Spore Story

Chapter 337 Chaos, Internal Problems of the Spirit Race

Chapter 337 Chaos, Internal Problems of the Spirit Race

The second update is here~\(≧▽≦)/~
The 'Twelve Cities Rebellion' incident poured cold water on the management of the Friends.

After that, the Pengzu successively issued several decrees, stipulating the rights and obligations of the various organizations of the Pengzu management, and strengthened the supervision of various places, and at the same time coordinated the distribution of troops in various places, while there was a danger of military mutiny.

From the perspective of scholars of later generations, if the Pengzu did not send out the elders' house and the main force quickly, but only used the local team to take charge, things might have developed in a different direction.

Because once the war does not end in a short period of time, those ambitious people within the friend clan will think that the management of the friend clan has failed, and the friend clan will face a real split.

However, because of the decisive actions of the top management, which deterred the remaining wavering elements, in the early period of this turbulent era known as the era of "chaotic race", it took less than 3 years for the incident in the Pengzu, and this , we have to count when the dunjia people who were promoted at the beginning were fully integrated.

In some historical analysis within the Peng Clan, this period of history was not even intended to be included in the turbulent era, but it was regarded as an independent 'rebellion event' and listed in the historical list separately.

Of course, whether there is any idea of ​​increasing the number of books and topics for historians is unknown.

However, in the initial stage of turmoil as if cursed, the Pengzu was able to quickly assess the rebellion and achieve stability, which is believed by almost all scholars to be the reason why the Pengzu was able to gain a firm foothold step by step in the subsequent turbulent era and ended in the turbulent era Afterwards, the reason for becoming the strongest clan of Shuangyuexing.

The topic of 'the first rebellion among the friends' is indeed eye-catching, but we can't limit ourselves to this, because what we are talking about is the era of [chaotic race].

So, we zoomed out and zoomed out, and looked at the entire Double Moon Star.

At this time, people will suddenly find out that the Pengzu is nothing more than a rebellion in which less than 100 friends and less than 5000 Dunjia people died.

So next, let's take a look at the enemies of the friends - the Eldar.

Because of the appearance of the friends, the momentum of the spirits breaking into the ground was temporarily curbed, and they could only compete for various living spaces inside.

For the Spirit Race, which is extremely belligerent internally, and will hinder and stumble internally when facing friends, without the threat of external enemies, it is obviously impossible to settle down internally.

And at the beginning of the Troubled Age, the Eldar should actually be the saddest race.

Their internal battles can be divided into two periods.

The first period is the period of 'chaos'.

After the War of the Friends in 7 AD, the Eldar who were directly below the Friends became confused.

With the friend tribe as the enemy before, they could barely maintain unity, but now that the enemy has become neutral and unable to obtain the surface territory, the Eldar people have returned to the quagmire of the cave battle again.

But the emergence of the friends brought them new tactics.

After seeing the power of joint operations, the Eldar people who used to fight independently also began to change from a small organization formed by a loose cave alliance to a large cave joint organization dominated by plural rulers.

However, due to the discord within the ruler, this degenerated later, and became a strange situation where the high-level spirit race managed the small caves, and the ruler managed the high-level spirit race, a joint organization, but only one ruler Condition.

After all, it is impossible for the rulers who have been fighting each other for many years to reconcile and surrender to one of them in a short period of time.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

As more than a dozen ruler organizations in the underground of the friends fought against each other, the winner stood on the corpse of the loser and became the object of admiration.

And as the victors among them became stronger and stronger, some smart rulers had realized that they might not be qualified leaders, but they could not succeed, and they were unwilling to be commanded by their former enemies.

So, they chose to transfer.

Through these departed rulers and the scattered Eldar people, the news of the new theoretical organization model and the friend race spread to the ears of the outer Eldar people.

However, not all Eldar lack underground cave territories.

The underground world is actually another terrestrial world, and there are quite a few 'continent caves' comparable in size to continents.

Therefore, for the rulers who occupy these super caves, friends and the earth are just a topic in their spare time.

But the new organizational model has become something that these rulers who will also conflict with the enemy and even fight are what they value.

As a result, some forward-looking rulers in the spirit race began to try to gather those rulers who had lost their breeding nests, and made them submit to themselves, and their strength increased rapidly.

Regardless of this, how safe is it for these rulers.When the news spread that the nearby Eldar organization discovered that it had always been a hostile organization of a ruler, when suddenly several rulers joined together, and there was no fighting or division of family property, they naturally felt threatened .

No matter who said the phrase "strike first is the strongest", these rulers who have been fighting all the year round are clearly aware of this in their hearts.

In this way, war is inevitable.

Compared with the wars where the friends carefully controlled casualties, one organization of the Eldar clan eliminated another organization based on the standard of killing the opponent's ruler and breeding nest.

The ruler is the high-end combat power and commander, while the breeding nest is the development foundation of the opponent.

Therefore, for the Eldar who never counted the casualties of the Eldar, no matter how many later scholars searched for the specific number of deaths of the Eldar during this period, they could not find the specific content.

It can only be known that during the war that lasted for more than six years, at least 101 breeding nests and 31 rulers died within the Spirit Race.

Until the time entered August 13 AD, 8, who was alarmed by the mass death of members of the Spirit Race, learned about the situation of the Spirit Race through the memory of the other party, and told Kong Huan a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that the Eldar, which originally had four times the population of the Friends, now only have twice as many.

But just when everyone in the elders' house was still rejoicing, 8051, under the gaze of the empty and calm eyes, sadly said the bad news.

The Spirit Race originally consisted of nearly a hundred organizations, but now they are unified into seven.

Moreover, each of their organizations is no longer led by a single ruler in the past, but is led by the strongest ruler, leading five to seven rulers, and the average number of breeding nests for subordinates is no less than a hundred. There are no fewer than two thousand high-level Eldar, forming a management organization similar to the original organizational model of the Pengzu.

These seven spirit race organizations were established on the basis of seven relatively wide 'continental caves' underground.Of course, at this time, the few small organizations that first fought against the friends have long since disappeared into the dust of history.

And 8051 is called "Seven Spirits Organization" according to the habit of emptiness.

Of course, these things about 8051 have not been recorded in history.

Therefore, the discussion of why the Pengzu had so clear battle losses to the deeply buried Eldar during this period of time has also become a topic for scholars of later generations.

It is said that after the Pengling War, the Friends sent surveillance personnel to the Spirit Race for security reasons, and thus obtained detailed information.

But for this kind of statement, many people just laughed it off. If the Pengzu could do this, how could they fight with the Lingzu for so long before.

But when asked why there is such data, the smiles of those people will disappear from their faces, and they will only answer 'maybe God told them'.

It's amazing that they guessed it right, but unfortunately, scholars don't believe in such sweeping statements.

So, it became a mystery.

But what neither Konghuan nor 8051 expected at the time was that the appearance of the [Seven Spirits Organization] was actually just the beginning of the internal battle of the Spirit Clan.

I don't know which month in AD 14 (I can't find relevant information in history=.=), this is a happy and painful time for the Eldar.

One of the Seven Spirit Organizations, faced with the seven parties relying on their respective 'Continental Caves' to stalemate, and the extremely boring rulers, got reports from their subordinates that they accidentally dug a passage leading to the ground.

The ground here is far away from the friends and most civilized races.

What makes this ruler ecstatic is that the biological resources on the surface are extremely rich.

This is obviously a huge source of troops for the Eldar organization whose underground biological resources have been consumed in large quantities after several years of war.

While strictly requiring the confidentiality of ground resources, this organization gradually collected the biological resources on the ground and transformed them into its own forces. Gradually, the balance of the Seven Spirits organization was broken.

This organization, relying on the high-speed assault dinosaurs from the ground, has formed a powerful assault army. From the passages connected by various underground caves, on the stalemate battlefield, a sudden surprise attack invades the opponent's core cave.

Taking this battle as a standard, the fragile balance in the ground that had just been formed was completely broken.

At this time, the second stage of "hegemony" comes.

This organization became the winner at the beginning of the war. Relying on the combat biological resources far beyond the underground, he completely occupied the adjacent large organization, and became the Seven Spirits... no, it is now the strongest organization of the Six Spirits organization.

However, the idea of ​​shooting the top bird with a gun is no joke.

Faced with such a sudden threat, other organizations couldn't figure out where the opponent's so many troops came from.

So, before this organization digested the 'Continental Cave' next to it, the other five organizations that felt threatened used a large number of troops to attract the attention of this organization from the front; , launch a sneak attack on the opponent.

The increase in the number of soldiers has increased the combat power at the bottom level, and has no effect on the combat power at the top level. However, it is obvious that the large organization, which had suffered a lot of losses in the previous battle, was killed in one fell swoop in the face of the high-level siege of the five spirit clans. .

As a result, this organization that had just risen and was maintained entirely by the management of the ruler collapsed in an instant, and was divided and eaten by the remaining five organizations.

Similarly, the secrets of biological resources on the ground have also been exposed.

In 15 A.D., after learning the underground experience, the Five Spirits plundered the biological resources on the surface in a limited manner, each formed a huge cannon fodder force, and restarted the war.

Because the two organizations that were destroyed before were located in the 'Mainland Karst Cave', the five major organizations all had their own small territories, so the most intense battles broke out in these two caves.

But at this time, the strengths of the five organizations are almost the same. According to the spirit clan's method of controlling animals to fight, the real losses are actually the animals on the ground of the five spirit clan.

As the battle continued, there were organizations that limitedly plundered the biological resources on the surface at the beginning. In order to win the battle, they began to destructively plunder.

If it continues, the ground above the Five Spirits organization may become a world of plants and small animals.

This is of course not allowed.


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(End of this chapter)

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