Spore Story

Chapter 338 The Fall of the Evil God, the Beginning of the Black Bones Chaos

Chapter 338 The Fall of the Evil God, the Beginning of the Black Bones Chaos
Three more reached, ~\(≧▽≦)/~
The biosphere in nature has its own balance, and the harm caused by the balance breaking will be immeasurable.

The number of animals killed in the Five Spirits War has far surpassed that of the Friends' Spirits War.

Without the help of 8051, after the countless dead souls in the war returned to the will of the planet, they immediately aroused the anger of the will of the planet.

And 8051, taking the opportunity to collect part of the authority, took advantage of the restlessness of the planet's will this time, and launched a slightly adjusted punishment on the spirit race.

That is……

Create a super earthquake around the two major 'continental caves' where the Eldar fight.

At this moment, almost all the main forces of the five spirits gathered here. Two major earthquakes caused two 'continental caves' to disappear completely from the planet.

At the same time, the lives of more than a dozen rulers and 10,000+ spirit people were taken away.

But the problem is, the so-called slight adjustment of 8051 seems to be too much, and at the same time, there are millions of surface and subterranean creatures that will be destroyed.

And that's just one aspect of it.

Since the planet is one, this major earthquake caused the planet to vibrate synchronously, and disasters such as tsunamis and volcanic eruptions erupted one after another, causing most places on Double Moon to experience a catastrophe.

There were even three volcanoes erupting in the territory of the Peng tribe. Fortunately, the construction plan was far away, and the tribe had been taking anti-earthquake measures for so many years, so no major loss of life was caused.

At the same time, due to the subsidence of the 'mainland karst cave', the surface of the two original battlefields collapsed. The high mountains in the two areas became flat lands, and the plains became inland lakes.

In the subsequent plate displacement, these two places became part of the ocean completely, separating the two continents.

With such a great harm, 8051 is obviously a little frightened.

And causing such a catastrophe, 8051's radical actions are already to blame, and the authority that has been raised has been weakened a lot. If it wasn't for the busy patching around, and the support of Kong Huan and the others, would she still be able to act as an agent? will be a problem.

Of course, that's another story.

At this time, what I want to talk about here is still the Spirit Race.

The Five Spirits organization suffered huge losses in this event they called "God's Punishment", and they were no longer able to fight with each other, so they could only declare a strike.

Thus, the internal battle of the Eldar ended unexpectedly in March 16 AD.

Then, after reading the turbulent early history of the Peng and Spirit Clans, the next step is the Black Bone Ape Clan, which has been forgotten but cannot be ignored. =.=).

The Blackbone Tribe has a long history of civil strife, and a good tradition.

When later generations of scholars analyzed the turbulent era of the Black-Bone Race, they discovered with sadness and sympathy that the Black-Bone Race was almost never in turmoil.

'This is a tragic race, but also a rebellious race, but also a powerful race. '—Excerpt from "The Chronicle of the Black-Bone Ape: The Rebellious Black-Bone Ape".

Regardless of whether this sentence is correct, or whether certain parts of it are correct, I won’t talk about it here, but since it was published, it also shows the strength of the black bone ape’s rebellion against tradition.

When researching the history of the Black-Bone Ape, some depressed scholars even directly labeled the Black-Bone Race as a 'rebel clan' on the Internet.

Although this label was taken off the Internet shortly after because of the strong protest of the Black Bones, judging from the tens of thousands of support in just a few days, the boring people are obviously very happy with the situation of the Black Bones. agree.

Then, after thinking about it and combining the analysis and discussion of experts from several races at that time, the scholars decided to establish October 10 AD as a sign that the Black Bone Race entered a turbulent period.

Because at this time, a major event occurred within the Black Bone Race, the 'fall of the evil god'.

In fact, looking at the history of the Black-Bone Ape, we can find that in some ancient relics, the Black-Bone Race first ruled over the Black-Bone Ape for decades, and almost unified the entire southern Black-Bone Ape. Ape's title of "evil god" is not "evil god", but "false god".

Then why did the name change later?
Regarding the situation in this regard, scholars have conducted several internal discussions and sought opinions from the general public on the Internet.

In the end, everyone agreed that it was only because there were more than a dozen "true gods" (the name of the black bone ape for the Youshen class) and thousands of "beginning gods" (the name of the black bone ape for the soul class) besieging the "evil god" .

After the battle, there were only three 'true gods' and less than twenty 'beginning gods' left, and one of them broke through in the battle.

In this way, think about it, everyone, if you can make the "true god" into such an enemy, if you just call it a "false god", wouldn't that be a slap in the face to the "true gods", and the black bone ape obviously doesn't know what a "demon" is. word.

Therefore, this involves the issue of face. After scholars think they have figured out the reason, they no longer dwell on it, but continue to sort out the history of the black-boned ape.

The topic is back, and we will continue to talk about the [chaotic race] era of the Black Bones.

In October of AD 10 (many years later, the Black-Bone Ape passed through history and reversed the time), at that time, as the leader of the Black-Bone Ape's internal rebel army (they called themselves liberators), Fengwen Hong thought that he After he had accumulated enough strength, he led his subordinates to formally raise the flag to rebel.

It has been accumulated for more than ten years, and once it explodes, it will of course be majestic.

Coupled with the evil propaganda against the "evil god" in the past ten years, the rebel army has unprecedented unity and high momentum.

Nearly 20 troops (with families and mouths =.=) successively conquered dozens of strongholds of "evil gods", and in March 11 AD, on the "Jihad Plain", they fought with the three major rulers under the "evil gods" In one of them, a fierce battle took place.

Relying on their own almost overwhelming high-end strength, the rebel army defeated the opponent and captured the leader with a non-distinctive flat-push fighting method.

Known as the 'Glorious Battle' in history.

According to statistics from the Battle of Glory, more than 2 troops under the commander were wiped out.

Although the rebel army also paid the loss of more than 5 miscellaneous soldiers for this, after that, before the 'evil god' could react, they quickly annexed the tribe to which this leader belonged.

Relying on the strong propaganda advantage and appeal of the rebel army, in less than two months, the strength of the rebel army has not decreased but increased, soaring to 40.

As for the high-end strength, it has nearly doubled due to the exposure of the "evil god totem stick bondage".

So, they marched towards the core temple of the 'evil god'.

In July 11 AD, the high-spirited 'Rebel Army' and the 'Evil God Army' confronted each other in the Temple of the Evil God.

However, at this time, both sides intend to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop, and because they are afraid of the opponent's strength and escape ability (the god-level temple teleportation), the two sides temporarily fell into a stalemate on the frontal battlefield.

Then, the battle between the two sides started on the 'Destroy the other side's affiliated temple'.

However, it is clear that the foundation of the rebel army hiding in Tibet for more than ten years cannot be dug out by the "evil god" in half a year;
On the contrary, due to being on the bright side, the position of the temple of the 'evil god', the rebel army is well aware of it.

In May of 12 AD, with the roar of the "evil god", his last subsidiary temple was also destroyed. The leader of the rebel army, Feng Mohong, finally showed a rare smile.

But he didn't know that this was the last smile he left in this world.

The frontal battle started again under the active attack of the 'evil god' who had no way out.

The evil god army led by the 'evil god' and the two commanders, because it is a regular army, and those who lack combat effectiveness have not been added, so there are only 6, but the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated;

The rebel army is compulsory for both men, women and children, and there are even scenes of mothers holding babies and cooking in the logistics department. As a result, the number of rebel troops is 39.

But before the battle started, God made a joke with the black bone ape.

A heavy snowfall in the cold winter, just when the two sides were at war, flew down on its own, and quickly covered the color of the world.

Unexpected natural disasters brought great losses to the rebels living in the tents.

After more than ten days of wind and snow, the number of recorded losses of the rebel army was as high as 5, most of whom were the elderly and children.

In comparison, because of the support of the temple and the surrounding buildings, the evil god army survived the snowstorm for more than ten days even though they were surrounded by groups in the temple, with a loss of less than 1.

When the two sides fought again, it was already February 12 AD.

The earth has already wafted the fragrance of many flowers, but both the 'rebel army' and the 'evil god army' are embodying the fighting spirit of 'stop the stranger'.

'The whole battle is a tragedy, a tragedy that consumes internal strength and satisfies personal desires. '——Excerpt from "The Chronicle of the Black-Bone Ape: The End of the Cthulhu"

The entire battlefield added up to more than 20 people, and it was the undisputed first super-large war in the history of Double Moon Star.

Limbs, minced meat, blood, head...

In the later stage of the battle, people are completely walking on the bloody battlefield like a quagmire, relying on the influence of crazy emotions, and fighting regardless of whether they are the enemy or the enemy.

Because, at this time, the commanders of both the enemy and the enemy were transferred to participate in the battle in order to deal with high-end battles, and only some commanders who were usually not high in rank remained on the battlefield.

It was a ludicrous and pathetic blunder, a perfect mockery of the Darkbone chain of command.

Both sides are the same species (black bone ape) and the same appearance (blood man).

The fragile command system came to a standstill after the commanders fought. 10,000+ black bone apes fought on the battlefield. As they mixed with each other and the battle deepened, they began to attack regardless of whether they were the enemy or us. Even the commander who partially responded, At this point, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

What's more, they also need to cooperate with the 'true god' to fight the 'evil god'; or cooperate with the 'god' to eliminate the 'rebel leader'.

'The fact that the first head-to-head confrontation became a decisive battle is a miracle in the history of warfare, but a tragic miracle. '—Excerpt from "A World of Chaos"

The battle between the 'evil god' and the 'true god' actually took only one day.

Feng Wenhong, the leader of the rebel army, failed to witness the fall of the 'evil god' with his own eyes.

While launching the attack, he was turned into scattered light spots by the full blow of the evil god. Even his own symbol, his subordinates only found half a broken wing.

Of course, the Cthulhu couldn't escape the siege of a bunch of crazy guys in the end.

In the roar of unwillingness, he fell straight into his last temple, and turned into dust with his temple, idol, and altar.

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(End of this chapter)

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