Spore Story

Chapter 339 Rebels, Nine True God Kingdoms

Chapter 339 Rebels, Nine True Kingdoms of God

Thank you for the winter in the wind, flowers and snow, and Mango Hero for your support =w=
The evil god has fallen...

The goal of his life has been achieved...

A bunch of "true gods" and "beginning gods" couldn't be happy about this.

It wasn't because they had lost so many "god" companions, nor was it because they had lost their goal, but because they couldn't control the chaotic battlefield below.

Even the true gods of the Youshen level, in the face of nearly 10 people in a melee, they can't get involved at all. Even if they can learn to soothe 1000 people with mental power, there are still 9000 people left. People, in less than half a second, these 1000 people will continue to be infected...

The entire battle, the high-end battle, ended in just one day, but the ordinary soldiers fought for four full days.

All the soldiers, under the influence of the fanaticism of the whole, used the last bit of energy to maintain their respective movements.

They have no companions, no enemies, no ego, they only know how to swing the sticks in their hands and smash their fists at the creatures in front of them...

Handle, smash...handle, smash...that's all.

The physical limit of the Black Bone Race was fully displayed in this scuffle. For four days, even though a large number of people were either directly smashed to death or killed by the surrounding people due to lack of strength, compared to the nearly [-] The numbers are inconspicuous, even if the numbers are dwindling.

It wasn't until the fourth day that everyone, both mentally and physically, could no longer hold on. At this time, the fighting finally stopped.

For the vast majority of them, they never got up again after this stop.

'The most regrettable battle in history is this battle, because these soldiers on the battlefield should actually be friends, not enemies. Only high-end combat power is needed to win, and the following battles do not need to be fought at all, but history is so naughty . '—Excerpt from "The Chronicle of the Black-Bone Ape: The Rebellious Black-Bone Ape".

Battlefields are generally cleaned up after wars to get usable materials, to dispose of the corpses of fellow citizens, to avoid things like plague.

But this time, no one dared to go to clean up the battlefield, not even the three 'true gods' and the dozens of 'beginning gods'.

The land made of blood plasma, broken bones, and muddy meat, together with the 'evil god' temple in the middle, has almost become a forbidden area for the black bones, a paradise for scavengers.

But it is impossible not to deal with it and stay there. Although it is not known that it will cause the plague, several true gods can also feel that not dealing with it will bring serious consequences.

Therefore, they cleared the isolation zone around the battlefield. It wasn't until dozens of days later, when the land dried up a little, that these true gods endured the fear and nausea in their hearts, and set it ablaze with a large number of torches.

Afterwards, the Black Bone Tribe counted more than 30 soldiers from both sides, and only 3 "true gods", 17 "beginning gods" and 1772 ordinary soldiers survived.

Among these ordinary soldiers, more than 80% are no longer able to participate in combat, and even dare not eat meat, and can only live on plants.

It's not that they are weak, these soldiers can even rely on their physical strength to deal with Shishen, but they can't control their emotions, which can easily cause internal backlash.

After a few years, they finally broke away from the Black-Bone Race, far away from the world of the Black-Bone Race and civilization, and formed a long-standing branch in the desolate mountains.

'They are usually as gentle as vegetarian animals, loving peace and flowers and fruits, but as long as they are stimulated, they will burst out with fierce ferocity, destroying everything and themselves almost regardless of whether they are enemies or friends. '—Excerpt from "Ancient Strange Civilization"

This is a later story. At this time, let's continue to look at the Black Bones.

The war seems to be over, those who are waiting for their loved ones can only cry, those who are waiting for victory are speechless, and those who are waiting for a happy day...

The chaos on the battlefield is said to be the vicious 'evil law' of the 'evil god', causing people to become like this.

Those heavy casualties, including all the losses, were all pushed to the 'evil god' of death.

After issuing a ban on all the Black Bones, the three 'True Gods' got together again.

As the supreme ruler of the Black Bone Clan at this time, if the three of them coordinate well, the Black Bone Clan can obviously enter a period of steady and rapid development.But it is a pity that those who can join this rebel army are obviously ambitious people.

Feng Wenhong, the former leader of the rebel army, was able to make good use of the psychology of these people and unite them with the belief of 'destroying evil gods and becoming true gods'.If he was still there, he might be able to find new things to unite these people now, but unfortunately, now that the enemy evil god is dead, and Feng Wenhong, the leader who organized them, is also dead, what should they do?
For them who lived in the Black Bone Race since childhood, the ruler has always been a 'god', and there has always been only one 'god' who can be the ruler.

Strength does not mean intelligence. Although they cannot be said to be stupid, they have not reached the level of great men of the era, so they cannot think of a democratic composition model or a form of common governance.

When they were totem captains, or leaders, or commanders, they accepted the command of the supreme ruler "God"; when they became the first god and true god of the rebel army, they also accepted the command of the original true god Kazemon Hiroshi.

But now, the status of the remaining three true gods is almost the same, so who should be the highest "god"?

'It would be great if the three gods at that time could unite. Now the Black Bone Race should become the overlord of the Double Moon Star. '——Excerpt from "The Age of Dark Bones: Back to Ancient Times".

These three true gods have their own differences.

One person was the first to join, and he had served as an officer in the rebel army more than ten years ago, but he had lingered in the position of the "beginning god" for a long time, and he only made a breakthrough in the Glorious Battle not long ago, so he became the weakest of the three ;

One is Fengmo Hong's brother, and one of the three rulers of the former "evil god", Fengmo Li'an.But he has only joined the Rebellion Bureau for less than ten years. Although he became a 'true god' shortly after joining and is powerful, but after all, there is Fengwenhong in front of him, and he seems a little unconvincing;
One person joined neither too early nor too late, when the name was Guyun, he was earlier than Fengwen Li'an, and later than the previous one, and his strength was also between the two.It seems that it is neither high nor low, and it can be regarded as a middle-of-the-road element.But he has many members who support him, and he has a high reputation among ordinary black-boned apes;

Just like this, they can't settle down with each other, and the final result is obviously that they can only be separated.

At this time, Lian Bian, who was captured in the "Battle of Glory" and then "woke up" and "still" joined the rebel army, made a suggestion, "It is better to divide the Black Bone Race into three kingdoms of gods, and each true god has a kingdom of gods." , to control the people under him. '

'Facts have proved that Lian Bian (the captive commander) is a liar. Maybe he just wants to avenge his lost rights, or there may be other selfish reasons, but his lies for self-interest have destroyed the black bones The future of the race' - Excerpt from "The World of Chaos"

Lian Bian's suggestion aroused the thinking of the three gods. They thought over and over again. They didn't want to lose the overall population of the Black Bone Race, but they lacked the confidence to deal with the enemy in front of them.

In the end, they reluctantly agreed to Lian Bian's proposal, but they didn't know that this was just the beginning.

On the second day after the proposal was passed, the three gods who were planning to divide their respective spheres of influence and carve up the population of the ethnic group were surrounded by more than a dozen 'beginning gods'.

They protested that they were neglected. They had been in the rebel army for more than ten years, and they had been planted with the seeds of resistance. Now they have begun to grow, so that these primordial gods will not be afraid of the coercion of the true god.

Regarding this, the three gods were obviously very angry. You must know that it is already very difficult for the three of them to divide the Black Bone Clan with a population of less than 30. You still want to get involved.

At this time, Lian Bian stood up again.

He was not in a hurry to propose anything, nor did he strive for anything for himself, who is also the "beginning god", but said to the three true gods: "God, the beginning god may also become a true god. God, what will we do then?"

"The totem stick is the means of evil gods, we must not use it, otherwise we are 'evil gods'. And 'one country, one god', this is a rule set in the long past."

'One country, one god', God knows when and who made the rules, but it has entered into the hearts of the three gods at this time, because, if it weren't for this unspoken rule, they would not have painstakingly divided the black and white Bone family.

Thus, in May 13 AD, the Black Bone Clan with a population of less than 5 officially split into three True God Kingdoms and a dozen Xiaoshi God Kingdoms.

The once mighty and huge Black Bone Clan has been completely torn apart.

Scholars in later generations once said with emotion, "We envy the glory of the Evil God Age, but no one wants to go back to live in the Evil God Age; we lament the weakness of the God Kingdom Age, but are willing to return to the God Kingdom Age to fight hard." '

The reason for this feeling is that in the era of the Black Bone Tribe God Kingdom, the gods did a lot of good deeds in order to prove their justice and distinguish themselves from the evil gods.

In the early days of the Kingdom of God, as long as anyone can reach the level of 'God of the Beginning', he can leave with no more than 100 people, find land by himself, and establish a new 'Kingdom of the Beginning of God'.

In other words, during this period, as long as you work hard, you can become a ruler.

This has become the direction of the general public's efforts, and some regional groups have appeared, because they are not adapted to the life of the original kingdom of God, they fully support a promising member to grow into a god of beginning, and then let this god of beginning lead him With the situation that everyone left the original kingdom of God.

As a result, in just six years, hundreds of 'Gods of the Beginning' emerged from the Black Bone Race.

In February 19 AD, the rulers of the Kingdom of God finally realized that this so-called "proof of justice" was meaningless except to divide their own population, and they began to introduce restrictions on the population led by Shishen one after another.

The relatively minor Kingdom of God only limited the number of people led by Shishen to leave, such as reducing the original 100 people to 50 or even 10 people.

In some kingdoms of God, the number of gods who can take away the population is limited each year. Only the first few gods are eligible to take the population.

But doing so obviously does not solve the root cause of some indicators.

In April of 19 AD, Guyun God Kingdom, one of the Three True God Kingdoms, directly proposed internally that only those who had been promoted to 'True God' could leave with no more than 14 people.

You know, it is not easy to promote a true god. Since a true god appeared and fell a few years ago, there has never been a new true god in the entire Black Bone Race. What should these primordial gods do?
As a result, chaos broke out again, and Guyun Divine Kingdom suddenly fell into the bustle of internal suppression.

As for the other two True God Kingdoms, because no such decree has been issued for the time being, they took advantage of the internal chaos of the Guyun God Kingdom to lead their troops straight in, and after annexing a large number of the other party's population, in the capital of the Guyun God Kingdom, they were suppressed by two true gods. , Ask Guyun to declare a truce.

Afterwards, the two True God Kingdoms withdrew from the territory of Guyun God Kingdom, but they also took away 70% of the population of Guyun God Kingdom.

At this time, the rulers have realized the importance of population through the continuous splitting of the small kingdom of God. They seem to have no interest in the vast land, which lacks population occupation, even though primitive farming has begun to appear inside.

But fighting a true god is obviously not worth the loss, so the less than 20-month war from January to July in AD 1 was called the 'War of Population'.

After this battle, although Guyun Divine Kingdom still has a true god sitting in front and retains a vast land, it has been reduced to a second-rate small country due to lack of population.

However, the true god is the true god, which is not comparable to Shishen.

Guyun Kingdom, which lost a large number of people in the previous "population war", and Shishen, who was rioting internally, either surrendered, surrendered, or fled because of the attack of the hostile country...

Therefore, after the war, although the country of Guyun God Kingdom was weak, it established a solid three-level class of "True God - Shishen - People", and Shishen became the middle class of power.

Therefore, in August 20 A.D., in order to make up for the shortage of population, the Guyun Kingdom was guarding against the other two True God Kingdoms, and at the same time, the True God personally led several Shishen's subordinates to attack the neighboring Shishen Kingdom.

In September of 21 AD, the Guyun God Kingdom, which annexed more than a dozen Beginning God Kingdoms, became the most powerful true God Kingdom, disdainful of the entire Black Bone Race.

And his behavior also reminded the other two countries.

That is, the real fat is the Shishen Kingdom that has been raised for several years, not the True God Kingdom as a strong enemy.

Therefore, in June of 21 AD, under the cold winter wind, the three major kingdoms of the true gods signed an internal armistice agreement, restricting the three parties to reduce the garrison at the border, and agreed to settle the surrounding god kingdom before deciding the outcome.

Subsequently, in February 22 AD, the three kingdoms of the gods simultaneously launched an annexation war against Shishen kingdom in their respective directions, which was called "the end of the weak" in history.

But not long after the war, the other two countries, who did not first clean up the internal situation like Guyun Kingdom, suddenly found their own Kingdom of God. Compared with it, it seemed a little powerless in battle.

For example, the two kingdoms of God with only the true gods and a small number of gods in the formation can only send one, at most two or three troops, to attack the kingdom of God with the gods in the formation around them; However, God's Guyun Kingdom can split dozens of routes, and troops led by many Shishen quickly annexed the surrounding Shishen Kingdom.

"If it continues, maybe Guyun Divine Kingdom can reunify the Black Bone Race, but unfortunately, Guyun obviously underestimated the characteristics of his own race. '—Excerpt from "The Chronicle of the Black-Bone Ape: The Rebellious Black-Bone Ape".

In August 22 AD, the two countries, realizing the growing gap between themselves and the God of Guyun, made a secret agreement at the junction of the two countries, tore up the armistice agreement together, turned their guns, and suddenly invaded the Kingdom of God of Guyun. And then occupy the opponent's capital.

Being stabbed in the back again, Guyun, the true god of Guyun Kingdom, suddenly fell into a state of rage. No one can bear this kind of thing, let alone his family and belongings are all in the capital.

Therefore, he immediately stopped the attack on Shishen Kingdom in various places, gathered all the troops outside, and marched towards the capital after gathering.

At this time, the two sides are fighting for time, and the purpose of the two true kingdoms of God is to digest the population of Guyun God Kingdom before Guyunshi invades the capital.

On the other hand, although the two kingdoms of God invaded the capital of Guyun Kingdom of God and captured a large number of people, most of the main military forces of Guyun Kingdom of God were outside to attack the Kingdom of God.

While this created an emptiness within Guyun Divine Kingdom, it also allowed it to retain most of its combat power.

As the most powerful country, the Lone Cloud Divine Kingdom troops, which annexed a large number of population and combat power in the "weak end" battle, began a scuffle with the other two Divine Kingdom troops in the capital.

Because of the lessons learned in the last "Fall of the Evil God" battle, the troops of the Kingdom of Gods today are mainly composed of high-end forces, that is, the true gods, the beginning gods, and the guards with strong combat power and high psychological quality.

The role of the army composed of ordinary people is mainly to maintain local order, gather the defeated population, and conduct local guards.

In terms of high-end strength, Guyun Divine Kingdom is not only intact, but has even grown considerably after annexing part of Shi Divine Kingdom.

As a result, the battle between the three parties in the capital of Guyun Divine Kingdom entered a long-term stalemate when it reached the border of the three parties, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while. At this time, Guyunshi planned to solve the other two enemies in one fell swoop. Then you can comfortably devour the small things around you.

But are those Shishen Kingdoms really small things?They are not vegetarian.

During the more than eight years of existence of the Beginning God Kingdom, it was not that there were no true gods in the Beginning God Kingdom, but after the No. 1 true god appeared and fell unexpectedly, the subsequent true gods wisely chose to keep it secret, anyway. At that time, the internal communication of the Black Bone Clan was extremely primitive, and there was no need to worry about leaks.

The occurrence of the 'weak end' battle made them realize that the time was approaching, and after the three true kingdoms of God fell into a stalemate, they knew that the time had come.

Six Beginning Kingdoms successively declared to be the True Kingdoms of God, and then launched an annexation war to the surrounding Beginning Kingdoms.

The three major kingdoms of God who found something wrong may have thought of a truce to deal with the external situation first, but Guyun God's trust in the other two true kingdoms of God has dropped to the lowest point. In his current situation, it is completely impossible to fight with the other two kingdoms of God. The reconciliation of the two true kingdoms of God has become an endless situation between the two sides.

'This cannot but be said to be shooting yourself in the foot. If it weren't for the unbelief before, maybe there won't be so many real kingdoms of God in the future. '—Excerpt from "The Chronicle of the Black-Bone Ape: The Rebellious Black-Bone Ape".

In March 25 A.D., the last Kingdom of the Beginning God announced to join the adjacent Kingdom of God, and the Black Bone Clan officially entered the era of the Nine Kingdoms of God.

At this moment, the three major true kingdoms of God who are still in a stalemate have been unable to recover from this. In the end, the exhausted two sides retreated to their respective territories. However, because the original population of the Guyun Kingdom was annexed by the other party, the overall strength of the Kingdom of God has shown a downward trend year by year.

By December 26 A.D., the Nine True God Kingdoms announced that they had successively consolidated their borders and entered a period of internal development. The era of the Black Bone Race [a chaotic race] came to an end.

Such a long period of chaos has greatly damaged the strength of the Black Bone Clan, but it has also left valuable war experience for the Black Bone Clan, and they have realized the importance of population and high-end strength.

At this time, the total population of the nine true gods of the Black Bone Clan exceeds 60; there are 9 ghost-level 'true gods'; more than 300 soul-level 'beginning gods'; and more than 2000 powerful soldiers 'guards'.

The spirit is a little better =w=, because it is the history of other tribes, of course I will briefly write it, but because it is important, I can't ignore it, ask for votes, ask for support =w=.

(End of this chapter)

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