Spore Story

Chapter 335 is entitlement, management change

Chapter 335 is entitlement, management change

I am very grateful to Jing Yake for the reward and the support of the monthly pass [Tears]. O(∩_∩)O
Power is a thing of fascination at all times.

Although it has only been ten years since the Pengzu established a relatively complete governing body, it is enough to create a basic power class.

In the past ten years, the top management also combined various illusory suggestions (drawing from the half-baked experience of human beings), and after rationalizing and modifying according to the reality of the friends, they implemented numerous measures to restrict and disperse rights.

It's all about avoiding or being attracted to diminished rights.

However, the rights of managers of government departments are still growing with the passage of time and decrees.

On the other hand, although the improvement of the overall strength of the people is visible, these mayors cannot guarantee that after a ten-year correction period, they will definitely be able to grow to the early or even mid-stage soul level.

And they can't deny that if there is no such restriction, they will enter the top management in ten years.

After all, ambition is never directly proportional to strength.

"I'll leave it to you here. I'll make effective proposals, but it's up to you to discuss and decide."

Looking at the somewhat noisy meeting place, after finishing what he wanted to say, Kong Huan left only this sentence for Mu Wen, and then turned and walked towards the technical bureau.

"Master Konghuan will really cause trouble."

After staying in the Executive Yuan for so long, it is obvious that she is already familiar with the wood grain of the habit of emptiness, and has no further opinions on it. Even as the patriarch, her status in front of the group of elders in the Presbyterian Court is actually not important. high.

However, she is only in front of the elders of the elders' house, and in front of the other provinces and mayors of the assembly, she is the ruler of the ethnic group, the patriarch Mu Wen.

...power and ambition...

Pushing open the door of the Technology Bureau, Kong Huan shook his head and looked at the still deserted small courtyard, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sure enough, I'm still not used to dealing with such complicated issues. No, I probably just don't want to get used to it."

"It's Kong Huan, you're too impatient." The complaining voice behind him startled Kong Huan, but he soon recognized the owner of the voice.

Turning his head to look at the other party, Kong Huan asked with a wry smile: "Chu Xia, you are not guarding at the venue, why are you following?"

"I'm just curious about someone who has just reached the Youshen level, and I want to gain some experience from him."


"Forget it." Shaking his head with a smile, Kong Huan brought Chu Xia to the ancestral tree next to the courtyard: "I never thought of hiding it anyway, but you, someone should be guarding the elders' courtyard."

"Is that so, what is there to guard against?" Chu Xia looked in the direction of the venue with a smile, looking a little disappointed.

"It's enough that Lingxue and Diewu are the two patriarchs guarding the elder's house."

"Your topic, most of the high-ranking officials are soul-level, and the mid-soul-level ones don't worry about it; the early-soul-level ones just need to work harder. In the current situation where the cultivation method is not kept secret from high-ranking officials, if you can't do it in ten years If they are not promoted to the middle stage of the soul level, then they can only be said to be incompetent, what face do they have to ask to continue to serve."

"As for the mayors, there are more than 100 soul-level mayors who complain, but like senior officials, they are not worried about their own problems."

"So, in the end, in the end, the rebound of the remaining 100 ghost-level mayors is actually bigger." There was no one around, Chu Xia stretched her thunder wings, showing a satisfied expression on her face.

After several years of tempering, the current Thunder Wings look similar to the four wings of other Wingmen, but if you think that this is an ordinary Thunder Wing, then her enemies will be in trouble, and there will be lightning strikes with a random blow With several times the power, it becomes a simplified version of Thunderbolt, which can easily destroy a high-level spirit race.

"Cultivation, the current cultivation method does not restrict the management, so for everyone, only the staged promotion of the ghost to the soul, and the soul to the ghost god will stop a bunch of people, and other promotions It’s all about accumulating over time.”

"However, these ghost-levels are actually very capable if they can become mayors. It is obviously not good if they are brushed down, but they will be transferred to the position of assistants as you said..."

She shook her head after thinking about it, and Chu Xia said helplessly: "If you become an assistant to the mayor, it is obviously downgraded, and they will be dissatisfied; an assistant to a senior official seems to be promoted, but it is not a full-time job, and it is easy to cause dissatisfaction; When the assistant becomes a full-time job in the government, it will increase government spending, increase the population of food consumers, reduce the number of people who grow food, etc..."

"Isn't it the responsibility of the top management and the Clan Assembly to solve these problems?" Kong Huan said with a slightly funny smile as he patted the ancestor tree beside him.

"Eh?" Chu Xia was obviously taken aback by Kong Huan's behavior of seeming to shirk responsibility, Ren she could never have imagined that Kong Huan had such an idea.

But if you think about it carefully, the Peng Clan's decree does clearly define the responsibilities of both parties, but all along, everyone has been worried about the development of the Clan, so they were led by Void, and the Elder's House became a hidden management.

After a short pause, Chu Xia was not an idiot, she had already thought of the meaning of emptiness, and asked rather jokingly, "You don't want to control the power of the government anymore?"


Smiling, Kong Huan lit the stove in the yard.

Although it is spring now, the winter that has just left has left some coldness as a gift, and at this time it can only be accepted by the fire.

He ordered the table and signaled Chu Xia to sit down, and Kong Huan sat down at the stone table, while adjusting the temperature of the stove beside him, while grinding the tea leaves in the teacup in front of him.

"I've thought about a lot of things recently, and found that I'm really not suitable to be a manager." Looking up at the big tree that was sprouting not far away, Chu Xia's feeling of emptiness at this moment was not only the indifference of an old man, but also A hint of sobriety of new shoots.

(Is this the reason why Kong Huan was promoted to Youshen level?) Looking at Kong Huan at this moment, Chu Xia thought with some doubts, and Kong Huan continued her words.

"In the position of a manager, there are too many and complicated issues to consider. These are nothing. I have been able to persist in continuous tasks for several years, and I am not impatient."

"But it's mainly people's calculations, which cannot be handled by hard work and time. In this regard, I have to admit that it is indeed not as good as those people in the top management who have grown up step by step."

"So, if there are any problems in the future, I will only propose them. As for the discussion and decision, I will leave it to them."

The kettle on the stove was gradually steaming, and he put his finger close to the mouth of the kettle to feel the temperature, Kong Huan said with a smile, "Even the position of the director of the technical bureau, I will hand it over...don't worry."

Waving her hands to stop Chu Xia who was about to say something, Kong Huan knew very well that the only research mode he could use made it impossible for him to shirk the responsibility of technology research, but he didn't want to give up this responsibility either.

With a wave of his arm, the teacup on the table rotated slightly under the control of his thoughts, and the tea leaves in it were evenly distributed as if they were brewing tea without adding water.

With a wave of his hand, he poured out the tea powder in it, and after emptying out the sundries in it with his mind, Kong Huan added a few pieces of fresh and tender tea leaves to the teacup again.

"I just gave up the position of director of the Technology Bureau. As you can see, most of my time is spent doing tasks to earn civilization points. I don't have much time to manage the Technology Bureau."

There was a hint of apology in the hollow tone: "It is in my hands, and it has completely become a vassal of the research model. In the eyes of outsiders, which of the brilliant research results of the Technology Bureau was developed by the Technology Bureau itself?"

"Maybe the research model can be kept forever, but I don't want my friends to rely too much on this thing. In any case, self-development is the long-term way."

The kettle next to it began to roar with steam expanding through the spout, carefully wrapped it in leather and lifted the kettle, Kong Huan added an equal amount of fresh tea to the two teacups, and then handed one of the cups to Chu Xia who was opposite.

"So, I want to choose a capable person to lead the technical bureau and separate the technical bureau from its dependence on my research model."

"A capable person? Is there anyone to choose?" Chu Xia looked at Kong Huan in surprise, and asked in doubt.

"One, of course, whether it is used or not is a matter for the top management. I am just making a recommendation as the former director of the Technical Bureau."

"who is it?"

Chu Xia lightly took a sip of the slightly lowered temperature of the tea. This kind of slightly natural taste is loved by friends above the soul level, so much so that tea is also set as a daily commodity, in case it is too high. Price fluctuations, (this may also be regarded as using power for personal gain.)
"Bai Min."

"..." After a slight pause, Chu Xia thought about it, and a smile gradually appeared on her face: "That girl, how is her relationship with Bai Nong?"

"It's not bad. At least recently, Bai Nong doesn't need to make an appointment to find her." Thinking of the messy relationship between the two, Kong Huan also felt a little funny, but after he finished speaking, his expression became serious again.

"That girl is actually quite stubborn."

"When I first came to Central Province, many people looked at that girl with the attitude of 'she relied on Bai Nong to achieve her current status'. This is actually why she wanted to alienate Bai Nong from the beginning."

Sighing, Kong Huan shook his head helplessly: "Everyone wants to be valued, and everyone wants to be valued. In this respect, Bai Min is obviously no exception."

"So, she worked very hard from the beginning, until now, her ability has finally been valued by her teammates and others. No one will say 'that's Mrs. Bai Nong's sister', but call her 'Bai from the Network Research Group. Master Min'."

"Now that she has accepted this kind of acknowledgment, she must be very happy." She nodded with emotion. Although Chu Xia was careful, she didn't pay attention to Bai Min because she was very busy. At the beginning, why didn't she just give Bai Min a name? 'Sister Bainong' is tagged.

But what she didn't expect was that Kong Huan seemed to know Bai Min very well.

(Perhaps because I was in a similar situation when I was a human being, so I should treat myself as others.) Responding to Chu Xia's thoughts with mental strength, Kong Huan smiled and drank the tea in the cup, and then picked up the kettle again, for herself and others. Chu Xia fills up.

"What's more, Bai Min is indeed very capable. Not to mention the current soul-level strength and energy control LV4 level, the entire ethnic group has less than a hundred people. What's more, the 'network research team' she leads is indeed an achievement. Remarkable."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan raised his right hand to Chu Xia, and the lightning flashed a few times before calming down.

In the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, it's just that Konghuan is mobilizing the current to flow through the right hand, but Chu Xia, who is closer, changes her face slightly, and then reveals a gratified smile.

"The first stage has been successful, so when do you plan to promote it?" At this time, Chu Xia was no longer in the mood to drink tea, and asked with her eyes fixed on Kong Huan.

The research model has given the research results of the energy language early on, but it is not so much the energy language as it is the magnetic field language.

The language composed of Pengzu's pinyin and codes made Kong Huan and Bai Min depressed for a while when it first appeared.

After all, I think about every conclusion, and it is so simple, so that everyone who is restricted by this little thing is a little bit unwilling.

But the reality is like this. The key to many developments is this seemingly common understanding.

And it is obviously impossible to do anything to the opponent without the clamor of capital and research models.

After several years of promotion, this is not difficult. Due to the magnetic language of Pengzu Chinese, it has been promoted in various classified schools and high-level schools, and has even become a kind of game in priest schools.

And the magnetic field fluctuations before Konghuan used this language to communicate with Chu Xia.

He told Chu Xia, "The network research group's [Transfer Station] related technologies have taken shape, and the first phase of construction of the [Ethnic Group Network] is ready. '

Hearing Chu Xia's question, Kong Huan laughed very satisfied.

Bai Min accepted his fate in vain at the beginning, although there were indeed some reasons for intimacy at the beginning, but now that Bai Min has succeeded, there is no need to pay attention to the things that were not good before.

But at this time, Kong Huan didn't dare to keep Chu Xia waiting for a long time. From Kong Huan's point of view, Chu Xia's character was only slightly better than 8051.

"The first phase of the group network is expected to build a [magnetic field communication network] that uses the management temples in various places as a transfer station, which will cover the entire friend clan territory, or all the temple coverage areas that are close to the friend clan management temple network."

"Due to the energy control requirements, the [magnetic field communication network] of the first phase only has a single-to-face communication function, and the confidentiality is not high."

"Moreover, the energy control of active communication must be above LV2 level, and the level of passive reception and analysis content must reach LV3."

Seeing that Chu Xia seemed a little disappointed, Kong Huan nodded depressedly on the desktop and said: "Chu Xia, you also need to know that it is a bit difficult for LV2 to precisely control the energy vibration to emit a regular diffuse magnetic field, and then form a magnetic field language. It is required; but to distinguish the content of the magnetic field facing oneself from the clutter, this requirement is even higher."

"Is there no good research direction for the research model?" Chu Xia said regretfully.

"The research model requires the researcher to have a certain understanding and research direction before accepting it, but this thing is actually brand new to you and me and all the Double Moon people, and the specific direction can only be explored by ourselves .”

"What's more, this is only the first step after all, we can't ask too much, can't we?"

"Now that the Pengzu has only developed 10 times in a unified way, we should be content with this achievement."

The chill in the early spring was gradually dissipating, holding the teacup with warm breath again, Chu Xia smiled and nodded in agreement with Kong Huan's words.

Kong Huan said that "Pengzu has developed for ten years", but it is more than ten years?

Since the establishment of the lair in Mount Ga, the Pengzu has actually been led by the seemingly indecisive and troublesome main consciousness in front of them, step by step, although it is difficult, it has developed unstoppably to the present.

What restricts the development of the friends now is actually the population.


On January 10, 1 A.D., the Peng Clan's annual meeting ended, and the third generation of top management, mainly Mu Wen patriarch, officially announced his inauguration.

Subsequently, the top management issued its first decree, the Executive Power Limitation Decree.

The decree requires that for security reasons, the administrators of the government agencies of the Pengzu are limited in strength as follows.

[Shenting] is composed of all righteous gods, and only righteous gods and above can join;

[House of the Elders] is composed of all the Youshen levels except the righteous gods. Anyone who enters the Youshen level but does not become a righteous god must join the Elders' Home;

In addition, [commander level], that is, the deans and patriarchs of each courtyard, must be at the advanced level of the soul level or above;

[Senior managers], that is, ministers of various ministries and senior officials of various provinces, must be mid-soul level or above;
[Intermediate managers], that is, the directors of the bureaus and the mayors of the cities, must be at the beginning of the soul level or above;
In order to assist the manager's management, the [Assistant Tribunal] mechanism was established. All assistants have no strength limit. After reaching a certain level of merit, they can be allowed to join the Assistant Tribunal at the same level as the God Court and the Elders' Court to participate in the highest decision-making.

This is the case of the main body. As for the requirements for the quality of managers, the Mu Wen patriarch who just took office at the conference said a few words unexpectedly.

The first sentence was addressed to those ghost-level mayors: "You are indeed capable, but if you can't be promoted to the soul level in ten years, then why should you complain about going to the province to be an assistant!"

The second sentence is for everyone: "I don't believe it. There are nearly [-] friends in the whole ethnic group, but I can't find a few strong and capable people to be mayors; I really can't find them. At worst, let the Dunjia people do it, they are also members of the friend clan, and they are not without masters."

Two sentences left a bunch of noisy participants below speechless.

Although there is a hint of other meaning behind the second sentence, after the word was adjusted and circulated by the half-baked rumor agency in the Presbyterian Court, it became "as long as the Dunjia people work hard, they can also enter the main management agency of the friend clan and manage a city." Even save the chance' kind of meaning.

Regardless of whether this thing can become a reality, at least the excitement of the Dunjia people who heard this, especially the Dunjia people living among their friends, is self-evident.

This is not to say that they are going to fight for a mayor or a high-ranking official because of this. The main thing is that this sentence makes them realize that Dunjia people are not inferior, and they can also get the same opportunities as their friends through hard work.

The unexpected effect of this rumor has also fed back on the government.

After realizing the energy of the Dunjia people in the ethnic group through this rumor, the top management, through internal discussions, proposed to the House of Elders that all the tribes gathered by the Dunjia people in the mountains who were separated from the management organization of the Pengzu government should be brought under the jurisdiction of the Pengzu government, and the establishment of Regular municipal, provincial and other institutions, managers also join the friend family management system.

In this way, as long as the strength of good friends and the number of Dunjia people are combined, the friends will achieve further development.

In this regard, Elder Kong Huan, who has just stepped down as the director of the Technology Bureau, gave the opinion of "slowly advance and fully integrate".

This marks the official start of the social integration of friends and Dunjia people.

It was noisy outside, hot at home, and scolded on the phone, so I didn't dare to type, so tomorrow's update may be a little unstable, please forgive me.

It should be only temporary, this painful life.

(End of this chapter)

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