Spore Story

Chapter 342 The mastermind behind the rebellion, taxation

Chapter 342 The mastermind behind the rebellion, taxation

Time travels back to the summer of AD 12, when the 'Twelve Cities Rebellion' had just ended.

Boring in the emptiness of the elders' house, he opened the civilization control center in boredom.

The line of sight swept over more than 1000 stored grains, and finally located it on the interface map.

Today's friends are still those gathering places. The total population of friends is 10,000+, and the total population of Dunjia is more than 30.

With 8051's increasingly powerful planetary control position, the Pengzu has become the most powerful organization in information collection of Double Moon Star.

"So, it's over?"

Looking up at the Mu Wen patriarch who had just entered the elders' house, the empty eyes were a little complicated.

He never imagined that at the beginning, she seemed to be just a girl like a soft girl, but she actually had such a serious plan.

"What? Master Kong Huan is dissatisfied?" There was neither worry nor sarcasm in Mu Wen's tone, just extremely calm and a hint of mischievousness hidden.

But it was this kind of calm that made Kong Huan feel depressed, as if everything was under her calculations.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan knocked on the stone table in front of him, motioning him to sit down.

At this time, Kong Huan suddenly discovered that this stone table seemed to have become a special item for him to entertain other people, as if he would use it every time he had a spare time, when Kong Huan took a break from his busy schedule.

Smiling helplessly, Kong Huan looked away, then waved his hand at the house of the elders' house.

After having the power of mind, whether it is out of training the power of mind or laziness, Kong Huan doesn't do much by himself.After a while, two teacups, together with things like a teapot and stove, floated to Kong Huan one after another.

"It's really convenient, with the power of Youshen level." Mu Wen said enviously at the moment.

If there is any regret in the wood grain, it may be his own strength.

Because the mind is too complicated, the thinking cannot be as simple as those people in the elders' house today. The strength of Mu Wen has always remained at the high soul level, and he is considered to be the weakest of the three leaders. The level is even more distant.

In the eyes of the people in the elders' house, what Mu Wen needs is a simple environment, but the reality is temporarily unable to allow her to have such an environment.

Because of her ability, Kong Huan and other elders think that Mu Wen is more suitable to be the leader of the friends clan. Therefore, it seems good to let her serve as the clan leader for a few more times. Anyway, she is only in her 30s, and she is 50 years old Youshen level is nothing.

"It looks convenient, but in fact it just saves a little time for moving. It's more like it was designed for lazy people like me." With a self-deprecating smile, a cup of hot tea floated in front of Mu Wen.

At this time, Kong Huan calmed down, and said softly: "Although I am a little dissatisfied with your behavior this time, I am not opposed to it. After all, I agreed with it at the beginning, because we can all see that it has brought great harm to the ethnic group. The benefits are just..."

"Is it just ordinary people?" Mu Wen said calmly.

Unlike Chu Xia who always speaks with a smile, Mu Wen has a calm face most of the time. This pressure is invisible and immeasurable, so that many people in this year's management team seem nervous when they see Mu Wen , which seemed a bit out of step with the moderate leadership of the previous two terms.

"Yeah, as you know, my shadow team could obviously pick them out one by one, but in the end they used this method."

"But Master Konghuan, so what if you caught them out? Not to mention how long it will take, how to convict them, whether there will be new ones, whether there will be hidden elements, etc." Rolling up a Ying White slender tentacles, Wooden said with a smile.

No one can see that the calm and lovely wood-grain patriarch in front of him is the real culprit who caused the civil strife in the friend clan?
"Master Konghuan, you should know that the only way to guide these guys out is to give them the power of thunder. This not only shows the strength of the high-level friends, but also eliminates the rebels. At the same time, it can deter those unstable guys and strengthen the people at the bottom. Confidence in us, only in this way can we solve the problem at its root.”

"The ethnic group has developed for so many years. Although there is a Ministry of Development and Reform for internal problems, no matter how many other people there are, it is just a government agency, which cannot cover all aspects of all friends and even Dunjia people. As for your shadow team... it is still the same."

"You have also seen that this time the twelve cities rebelled. We thought it was seven cities. Isn't this the appearance of people that neither you nor I have discovered?"

"Uh," shaking his head with a wry smile, Kong Huan had to admit that the wood grain was correct, just like a disease. When the problem is serious, cutting it off with a knife is obviously more effective than taking medicine slowly.

However, it will take a lot of time to recuperate after that.

"You don't have to worry about this," Mu Wen said with a smile, wagging his tail, "just take this opportunity to establish the absolute authority of our management, so as to implement various new policies for the whole clan, and at the same time gather the management of teams from all over the world." right."

"It's Master Konghuan, we want to ask you about the commercial tax and agricultural tax."

Looking at the cute smiling face of the other party, the corners of Kong Huan's eyes twitched unnaturally, subconsciously leaned back, and said depressedly: "It's not worth asking for advice, do you have any internal opinions? I can give some opinions. "

"Of course, the determination of taxation must be discussed with the chamber of commerce and the farmers' association in the end."

Nodding his head, Wooden didn't bother with it, but handed over a document.

Paper has now been fully implemented in the ethnic group. The perfect paper production launched by the research model, and tools such as pencils developed by the Technology Bureau have made paper begin to enter ordinary households. The bamboo slips and leather that used to be are being replaced step by step.

Nowadays, a piece of medium-quality white paper with a size of 1X1 only costs 1 copper coin. Large paper requirements.

In this regard, Pengzu has no technical limitations or measures to delay new technologies.

Coupled with the printing of three kinds of movable types of lead, wood and pottery, combined with woodblock printing, various books of ethnic groups began to appear in large numbers.

Of course, such advanced products as libraries are still powerless at present.Because the books of the entire friend clan are all from the management (that is, the government), and the total number is actually less than 5000, and many of them are classified as classified and cannot be read at will in public facilities.

However, the Presbyterian Court, the Divine Court, and the Priest Mountain do not belong to the first level of secrecy. These three places are already building three libraries with a stock of 3000 volumes.

As for the publishing house at this time, it is still in the hands of the management of the friends.

Emphasis on education and public opinion control made Void Fantasy and Wood Grain coincide for the first time, and both parties resolutely retained the independent publishing rights of the management.

This kind of right, Konghuan intends to keep it until the server network can be established, and the moment it is officially popularized, the management will then step by step cultivate private publishing houses, so that people can adapt to the network step by step.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the construction of the first phase of [Magnetic Field Communication Network] in [Ethnic Group Network].Although many things were delayed due to civil strife, after this battle, the implementation of many things by the management has been carried out more smoothly.

While dealing with the rebellion in Twelve Cities at the beginning of this year, the magnetic field communication network covering the entire clan, which is under the joint responsibility of the Technology Bureau and the Ministry of Industry, has been fully established.

However, the number of people connected to the network is not many, only more than 4000, because the minimum energy control LV2 required for network connection is extremely restrictive.

Up to now, most of the people who can communicate on this network are Yiren, and because there are still practical application problems in the filtering of clutter, the clarity of communication is very low.

For this situation, Void and Wooden paid more attention to it. After the successful construction of the first phase of the network, they urged the Technical Bureau to step up research on the popularization of the magnetic field network and clutter filtering.

Even, for these two reasons, research in other areas can be slowed down, so as to free up energy to complete the research as soon as possible.

After all, if there is a long-term unequal networking between winged people and original people, it will cause internal instability.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Kong Huan smiled sheepishly, and reached out to take the paper from Mu Wen.

There is not much written above, mainly the tax issues of the management.

With the continuous improvement of the management of the Pengzu, the population of the management has increased. Even though the system and departments have been continuously streamlined, there are still nearly twice as many non-agricultural personnel as the management in 5 AD.

At the same time, the establishment of chambers of commerce and the release of commodity trading rights have made factories, one of the main sources of funds controlled by each city, gradually out of the control of the management.

In this way, while the management's expenses are increasing, the income is constantly decreasing, which leads the management to face the problem of lack of funds in the foreseeable future.

At this time, the formalization of taxation has obviously become a top priority.

"This time we have three plans," Mu Wen explained when Jian Kong Huan began to read.

In this regard, Mu Wen still wants to get the other party's opinion.

At the beginning, the management organization of the entire Pengzu was set up by this seemingly unreliable elder in front of him. Wooden is not a person who judges people by their appearance, so for these issues, after she had disagreements at the top management, she directly Come and find the void.

It has to be said that this is also a kind of trust, which is very useful to Kong Huan.

I think that when planning to stir up internal unstable factors to break out in advance, Mu Wen also reported to Kong Huan in advance. Although there is a reason why the other party needs the cooperation of the Elder's House, it also shows that Mu Wen's top management will not oppose the Elder's House .

"The first option is relatively mild. It is to levy only 1% commercial tax, which will be coordinated by the Ministry of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce. It will mainly be collected on the sale and purchase of non-living commodities, while the agricultural tax will remain unchanged for the time being."

Seeing that Kong Huan didn't respond, Mu Wen waited for a while and continued: "The second option is to increase the agricultural tax to 5%, and at the same time levy a 1% commercial tax..."

"Can the current tax and factory income meet the management's expenses?" At this time, Kong Huan waved his hand and interrupted the words of the wood grain. Regarding the issue of tax collection, Kong Huan knew that these were necessary, but... this timing was a little bit question.

The civil strife just broke out among ethnic groups, and although it subsided quickly, according to the general rule, taxes should be cut at this time to reassure the people.

But the problem is that the remaining problem within the Pengzu is that the tax is only a symbolic one-hundred-one agricultural tax. If it is reduced, everyone will not feel it; if it is not reduced, it will not be felt, but it will increase...

The previous friends, because they still retain a large tribal public style, did not spend money on infrastructure projects that required a large number of people to work, and adopted the method of recruiting slack farmers, and everyone lived in peace.

But now, with the gradual deepening of privatization, farmers from all over the country choose to go to the city to work as paid helpers during the slack season.

At this time, if it happens that the management has an infrastructure project and needs workers, how should these farmers choose?
On the one hand, there are management projects, where there is only food but no money, and in terms of short-term interests, it is not good for oneself;

It has to be said that the luck of Mu Wen's management is just in the period of private ownership development within the Pengzu. It is a good thing to have such a bold and careful leader as Mu Wen.

Therefore, in the view of the current management, the previous behavior of expropriating labor and only giving one meal is a bit out of date.

As a result, management costs will rise again.

Hearing Unreal's question, Mu Wen thought for a while and said: "Now the harvest of wholesale goods from factories in various places, plus a small amount of [-]-[-] agricultural tax, can barely maintain the basic operations of the local management and the wages of the factories. but……"

Shaking his head, Mu Wen said helplessly: "To start building large-scale infrastructure projects, such as the ongoing [Family Road], [Cement Town], [Magnetic Field Network], etc., it will be difficult to make ends meet."

"Of course, the people who rebelled this time can also be recruited free of charge during the slack season, which can give the ethnic group a little time to relax, but they are still friends from the clan after all, and they will be released after serving their sentences."

"Really? That is to say, the time has come to establish a formal tax system?"

Wooden nodded.

Kong Huan rubbed his forehead in distress, lost in thought, while Mu Wen sat carefully aside, sipping the tea in the cup, while looking up at the clean sky.

The cloud jellyfish floating in the sky from time to time is one of the unique sights of Shuangyuexing. These big guys seem to be powerless and harmless, gentle and pleasant, but whoever provokes them will immediately respond with a lightning strike.

According to 8051, the cloud jellyfish has a network structure similar to that of the net rabbit, and the same kind that are close to each other can share energy.What a tempting ability this is, unfortunately, as 8051 said, it is impossible to realize this function with the body of a friend.

Because, in fact, each cloud jellyfish has a strong body that can withstand the energy of the whole family, which is why it has this ability. However, if the Peng family can bear the energy of four or five of the same family at most, it will explode.

This is why the most powerful Winged Man (below the Youshen level) only has more than 200 points of energy.

"Do you think this will work?" At this time, an illusory voice sounded: "Let's let go of our thinking..."

Dazed for a moment, Mu Wen quickly retracted his gaze, and only then did Kong Huan continue to say: "Look, we have just experienced civil strife, and a sudden increase in taxes will obviously make the people dissatisfied..."

Waving his hand to stop Mu Wen's words, Kong Huan smiled and said: "I am not opposed to tax increases, on the contrary, since our friends have reached this level, it is obvious that taxation needs to be formalized, which is very beneficial to the management and the people. It is a good thing. However, in other ways, we can let the public feel the preferential treatment from the management, and at the same time divert their attention from taxation.”

"For example?"

"For example, factories, transfer the factories in various cities to the private sector."

"No!" Mu Wen suddenly roared dissatisfied: "The factory is now the main source of income for the management. If the factory is transferred to the private sector, even if the management follows the three plans, the highest 5% agricultural tax and 5% business tax Taxes will be unsustainable, and the current management, to put it bluntly, relies on those factories to support them.”

"What's more, if the factory is transferred to the private sector, how will the wages of the workers be calculated? Given the caring nature of those businessmen, lowering wages will really cause dissatisfaction among the people!"

"Um, listen to me." Unexpectedly, Wuwen would cause such a reaction, and wiped his cold sweat depressingly.

But for the other party to consider the feelings of the workers, and Mu Wen's clear understanding of "businessmen chasing profit", Kong Huan is also somewhat gratified, but these are not unsolvable problems.

"I have always told you that the management is just a service organization, or an intermediate organization. It will be a matter of time before the factory is transferred to the private sector."


"Listen to me!" Glaring at the other party, no matter what you say, emptiness is the main consciousness, and now he is also an elder, how can he be crushed by a little girl: "I didn't just say that the factory will be transferred to the private sector. It is the foundation of the city's foothold, so we can't help but pay attention to it."

"In this regard, we can deal with it like this..."

Clapping the paper in his hands, Kong Huan took out a pencil from the elders' courtyard with his thoughts, and then wrote while talking.

Gradually, Wood Grain's eyebrows slowly stretched.

"Then let's make it so," after Kong Huan finished speaking, Mu Wen seemed a little impatient, got up and took the paper full of various suggestions, and walked towards the courtyard gate.

"Wait!" Kong Huan stopped the other party with a bitter smile: "No matter whether these suggestions are suitable or not, after your management discusses, you must discuss it with the chamber of commerce and the farmers' association, or at least let the other party know."

"This is a matter of management's attitude towards civil organizations, and we cannot ignore it."

"Oh, I see. Speaking of which, the chamber of commerce and the farmer's association are getting bigger and bigger, isn't Master Kong Huan worried?" Mu Wen winked at Kong Huan slyly.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Kong Huan was deceived by this kind of action back then, thinking that the other party was an ordinary soft girl, who knew...

Shaking his head, Kong Huan said: "As long as you supervise well in this regard, keep them within their own range, don't cross the border, don't mislead the people, they won't be able to make any big waves without high-end combat power and troops, and they won't even have any ambitions. "

"Oh, then, I'll go first."

Yo, come and go again, ask for tickets in the middle of the month, ask for reviews, order tweets... Ga
(End of this chapter)

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