Spore Story

Chapter 336 Civil strife, small troubles of friends

Chapter 336 Civil strife, small troubles of friends

Don't worry, today's first haunt =w=
The long period of time after 10 AD was called the "Turbulent Age" by later scholars.

The start time of this era is impossible to tell, because each ethnic group has its own start timetable, and the division of the entire [Era of Turbulence] is just a general framework.

Call it the interest of the historians.

Because, for them, even the plainest history can find out a lot of content for you.

But for ordinary people, this kind of turbulent and easy-to-understand history is obviously more interesting than the little stories in those plain history.

This era has produced countless sorrows and sorrows, and left behind countless heroes and demons.

This era has fed countless historians and entertainment workers, and it has also brought out a huge amount of tears and laughter.

'Perhaps when this history happened, Mr. World was having a high fever. '—Excerpt from "Turbulent Beginnings"

So, let's get in touch with this history first.

First of all, we need to know that the [Era of Turbulence] is a long era, and it is also an era of intervals. Its beginning is called the era of [Race of Chaos].

In this era, turmoil only occurred within each race. It seemed small, but it was actually extremely tragic.

However, in turbulent times, there is no era that is not miserable.

Well, first of all, let us understand what this [chaotic race] is.

Since it is a matter within each race, we must first talk about the friends.

So, let's get to the point.

When history entered January 10 AD, after the end of the Peng Clan's second annual meeting, the entire Peng Clan ushered in another reform.

However, as always, because the reform has been explained before, and the intensity is not strong, and the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water is still adopted, the resistance to the reform among friends is not strong, and the implementation of the policy is obviously very stable.

All of this seems to be going smoothly, and it has nothing to do with the turbulent era, but this is just the beginning.

At this time, the Pengzu had established the entire Double Moon Star, the only truly stable ruling institution. Compared with other civilized races at the same time, its development potential was self-evident.

However, there is still a problem within the Pengzu. Because of the lack of population, they introduced Dunjia people as the basic race. No one has used this racial mixing model, so it needs to be explored step by step.

But exploration is accompanied by conflicts, not to mention that there are many Dunjia tribes within the Pengzu, which are outside the control of the management.

When the time entered June 10 AD, the Pengzu management at that time finally decided to start taking action against those Dunjia people who were free from the Pengzu government.

This period of history is recorded in detail in the literature. The elder and dean at that time, Mr. Kong Huan, once issued a proposal to the then patriarch, Mu Wen, to 'proceed slowly and fully integrate'.

But for some reason, the management at that time did not fully follow this proposal, which is a very safe proposal in the eyes of modern people.

'Perhaps it was thought that this kind of proposal was too general, and the ancients lacked political wisdom, so they couldn't pass this and find a good way to implement it, so they didn't take action. '—Excerpt from "Political Development"

Regardless of what people in later generations think about this, the management at that time did indeed directly issue the "Decree on the Acceptance of the Dunjia Tribe".

The decree requires that all Dunjiaren cave tribes that are free from the management of the Pengzu must announce their acceptance of the leadership of the Pengzu before January 11, 1 AD, and accept the temporary management personnel of the Pengzu. The original leaders need to go to the Pengzu Receive management education.

This was also used at the beginning of the unification of the friends, so in the eyes of the top management at the time, even the elders' homes, Shenting and most of the friends, it was reasonable and reasonable. After all, the friends stated that those They are all friend tribe territories, and joining the friend tribe can obviously lead to a better life.

But for the careerists among the Dunjia people, and perhaps the careerists among the friends, this is not a good thing.

Because in the beginning, these cave tribes who were outside the management organization of the friends did not want to accept the rule of the friends, but because they wanted to fight against the spirit with the friends, they stayed in the territory of the friends semi-forced .

Now that they received this decree, they felt that it was time for them to leave.

However, will the management of the friend clan let the Dunjia people who have been booked as the base of the friend clan leave, and then establish an organization outside to attract the Dunjia people of the friend clan?
Obviously not.

"Six years ago, if they wanted to leave, we would welcome them."

"But now, the Dunjia people are already an important part of the friends. Once they establish a Dunjia organization outside, what will the Dunjia people of the Friends think? Should they join the organization formed by the Dunjia themselves, or stay in the group?" family?"

"Although we believe that most of the Dunjia people will still choose to stay in the friend clan wisely, but they obviously have grudges in their hearts."

According to historical records, these words were said by the leader of the management at that time, the Muwen patriarch, during discussions among some managers.

Perhaps it has been circulated for a long time, resulting in some differences in details, but it clearly expresses the thinking of the management of the Pengzu at that time.

That is, friends and Dunjia people can only have one country, and that is the friends.

So, right after the cave Dunjia people tribes sent their relocation applications to their friends, the top management issued a second decree.

It is mandatory for these tribes to accept management and become leaders within a time limit, and before accepting temporary leadership, they are not allowed to go out, let alone declare independence.

At the same time, in order to stabilize the emotions of the Dunjia people who are mostly farmers within the Pengzu, various places began to learn the model of chambers of commerce, and the components [Agricultural Cooperative Association], referred to as farmers' associations.

The main role of the farmers' association is to unite farmers from all over the country, distribute agricultural planting, and protect farmers' rights.

But the actual effect is to let the Dunjia people feel the hope of entering the high-level.

Because Dunjia people accounted for about [-]% of the Pengzu farmers at this moment, it is a matter of course that Dunjia people are dominant in the top management of the peasant association. Afterwards, the Pengzu announced that the top management of the peasant association has a middle-level manager, that is, the mayor first class status.

Although it is in name, it also satisfies the vanity of these Dunjia people.

As a result, the status of the Dunjia people in the Peng clan began to increase, and the rebellious sentiment among the cave tribes who were about to be incorporated was relatively reduced a lot.

On December 10, 13 AD, the Pengzu management officially accepted the management rights of 21 tribes among the [-] cave tribes within the Pengzu management.

After dispatching temporary senior officials and mayors to arrange relocation to the outside, the original 'senior officials' and 'mayors' in these tribes were all sent to management schools, and they will return to their positions after graduation .

Of course, at that time, they will belong to the senior management of the friend clan and join the friend clan management system.

At this time, Muwen's management turned its attention to the remaining seven Dunjia tribes with a combined population of more than [-].

"Never underestimate people's ambition - from "Ambitionist"."

I thought that with the good leaders of the first fourteen tribes, as long as the managers of the remaining tribes are not idiots, they will definitely make the right choice after a little weighing.

Therefore, in order to let them feel the goodwill of the friends, the management canceled the ban on them, but let them accept the leadership as soon as possible according to the law.

However, the management obviously still underestimated those Dunjia people... no, it was the ambition of creatures.

January 11, AD 1, was the time of the annual meeting.

Originally, this was just a small annual meeting, but because of the participation of the Dunjia people, the senior management specially held a big annual meeting.

Most of the members of the annual meeting are waiting for the good news of the last seven Dunjia tribes.

But the reality gave the high-level leaders a blow. On the afternoon of that day, the temple sent back a message, "The Dunjia people rebelled, and the seven tribes at the border left the territory of the friend tribe, and their whereabouts are unknown."

According to unofficial records, the head of the Muwen patriarch at that time was ashen-faced, and the representatives of the Dunjia people who were invited to join the annual meeting as future managers even yelled at them.

The atmosphere of the annual meeting suddenly seemed dull.

Digging from history, scholars were able to calculate that when this information was sent back, the Dunjia had actually been away for more than two days.

Why did the Dunjia people leave?How did they leave without anyone noticing?Waiting for the puzzle has also become a topic of chat among scholars.

With the digging ability of the Dunjia people, after leaving the fixed settlement, the friends can only rely on luck to find these guys.

How to do?Just let them go?

Of course not.

Therefore, the high-level quickly mobilized the nearest team and the trusted Dunjia army to conduct a search with a net.

Fortunately, the Peng clan's territory is not large, and although the mental power is difficult, it can also be invested in the ground.

So in just seven days, the team reported that they had found the Dunjia.

At this time, the higher-ups who were placed together did not give these Dunjia people any chance, and directly issued the decision of 'capture all and kill the rebels'.

According to the official history, the one who proposed this solution was an elder who was a former Dunjia person who was the head of the Legion Department of the Military Academy at that time.

Whether this is the case or not, we can no longer tell, unless we go back in time, scholars can only draw conclusions that may be correct or wrong from the bits and pieces of history and their own analysis.

Therefore, let's not worry about who issued the order.

By July 11, 7 AD, three of the seven tribes that 'defected' had all been discovered.

According to the historical records at the time, the battle went on very quickly. With the cooperation of the Friends and the Dunjia Legion, and with their previous experience in dealing with the Spirit Race, the three tribes resisted for less than ten days before being wiped out.

In the whole battle, the friend clan side lost 12 friends and 78 Dunjia people; while the 'defector' side lost 1417 Dunjia people, and the remaining 1 people chose to surrender.

For safety reasons, these Dunjia people were dispersed in various provinces. In the name of 'assisting the rebellion', these Dunjia people were organized into a reclamation army. 30% of the agricultural plantings were required to be handed over, and they were sentenced to 20 years in prison.

This is the first time that the Pengzu has punished a large number of people, so the management's dissatisfaction with the Dunjia people's rebellion at that time can be expressed. Of course, it is up to the beholder to see if there is any other meaning in it.

In this incident, both the Elder's House and the Shenting unexpectedly remained silent.

But it's not over yet.

The remaining four tribes are larger tribes, with a combined population of nearly [-]. They are separated from the ethnic group and do not have a high recognition of the friends, and because of the war with the Spirit Race, their internal combat effectiveness is also good.

In this way, the time was extended to February 12 AD, and something really unexpected happened.

Twelve cities rebelled in the north in a row, and they seemed to have discussed it, and [-] Dunjia people also appeared there, and there were even three management temples, announcing their entry into the twelve cities.

Immediately, the Twelve Cities announced that they had become a new group of friends and formed a management organization.

At this time, if you don't understand that there is a problem, the patriarch Mu Wen will be in vain.

At the end of February in 12 AD, the high-level members of the Peng clan quickly passed a resolution to send two elders from the elders' house to join the nearest Longyue team and launch an attack on the twelve cities in the north.

But how could these people not know their disadvantages? When the two elders arrived ahead of schedule, they discovered that the Twelve City had joined forces with the Dunjia clan at this time, and dug out a chaotic underground labyrinth underground. As for the friends on the ground , whether they supported them or not, were forcibly withdrawn underground.

However, these ambitious guys obviously still overestimated their own strength, and at the same time underestimated the strength of the management.

At the end of March in 12 AD, the Lingyue team and the 3rd Dunjia Legion rushed to the original site of the Twelve Cities in the north to join the two elders.

Then, under the guidance of the two elders who arrived in advance, they blocked all these people in three large caves in less than 12 days by relying on the channel processing mode of "confirm one and close one".

The farce-like rebellion was quickly extinguished in less than two months, and the strength of the top management was once again displayed in the eyes of the world, breaking a lot of soil for those ungrateful careerists.

After this battle, not only solved the Dunjia problem by the way, but also calmed down some ambitious people in the group.

According to post-war statistics, 76 main members including the leader among the rebel friends were eliminated, and those captured were also sentenced to death.

2271 Dunjia people were eliminated, all of which were battle losses.

2771 friends and 37721 Dunjia were captured.

Regarding the treatment of these captives, there were obviously differences within the Peng clan, mainly focusing on whether friends and Dunjia people should be treated differently.

Therefore, it was not until after the annual meeting in January 13 AD that the top management finally made a decision on what to do with these captives.

The captives in this battle and the previous battle against the Dunjiaren were screened and found not guilty, and convicted at the third level of [forced coercion], [chosen coercion], and [active coercion].

Innocence, of course, refers to those who faced the strength of the enemy, did not agree with them, and were rescued before being dealt with. They were all released without guilt and received rewards of varying sizes for their good performance.

As for the guilty.

The lightest level [forced slave], whether it is a friend or a dunjia, will be punished with 5 years, 30% agricultural tax, forced reclamation of wasteland, and free work for the friend during the slack period of the sentence;
The heavier [Choose a Coercion], because of the tendency of rebellion and lack of loyalty to the friends, will be punished with 15 years, 40% agricultural tax, and forced to reclaim wasteland, and work for the friends for free during the slack period of the prison sentence;
For the highest level of [active coercion], this is the second most serious crime after the 76 leaders who were executed, but for the sake of population protection and because they were not the masterminds, they were not sentenced to death, but It is a penalty of 30 years, 50% agricultural tax, and unconditional work for friends during the sentence.

All criminals who participated in the rebellion, regardless of whether the circumstances were serious or not, must receive education from their friends to reverse their sense of rebellion and let them realize their mistakes, so as not to become an unstable factor after serving their sentences and lead to more rebellions.

It can be said that this is the first time that the Friends of the Friends have executed friends on such a large scale, and it has become an example of how the Friends of the Friends deal with rebels.

The whole incident was historically divided into the early 'Seven Mountains Rebellion' and the later 'Twelve Cities Rebellion'.

Caught a bad cold, cups...

Head hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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