top of his head turned into a light bulb again, pointing out the way forward for Kong Huan.

Taking a step forward, Kong Huan walked into the rather small cave passage.

At this time, it can be regarded as going deep into the enemy's hole, but Kong Huan is so careless, it seems that there is no sense of crisis.

Looking at Kong Huan's previous personality, this seems surprising, but the reason is that Kong Huan already knows that the spirit race people here are obviously not very powerful, and there is obviously no ruler who can threaten Kong Huan.

Because it is impossible for the will of the planet that monitors the entire planet to know about the epic creatures appearing in the level 3 mission (here is the will of the planet, not 8051, which is now just an agent).

Then, under such circumstances, the task is still only set to level 3 difficulty.With the overwhelming strength of the epic creatures, the spirit race people obviously wouldn't be so powerful.

Otherwise, as far as the peak of the soul level is concerned, there is no need to consider the issue of fighting at this moment, but the issue of escaping needs to be considered.

However, the necessary caution should still be.

After looking at the deep cave, Kong Huan closed his eyes and carefully felt the position of the seeds.

But soon, Kong Huan opened his eyes again and turned to look at the wall beside him.

(Unexpectedly, these guys are unexpectedly close.)
Smiling nonchalantly, Kong Huan, who was wearing thunder scale armor, raised his gloves made of scale iron.

Although he is only equipped with Thunderscale 1 type bronze armor, he is the director of the Technical Bureau after all. Although there are very few iron scales, it is not a problem to use leftover materials to make some small offensive weapons.

"Let's try something. I've always wanted to do something that didn't work out. It feels like it will succeed today."

With the adjustment of the empty energy, he was gradually stimulated by the mouth of the earth dragon, and the cells in the whole body that had condensed a large amount of energy began to emit a faint gleam.

Then, these shimmering lights gradually dimmed, and slowly converged towards the right hand, forming spirals that seemed to exist, and then were continuously compressed by the illusory mental power to become smaller and thinner.

The light blue light in the passage became brighter and brighter, gradually covering the unicorn above the head, filling the entire passage.

"It's a pity that the control is too poor, otherwise the genuine electromagnetic gun is a good way."

Shaking his head regretfully, Kong Huan looked down at his right hand, under the control of his LV5 energy, a powerful spiral magnetic field was taking shape.

In the magnetic field, a group of red liquid matter that has been melted by high energy is constantly trembling, as if it wants to break through the shackles of the transparent barrier and rush to the free world.

But it obviously didn't realize what a free world represented.

Raising his right hand lightly, aiming the spiral magnetic field at the wall, the thunder scale armor on Kong Huan was ready to defend against failure.

"Then, the illusory miniature version. False. Experimental. Type [-]. Ultra-railgun, launch!"

Accompanied by a dazzling red light, there was a dull bombardment sound and a slight tremor on the ground.

The powerful energy erupted this time even made the earth dragon who was eating on the ground pause for a while, but that was all. The eyeless earth dragon obviously didn't see the slightly sunken corner of the mountain beside it.

"Ah Qi!" Waving his wings to dissipate the surrounding dust, Kong Huan curiously looked at the target he was aiming at, a rock formation estimated to be three meters away.

However, what Kong Huan saw was an irregular passage of gravel, and at the other end of the passage, the heads of a few blank spirit clansmen.

"This, failed? Or succeeded?" Scratching the back of his head, Kong Huan looked at the passage ahead in doubt, and walked towards the goal step by step.

When that attack was issued, after melting, the liquid metal rotating at high speed under the action of the magnetic field, as soon as it left the spiral magnetic field, spread out due to the strong centrifugal force, and then, driven by the strong forward kinetic energy, bombarded heavily On the wall where the illusion is the target... and the area with a radius of two meters around it.

The uncontrollable force smashed the three-meter-thick rock layer like a heavy hammer in an instant, smashing an unlucky Eldar on the other side of the rock layer into pieces.

Smiling nonchalantly, Kong Huan flapped his wings to disperse the dust, and at the same time retracted his trembling right hand behind him like a master. Walk up to the N long cave.

Meanwhile, the camel dragon Miaomiao, who was empty-handed, was carrying the goods with confused eyes, squatting in a corner of the cave. It seemed that, as empty-handed imagined, these guys left Miaomiao and planned to continue dragging the goods.

In other words, they don't intend to stay here for long.

The people of the Spirit Race who were frightened by the blow of Kong Huan hadn't recovered yet.

They could clearly see Kong Huan's actions before, because the spiritual people's external perception relies on spiritual power, so from the beginning, Kong Huan gathered electricity in his hand, and then the wall collapsed for more than five seconds. They can see clearly.

And that miserable spirit clansman had actually dodged, unrealistic about the possible attack range, and, like his teammates, was preparing to deal a powerful blow to this enemy.

But he obviously didn't expect that Kong Huan's move was still very unskilled, so Kong Huan's attack failed, but he accidentally took the lives of the Spirit Race people.

But at this moment, these spirit clansmen who planned to ambush Void, did not know how to react.

With a quick glance, there were eleven spirit clansmen in the entire cave, the number was slightly higher than Kong Huan's estimate, but not too many.

One of them was in a coma, suspected to be the guy who sneaked into the void at the beginning; one was shattered, it should be the cupped man who was killed by accident; the remaining nine people were in a daze.

"Ah, I didn't expect our ability to surprise people one day. I'm really satisfied."

He smiled funnyly, he had no position in front of the earth dragon before, but at this time, he obviously just wanted to gain some comfort in front of these enemies.

However, Kong Huan is very clear about why the villain is the villain, so he will not give the enemy any chance to react.

While saying this sentence, Kong Huan has already confirmed his target situation with mental power.

The eleven spirit race people all have the body of double scythes. Except for one who ignores death and one who cannot judge the level of mental power because of coma, eight of the other nine are all elite spirit race at the beginning of the soul level. The next place is the high spirit race at the peak of the soul level.


(What's going on? There is someone at the same level as me? Could it be that my assessment of level 3 tasks is wrong, or the will of the planet thinks that I am a peak soul level and can fight against an epic creature + a peak soul level + ten soul level Early stage?)

Shaking his head, although he was puzzled by this, Kong Huan did not dare to give these spirit racers a chance to react.

The moment he confirmed the opponent's strength, Kong Huan first launched a mental power attack on the other eight elite spirits, calculating the consumption of mental power.

After an impact, the sound of falling to the ground one after another made the remaining high spirit race react.

With Kong Huan's remaining spiritual power, it is impossible to use this kind of pure strength confrontation to kill the opponent, so Kong Huan first cut off the opponent's henchmen, so as to avoid the situation of being attacked before.

But for the death of the team member, this high-ranking Eldar seemed to have no grievances at all.

In his opinion, these elite spirit races are nothing more than his own fighting tools, which is a pity, and it is only because it makes him have to face the enemy directly.

In fact, after several years of war, coupled with the powerful interrogation capabilities of the Dream World, the Friends already know some of the social conditions of the Eldar.

Among the Eldar, the only two things that really matter are the Breeding Nest and the Ruler.

The rulers are the command core and the highest combat power of the spirit race. At the same time, because they enter the ghost level, they can get rid of the shackles of the giant Zerg's short lifespan through independent consciousness. Its importance is self-evident;

The breeding nest is the core of the reproduction of the spirit race. Without this thing, the mixed race of the spirit race cannot continue at all.

In addition, other spirit race people, whether they are ordinary spirit race, elite spirit race, or advanced spirit race, have a lifespan of no more than 30 to [-] years, and a short lifespan of only one or two years. In addition, they cannot reproduce themselves. are consumables.

After a long period of time, in the eyes of these ordinary spirit race people, social common sense that no matter whether it is their own life or the lives of their subordinates, has appeared.

What's more, at this moment, the mental strength of this high-level spirit clan told him that although the previous attack of the enemy in front of him seemed to be very powerful, and he was not dealt with by the earth dragon outside, his strength was only the same as his own, and he belonged to the high-level spirit clan who was close to the ruler. That's all.

To reach this level, you only need to take one more step, and you will become a ruler who transcends the existence of ordinary members.

No one wants to let himself stay in the position of a tool all the time. The ruler is the goal of all the spirit tribe people, and for this high-level spirit tribe, it is only one step away.

Among the Eldar, fighting is the best way to level up.Every ruler has grown up in battle, and he himself, when he was lost on the surface a few years ago, was only at the mid-stage soul level.

Therefore, the void in front of him seemed to be regarded as a combat opponent by this spirit clansman, no, it was an upgrade tool.

Feeling the opponent's burning fighting spirit, Kong Huan shook his head depressingly.

Compared with the Eldar who fought all day and night, although Kong Huan also participated in the battle during the war, he spent more time as a researcher, a government employee, not a soldier.

"Surrender, both parties of Pengling have reconciled. After surrendering, I can send you back to your race."

Although he knew it was not very useful, Kong Huan still used the more common language within the Spirit Race to persuade the other party to surrender through spiritual power.

However, like the remnant soldiers of the Spirit Race that Pengzu has encountered in the past few years, the other party ignored the empty words at all, but carefully walked around the cave, focusing on the changes in the surrounding environment, with a sharp chill in his mental power, and The sickle on the opponent's back also shook slightly.

Kong Huan, who also went around the cave and confronted the spirit clansman, carefully protected himself with mental power.

In the battle between friends and spirits, mental strength is indeed a key, but in the eyes of friends, the key role is to assist, not actively attack.

Therefore, many times, when encountering one-on-one, friends will choose to protect themselves with mental power, and use other offensive abilities to deal with the enemy.

After all, in terms of attainment of spiritual power, even if You Konghuan used the research model to cram his feet temporarily and produced a lot of results in a few years, the Peng Clan might not be able to surpass the accumulation of the Spirit Clan who didn't know how long.

What's more, Kong Huan had confronted epic creatures before, and dealt with eight elite spirits at once, which consumed a lot of mental power.

As for Kong Huan, his strongest attack lies in energy.

The bright light shone in the cave again, and the circuit in the armor on Kong Huan began to emit a faint light because of the flow of energy.

All these dazzling things cannot be seen by a spirit without eyes, but this does not prevent his mental power from telling himself, 'The surrounding environment is very dangerous. '

Slightly shortened his body, before Kong Huan could react, the opponent actually dodged and disappeared in front of Kong Huan.

"Hey! So fast!"

Before he had time to check the enemy's position, Kong Huan immediately activated the armor's circuit, instantly releasing the [Thunder Flash] skill covered by the armor's surface.

Hedgehog-like thunder and lightning instantly filled the half-meter space around Konghuan.

It’s another Monday, looking for all kinds of support~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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