Spore Story

Chapter 333 6 Underworld gods sit in the formation, the realm of the dead

Chapter 333

The establishment of the chamber of commerce is obviously great news for businessmen.

Although the specific role of the chamber of commerce has not yet been recognized, at least businesses in various places have gradually prospered, because the establishment of the first non-governmental organization has shown the support of the elders' house for this industry.

Therefore, commercial development in various places began to enter a stage of rapid development after agriculture basically met people's needs, especially after the Dunjia people did a lot of farming and increased the total amount of food for the ethnic group.

However, the good habits derived from the tripartite confrontation in nature, the executive chamber of commerce, and the government in the middle, so the people as supervisors are also indispensable.

Therefore, on September 9, 9 AD, immediately adjacent to the date of the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, the [Chamber of Commerce Supervision Council] composed of non-merchant people from all over the country was established in Pengcheng.

The headquarters buildings of the two organizations are facing each other across the street, and they are both standard two-story administrative compounds.

As a result, uninformed people often go to the wrong door.

But in this regard, neither organization clearly has any intention of moving.

[Chamber of Commerce Supervision Committee] The main screening is that workers, farmers and other people who have no direct relationship with businessmen in various places form a supervisory organization for the chamber of commerce.

Responsible for supervising the operation and pricing of the chamber of commerce, so that the chamber of commerce will not raise prices excessively for the benefit of the members of the chamber, causing market chaos. Of course, this is when business theory has not developed for the time being and people only see immediate benefits.

After the emergence of business theories with a longer-term vision, the behavior of blindly raising prices began to decrease under the self-supervision of the Chamber of Commerce, and the gradual deepening of the relationship between the public and businessmen also led to certain times. Commodities are raised in price so as not to cause losses to the workers who produce them.

These situations are not discussed in detail here.

It is worth mentioning that the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Regulatory Commission are both non-profit organizations since their establishment.

The members are basically voluntary helpers. In terms of personality, except for some long-term and ambitious people, they are all individuals with good pursuits, ideals, and morality.


Therefore, in the selection of the two sessions, the volunteers are required to be voluntary (in the early days, there were really many short-sighted guys who refused to take up their own time for the two sessions=.=).

After all, in any era, there are obviously not many people who have a long-term vision and are not afraid of trouble.

But after organizing the composition of the two sessions behind the scenes, Kong Huan didn't know much about its specific development, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Afterwards, he was only responsible for checking the two parties from time to time to ensure that the two associations would not die in the early stages of development.

"I'm thinking, if Chairman Chen Guang knew that you were the Merchant Ring, maybe he wouldn't wonder why the government suddenly found him."

In the courtyard of the Elders' Court, the patriarch Die Wu, who has confirmed that he will resign next year to join the Elders' Court, flipped through the documents in his hand and handed them to Mu Wen, who had been waiting by the side, while talking with Kong Huan.

In fact, everyone knew that Die Wu wanted to join Shenting more. After all, she was a stubborn guy who still did not forget her duties as a maid, and Chu Jie, who followed her wholeheartedly, was there.

But the prerequisite for joining Shenting is to make her a righteous god, which seems to be putting the cart before the horse.

In addition, as the second patriarch, it is impossible for her to go to the court of God no matter what. Joining the elders' house and Lingxue to control the place together is the right way.

So, she could only give up that idea.

However, whenever she thinks that she can have a lot of free time to find Chu Jie after entering the Elder's House, she feels as light as a swallow (this is true for the Youshen level, it can float up=.=).

But now, in the last few months of her reign, her main tasks are to maintain the stability of government agencies; pattern.

Mu Wen was originally a member of the Hell Tribe. She is between 35 and 40 years old. According to the standards of the middle-winged people of the friend clan, she is just a young man who has not yet reached adulthood.

However, at this time, because the Pengzu is in a period of rapid development, what is needed is a young and energetic leader like Mu Wen. As for the responsibility of ensuring stability, it can be replaced by the elders' house.

In this way, the friends can maintain a relatively long-term vigor to ensure that they can have strong strength when facing strong enemies (Zerg, etc.).

However, at this time, Kong Huan was concerned about another matter.

"I said, Die Wu, why did I suddenly discover that the three patriarchs of our friend clan seem to be all women?" This is definitely not a man's cry, it's just vain curiosity.

The first term (Lingxue), the second term (Die Wu), and the third term (predicted wood grain) of the Pengzu are all women, which has to make people curious.

(Is this the matrilineal clan in legend?) Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan shook his head to dispel this thought.

But hearing Kong Huan's words, Die Wu glanced at Kong Huan unexpectedly, and then said: "The third patriarch is indeed a woman, but isn't you, the mastermind behind the scenes, a man?"

"...Ah, what a powerful complaint."

"Moreover, among the three highest management organizations, [Shenting], which is responsible for the management of temples in various places, among the five righteous gods, only Master Chu Jie is a woman, what are the remaining four people, Chu Dian, Chu Yi, Zhan Lian, and Meng Ying?" They're all men, how do you count?"

Obviously, the little maid Diewu was a little dissatisfied with her boss becoming a loner.


"Then, in the [House of Elders] responsible for supervision, strategic power storage, and the highest decision-making, only you and Bai Nong are male, but Master Kong Huan knows it very well. As long as you and Bai Nong propose something, everyone generally agrees." Wouldn't you object, wouldn't you?" At this time, Kong Huan seemed to see some resentment forming behind Die Wu.


"As for the [top management] responsible for specific government management, although the patriarch is a woman, isn't the distribution of men and women among the main members of the three courts, one department and one bureau very even? You men are too sensitive, is it possible? Master Unreal, do you want to set up a patriarchal organization?"

"...Men, patriarchal organizations, it feels so contrary to harmony..."囧
Hollow was completely silent.

Seeing Die Wu exuding inexplicable resentment all over his body, Kong Huan couldn't help but miss that innocent little maid who would obediently call herself 'Master Kong Huan' when he appeared.

(Time really is a butcher's knife. Die Wu, you have been the patriarch for five years, you have become bad, but you have grown.) Kong Huan felt that his state of mind was rising slowly at this moment, as if at this moment, his He has reached the realm of the legendary epiphany, connection to the root, and shattering the void.

A disillusioned aura emanated from Kong Huan. At this moment, he realized the true meaning of time... Then, Die Wu's voice of doubt pulled Kong Huan back to reality: "Kong Huan, are you thinking about something impolite?"

"No, absolutely no!"

Staring at Die Wu with sincere eyes, Kong Huan carefully calmed down the mental fluctuations in his mind.

Just like human beings will learn to lie with their expressions after a long time; mice will also learn to deceive humans after a long time; friends, with the research on spiritual power over the years, it is not a big deal to learn to lie with spiritual power over time. Difficult.

But Kong Huan is actually very clear that Die Wu is secretly complaining to herself, complaining about Kong Huan's usual interference in the patriarch's work.

Although Kong Huan has an experience advantage that cannot be compared with the current friends, and is the founder of the friend family, but after all, it is impossible for a person to take care of everything at the same time.

Therefore, on certain issues, Kong Huan's active intervention in the government will actually cause quite a bit of trouble.

Even if a problem is discovered later, Kong Huan will admit the mistake and sum up experience to make corrections, but the time and resource consumption brought about during this period cannot be recovered.

But in Die Wu's view, Kong Huan's habit of "putting a foot in everything" is not good. Although Kong Huan's achievements are indelible, now Kong Huan should obediently be the director and elder of his technical bureau.

Even with Lingxue's kind reminder to her, Die Wu is still stubborn, and now that she is about to leave the position of patriarch, out of concern for the next successor, Die Wu feels that she should remind Kong Huan.

After all, I was doing a good job at first, but there were always people pointing and pointing, who would be dissatisfied if I changed it.

There is nothing wrong with Die Wu's behavior, but Kong Huan's behavior is also right, just need to pay attention to the method.

Seeing Die Wu who turned his attention to the documents again and taught Mu Wen little by little the patriarch's experience, Kong Huan smiled wryly in his heart and turned to look at Mu Wen.

(Am I meddling too much?)
Thinking back to Die Wu's resentment, Kong Huan was also reflecting on himself.

However, while reflecting, he also became a little wary of the management situation.

It is true that Kong Huan's direct intervention behavior has begun to cause resistance among the managers, but it is only necessary to pay attention to the method, so that direct interference becomes an indirect reminder and suggestion. In this regard, Kong Huan thinks it is still possible. In fact, it still controls the entire friend clan.

However, the phenomenon that managers are resistant to fantasy proves that management members are gradually becoming autonomous.

Does this mean that the friend's ambition is gradually emerging?

(Is this thing good or bad?) Rubbing his forehead, before Muwen felt uncomfortable, Kong Huan looked away and looked outside the house.

Die Wu obviously doesn't need to worry, she has a long-standing trust and obedience to Kong Huan and others, so she is only slightly resentful at this time.

But what will happen to Mu Wen, who grew up in Hell Territory and has no deep relationship with Kong Huan and others, after taking office?

Even if there is no problem with the wood grain, what about her successor?What about her successor's successor?

(Is it too long-term thinking.) Smiling, Kong Huan shook his head thinking, (Whether it is long-term or not, the division of duties and powers of various departments, and I cannot be placed in a detached position on the bright side, this matter is obviously still Need to get started.)
Shaking his head, he could only think of so many illusions for the time being, so he decided to put them aside.

The patriarch's power is not great, and there will be no problems with the God's Court and the Elder's Court at the top, so Kong Huan is actually not worried about these things.

Time entered October 9 AD, after the structure of the two non-governmental organizations, the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Regulatory Commission, was basically stable and stable development was ensured, Kong Huan quickly withdrew from them and completely handed over the role of intermediary regulation to the government The Department of Commerce, and he started to work on the next thing.

【Fantasy world research completed】

The fantasy world, this will obviously become another sharp weapon to promote the development of the friends, and the selection of [Underworld], which is in charge of Shenting, has begun as early as the beginning of the year. Now that a year has passed, the selection is also coming to an end. Six gods of the underworld were selected based on virtue, ability, and character.

They will fall into an almost permanent sleep after the Formation of the Formation, to support the emergence of the Formation.

This was what they had known in advance, and the six of them agreed. However, sleeping is only relative to the outside world. In the illusion, they have become real gods. For their supervision , will be an important task for Shenting.

After all, there will only be more and more dead souls that a god of the underworld will be responsible for.

And because of the importance of the fantasy world, before its research was successful, the research site had been completely blocked by the ethnic group.

At the same time of success, all the information will be classified as top secret, and several researchers who participated in the research will also join Shenting and become full-time researchers. While being monitored, they are waiting for the start of the next related research project.

Of course, knowing the emptiness of being blocked is not as good as sparse, obviously they will not do anything that makes these researchers feel rebellious.

While ensuring a stable and good life, Shenting even promised them that as long as they enter the soul level, they will be allowed to form a fantasy world and obtain the candidate qualifications for the underworld god.

Afterwards, the Elder's House personally escorted the materials of "Illusory World Technology" to the six underworld gods.

On the one hand, this is the final confirmation of the god of the underworld by the elders' house; on the other hand, it is also to ensure the confidentiality of the information.

After all, the fact that Kong Huan had previously encountered epic creatures that were not recorded in the database, and at the same time encountered a group of spirits, had already attracted the attention of the higher-ups, and teams from all over the world were cleaning up another large-scale territory.

On May 9, 15 A.D., the first [Underworld] formed by illusion technology was formed at the former Mengshen altar on the top of Mount Ga, and the first batch of 3 dead souls officially moved in, and began to adapt to life in the underworld. Experiment with various situations to prepare for the large-scale occupancy in the future.

On 9/15 AD 20, the second underworld was formed in Hongyun Province...

In the next two months, six underworlds took shape one after another. They were located in Central Province, Hongyun Province, Yanhu Province, Linhai Province, Nanbian Province and Fuyun Province.

By January 10, 1 A.D., Shenting had received inspection and test reports from six underworlds, and the first trial run was normal, and the total number of dead souls accommodated successively had reached 1.

"In this way, the management shrines in various places have completely become the transfer stations for the dead." Putting down the report in his hand, Kong Huan dragged his head and looked at Ling Yun who was having fun with a little rabbit in front of him.

"Hey, little Lingyun, if it's Chinese New Year's Eve, why don't you play with your little rabbit all the time?"

"Okay, it's enough for Konghuan to turn into a bunny."


Holding the little Lingyun of the poor little rabbit in both hands, while shaking the rabbit's body, he came to Kong Huan with a thud. "Come on, Yun Yun, say hello to Kong Huan." (Do you have all the names =.=)

So, this poor net rabbit sent out an electric shock very 'timely'.


Obviously, the target of the electric shock could not be someone else, but the Void that once plucked out a ball of its hair to make a brush.


"What are you laughing at?" He glared viciously at a group of unscrupulous onlookers around him, and stretched out his hand to the rabbit with some doubts: "Obviously there is only one net rabbit here, how could it be able to emit such an electric shock technique? "

Everyone already knows that the net rabbit can rely on its nearby counterparts to carry out an electric chain, and launch an attack method close to the level of a friend's electric shock technique, but Kong Huan looked around, and there is only such a net rabbit.

"I'm also a net rabbit." Xiao Lingyun shook her ears in dissatisfaction and said, "Also! Don't try to take this opportunity to hurt my Yunyun."

Swiftly put the rabbit named Yunyun behind her, Lingyun replaced the net rabbit's body with her own body like changing shape and shadow.

As a matter of course, Kong Huan's evil hand reached Ling Yun's... head. (=.=)

"Isn't it just pulling out a few hairs? They are also shedding when the seasons change, aren't they?" Depressedly rubbing Xiao Lingyun's rabbit ears, watching the other party narrowing his eyes comfortably, everyone around made a face Unable to bear it, he turned his head to look at it.

"No! It's obvious that Xiao Yunyun hasn't molted yet, so you plucked it from her body, and more than once, it hurts!"

(Do I want to say that because you have been carrying it all the time, plucking its fur is the easiest.) Thinking this way, Kong Huan spread his hands as a sign of admitting his mistake: "Okay, okay, I got it, I won't pluck it directly from now on."

"You're acquainted..."

"I cut with scissors... oops!"

Turning her eyes away from the farce of emptiness and aura, Lingxue turned her head to look at Chu Jie who was having fun with her ex-maid, shook her head, and turned her gaze to Chu Xia.

"Speaking of which, Chu Xia, you are also at the peak of Youshen level now, have you found a way to improve?"

In the current ethnic group, Chu Jie, Lingxue, and Chu Xia are all at the peak level of Youshen level.

And according to the experience of the soul level and the ghost level, it is obvious that as long as they break through the barrier of the peak, all three of them will enter the level of the ghost level, which has not been encountered before.

But it's a pity that Chu Jie, who arrived here first, stagnated early, followed by Chu Xia, and then Lingxue, they all stayed here one after another, unable to make any progress.

Hearing Lingxue's question, Chu Xia put down the kebab in her hand, shook her head and said, "There is still no movement, and it feels a bit like the feeling of the peak soul level back then, but the method of soul level cannot be applied."

"And the illusory research mode actually requires the emergence of the ghost level before you can study the cultivation methods used by the further yin level. In this way, the way to rely on the illusory research mode will not work."

"It's the same with 8051. She only left the saying of 'integration of mind and body', but she wanted to know more, but she said she didn't know, obviously she is also at the spirit level."

"But she was really envious from the beginning."

The chat between the two was not concealed, so everyone present could hear it.

And after discovering that Lingxue and Chu Xia were chatting about the Yin God level, Chu Jie, who was very concerned about cultivation, immediately came over.

"I said to you, the 8051's words are still correct, 'You can't think of others to help you in everything'."

"I didn't expect to be taught a lesson by Chu Jie."

Hearing Chu Jie's words, Lingxue and Chu Xia looked at each other and smiled.

"What is 'unexpected'! Hey! You two guys are not despising me, are you?"

(God, I want to tell you that it is true, but, but I can't) Die Wu's shoulders twitched.

"No, no, how could it be?" She smiled and waved her hands, but everyone could see the joke, but Lingxue continued without waiting for Chu Jie to speak: "Then, Chu Jie, did you find anything?"

"of course."

O(∩_∩)O Then, electric shock, ah no, click, recommend...

Speaking of which, the network cable was actually cut by an unknown entity, and it was a tragedy that the maintenance personnel of China Unicom had to travel hard.

(End of this chapter)

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