Spore Story

Chapter 341 The ancient shadow clan split, the shadow clan is now

Chapter 341 The ancient shadow clan split, the shadow clan is now

'The development of the sea tribe has a great dramatic effect, and because of environmental factors, coupled with the fact that there are many and strong marine epic creatures, their combat patterns are very different from those on the ground, and internal peace is almost supported by distance Yes, but it still gives us a good show. '—Excerpt from "Sea Clan: The Overlord of the Three Seas"

Then, after counting the civil war stories of the five major races of the Pengdunling Black Sea, the scholars finally turned their attention to the weak [Shadow Clan].

That's right, compared to other races that are either strong in number or quality, the Shadow Clan at this time can only be regarded as weak.

But this is not the reason why this race was left at the end. The real reason is that shortly after their civil strife, they intersected with the friends who had just finished handling the civil strife. This principle is the beginning of the family and the end of the family'. (The real reason, most of the scholars are friends who don’t explain it, ga)
As for what is Shadow Clan, friends who understand the later history of Canyon Quack Ape should know.

The patriarch of Diewu at that time, ah no, the high priest of Diewu at that time, when he led the troops to collect the quack apes in the canyon where Lord Darkblood was, the one he met was fighting with the black-skeleton ape. The numerically superior black bone ape kicks out the phantom species of the forest.

They are the predecessors of Shadow Clan.

It is a bit far-fetched to say the predecessor, after all, they had already developed a primitive civilization at that time, and the Shadow Clan was also separated from this species.

But they insisted on the principle of forest survival so stubbornly that they gradually disappeared from people's sight in the ensuing hundreds of years of history.

Therefore, they cannot be called the Shadow Clan, let's call them [Ancient Shadow Clan].

In fact, this division was not established by other races outside, but the division within the Shadow Clan.Even now, when everyone is pursuing the length, thickness, and fullness of history, the Shadow Clan still stubbornly insists on separating the ancient Shadow Clan from the Shadow Clan.

In this regard, as other races, we can't say anything wrong, so let's adopt the classification method of Shadow Clan.

So, when did the current ShadowClan appear?
According to relevant historical research, his appearance originated from a forest fire caused by a civil strife... (Sure enough, don’t force it, I don’t know how long I will stay in the forest=.=)

In AD 8, many of the young people in the Guying Clan at that time had the mentality of going out to explore.

Whether this is related to the previous battle against the Black Bone Ape, we don't know.But at this time, the elders and leaders of the internal decision makers did not object to this.

But then, from the young people who returned, news spread that they had discovered more and more extensive forests, and this news immediately caused restlessness within the Ancient Shadow Clan.

And among the Ancient Shadow Clan, who were getting impatient with the size of the forest due to the gradual increase in population, some tribes began to make migration plans after sending people to confirm the news.

But this kind of migration has aroused the dissatisfaction of some nostalgic middle-aged and elderly people in the forest. They stubbornly believe that if they were born in this forest, they must coexist with the trees in the forest. boundary extension.

And choosing to leave means betrayal of the forest, and betrayal means self-destruction, destruction... Needless to say.

'If the Black Bone Ape had the integrity of these older generations of the Ancient Shadow Clan, he might have become the overlord of the Double Moon Stars. '—Excerpt from "The Lost Civilization: Ancient Shadow Clan".

Under the conflict between traditional concepts and reality, the two sides have been arguing endlessly.

In the end, within the Guying Clan, except for some tribes who were forced to leave or stay, most of the tribe members chose to follow the traditional habit of letting the two sides of 'going and staying' have a sacred [forest duel] 】.

It seems far-fetched to some scholars to count this into the civil war, but in order to conform to the interest of history, let’s sacrifice the ancient shadow clan. Anyway, they have been disconnected from the shadow clan. One of the great pleasures of modern man?

This was originally a normal duel. Both the enemy and us, the young people win because of their vitality, drive, and passion; the middle-aged and old people win because of their experience, skills, and mentality.

From an early point of view, the battle seems to be an inseparable situation.

But the problem is, there are too many tribes in the forest.

Here I have to talk about the dueling style of the Ancient Shadow Clan. They are different from the idle knights. They need to find a piece of land, salute each other and swing their swords, then slash each other, and finally say something like 'you lost' of.

The duels of the ancient shadow clan are closer to actual combat, and it is common for a duel to last for dozens of days, which is affected by their physical fitness.

Among the physical qualities of the ancient shadow clan, they are strong in speed, endurance, explosive power and stealth, but weak in strength, defense, etc. They can be said to be born assassins.

Therefore, the duel is also done by the elders of the tribe, enclosing a piece of land in the forest, and then putting the dueling parties in from two directions. The size of the land is determined by the number of people entering.

Afterwards, the two groups of people will start hunting each other in the forest, relying on their own skills to mark the other group of people, and those who fail will automatically withdraw or be carried out. One side is the winner, even if there is only one broken flower left on this side.

In this way, the middle-aged and elderly teams seem to have a great advantage. After all, in terms of experience and stability, they are much higher than young people.

Unfortunately, not long after, the problem of this duel incident appeared.

Compared to the entire Ancient Shadow Clan, the forest is really too small, and at this time, every tribe happens to have many duels at the same time, and a lot of land needs to be circled at the same time to generate ideas for these tribes. people who fight.

If in normal times, this kind of behavior of enclosing a forest for a duel is nothing, even if you enclose a forest not far from other tribes, the other party will send some observers to supervise at most.

But at this time, everyone wants to enclose the land, and because the previous quarrel is in an emotionally unstable stage, they are not giving in to each other.

Slowly, the dispute turned into a fight. Of course, the internal relationship of the Guying Clan was quite harmonious, and no full-scale battle broke out.

So in the end, under the joint decision of several prestigious inter-tribal elders in the forest, each tribe was divided into two parts: a team that agreed to migrate (demolition team=.=), and a team that insisted on staying (nails) Team).

At this time, there is no need to enclose any land, everyone will use the entire forest as a duel field, and whoever wins will be decided once.

As a result, the originally peaceful and stable friendly exchanges among the various ethnic groups turned into internal strife among the ancient shadow clan in the forest (if this is considered internal strife =.=).

Of course, those who participated in the duel were all young and middle-aged people. Old people and children really lack the ability to duel. No matter how experienced the old man is, how can he carry out assassination if he doesn't even have the strength to move? (Of course, this was the opinion of the Ancient Shadow Clan at that time. You must know that the elderly are a truly dangerous species later on.)
In February 10 AD, the duel within the Guying Clan officially began.

At the beginning of the duel, the demolition team showed its powerful momentum. Thousands of people formed a team of three and scattered in nearly 1/7 of the entire forest area.

At this time, the nail team gave full play to their respective experience, and evenly distributed their seemingly independent but actually interrelated combat units in less than 1/9 of the area where their side entered the forest, and then advanced steadily.

The duel started for a day, and the first confrontation took place between the two sides. The demolition team gave full play to their own physical advantages, approached the nail team's sphere of influence by means of mobile roaming, and relied on the public experience of the ethnic group, and quickly discovered Some Nail Team members with poor experience.

Of course, if the assassin was discovered, it already represented a failure. At this time, the ancient shadow clan's internal opinion at that time.

In one and a half days, the nail team lost 100 people, and the demolition team was unscathed.

The two sides once again entered a state of concealment.

Two days, three days, four days... Both sides are in the stage of probing confrontation. Although there are victories and losses on both sides, the losses on both sides are not many, but in general, the demolition team that is good at active attacks has the advantage. At least on the surface it seems so.

If you look down from the sky, you can't see the personnel on both sides at all. Only when they take the initiative to attack, will they reveal their phantom-like bodies. Of course, even if you are attacked more often, you will not be able to see them Who is attacking.

The time has entered the tenth day. Although relying on forest survival skills, both parties can continue to persevere, but the stamina of the middle-aged side has obviously begun to decline. Therefore, after confirming the internal situation, they decided to launch an all-out attack .

At noon on the tenth day, when [-] demolition teams were assassinating [-] nail teams, they were suddenly surrounded by hundreds of nail teams from the opposing side.

The young people of the demolition team never imagined that these middle-aged people who advocated assassination without trace, experienced and considered the best among them, would actually use frontal siege.

The unreconciled [-] demolition team was wiped out in an instant, and the Nail team won a complete victory in their first counterattack. Obviously still at the stage of stealth assassination by assassins.

Of course, this is mainly to protect them.

Subsequently, the Nail team went into a latent state again.

The demolition team, which had more than 300 people wiped out at one time, and the loss of the previous ten days, had already reduced nearly 1/4 of its staff.

The impatience of the young people was clearly revealed at this moment. Unable to sit still, they began to launch a shadow assault on the nail team.

Who knows, the night is obviously more favorable for the experienced nail team.

On the morning of No.11, the demolition team found out sadly that they had lost more than 300 people again, most of whom still did not know how to lose them.

At this point in the duel, there seemed to be no suspense.

In the next few days, the nail team used many methods that the demolition team had not yet learned (that is, the methods that the elders had not handed to them), gradually compressed the living space of the demolition team, and at the same time cleaned up the rear. The demolition team is advancing steadily.

For the assassins, there should be no unstable factors in the rear, and it is very likely that there will be a little bit of trouble.

The time entered the night of No. 15, a moonless night, and an accident happened at this time.

Night is the best time to attack for the Nail team. Therefore, the demolition team, which is basically in the defensive stage, has to cheer up and guard against the surrounding woods at night.

Today's demolition team has been compressed by the nail team into 1/20 of the original forest area when they entered the forest. If it weren't for the fact that there were less than 1000 people left, they would hardly be able to hide.

At this time, a member of the defensive demolition team was carefully watching the shadowy depths of the forest.

The long-term night battles have allowed the Ancient Shadow Clan to evolve thermal vision similar to snakes at night. They use normal vision during the day and thermal vision at night, which provides good conditions for their assassination.

And as a species that is good at assassination, it is obviously impossible to be unprepared for its own thermal vision. Therefore, in the thermal vision of the same race, the thermal response of the ancient shadow clan changes frequently, and the same race can only judge each other through experience. Is it a little mouse passing by, or an enemy of his own race.

As for the inexperienced members of the demolition team, looking at the moving red lights in the forest at this moment, he couldn't distinguish them, and his calmness was gradually disappearing.

At this time, the members of the demolition team who finally couldn't stand the situation of "I don't know whether they are watching the enemy or the enemy watching themselves" thought of a once-and-for-all solution. Since the thermal vision is invalid, let the night become day and use it normally. Let's observe visually.

Of course, he doesn't have such a powerful ability to steal the sky and change the sun, but there is a simple way, that is light, fire light.

His idea is simple, to use torches to illuminate enemies lurking in the dark.

However, this guy obviously miscalculated. The moment the torch was lit, he was the first to illuminate himself. Before he could throw the torch out, the demolition team member was targeted by countless nail team members around him.

Afterwards, the ancient shadow clan's unique spraying components sent out needle-like bone spurs at the targeted demolition team members.This kind of bone spur is as small as a sewing needle, and it can only penetrate through physical damage alone, but it can be covered with a kind of poison.

Of course, it was an internal duel at this time, the poison was cancelled, and the bone spur was just letting the opponent know his own failure.

Accompanied by the sound of counting through the air, the torch in the hands of the demolition team, together with his palm, was nailed to the tree trunk where he was invisible.

Obviously, there is no need to explain here, and the tragedy happened as a matter of course.

The Ancient Shadow Clan, who had never encountered a forest fire, looked at the burning flames and the forest being devoured bit by bit, and their faces were more painful than eating Sanlu. It was a forest that would take decades to plant.

Fortunately, in order to clear the duel for the whole clan, most of the members temporarily moved to the edge of the forest, and because the duel was already in the later stage, there were less than 3000 people remaining in the duel in the forest.

However, the forest of the Ancient Shadow Clan was neither big nor small, and the surrounding area was separated by canyons, rivers, and mountains. Therefore, although the forest fire destroyed the forest, it did not harm other areas.

After the chaos, the Ancient Shadow Clan lost more than 1000 capable members, and the remaining 3 people regrouped outside the forest.

At this time, the house is gone, and whoever cares about whether to move or not.

Thinking in another direction, the demolition team seems to have won, although the successful creator, together with his creation tool, brought more than 1000 teammates or enemies, and accompanied the flames back home.

In April 10 AD, the Ancient Shadow Clan cleared out a few things from the ruins of the forest, and with a frustrated look on their faces, they began to migrate to the previously detected forest.

If this is the case, they will just become another ancient shadow clan in the forest, and no real shadow clan will be born.

At this time, a historic moment happened when 3 people passed by a small plain with rich water and grass.

In December 10th AD, while resting on this small plain with rich water and grass, some members of the Shadow Clan proposed to "temporarily live" here, and then move on after the winter.

At this time, it was the beginning of the cold winter of Shuangyuexing, and the Guying clan, who had already begun to record the seasonal changes, also knew that if they continued to travel at this time, it would easily cause difficulties in wintering and a large loss of population.

In desperation, the Ancient Shadow Clan established a temporary tribe in the wooded area of ​​the hilly area next to the small plain.

However, because the woods are too scarce, less than 1/3 of the population can live in the woods, and the rest of the people can only build houses on the small plains to avoid the cold in winter, they have to build tree houses The way shifts to the ground and becomes a log cabin.

The abundance of food and the safety of survival in the small plain exceeded their imagination. Throughout the winter, they relied on the small plain and the small river not far away to enjoy a season that was more comfortable than the forest.

In the spring of the second year, only single-digit members of the large tribe of 3 people died due to the cold, and none of them died of encountering dangerous animals.

This is almost a paradise for them who have faced a large number of human losses every winter in the forest and dealt with the hunting of large game in winter.

Thus, in February 11 AD, differences arose again.

Many stubborn members urged everyone to set off as soon as possible so that they could reach the adjacent large forest before the next cold winter.

If this was when everyone had just left the forest, it was obviously understandable, but most of the members of the Shadow Clan who had enjoyed the good life in the small plain were no longer willing to leave, even if there was only a small piece of forest here.

The dispute broke out again, but with the impact of the last time, both sides appeared more restrained.

In the end, after more than a month of disagreements and quarrels, everyone decided helplessly that the Ancient Shadow Clan split.

More than 7000 people who stubbornly insisted on living in the forest left the small plain and walked towards the big forest that the guides said; while more than 2 people who pursued a better life on the small plain stayed on the small plain.

In July 11 AD, due to the split of the entire Ancient Shadow Clan, their internal tribal system had been broken. More than 7 people lived on the small plain, relying on the rich animal and plant resources of the river and the plain, and established the first tribe in the history of the Shadow Clan. A unified body [Shadow Clan Council].

By January 13 AD, the entire Shadow Clan of 1 people, under the rule of the Shadow Clan Council composed of prestigious old people and young people, formally controlled the entire [Split Shadow Plain], relying on primitive farming, fishing and hunting, officially Form [Shadow Clan].

In the opinion of today's scholars, in the [Race of Chaos] era, 'the civil strife of the Shadow Clan' is the most misnomer, and it should be changed to 'the birth of the Shadow Clan'.

But let's not worry about these small issues, after all, 'global civil unrest' obviously sounds more interesting than 'global civil unrest except ShadowClan' doesn't it.

Support, please support as always~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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