Spore Story

Chapter 343 Annual meeting in 3 AD, workers

Chapter 343 Annual meeting in 13 AD, workers

A more haunted =w=
Thank you Mango Hero for your support~\(≧▽≦)/~
On July 12, 7 AD, the "Taxation Law" jointly launched by the top management of the Pengzu, the Chamber of Commerce and the Farmers Association was officially promulgated.

"This "Tax Law", the result of the final discussion and decision is this."

Standing on the high platform in the center of Pengcheng, Mu Wen looked around at the people present, and then continued to narrate.

"In terms of agriculture, a 5% agricultural tax is levied on the basis of farmland in various places, and Dunjia people and friends are treated equally; the original 1% agricultural tax is only levied on land cultivated by teams, school fields, and maid fields; the tax rate on land cultivated by criminals is based on The specific penalty rate is set, and when the number of cultivated fields reaches the annual government-set number, the cultivated fields can be stopped."

Now the Peng family is Tian and others. Therefore, it is inevitable that the fields will be abandoned and soil erosion caused by irregular reclamation. Every year, the government sets the number and location of reclamation according to the specific number of people and their growth rate.

"In terms of commerce, the localities are divided into three parts: shops, peddlers, and street vendors. The shops levy a 1% commercial tax on daily life commodities based on the monthly sales volume, and 5% commercial tax is levied on the sales of other commodities; Due to its liquid nature, it cannot be collected fixedly, so a 3% commercial tax is levied on each transaction; as for street vendors, due to their small capital and weak profits, they only collect a symbolic commercial tax of one copper coin per day."

It can be said that in terms of commercial taxation, the main collection targets are still fixed shops. For merchants and street vendors, one of them is roaming and the other is small, so it is difficult to attract the attention of the management at this time in terms of business.

After Mu Wen finished speaking, the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce and the Farmers Association stood up to speak in agreement.

At the same time, more than 20 Yiren who were connected to the [Magnetic Energy Communication Network] at the venue sent these speeches to the recipients in real time through the transfer station where they all landed during the walk.

Subsequently, the content of the "Taxation Law" promulgation meeting will be translated by those senior officials and mayors who can receive information, or find LV3 energy controllers to translate, so as to be notified of the management's announcement as soon as possible.

This communication mode makes the communication of the friends' clan enter the real-time stage. Although it can't reach the random mode, it is enough for the friends' clan to control the entire group.

After speaking, Mu Wen Shi suddenly stepped down from the high platform.

In fact, the venue at this time is only the members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Farmers Association, plus some representatives of the Pengcheng Commercial Department. However, for the sake of formalization, the wood grain at this moment still has the feeling of a spokesperson.

"How is it? What do you think about this tax reform?" Nodding respectfully to Lingxue and Diewu, Mu Wen asked Kong Huan mischievously.

This made Kong Huan very depressed, because he found that as his strength improved, it became more and more difficult for his friends to respect him.

After asking 8051, the explanation given by the other party is that the affinity of the main consciousness of the empty phantom body is slowly emerging, so it should be the same for Dark Blood and Bai Nong.

"It sounds perfect, but it mainly depends on the implementation. In this regard, how is the organization of the tax department?" Nodding in agreement, Kong Huan said.

"The taxation bureau under the Ministry of Finance has just completed reform. They will cooperate with the chamber of commerce and farmers' associations to implement taxation. Of course, all localities will do a good job in supervision. If there are structural problems during the period, we will reform the composition of the taxation bureau in time, but if it is Personnel issues..."

Seeing Mu Wen with a sinister expression on his face, Kong Huan twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment: "For personnel issues, let's leave it to the Court of Justice. It's best not to overstep the authority."

"Oh, I know."

Regarding the collection of taxes, the Pengzu has the previous Baiyi agricultural tax as a basis, and the people at the bottom have already established the concept of paying taxes. Therefore, the increase in taxes this time did not cause much rebound. The publicity is indispensable.

In fact, there is also the reason for the management's thunderous style during the previous counter-insurgency.

It makes some unstable elements dare not stir up internal sentiments on taxation at this time, so that there is opposition, but it only focuses on a few reasonable aspects, and only needs to be coordinated by the management.

Knowing the emptiness of this situation at that time, it was obviously a bit dumbfounding, but Mu Wen was thoughtful.

"This girl won't want to do some deterrent activities before every big reform in the future." Kong Huan looked at Mu Wen worriedly. With the previous example of the "Twelve Cities Rebellion", he was very worried that Mu Wen would Like a sneaky kitten, it's out of control.

"Don't worry, Mr. Konghuan, the rebellion was just a last resort. Generally speaking, I'm still a good person."

"...how do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Master Kong Huan, you have written all your thoughts on your face." Mu Wen smiled and pointed to Kong Huan's expressionless face. There is no need to pay attention to these.

After the "Taxation Law" was promulgated, it began to be implemented in various parts of the country with the full support of the Chamber of Commerce and the Farmers Association.

Local taxation bureaus have also expanded from the previous one-hundred-one agricultural tax structure to two tax systems and more than a dozen types of taxes.From then on, the Pengzu officially entered the stage of tax support for the government.

Different from the thinking of ordinary people, it is obvious that something has to be paid to allow the chamber of commerce and the peasant association to accept taxation from friends.

That is, open factories.

But before that, the management must first set a trap for the chamber of commerce.

On January 13, 1 AD, this is the time for the 10th annual meeting.

As an annual meeting held every year, it is the time for the government to count the results, arrange work, and imagine the future.

After more than two years of slow construction, the semi-open-air conference hall made of Pengcheng cement has been completed. The conference hall with large leather as the top, stepped seats and semi-circular podium will become the preferred venue of Pengzu in the future. conference Center.

At this time, everyone was listening to the government work report delivered by the dean of the Executive Yuan above and a former senior official of Baishi Province.

Of course, for these things, most of the time, the people below just pretend to listen, because they already understand many of the things involved, and for those who have no ambitions, these things are too far away from them.

As the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce and the Farmers Association, the two major non-government organizations, it is a matter of course that they are among them at this time.

"Chen Guang, I heard that the management is going to open the factory, isn't your chamber of commerce making more money now?"

"Where, even though it's an open factory, it's good enough to open some small factories that don't matter," Chen Guang smiled calmly, and turned to look at the Dunjia man beside him.

Chen Guang could also think of how the other party became the president of the peasant association, but he obviously wouldn't make it clear like a fool, it was just harming others and benefiting himself.

Chen Guang very much agrees with the friend clan's thunderous handling of the rebels this time, because for most of the merchants under his chamber of commerce, a stable friend clan is a must.

According to the later statistics of the Chamber of Commerce, within a few months of the Twelve Cities Rebellion, the merchants in the Chamber of Commerce lost tens of thousands of copper coins in income, which is obviously unacceptable.

Therefore, for the management's approach, they can be regarded as their full support with both hands, feet, four tentacles and one tail.

Especially when the news of the 'rebellion subsided' reached the Chamber of Commerce, those merchants who had been walking in the direction of Twelve Cities for a long time cheered and hugged happily, and then packed their luggage and rushed to set off.

There is no idiot here, and they all know that products can get better sales at this time. If you don’t rush over, you will have to be preempted by others. It's a spectacle.

As for the Dunjia president next to him, Chen Guang smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Gu Shan, you are the only one now, the peasant association represents more than 70% of the entire population of the Peng clan, and you, Gu Shan, are all Dunjia members of the Peng clan. The object of worship, the management should be polite to you."

"Hahaha, no, I'm just relying on everyone's support."

Looking at the excited and proud Dunjia, Chen Guang twitched the corners of his mouth and looked back at the podium.

The Chamber of Commerce also agrees with the addition of the Dunjia people.

Compared with the frugal habits left over from before, which led to the friends who are always careful when buying things, the Dunjia people don't know what the psychology is, and they don't bargain much when buying things, especially when facing friends who are doing business. , and they also like to choose those exquisite and gorgeous items, even if one of them sometimes costs them a month of living expenses.

This kind of buyer is obviously the favorite of merchants, and because of this, the relationship between the chamber of commerce and the peasant association, which is mostly composed of Dunjia people, seems to be very good.

As for the Commercial Regulatory Commission... Turning his head to look at the bored Yiren not far away, Chen Guang smiled and looked at him, and the other party who turned his head and looked over nodded, and the other party nodded in the same way, and then turned around go back.

Both parties understand the meaning of their own existence. It is obviously impossible to become friends, but it is not enough to reach the level of enemies. It is best to stay away like this, and this is probably what the management wants to see the most.

At this time, the Muwen patriarch walked up the steps.

Chen Guang suddenly felt serious. Although during the previous discussion, the management's answer was that 60% of the factories would be opened in batches within this year, but it is very possible to announce the news at the annual meeting. As long as it is released at the annual meeting, it will almost will not change.

"... Well, what we are going to talk about now is the problem of the factory."

(Here we come.) Subconsciously clenching our fists, compared to the stable peasant association and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry that can exist as long as the chamber of commerce exists, the biggest beneficiary of the opening of factories should be our own chamber of commerce.

However, the words of the Muwen patriarch stunned Chen Guang, who was full of expectations.

"Recently, many workers have complained. Merchants have chambers of commerce and farmers have farmers' associations. Why don't workers have their own guilds?" After a while, he nodded in a friendly manner.

It is suitable for the mentality of Kong Huan to fully support education from the beginning. Although it is not compulsory education, the school field model also allows most schools to be self-sufficient.

After more than ten years of development, more than 90% of the friends of the Peng family can read and write; more than 70% have three years of basic school learning experience; more than 40% have about four years of extended school learning experience; and classified schools Learning experience also reaches 10%.

This makes the cultural level of the friends of the whole group of friends very high, which provides a strong impetus for the development of the group of friends in the future. Of course, the management also has a lot of troubles, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and it is only natural to pay attention to education. management policy.

"In view of the strong demands of workers and friends, we plan to establish a complete trade union model in the first half of this year, imitating the models of chambers of commerce and farmers' associations in factories around the world."

"The main responsibility of the trade union is to safeguard workers' rights and coordinate the relationship between workers and factory managers. When necessary, the trade union can ask the management to intervene. As for the specific matters, we will explain in detail in the subsequent "Guidelines for the Formation of Trade Unions". Brochures will also be distributed to everyone.”

Nodding his head, he saw that his face changed from initial stiffness to anger, then to understanding, and finally to the present calm president of the chamber of commerce, with wood-grained eyes full of approval. It is obviously very interesting for the other party to have such a reaction. Self-knowledge, but also thought of the key.

"The next thing I'm going to talk about is the factory."

This time, the president of the Chamber of Commerce still clenched his fists a little nervously, but anyone who paid attention to his previous behavior could find that President Chen Guang was not as eager as before.

(It seems that I have figured it out, hehe, after all, it is impossible for the management to let the businessman completely control the factory.)
Thinking of the proposal not long ago to split the chamber of commerce into a permanent chamber of commerce, a merchant chamber of commerce, and a vendor chamber of commerce, Wooden became slightly thoughtful.

Letting go of the document in his hand, Mu Wen said: "The management of Pengzu is a service organization. The original purpose of the factory is to provide the necessary supplies for the people on the one hand, and to provide logistical support for the army on the other hand. Provide life support for workers and managers."

"However, after implementing reasonable taxation, the government intends to resell some factories that are not very important to the public."

Although some well-informed people already knew about it, but at this time, the Muwen patriarch said that the matter was almost a foregone conclusion, which naturally caused a commotion in the venue.

Glancing coldly at some of the high-ranking officials, Mu Wen's face remained calm, but these high-ranking officials who were stared at subconsciously shrank their necks and took back what they were about to say.

Factories are mainly concentrated in various provincial capitals, and over time, some of these factories have been controlled by high-ranking officials for their own personal gain, which is not unrecorded in the management.

It's just because these people are quite smart, and most of them are relatively restrained and not excessive. The management didn't attack these people at this time in order to avoid turmoil.

Not long after the 'Twelve Cities Rebellion' ended, these high-ranking officials, who were not fools, had already analyzed that the management definitely had an organization that could know the internal confidential matters of the friends, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a quick decision. reaction. (They never imagined that this rebellion was led out by the management in advance =. =)

From their point of view at this time, the management can even know about such things as rebellion, so their own small actions...

In this way, under the influence of luck and panic, these high-ranking officials became a little nervous.

At this time, Mu Wen's glance seemed to tell them 'I'm watching you, don't try to move', making them, the high-ranking officials who planned to say a few words for their own benefit, immediately be obedient. quieted down.

However, there are not no good people here.

After all, high-ranking officials are strictly selected by the management, and it’s okay for one or two of them to make mistakes. If one vote is for the wrong person, isn’t that a slap in the face of the management?

A senior official stood up and spoke: "Master Mu Wen, can the tax support the management's expenses?"


The senior official on the other side: "Excuse me, Patriarch Mu Wen, what about the wages of the workers?"

When saying this, the senior official also glanced at the president of the chamber of commerce in the distance.

"On the one hand, this issue can be coordinated internally by the trade unions and managers, and at the same time, the government will not ignore it. After that, we will issue the "Minimum Wage Law" to protect the lives of workers."

Nodding his head, the senior official sat down.

But soon, another high-ranking official stood up: "Is the important armor weapon manufacturing site also sold to the public?"

Smiling, Mu Wen replied: "Don't worry about this, the transfer of the factory is only a part, and these key factories will not be involved."



After answering the questions of a bunch of conference personnel, Mu Wen gave a light sigh of relief.

"I think from the previous question, everyone has already understood some details of the factory transfer, but I still have to add."

"This factory transfer is mainly divided into three stages to transfer 60% of the factories. These factories need to be purchased by merchants who spend the equivalent of copper coins on factory construction, and buyers must propose a reasonable factory development plan. We You can't let the factory entrust you with inhumanity."

This point has been confirmed during the previous discussion between the chamber of commerce and the management. Although he was tricked by the management once before, Chen Guang quickly figured out the reason. Although he was still a little depressed, he did not hold grudges.

For the current friend merchants, tens of thousands of copper coins in a factory is obviously not something that one person can get out.

In this regard, the plan discussed within the Chamber of Commerce is that several people raise funds to purchase.And this, management agrees.

As for the management's statement that 'purchasing is for the whole ethnic group', that is, both ordinary people and farmers can do it, the chamber of commerce doesn't care.Even the richest chambers of commerce need to raise funds. Do you farmers and urban residents also raise funds to buy? How do you manage the purchase?

You know, when buying a factory, you have to give the factory a "development plan" and other things.

Smiling, Chen Guang raised his head and looked in the direction of Pengcheng Industrial Zone.Although I have made a lot of money in the past few years, I can only barely buy a small copperware processing factory. Should I raise funds or buy it independently?

The topics that followed were similar to those of previous years. The ten-day annual meeting ended with topics of 'taxation', 'factory' and 'trade union'.

Speaking of which, comment, comment, comment, ga
(End of this chapter)

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