Spore Story

Chapter 340 Divine Stone**, Overlord of the Three Seas

Chapter 340 Divine Stone, Overlord of the Three Seas

In the era of [Chaotic Race], civil strife occurred one after another in almost the same period of time in various ethnic groups around the world. Countless people.Of course, its appearance also killed more people, but that is history. '—Excerpt from the preface to "The Age of Confusion".

After discussing the civil strife among the Peng clan and the Dunjia clan, the Ling clan, and the Black bone clan, we turn our attention to the other two clans.

Maybe people don't know them well. After all, in the early days of Double Moon Star, their relationship with friends was completely at the level of soy sauce and long-term diving. The only intersection was when the dragons saw each other.

Therefore, among modern people, their understanding may still be after the civil strife among friends.

But this does not prevent modern people from discussing and understanding their ancient history with the help of historians and entertainment workers.

After all, among the six major civilized races of the modern Double Moon Star, they also occupy a place.

Alright, next is the Sea Clan.

Although it is a race, in fact, this is just the name of the land civilizations. Among them, there has never been a sea race, but their respective race names.

By the way, in fact, scholars have also discovered an interesting thing that in the history recorded in many memory chips of the Sea Clan, the Hai Clan's names for several civilized races on land are actually the unified "Lu Clan" , but did not separate the Shenma Shenma clan.

It's fun, it's a matter of position.

As for the division of the [Chaotic Race] era, if it is really divided according to the internal division of the Sea Clan, it cannot be regarded as civil strife at all.But since we are a land race (... well, the winged people of the Peng clan still have to be down-to-earth after all, so they are also considered a land race), then according to our method, we will collectively call them the sea race.

Therefore, regarding the era division of the Sea Clan's [chaotic race], another problem arises at this time, because according to the memory chips of the Sea Clan, in ancient times, the chaos of the Sea Clan happened all the time.

And in terms of the degree of tragedy, the chaos of the sea people is obviously much stronger than that of the land races. The battles of the land races are not genocide, but the sea people are almost commonplace.

Scholars attach great importance to this, and after several years of discussion and collection of online data, they finally came up with a division method accepted by [Arbitration Core].

That is, it is enough to divide the war period with the emergence of the current several ethnic groups of the Sea Clan as the main stage. In fact, it is counted from the appearance of the fuse that led to the final establishment of the Sea Clan.

As for the races that appeared before them but died out, the scholars can only say sorry, and then let them report to the editorial department of "Ancient Strange Civilization".

As for whether they can travel through time and space to the editorial department, that is a matter for the editorial department and the Institute of Physics. By the way, maybe journalists will also be interested.However, these are not the things that these unscrupulous scholars who sort out the materials of the [Chaotic Race] era need to be concerned about.

So, back to topic.

After detailed discussions and analysis by the scholars, and special visits to the Haizu office to inquire about relevant matters, they finally gave the time when the Haizu entered the [chaotic race] era in AD 7 (a more precise time cannot be obtained) divided).

In AD 7, the reason for the official outbreak of the war was neither the haunting of epic creatures, nor the eruption of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes, nor meteorite enemies falling from the sky, but a few small stones.

However, if anyone dares to call them small stones in front of the Sea Clan, it will be dangerous, even more dangerous than calling the Crocodile Clan pockmarks.

Don't underestimate these small stones. Inside the Sea Clan, they are called 'God Stones', 'Stones of Wisdom', 'Stones of Civilization' or something.

It is said that at that time, many of the original individuals or tribes of the Sea Clan appeared not far from these small stones. At the beginning, many races within the Sea Clan fought for the right to live where these stones were located. Of course, they at that time The relationship between this area and this stone has not yet been recognized.

In those battles, the winners lived in these areas, and the losers were either wiped out or fled.

Of course, because of the reasons for the division mentioned above, we only describe the current situation of the few sea tribes. As for those few small stones, they still belong to the treasures of the sea tribe, and even exhibitions or visits are not allowed.

Therefore, scholars who are just working hard for monthly food expenses are obviously not among the guests that Shishi is willing to receive (pick up =.=).

However, by searching historical documents and analyzing online novel speeches, scholars still get a relatively reasonable explanation.

That is, those stones should be some stones with specific and high radiation-specified variability, which can promote the directional evolution of biological brains, and gradually stabilize under continuous irradiation, and then gradually stabilize into biological genes in the offspring.

But if you leave the stone before the genes are stabilized for several generations, then this species will gradually degenerate and eventually return to the original ordinary creatures. This should be the first group of species of the Sea Clan's civilization, but there is less and less willingness after that. (This is by no means to distinguish between the epic creatures of the sea and the current sea people =.=)

If this guess is true, it can also explain why so many sea people suddenly appeared in the ocean in ancient times, but how did these stones come from?naturally formed?Or a masterpiece of God?Do they work on land races? ...

These are all questions for the editorial board and biological research department of The Birth of the Sea Race, and scholars continue to ignore them.

So, we can see that these stones just stay in their place quietly, watching the continuous development, fighting, degeneration, and evolution of the sea people, it is impossible for the smart people among them not to realize the importance of the stones.

And the first one to recognize was the head of a branch of the Dolphin Clan, who called himself Fat Dolphin (=.=).

Well, let's not talk about the relationship between this name and the parts of the human body that some special hobbyists pay attention to. This fat patriarch is indeed very smart.

Through the wisdom he gained when he lived near the stone and the wisdom gained by other people of the same race, he compared the situation of his own and others who failed in battle, and after leaving those areas, the situation of the ethnic group was not as good as that of the next generation, and finally concluded that that area is beneficial to the growth of intelligence. There are definitely benefits.

And the most suspicious things in that area are those stones emitting a strange shimmer, because other places are the same as ordinary waters, so those stones must have some good effects.

So, he brought his porpoise clan of hundreds of people to the place where the stone was before.

Because no one realized the importance of this kind of stone before, they just used this area as a place of wisdom to fight for it.

So the Dolphins carefully eluded the occupants of the place, and stole the stone by surprise, which attracted no one's attention.

The specific time of this incident, according to later generations, should be around AD 7, so scholars have set the standard of AD 7.

In the next few years, the surrounding Sea Clan gradually discovered that this land of wisdom no longer gave birth to new wisdom.

The sea tribe had no clue about this, they did not link the disappearance of a slightly more beautiful stone with the mental decline of the entire tribe.

For the newly born intelligent shrimp soldiers and crab generals around them, they can only sigh and degenerate into ordinary marine creatures without even knowing it.

For scholars who are studying this period of history, it can already be analyzed from here that this stone has the function of generating wisdom.

Then those speculations on the Internet are not necessarily nonsense. Could it be that there are sea leakers writing novels on the Internet to make extra money?

The scholars smiled and did not delve into it.

The time has entered 12 AD, and during this period, the Hai clan continued to fight, exterminate, rebirth, and flee.

The porpoise tribe, on the other hand, relied on stolen stones suspected of being the "Stone of Wisdom", established their own tribe in a hidden trench, and recruited lack of wisdom from all over the place to fill their own tribe.

At the same time, this dolphin family adheres to the principle of keeping a low profile, and only builds civilization step by step in this trench, but does not go outside for activities.

But the ocean may be rich in resources and vast in land, but it also holds enormous threats.

An epic creature who was wandering around and was going to spend dozens or hundreds of years to find a girl to breed offspring, at this time, he accidentally passed by the tribe of the porpoise tribe, and unexpectedly fell in love with this stone...

'It was all accidental', the expert explained. (Who knows pinch [stand hands])
Maybe this epic creature just thinks this stone looks good, maybe it can be used to hang girls.

So, under the desperate sight of thousands of clever porpoises, this stone, which was regarded as a "gift of God" by the porpoises, was swallowed by another kind of god in their eyes, an epic creature. (Did you put your sister’s stuff in your stomach ==)

Then, this epic creature, completely unaware of what he had done, staggered away from the place.

'This is the opportunity for the rise of the Dolphin Race. If it weren't for this epic creature that I haven't seen since then, the Dolphin Race might have been stuck in that dark trench, and then in a major earthquake, it was dropped by the trench. It is not certain that the stones will be destroyed and become an ancient lost civilization. '——Excerpt from "The Rise of the Dolphins of the Sea People"

The porpoise tribe had no choice but to leave the trench under the call of the patriarch, and look for another "sacred stone" before the tribe returned to ignorance.

But the ocean world is so vast, and that rock is so small, how could it be fished out so easily?

However, since the dolphin clan can become a major race of the sea clan in the future, it is obviously impossible to find them all the time.

It has to be said that the wisdom of the Dolphin Race has indeed grown a lot.

Relying on the method of finding civilized races and then tracing back to the source, they cast a large area of ​​nets, and found another sacred stone in less than two years.

But the actions of the dolphin family have also attracted the attention of several other species.

One of the species is the crocodile family, which already occupies a place of wisdom.

After learning about the true purpose of the Dolphin Tribe from the relatively peaceful Dolphin Race, the Crocodile Tribe immediately protected the sacred stone where their tribe was located, and prohibited any non-crocodile creatures from approaching the stone.

Subsequently, the crocodile tribe also joined the team looking for the sacred stone.

At the same time, after finding a sacred stone and protecting it, in order to avoid the occurrence of the last epic creature event, the Dolphins decisively sent people to find more sacred stones for backup.

With the experience from the dolphins, the crocodiles and the dolphins accidentally rushed to a place of wisdom at the same time because they are not far apart (more than a thousand kilometers =.=).

The mediation between the two parties failed, and they fought decisively.

This is not a battle of ordinary creatures, but a melee between two civilized species unfolds in the land of wisdom.

The huge amount of bloody smell not only attracted carnivores, but also attracted a large number of civilized species to watch.

Fortunately, perhaps the epic creatures were on vacation or hibernating at this time, and the battle did not attract the attention of the epic creatures.

But in this way, the secret of the sacred stone is obviously lost. Weak species hope to obtain the sacred stone to become a big clan and avoid the fate of genocide;

Within the Sea Clan, this period of history was compiled as the 'First Sea War', and after they learned that the land tribes at the same time were also in civil strife, they even upgraded it to 'The First World War' '.

However, both the Sea Clan and the Lu Clan are stubborn. Scholars who are land races will obviously not use the name of the Sea Clan at this time.

Back to the topic, because the secret of the 'Sacred Stone' has become widely publicized.

With the help of huge marine life, god stones have been discovered one after another in the vast ocean.

It was finally confirmed that in 17 AD, the sacred stone was confirmed, and there should be only 7 of them.


When the time entered 17 AD, the melee of the Hai Clan had entered the late stage.

Dolphins (dolphins), crocodiles (crocodiles), fish (certain fish), squids (soft bodies with long tentacles), and thunders (sea clans that use electricity) became the five major clans of the sea clan, each of which has A perfect divine stone.

In addition, there are a dozen species that retain fragmented stones of varying sizes.

At this time, except for the dolphins who are not very warlike, all other races have the idea of ​​vying for the supremacy of the sea. After all, they will rely on their own huge population to gradually establish a boundless civilized country with the god stone.

However, in the eyes of modern people, the so-called struggle for ocean supremacy at that time was obviously very ridiculous.

Because the distance between the enemy and us is too far. The sea people who don't have any fast means of transportation, relying on their own speed, every time they fight, it takes several months to march, but the real battle time is usually only a few days.

The benefit of distance made all ethnic groups realize the opportunity for the end of the war.

In February 22 AD, the porpoise tribe, who had consumed their population in the war, first chose to leave their original territory.

Under the leadership of the patriarch, a total of more than [-] clansmen escorted the precious sacred stone, while avoiding possible epic creatures and enemies, they left the original sea area along the shallow sea.

After traveling south for several years, they entered the area they called [Molun Sea], where they settled and multiplied.

Because they are too far apart and are fighting each other, the departure of the Dolphin Clan has not been noticed by the other Clans.

In May of AD 22, the Lei Clan boldly induced epic creatures to invade the Yu Clan tribe. The Yu Clan was almost wiped out, and one of the female Fish Clan brought a larger stone that was knocked from the hard-to-move sacred stone. Fragment, escaped from the Yuzu tribe, and disappeared into the ocean along with the guards, whereabouts are unknown.

Here, scholars playfully bought a pass.

Although most people can find the whereabouts of those fish tribes from the Internet, the scholars still continue their behavior with the bad mentality of "playing one is also playing".

In July 22 AD, after the epic creatures had left, they formally invaded the Lei Clan of the Yu Clan tribe, and all they got was a piece of useless sacred stone fragments that had been destroyed into countless pieces like powder.

The Thunder Clan, who had nothing to gain, quickly returned to the tribe in order to avoid possible reprisals from epic creatures. They took their own sacred stones and chose to leave like the Dolphin Clan, settling in the [Thunderstorm Sea] in the west.

As a result, both the Thunder Clan and the Fish Clan left the stage, and with the addition of the previous Dolphin Clan, there were only two big clans left.

At the same time in July 22 AD, the Crocodile Clan, who borrowed from the experience of the Thunder Clan but lacked the courage to lure epic creatures, intended to guide a large number of giant marine creatures (such as water dragons, giant-toothed sea dragons, etc.) to attack the squid tribe.

But who knows, the squids who also gained ThunderClan experience are even more ruthless.

They used a small number of people with the same kind of uninitiated wisdom as bait to guide the riots of a large area of ​​marine life. Sea life was wiped out.

It was not until January 23 A.D. that the squid tribe came to the stable territory of the original tribe of the crocodile tribe, drove away a few small tribes who wanted to take advantage of it, and obtained this sacred stone.

In this way, the squid clan has become the clan with the most sacred stones among the sea clan.

However, later facts proved that having more divine stones was just safer.

Whether there are one or seven divine stones, it actually doesn't matter much for the increase in the wisdom of the entire race and other effects.

But that was all later. When they had just obtained two sacred stones, the squid tribe was no longer satisfied with the situation of a large race, and they turned their attention to the surroundings.

However, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that their enemies had already disappeared without a trace.

The entire [Tentacles Sea] (well, this is the name of the squid tribe, don’t shoot us =.=) only the squid tribe is a super race, and even those second-level sea tribes with small pieces of shattered god stones are smart. Leaving this sea area, settled in other hidden places.

Originally, he planned to find other species of squid, but after paying tens of thousands of civilized people and searching the entire sea of ​​tentacles to no avail, he finally decided that he had become the only sea tribe, and entered the stage of internal repair and development with great momentum.

So far, that is, in 24 AD, the era of the [chaotic race] of the Hai Clan came to an end.

Huh, it's a tragedy not to save manuscripts, continue to ask for support, subscribe to Shenma, of course, the more you have, the more motivated you will be.

Speaking of it, comments can let us know how well it is written and where the problem is, no, huh.

Everyone also hopes that this book will be better~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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