Spore Story

Chapter 334 Management Adjustment, Strength Limitation

Chapter 334 Management Adjustment, Strength Limitation

Chu Jie's cultivation ability was recognized by the entire friend clan.

Although she usually feels carefree and takes a little out⑨, she has nothing to say about her thinking or luck in cultivation.

Think about it before you died, but the dead soul quickly rose to the Youshen level, and obviously just looked at your own body, reminiscing about the past, but accidentally created the branch of the Youshen Body, this kind of strength and luck, Indeed, it cannot be underestimated.

What's more, kicking aside the Oneiroi who relied on the supply of species in the past to climb to the Youshen level, Chu Jie is the number one Youshen of the entire friend clan no matter how he counts.

According to the usual practice, no matter what, the one with the title of "number one" generally belongs to the level against the sky.

Of course, at this moment, whether it is still the case, we don't know.

But everyone had to pay more attention to Chu Jie's thoughts.

At this moment, Chu Jie did have her own views on the "integration of mind and body" left by 8051, which is so vague that it makes people want to kill people.

"Heart, will it refer to the spirit or consciousness, or both, but it should not refer to the brain and heart; then there is 'body', which obviously refers to the body. Then, according to the literal meaning, 'mind and body together One' should refer to the integration of these two aspects..."

It took a cup of tea to finish explaining her thoughts. Chu Jie skillfully took the teacup Die Wu handed over, took a sip, and looked at everyone.


"What's the matter?" Regarding the silence of the crowd, even Chu Jie, who felt very good, felt a little shaken. (Am I wrong?)

"Chu Jie," Chu Qin on the side was the first to react, reached out and patted Chu Jie, and then said with a little appreciation: "This kind of literal explanation, everyone knows, what you said is indeed useful. , but the question now is 'how do we do it', and that's the key."

"Also, when it comes to the body of the 'body', the ghost body is the upper part of the body. It should only have the fused energy core, and the corpse is buried in the soil, so it is impossible to dig it out."

"Um," Chu Jie shook her head depressedly after wiping off her cold sweat and said, "That's all I've come up with for the time being, but what I actually want to say is that since cultivation is not that simple, why don't you analyze it together? Woolen cloth?"

"It's like what Kong Huan said about 'combining the power of everyone'."

Therefore, with Chu Jie's initiative and Die Wu's support, a good annual meeting has completely turned into a discussion meeting on the "integration of mind and body" about the remaining issues of 8051.

Even, with the deepening of the discussion, everyone has forgotten the original purpose of discussing this thing in the first place.


"January 10, 1 A.D., 3 still hasn't come." Forking off yesterday on the calendar, Kong Huan patted his troubled cheek, got up and walked out the door.

This year, 8051 seems to be very inactive, and only appeared two or three times during the period, all in a hurry.

The annual meeting, which should be attended every year, was unexpectedly absent this year.

However, maybe it was to prevent Kong Huan and others from worrying, or maybe he just realized that the New Year Festival is over.

While Kong Huan was sitting at home, admiring the upgraded version of Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun's "Butterfly Rabbit Contest", 8051 was reserved for Kong Huan, seemingly for communication, when the wooden chip that seemed to be a totem stick suddenly flickered.

Kong Huan, who was planning to take it out to have a look at it, suddenly became flustered for a while.

"Huh, really, don't wait until I take it out before flashing."

"It's because you reacted too quickly. Are you worried about me? 8051 is very interested in illusory sensitivity, and is thinking about whether to choose a good time in the future."


As always, 8051 connected directly without Konghuan's permission, and then told Konghuan about his current situation and the reason why he didn't come this year through spiritual communication.

In fact, the reason is that 8051 has found a better way to occupy the will of the planet.

So, recently, because I have been experimenting with this method, I couldn't come here.

"So you're going to succeed?"

Hearing this, Kong Huan seemed very happy. After all, when 8051 was just an agent, it provided so many conveniences to Pengzu. Once 8051 succeeds, Pengzu may develop faster.

However, just after being happy for a while, the original interest faded away.

The current Pengzu can develop rapidly even without the help of 8051. What restricts the development of the Pengzu at this time is entirely due to internal reasons, that is, population.

Without a population, the territory cannot be expanded;
Without population, technology cannot be promoted;

Without population, inspiration cannot increase;

"It's not so easy. 8051 is depressed about illusory problems."

On the opposite side, 8051 who didn't know where she was staying, seemed a little depressed because she didn't meet Kong Huan's expectations, but then, she was speechless at such unrealistic expectations.

"So, Kong Huan, you still have to keep your feet on the ground and don't always rely on other people. But it's not your fault, after all, you are only a soul level now, and you can't understand me as a spirit god, hehe."

"Ah, by the way, I heard that the dark blood has already entered the Youshen level, Kong Huan, I have to ask, how long will it take you? 8051 asked this very curiously."

"...Cut, I don't know." Shaking his head depressedly, Kong Huan decisively changed the subject, he didn't want to be molested by 8051.

"Speaking of 8051, what's the matter with the phrase 'unity of mind and body' you left behind? We discussed it for a long time, but there was no conclusion."

"Ah, that, I really don't know. When Lingxue and the others asked me, I just said it casually. After I said it, I didn't even think how I would know such a thing. 8051 deeply felt that his memory system should I have organized it once, but I am still very resistant to sorting out the huge memory bank.”

"Eh..." Hearing 8051's words, Kong Huan thought unnaturally, (With 8051 living for an unknown number of years, how many good things will there be in that memory bank?)
Shaking his head, Kong Huan dismissed the idea.

At this moment, the voice of 8051 came to mind again: "Speaking of which, Kong Huan, how is the development of the Pengzu?"

"Hey! Don't you know?" This is a big event. As an agent, 8051 knows everything, and he still asks himself at this time.

"Because the method this time is a bit special. I have completely integrated into the will of the planet. If I want to obtain information from the outside world, I can only know it from the memory of the dead animal."

"However, I don't have much time to organize those memories, so I can only file them temporarily. After all, my purpose now is to control the will of the planet, not to watch how many leaves a day the little bug eats. 8051 waved his hand helplessly."

Hearing this, Kong Huan didn't know what to say.

Kong Huan himself is not at the same level as 8051 now. There are many things that Kong Huan doesn't understand and doesn't need to understand.

Going too deep into these things is just asking for trouble for yourself.

And troublesome things are precisely the most annoying existence of emptiness.

After explaining the current situation of the Peng Clan in detail, the two talked about some light topics, such as where the earthquake happened again, where the volcano erupted, and which Sea Clan was wiped out again.

Although 8051 said before that 'I don't pay much attention to the memories of the souls scattered into the planet's will', she usually has to rest, and at this time, she will find some memories of the souls of creatures and enjoy them as movies. These things , all come from this.

According to 8051, this kind of entertainment is obviously N levels higher than that of friends.

However, she said that Kong Huan's strength and status are too poor, and she can't see these things yet, so she can only express regret about it.

"Since it doesn't work, why say it?"

"It's fun. 8051 said without any pressure."


Time jumps easily like this. In fact, every day has different things, and every day has interesting things, but the higher the status, the more things to think about.

As the main consciousness of a species, and at the same time the illusion of being an elder and the director of the technical bureau, he can't help but be busy.

Slowly, time entered January 10, AD 1.

At the annual meeting that was changed to every five years, the top management of Pengzu made another adjustment.

Mu Wen, the former dean of the Executive Yuan, was naturally promoted to the patriarch.

Although there is talk about promoting fairness and justice in the ethnic group, it is difficult to achieve true justice due to the different levels of mutual understanding between people.

None of the members of the annual meeting had any opinion on the fact that the House of Elders directly recommended Mu Wen, who performed well in the Executive Yuan, for promotion.

But after the management question was over, Kong Huan raised an issue.

"As we all know, spirits far surpass us in research on biological control technology. This is a reality that our Technology Bureau can only helplessly admit."

From the very beginning, Kong Huan first raised the crux of the problem, but for this, the Pengzu had already awakened during the war, so everyone's reaction was mediocre.


"Many managers have the awareness to destroy themselves before being controlled." After glancing at the members who were either proud, hesitant, or calm, Kong Huan continued: "But why do we have to let the managers How about you face this situation?"

"My lord Konghuan, regarding the protection of managers, our Military Academy's 'Maid Team Training Program' should be able to solve it." At this time, Long Yue, the leader of the original Longyue team who took over as the head of the Military Academy, stood up and spoke.

After Dark Blood was promoted to the Youshen level, although she was not forced to resign, she still chose to hand over the position of the head of the Military Academy.

What Dark Blood said at the time was 'responsible for yourself'.

In the eyes of Kong Huan and Bai Nong at that time, Dark Blood was still too stubborn. This may be the reason why Dark Blood was able to quickly rise to the Youshen level, but the important position of the Military Academy was casually given up, which obviously made the At that time, Kong Huan and Bai Nong had some grudges.

(Maybe I'm too greedy, or maybe I don't trust my own species enough.) Glancing at the calm dark blood on his face, Kong Huan shook his head with a wry smile, and looked up at Dean Longyue.

"Principal Longyue, thank you for your reminder, but I think the military academy's plan is a bit of a temporary solution rather than a root cause."

"How could it be!" The first plan she had just assumed as the head of the Military Academy was refuted, and Long Yue was obviously at a loss. She knew how to fight and was really good, but she obviously needed to be tempered as the head of the military academy.

At this time, she paused, and looked at Dark Blood gratefully.

And the dark blood who was watched immediately gave the other party a reproachful look, and when he saw Kong Huan looking at him, his face immediately turned red.

Obviously, when Longyue lost her mind, she made some small moves.

Smiling and shaking his head, Kong Huan continued: "Listen to me!"


Glancing at the people around him, Kong Huan did not continue to concentrate on the plan of the military academy, but told everyone in detail about his previous encounter with the epic creature.

"I believe everyone can also think of it. This is the reason for the clean-up of the entire ethnic group before. This clean-up is really good. At least a thousand spirits have been cleared out, including many elite and high-level spirits."

"Fortunately, there is no ruler yet." Smiling slightly, Kong Huan continued without waiting for the members to breathe a sigh of relief.

"The problem is, the ability that the high-level Eldar used to use on epic creatures has been verified by our technology bureau and is very feasible!"

Although this sentence caused waves among the crowd, it was nothing more than that.

Because, that spirit man failed.

No matter how well said, a loser can never command more attention.

And the abilities used by the losers are generally considered useless.

Just like when the friends were oppressed by the spirits and kept retreating at the beginning, the "controller" profession began to appear in the friends to learn the body control ability of the spirits, but after the spirits were compressed in the three fortresses, no matter who For some reason, the end result is that this profession, which has flourished for less than a year, has declined for the first time.

Seeing everyone's indifferent expressions, Kong Huan shook his head and said: "It can be said that the failure of this high-ranking spirit is entirely because he did not choose the right target."

"With the strength of his peak soul level at that time, if the target is replaced by any individual below the initial stage of soul level, he will succeed! For example, most of us mayors."

Taking a gloomy look at everyone, Kong Huan continued: "So, we need to take precautions against this now. Think about it, most of the leaders of the friends are below the middle stage of the soul level. Use this method to control our chief officers everywhere."

"At that time, we will not be able to tell who is being controlled and who is not. What should we do?"

This conjecture changed the color of mayors and senior officials who were originally indifferent. Although the soul level of the ethnic group has developed greatly in the past few years, it has soared from more than 200 before the Pengling War to more than 2000 now.

However, the two parts of the team and the management temple divided most of the souls.

Among the remaining people, there are not many chief officials who have both management strength and consciousness strength.

Most of the senior officials in the provinces are below the mid-term soul level. Among the more than 200 cities, only 112 city mayors belong to the soul level.

If it is really controlled, under the circumstances that cannot be distinguished, as long as the chief officials of various places take relatively subtle and harmful measures, the harm to the friends will be incalculable.

What's more, if he hasn't been discovered for a long time, the person under control may even be promoted to the management of the friend clan step by step. In that way...

After fully telling his conjecture to the meeting personnel present, Kong Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

This conjecture has been stuffed in his illusory mind, making him restless.

Leaving aside the underground spirit clan, if anyone among the spirit clan remnants on the ground uses this method to control the friends, it will be extremely difficult to detect.

In order to deal with this situation, when Kong Huan just thought of this, he specially mobilized more than 100 soul-level independent consciousness bodies from Shenting to form [Shadow Squadron], especially responsible for secretly monitoring officials from all over the world.

Because the members of this team are all soul-level souls cultivated by dead souls, they are absolutely top-notch in terms of confidentiality.

Until now, only Shenting and Elder's Court knew the existence of this team.

"My lord, what are you thinking?"

A mayor finally couldn't hold back anymore. After he said the illusory words, he felt relieved, but the mayors of the following provinces, especially the mayor, began to appear unstable.

If anyone dared to joke to the other person at this time, "You will not be controlled", it would definitely cause a lot of panic in the venue.

Looking at the scene at this time, Mu Wen's patriarch and several people in the elder's house frowned in dissatisfaction.

Among them are dissatisfaction with Kong Huan's reckless behavior, and even worry about the seemingly fragile trust relationship among the mayors below.

Fortunately, these people who can serve as chief officials are not stupid, and no one is the first to provoke right and wrong.

"My idea is to use two terms, that is, ten years, to adjust the chief officers at all levels." Apologetically, he nodded to Mu Wen and everyone in the elder's house. When Kong Huan saw the reaction of a group of people below, I also realize my rashness, but since I have made it clear at this time, I can't stop.

Knocking on the table, Kong Huan continued: "The result of the adjustment is that in the future, chief officials at all levels and mid-level managers at the mayor level must be at the beginning of the soul level and above; It is the strength of the middle soul level and above; as for the command level above it, it must be the strength of the high soul level and above."

"At the same time, the chief executives at all levels are the same as the top management. Middle managers must be replaced or transferred every five years; senior managers must be replaced or transferred every ten years; there is no limit for the time being at the commanding level."

"These proposals, on the one hand, are to ensure the safety of the management of various places, and at the same time, they are also to ensure the rule of Pengcheng over various places."

Kong Huan's words are completely clear. With the support of the Elder's House and the Court of God, he is not worried about causing backlash from some local institutions. This is self-confidence under absolute strength.

The friend clan does not restrict the improvement of the strength of the people, but encourages everyone to practice hard.

But when you get to a level where you can threaten management, you have to come to management and join management.

No one with any ability will object to this policy.

However, Kong Huan's proposal at this time still somewhat irritated the chief officials at all levels.

"Kong Huan, strength doesn't mean ability. If you limit it like this, will it lead to a decline in the management ability of the management of the friends?" Riding the crowd into a hustle and bustle, Chu Xia connected with Kong Huan's spiritual power, and asked worriedly arrive.

"The chief officer is more of a symbol of a place. In terms of ability, it is good to let the assistant make up for it. As long as the chief officer's 'virtue' and 'power' are satisfied, as long as there is a foundation for 'capability', it will not be possible to make mistakes." Just act like an idiot."


"Han Huan, your proposal this time will cause another change."

"It's nothing. It's only been ten years since the last big change. In these ten years, how many peaceful days have we really enjoyed?"

"If it's just such a peaceful life, and the management becomes conservative, then breaking this structure has to be done."

It's another Wednesday...

(End of this chapter)

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