Spore Story

Chapter 332 The leisurely tour is over, the Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 332 The leisurely tour is over, the Chamber of Commerce

Seizures have always been a controversial topic.

If you do the calculations carefully, the traversers should be the ones who have done the most to seize homes. Regardless of whether they are active or passive, it is a fact that they have seized many people.

Therefore, from the standpoint of the time traveler, we will not discuss the moral issue of seizing the house here.

Then, it is not that the Pengzu has not done research on the ability to seize the house.

After all, there are a large number of dead souls in the management temple. If they can take away their homes... well, of course it is not about taking away their friends, but the bodies of other animals.

In this way, wouldn't it be able to solve the problem of dealing with the dead souls of friends, and also add a bunch of animals with human nature.

However, this kind of difficult action requires not only courage, but also strength and luck, and it is not something ordinary people can afford.

If a friend or a person of any other race made the action that Kong Huan had seen at this time, Kong Huan would not take it seriously and think it was a typical courting death.

But the problem is that the person who did this kind of thing at this time is a spirit person, which is subtle.

The spiritual man's accomplishments in controlling the living body cannot be denied no matter what.

According to the habits of human beings, their attainments in this area may surpass that of their friends by hundreds or even thousands of years, which is beyond the reach of the death research model.

And biological control should actually be regarded as a prerequisite technology for seizing the body, that is to say, at this time, it is almost a matter of course for the spirit to come up with or use the seizing of the body.

The only problem is that his target is an epic creature, but he is only a peak soul level.

"It's a big problem."

Kong Huan wiped his cold sweat, looking at the statue-like earth dragon in front of him.

He was very worried that Mr. Earth Dragon in front of him would suffer from anorexia because of this. It was fine if he couldn't decompose it before and spit it out. Now after changing the target to a spirit man, although the spirit man's body was decomposed at once, his spirit was still there. No.

At the same time when the spirit man was decomposed, Kong Huan's spiritual power, which was ignored by both the spirit man and Mr. Earth Dragon, clearly felt the consciousness and spirit of the spirit man, and quickly entered the body of Earth Dragon.

That is to say, at this moment, the spirits of the spirit man and the earth dragon are fighting in Mr. Earth Dragon's body.

The spiritual power of the epic creature earth dragon is indeed vast, but it is accumulated from the supply of every small cell in the huge body, which is completely different from the model of other races that basically rely on the brain to supply spiritual power.

Because of this, the spiritual power of the earth dragon can only be used for physical defense, but cannot attack outside the body.

According to the normal biological model, this kind of creature with only cellular spirits has poor spiritual quality, and should be quickly controlled by spirits at the peak of the soul level;

But the opponent is an epic creature, and the amount of spiritual power is simply unmatched by the soul level. Then, it should be reversed that the spirit man was instantly solved by the earth dragon.

"But what's the situation now?"

Judging from the stiff body of the earth dragon, the two sides seemed to be completely deadlocked.

This is somewhat beyond unrealistic expectations. After all, the friends' research on epic creatures is too little, and the number of opponents cannot support the research of the friends.

There is even another LV4 mental power, who is very interested in biology, and the teacher of the priest school who obtained some biological knowledge from the void, after risking his life to check the situation of the epic creatures in Crescent Lake, said with emotion: "The epic creatures come from cells. The level is widened from other creatures."

But that's all there is to it, whether it's theoretical knowledge or friends' research on epic creatures with few available materials, only this sentence is the most pertinent. The rest is nothing more than how powerful and powerful the other party is...

But at this moment, the battlefield between the spirit man and the epic creature was transferred into the body of the earth dragon. Even if he was in the illusion outside the battlefield, he could still feel that the two sides were fighting.

Every burst of the restless mental power beside Earth Dragon has the intensity of a mid-soul-level mental power impact.

It even directly dissipated the spirit that the spirit man had used to restrain the animals before, making the animals on the nose closer to the earth dragon wake up.

But it is obviously not a good thing to be awake at this time. They just opened their eyes and saw an epic creature standing beside them. The timid ones foamed at the mouth in an instant... they died; the bold ones stood there for a long time A few seconds later, he was hit by another burst of mental turmoil, and still... died.

"Is this the legend that the gods fight and the mortals suffer?"


This scene made Kong Huan decisively stop his plan to take the opportunity to wake up other animals, and continued to sit aside to rest and recover his strength. No matter what he said, it would be more convenient to escape or fight when he regained his strength.

So, time passed by like this, the sun rose, the sun set, the sun rose again, and the sun set again...

[Solve the missing animal incident and get rewards. 】





Kong Huan, who was in the depths of alchemy, was taken aback by the sudden system prompt.

Fortunately, his ability to control the mind is not bad, otherwise, it would be comparable to the impact of mental power when he was attacked by the spirit man before.

However, although the mental impact allowed Kong Huan to get a round-trip ticket for the "Epic Creature Oral One-day Tour", it actually only paused for a few seconds.But this system prompt made Kong Huan stand still.

"No way, my luck will not be so good."

In the distance, the earth dragon, an epic creature used as a battlefield, fell limply to the ground after a roar.

The system will prompt the void, which means that the spirit man who is the main target has obviously died, and at this moment, the epic creatures are not doing anything but rushing to the street...

"Could it be that I also have the potential to be called a person who waits for the rabbit? What is this called, waiting for the death of the epic creature?"

Speechlessly, he raised his head and looked at the surrounding sky. At this moment, it has been countless days in the morning, and the warm sunlight swayed the earth, dyeing everything... black?

Raising his head again, Kong Huan realized that the earth dragon that seemed to have been dealt with had actually stood upright unsteadily again, its huge size instantly covering up the sunlight.

But there was no sense of danger in the void consciousness, so he simply sat obediently, provoking the other party with excessive movements.

(Isn't it solved?)
But it seems that the resolution of the system task does not mean that the epic creature is resolved. After all, the epic creature seems to be just a soy sauce.

"Well, this can also explain why it is a level 3 task... Hundan! You don't have to swallow me once for soy sauce."

Feeling the emptiness of being teased by the will of the planet, he gave Tulong a dissatisfied look.

Combined with the previous movements of the earth dragon, the movements of the earth dragon at this moment are still very flexible.And if the spirit man succeeds in seizing the house, even if there is a slight residue, the movements of the earth dragon will not be so natural at this moment.

In other words, it can be fully confirmed that the death of the spirit man is the complete death of consciousness and spirit, and the other party did not even have any influence on the earth dragon except for weakness.It's already game over.

Looking around, some weak earth dragons seemed to have lost interest in the food around them, shook their heads (actually it was a big mouth), glanced at the void (still ignoring it), and then slammed it, With the sound of the earth shaking again, the body of the earth dragon disappeared from the ground.

After the vibration had completely stopped, Kong Huan stood up carefully, and while monitoring the ground directly below with mental power, he moved to the place where the earth dragon disappeared, but what Kong Huan saw was just a round layer of loose soil.

"It seems that the earth dragon's function of drilling and loosening the soil has not changed regardless of its size." With a wry smile, Kong Huan turned his attention away from the earth dragon and looked at a large area of ​​animals around him.

After using the recovered mental power to send out a series of mental power shocks to wake up these creatures, Kong Huan meaningfully looked at the big pit where the epic creature disappeared, turned around and took his camel dragon Meow Miao to the previous campsite. go.

——————It is immoral to take the initiative to seize the house—————

Originally, he just planned to go out for an adventure, but he encountered epic creatures and spirit remnants, which made Kong Huan lament his luck, but also a little funny.

Doesn't this just make the journey more interesting?

However, even so, he didn't break through the hurdle of the soul-level peak, and Kong Huan felt that he was really not the protagonist's life.

The next journey returned to normal again, traveling through villages, cities and provincial capitals, step by step as a winged merchant ring, and gradually grew up like this, and I have some memories in the merchants, but that's all.

On March 9, 3 A.D., Hongshang Huankong finally arrived at his destination, the capital of Bingling Province.

The empty illusion at the moment looks no different from an ordinary merchant. He can chat with people around him, sell his goods by the way, observe people's needs, and collect useful and useless information for him. When bargaining, the actors are of first-class quality. .

It's a pity that at the moment of stepping into the Ice Spirit City, the Merchant Ring should actually be announced as a thing of the past.

Although there is still some reluctance, after all, this kind of relaxed and leisurely life, no matter how long it takes, will not make people bored, especially such a busy life like Kong Huan.

But too many such dull days will make life boring.

What's more, the apparent main purpose of this trip is to confirm the warehouse in Ice Spirit City after all, which is obviously impossible as a merchant.

On the morning of March 3, after learning more about the living conditions of the residents of Bingling City, Elder Kong Huan of the Elder's House finally appeared in front of senior officials of Bingling Province.

I have observed the illusory living conditions of the residents of Bingling Province before, and combined with the information of Pengcheng, I have a general understanding of Bingling Province.

Bing Ling Province

Population: 8611 (3298 (friends)/5313 (Dunjia people))
Area: 4 square kilometers (fourth ring road)

Provincial capital: 1 (Ice Spirit City (227/145))
City: 7
Village: 43
Team: Standard local team (Wingman team+Original team+Dunjia Legion)

These are just approximate data, and the data about the details are obviously more detailed, and knowing the illusion of these things, in fact, I have already roughly considered the warehouse in Ice Spirit City.

Therefore, he is not worried about such things as high-level officials cheating. After all, the food in the homes of people in various villages and cities cannot be deceived, and if high-level officials want to develop further, they must enter the top management.

At least until now, the selection of the management team of Friends has been very fair.

Therefore, after confirming that the warehouse data was similar to the reported data, Kong Huan was very satisfied with a few words of appreciation. By the way, after discussing the security issue of Bingling Province, which is on the border of the friend clan's territory, with senior officials and the management, they chatted again. We talked about things like business development and farm planning.

After staying for half a month, Kong Huan left for Pengcheng.

This time, instead of using his identity as a merchant, he flew back directly, and his camel dragon Miaomiao was entrusted to the management team to transport it.


"Yo, everyone, we're back!"



"Uh, ah, what about someone?"

After nearly four months of wandering, he finally returned to the emptiness of Pengcheng. He excitedly pushed open the gate of the elders' home, but what he saw was a deserted scene.

(Have you not come back yet?)
Thinking so, Kong Huan turned around and walked towards the Executive Yuan, it was impossible that there would be no one there.



"How is that possible! It's okay if there's no one in the elder's house. They're all group houses. It's okay to go out for a long time occasionally! But the Executive Yuan is a government department! No one is there!"

Kong Huan felt a little crazy.

"Eh! Elder Kong Huan?" At this moment, a clear female voice came from behind Kong Huan.

"Ah, Mu Wen, it's a good thing you're still here, where are they? What's going on! How can there be no one in the Executive Yuan!"

"Hehe, Elder, you didn't know when you just came back. Now everyone is holding a welcome party in Mount Ga. Three days ago, Master Dark Blood, who has been practicing in Mount Ga, advanced to the Youshen level."

(No way, Dark Blood has advanced so fast!) With a sigh, Kong Huanyu patted Muwen's shoulder earnestly, then turned around and flew towards Gashan without saying anything.

As the chief officer of the military, Dark Blood was quite active during the war, so among the three, his consciousness grew the fastest.

But they are still at the peak of the soul level, why did the dark blood advance?I can't imagine it in vain. Is there some adventure that led to my thinking, or what happened?

No matter what, this is an opportunity for Konghuan to learn about the promotion experience.

Time passed by like this little by little, and Kong Huan and Bai Nong, who failed to gain experience from the dark blood, continued to be active in the group as peak souls.

According to what Dark Blood said, she just reached this point and felt that she should be promoted, so she advanced...

What is this called!If it is so simple, the Youshen level of the ethnic group is enough to be assigned to the senior official level.

But Kong Huan could tell that Dark Blood was indeed hiding something, but the other party didn't want to say it, and it was impossible for Kong Huan to force him.

So, the day went back to normal.

Everyone who traveled before had a good harvest.

There are both good and bad things in Kong Huan's half-filled notebook, but they are all good things for the future of the friends.

Because after knowing these things, the elders' house, which is in an absolute advantage, under the supervision of the court, basically does not need to worry about the slackness of the middle managers when it is reformed. Almost resolved.

On July 9, 7 A.D., the Pengzu's first business-related decree "Pricing Rules for Lifestyle Commodities" was jointly announced and promulgated by the Elder's House, the top management and the Shenting.

The decree stipulates the standard prices of 37 kinds of daily necessities (rice, soybeans, salt, charcoal...), and the statistics bureau of the Pengcheng Ministry of Commerce releases the fluctuations of these commodities every year according to the local conditions. Prices are strictly prohibited from being changed without authorization by all localities, so as to stabilize the commercial life gradually developed by the people.

However, most of these daily necessities are transported by the management transportation team, and the price is originally set by the government. Therefore, there is not much fluctuation among the people, and no one will use this to stir up chaos at this time.

But after all, those restricted by the government are only the necessities of life. Now that life is gradually worry-free, the people's demand for material culture is obviously also gradually increasing (=.=), but the merchants who have no plan have spread from Baishi City before. Under the reminder of the unified price model of China, the situation of deliberately raising prices to seek profits began to occur.

However, there are more and more types of goods in the Pengzu, and it is foreseeable that with the continuous development of the ethnic group, there will be more types of these goods. The government will restrict it. Although it is not impossible, the increase in manpower will Too many, resulting in waste of resources.

Therefore, after several discussions, the House of Elders determined the principle of 'government neutrality'.

That is to say, the government only supervises the pricing of commodities that are related to the basic livelihood of the people, while other commodities are left to the private sector, but the government has to take on the role of mediator between the merchants and the public.

After establishing the basic principles, the real big action began to appear two months after the promulgation of the first commercial decree.

On September 9, AD 9, the [Pengcheng Merchant Association] was established under the supervision of the government and public representatives, and the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce was the former Hongshang Chenguang.

The newly established Chamber of Commerce is composed of merchants from all over the country. The Chamber of Commerce has four responsibilities:
[-]. Commodity pricing.Through internal discussions, regional pricing is carried out for various common non-living goods.For example, a city that is farther away from the production site can be priced slightly higher, and a city that is closer can be priced slightly lower, but it should not be excessive;
[-]. Coordinating the relationship between merchants and the government.For example, for certain restricted commodities, such as team armor, bronze raw materials, etc., the government issues sales target restriction requirements to the chamber of commerce, and the chamber of commerce is responsible for notifying its subordinate merchants of the corresponding content;

[-]. Assist in the promotion of government decrees.Use Hongshang as an information bridge connecting the government and the public, convey government decrees to every public through Hongshang, and deliver accurate news from various places;
[-]. Coordinate commodity circulation.When there is a regional shortage of some non-living goods, but people's needs, the merchants are responsible for mobilizing the goods, and they must not raise prices excessively.

Of course, while the chamber of commerce shoulders these responsibilities, it will also gain considerable rights, which will not be described here.

Comment, support, float~~

(End of this chapter)

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