Spore Story

Chapter 331 The Battle of Friends in the Cave, Flash

Chapter 331 The Battle of Friends in the Cave, Flash

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As you grow, your enemies grow too.

The speed of this high-ranking spirit race was obviously somewhat unexpected.

For a long time, the concept of "the body of the Eldar people is just a tool for moving" is too deep in the hearts of friends. Among them, the various armies who have been fighting with the frontal forces of the Eldar tribe are the most victorious, followed by From the report of each team, and the elders' house that summarizes the experience with real feelings.

But everyone ignored these, the remnants of the spirit race on the ground changed due to different environments.

So much so that, at this moment, Kong Huan didn't even think about taking precautions against this aspect.

Fortunately, Thunder Flash can indeed provide Kong Huan with a strong defense. If the opponent is attacking him, the powerful Thunder Flash can instantly paralyze the opponent.

But this high-ranking Eldar had no thought of getting close to the illusion from the very beginning.

He has been dodging on the ground for at least three years. At the beginning of the middle stage of the soul level, he was able to step up to the current peak of the soul level, and he was so close to becoming the ruler. The battle, and honed out.

Coupled with his war experience as an elite spirit race, he is very aware of the difference in physical fitness between spirits and friends, so it is obviously impossible for him to be stupid enough to use close combat to fight against emptiness.

While the thunder flashes that were exhausted by disappointment did not have any practical effect, Kong Huan also heaved a sigh of relief.

At least, in terms of distance, the opponent is still the same as an ordinary spirit person.

When the light of the thunder flash disappeared in a few seconds, the high-ranking spirit clan had already stood beside a group of elite spirit clans that had fallen to the ground before.

"Cut, it really is this habit."

Seeing the opponent's actions at this time, Kong Huan had already thought of the idea of ​​this high-level spirit.

Compared with other races, it is obviously infinitely easier to control people of the same race as oneself.

And although the mental force impact before Kong Huan eliminated these elite spirit races, it only killed the spiritual consciousness of the other party, and the body was still alive.This situation, in human medical terminology, is a vegetative state.

There was chaos on the battlefield. When it was the turn of this kind of vegetative people to appear, it was usually when a large number of high-level spirit races and even rulers fought against the ghost class, and no one went back to pay attention to this situation.

After the war, there will be cleaning soldiers on the friends side to make up the sword, and the friends don't know what's going on on the spirit side, so that the empty fantasy is negligent at this time.

The Spirit Race's biological control skills are meant to seal off the spiritual consciousness of the original creature, or even touch the spiritual consciousness of the original creature in extreme cases, and then use one's own spirit to control the opponent's brain, and control the body through the brain.

Therefore, at this point, it seems that Kong Huan's previous behavior, when he eliminated the opponent's eight teammates, incidentally created eight convenient and usable control materials for the opponent.


Maybe it was laughing triumphantly, ignoring the other party's movements, the short body burst out of electricity in an instant, stimulated by the earth dragon before, it rushed towards the spirit man at a speed several times higher than usual, bringing out afterimages, if it was The visual refresh rate is slow for the eyes, and even the illusory figure cannot be seen.

But the spirit man doesn't have the idea of ​​visual deception at all, because they don't have vision, and the spiritual power clearly pointed out the illusory movement track for him.

While running, Kong Huan felt his eyes go dark, and a spirit man holding a sickle appeared in front of Kong Huan's eyes.

"Do you think such a fragile thing is useful?"

Looking contemptuously at the carapace body in front of him, Kong Huan punched the opponent's sickle without stopping.

Relying on the power burst skills practiced under the pressure of the dark blood pressure, combined with its own energy control ability level, the empty fist slightly brushed the opponent's sickle edge, and then smashed heavily on the back of the sickle, controlling this spirit man The body of the body is quickly knocked into the air.

With a click, the sickle shattered from the double attack of insufficient strength and energy.

Therefore, the body of the elite spirit race had to face Kong Huan's left fist directly, and then he strengthened again with Kong Huan. Although it made Kong Huan feel a sting, the left fist also rushed into the opponent's head without any hindrance, and then stirred ...

This is the real Achilles' heel of the spirit man. Without the control center of the brain, the spirit man will no longer be able to control the corpse.

At this time, Kong Huan was considered to have completely solved one of the several spirits.

Pulling out his left fist quickly, Kong Huan jumped away from the headless corpse with all his strength before the scythes of the four spirit man control bodies arrived.

In hand-to-hand combat, the spirit man did not have much advantage, but at this moment, Kong Huan, who was still in mid-air, suddenly felt a tingle in his spirit, and his movements immediately became a little stiff.

"Acupuncture? Humph! Get the hell out of here!"

Both sides are at the same level. Although Void's mental power is consumed a lot at the moment, it is not something the other party can solve with mental power impact.

But the dizzy spirit still made Kong Huan's movements slightly stagnant, and the four spirit man control bodies immediately rushed forward.

The moment before the opponent's sickle was about to cut Kong Huan, relying on advanced energy control, Kong Huan finally mobilized the energy in his body, rushed into the armor, and activated its auxiliary function.

At this time, if there is no circuit support of the armor, even if the energy of the illusory and ghostly body level, there is no specific energy move without mental control, this immediately shows the benefits of external equipment, because at this time he only needs to mobilize the energy to recharge. into the corresponding circuit.

Accompanied by another strong light and another burst of lightning, the four spirit men who took the opportunity to attack were paralyzed.

Because it was too close, the strong electricity contained in the lightning directly penetrated the skin and flowed into the opponent's body, instantly interfering with the brain's electrical signals controlling the body.

And the brain that has lost control of the body can no longer produce any effect even if it is controlled by the high spirit race.

Although he didn't understand the reason, it didn't prevent this high-ranking Eldar from realizing the uselessness of the four living beings.

Knowing that now is not the time to explore the question, he immediately withdrew his mental power to control the four living bodies, and turned his attention to the remaining three living bodies.

And the four spiritual beings, whose bodies were emitting electric sparks and trembling constantly, immediately lay down limply on the ground again.

These four organisms can actually be used, but they have to wait at least tens of seconds before the strong electricity in their bodies dissipates completely, but will Konghuan give the other party this chance?What's more, this spirit man didn't know if it was true.

The moment the last three spirit man control bodies started to move, Kong Huan had already moved behind the spirit man with the help of the small cave space.

Although there is no context for the observations of the spirits, the double sickle bodies they use have, for example, the pair of sickle limbs cannot attack behind.

Sensing the danger, the spirit man leaped forward decisively just before Kong Huan was about to hit him, and exchanged a sickle limb for a period of life, once again showing his flexibility beyond that of ordinary spirit men.

"Cut, why are you struggling, just live a few more seconds?"

Kong Huan waved his hand and threw the sickle limb towards one of the spirit man control bodies, but unfortunately, the other party dodged it.

"Is the control force up to four people?"

It is very difficult for one consciousness to control several complex creatures at the same time. For example, Konghuan can only control three people at the same time, and Lingyue can only control one person at the same time. Spiritual people who have practiced and summed up long-term experience can generally only control four or more people. ten people.

This has little to do with strength, at least it has little to do with strength before the spirit god level, that's what 8051 said.

Now it seems that this high spirit race at the peak of the soul level does not have strong control power.

But that's unreal enough.

Once again, to Kong Huan's surprise, after realizing that the power of friends is indeed not something he can fight against, this high-level spirit race began to control the three spirit man control bodies, relying on flexibility to hold Kong Huan back, it seems that there is a possibility that Kong Huan will Exhausted plans.

At the beginning, the spirit man who was a little stiff when he controlled the four spirit man control bodies, now seems to be able to control the three spirit man control bodies with ease.

"Meow, do you think friends' epic creature muscles are made of tofu!"

Annoyed at being harassed by the three spirit man's control body, Kong Huan simply tried his best to be hacked into the armor a few times by the opponent's sharper sickle, took the opportunity to gather the little energy left, and activated the [Lightning Strike] circuit in his right wrist.

The lightning strike technique, which consumes almost one-third of the energy of the void, was originally an attack method of the Youshen level. Even if the total energy of the soul level can meet the consumption of the lightning strike technique, the body cannot bear the energy intensity generated at that moment.

However, the appearance of the circuit accidentally made the lightning strike technique popularized to individuals at the peak of the soul level who were equipped with Thunderscale Type 1 armor.

Accompanied by a strong light, a spirit control body standing between Konghuan and the high-level spirit race turned into coke just like the corpse that Chu Jie accidentally hit in Mount Ga.

He didn't have the slightest thought of cherishing this charred spirit sculpture. The moment the sculpture appeared, it was smashed into powder by his companions.

He used lightning strikes to deal with one, and then kicked another one away while the other party was absent-minded. The last one was entangled with Kong Huan's spirit man control body, and soon got cut in half by Kong Huan's powerful tail flick.

Then, with a single step, the head of the spirit control body with only the upper body turned into flesh.

"Then, there are only two left."

Void, whose body is not very good, deliberately stimulated this high-level spirit with the other party's language, and at the same time carefully moved towards the four spirits who had been knocked down to the ground by the strong electricity before.

It took a little longer than expected to solve the control body of several spirits, and the four living bodies are actually ready to use. If the other party finds out this, it will not only be a trouble for the current Konghuan.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Surprisingly, the other party also started talking.

"Oh, you actually talked, are you starting to feel unconfident?"

Immediate counterattack, the illusion has moved to the side of the target, and then in the opponent's indifferent mental fluctuations, it destroyed the brains of the four organisms that would have become obstacles to the illusion.

In the eyes of the spirit man, the 'uncontrollable' organisms are useless, but watching the void destroy their brains still makes the spirit man feel a little uncomfortable, no matter what, they are of the same race.

"Hmph, what about you? Didn't you stop talking? Do you want to stall for time and wait for reinforcements?"

"Yeah, the problem is that even if I can't solve you now, you will still be solved when reinforcements arrive."

The corners of his eyes twitched, Kong Huan really wanted to rush up and deal with the opponent, but at this time, there was still a control body next to the spirit man, and the opponent's spirit obviously did not consume much. I haven't found the key yet.

If the Pengzu uses the spirit clan's control method and consumes 10 mental power, then the spirit clan consumes only 3, which is the gap between the two sides.

But now, the illusory mental power can only be used to protect himself.

The total amount of energy itself is only more than 100 points, and the energy consumed by a lightning bolt is about 30 points, and 60 points are consumed twice, and a lightning strike technique is even more outrageous, requiring 50 points.

The circuit of the armor only serves as an auxiliary function, that is, to speed up the release of energy skills and simplify the use of energy skills. The energy needed is actually provided by Void, but now he only has a dozen points of energy.

Therefore, at this time, the mental power is used to defend against the spirit, and the empty illusion lacks energy, leaving only the body to fight.

However, with a slightly wry smile, his trembling body clearly showed that Kong Huan was in trouble at the moment.

You know, he has been hovering in the sky for most of the day.

Hearing the so-called reinforcements from Kong Huan's mouth, the spirit man obviously hesitated for a moment. He didn't know that Kong Huan was lying. If Kong Huan really had reinforcements, it's obviously not a good choice for him to stand in a stalemate with Kong Huan.

At this moment, the heavy movement of the earth dragon suddenly came from outside, and even the ground shook a few times.

This should be the sound of the earth dragon moving down a pile of food, which is very common, but this time it made both Konghuan and Lingren's hearts jump.

(Not good, this guy must not really have a way to control the earth dragon!)
Seeing the spirit man subconsciously move towards the passage opened by Kong Huan, Kong Huan knew that he must not let him leave.

"Do you know what level my reinforcements are?" Seducing the opponent with words, the spirit man who heard the empty words was obviously attracted.

At this very moment, Kong Huan rushed towards the opponent with all his strength, and the heavy fist with the wind pressure made this tall Spirit Race feel the call of death.

At this moment, the ground above the head suddenly began to collapse, and the structural damage to the channel caused by the illusory shelling before finally broke out under the catalysis of the slight vibration caused by the movement of the earth dragon.

Kong Huan, who was in the passage, decisively chose his life from the enemy and his life, and then fled back.

However, he was not reconciled to just letting the opponent go, so before retreating, he used the last trace of energy in his body to launch a weakened version of the lightning strike, an electric shock technique that only required 10 points of energy.

Looking at the paralyzed spirit man, Kong Huan showed a smug smile, and quickly retreated to the previous cave.What collapsed was only the passage opened by the illusion, and this kind of cave was formed naturally, so it is not so easy to collapse.

But in order to get out as soon as possible, this spirit man happened to be in the unstable passage opened by Konghuan.

But the illusory smile had just appeared, and before he had time to savor it, he watched helplessly that the spirit man control body, which he had ignored before, kicked him hard under the control of the paralyzed high-level spirit man the controller, and then kicked the opponent out of the cave, and was then crushed into a meat paste by the collapsing rocks.


Watching this scene speechlessly, Kong Huan couldn't care less about emotion, turned around and ran towards the naturally formed passage.

At this time, let Kong Huan open another passage, not to mention the lack of energy and strength, even if it is really opened, the safety will make Kong Huan, who realizes the danger of the temporary passage, afraid to enter.

When rushing out from the passage of "seven crutches and eight crutches" that was ridiculed by Kong Huan before, what Kong Huan saw was that he had regained his mobility and was rushing recklessly towards the hill-like earth dragon in the distance. The spirit who went.

"Maybe it's me who really knows how to live or die."

With a wry smile, Kong Huan turned around and looked around. At this time, it was obviously impossible to let Kong Huan fly, his wings were still weak; as for chasing, it was even more difficult, and his feet almost lost consciousness...

"So, it seems that we really need to recall the past."

Looking at the few stones rolled up by the tentacles, Kong Huan couldn't help but think of the "stones knocking trees" when Chu Qin taught ordinary children in the calcium carbide mine lair, ah no, it was "stones smashing trees".

A standard parabola was drawn, and four fist-sized stones flew towards the spirit man.

But it's a pity that, for a spiritual being who observes all aspects of spiritual power, this primitive attack method lacking in speed is no threat without a certain amount of support.

"Sure enough, it would be great if I had a bow and arrow at this time." Under the gloomy and clear eyes of the empty illusion, the other party deftly avoided four stones, and then stopped beside the epic creature.

After confirming again and again that he could not deal with the other party, Kong Huan also calmed down.
The extremely indifferent attitude towards life made him ignore the regrets that should have occurred, but instead completely focused on the spirit race people, and even released the spiritual power to protect himself.

Although this level of mental power can't hurt the opponent, the empty mental power, even when the spirit man is unwilling to consume mental power, can still observe the opponent's reaction unimpeded.

The empty spirit suddenly tensed up.

How will these spirits borrow the strength of epic creatures?

Perhaps, this spirit thought that after success, the illusion would be no threat; as for failure...

"It was a pity that I planned to wait for the earth dragon to eat and drink. However, it's not bad to have someone at the same level as me among the enemies to witness my success, hahahaha."

(Standard action of the villain.) After translating the language transmitted to his spiritual power by the other party, Kong Huan curled his lips.

Obviously, this spirit man is extremely proud at the moment.

At this time, Earth Dragon had also noticed Kong Huan and Lingren.

Kong Huan was obviously ignored by the opponent, so the spirit who seemed to belong to the bug entered the eyes of the earth dragon.

"Come on! Come eat me!"

Seeing that the other party 'finally' noticed him, the spirit man actually opened his five limbs (one was torn off by Kong Huan), completely unafraid of the other party's dissatisfaction with Lei Dian.

Kong Huan, who was heavily influenced by novels, would not say that this guy is crazy or something, but concentrate on observing the other party's changes with mental power.

Regardless of whether the spirit man's actions succeeded or failed, Kong Huan could draw something out of it.

If it succeeds, Kong Huan can rely on these things to gain a chance of life; if it fails, Kong Huan might be able to draw useful skills from it.

Even if the opponent is really crazy, Kong Huan can still take a good look at the end of the enemy's destruction.

Accompanied by a powerful impact sound, the spirit man was swallowed by the earth dragon without hindrance.

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(End of this chapter)

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