Spore Story

Chapter 344 Transfer to the private sector, the factory

Chapter 344 Transfer to the private sector, the factory

Two more million words reached =w=
On May 13, 5 AD, the Pengcheng [Workers' Union] was formally established.

In this way, the entire Pengzu has four large non-governmental organizations: [Chamber of Commerce], [Commercial Regulatory Commission], [Farmers Association], and [Trade Union].

Regarding the restrictions on the establishment of non-governmental organizations, the Pengzu management has not yet released the idea. In order to maintain the stability of the rule, the management has given those who expect to establish other non-governmental organizations.

"Until now, the government has only allowed civil organizations planned by the government to carry out construction, and perhaps the licensing rights will be further liberalized in the future, but before that, I hope everyone will not cross the line."

This may sound a bit domineering, but it carries the concerns of the House of Elders.

In the view of the House of Elders, maintaining the stability of the management is related to the good development of the Pengzu. At least until now, this is also the consensus of the Pengzu.

And when they heard 8051's description of the tragic civil wars of other species at the same time, the Elder's House and the God's Court had a strong obsession with maintaining a unified government agency, and they were afraid that the situation of other races would happen.

Therefore, for any situation that may lead to division of the ethnic group, the management adopts the principle of 'strict control without causing a large number of personnel losses'.

Time entered June 13, 6 AD, Pengcheng Industrial Zone.

"This time the factory is transferred to the public. In order to ensure the safety and stability of the process, the management's plan is to carry out in batches and stages. For supervision, the Court of Justice, the Elder's House, the trade union and the court of God will send corresponding, explicit or secret Supervisors, so don’t take chances.”

"The first batch of transferred factories are small factories located in Pengcheng with 10 to 30 employees and prices below 3 copper coins. Because similar workshops have already appeared in the private sector, the prices are not high."

"After you get the factory information from me, you can go to the factory you like to check the situation, and submit your purchase price and development plan to me, and then the management will send personnel to verify and finally determine who will get the final product. purchasing rights."

Walking on the road to the industrial zone, Chairman Chen Guang was like an ordinary businessman, carefully flipping through the documents in his hand, while looking up from time to time to find the destination of the trip.

After several months of thinking, he finally decided to purchase a small factory solely by himself.

Chenguang believes that it is absolutely no problem to develop this factory step by step with its own ability, and one advantage of sole proprietorship is that it does not need to be criticized by colleagues other than the government and workers.

"Oh, President Chenguang, are you here too?" A Yiren merchant who is also a merchant greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, hello, don't I also want to find something good for myself? I have been doing business for so long, and my feet are tired. Unlike Yiren who has wings, I can only find something more stable." Smiling and nodding to the businessman, Chen Guang didn't intend to talk much.

"Hey, see what you said," smiled and shook his head. The businessman also saw the urgency of the other party. Isn't he also impatient for this factory sale?

As for the chairman of the chamber of commerce, it does have rights, but it has not been revealed much at this time, which makes ordinary businessmen not have much fear of the chairman of the chamber of commerce, but more respect. Take time off from work to manage the chamber of commerce.

At this time, it seemed that his destination had arrived, the businessman smiled and nodded to Chen Guang, and left on his own.

Looking up, there is a striking [No. 3 Wood Primary Processing Factory] hanging on the gate of the factory.

This is just a primary factory that processes the wood from the lumberyard into various boards, strips or blocks according to the needs of the superior factory.

Although it is simple, but because of the large quantity, it is obviously necessary to be a large factory with more than [-] people if the entire Pengzu is to be processed here.

But this is only a small factory, because the Presbyterian House proposed a "competition mechanism" in the early stage of factory construction, dividing the same primary processing of wood into several similar factories, which turned a single processing factory into a small factory.

However, because the bosses are all managers, this 'competitive mechanism' has little effect, and instead seems to be a waste of resources.

Turn to the information page of this factory in the data:

Pengcheng No. 3 Wood Primary Processing Factory

Type: Process raw materials from logging camps into various primary planks, logs and other materials.


Monthly income/expenses: 1.9W/1.3W
Estimated purchase price: 2W
Estimated Taxes (Monthly): 500

"As expected of a factory, a small factory has a monthly net income of [-]. In the past, all the money was used to support the management and the projects in various places."

Shaking his head with emotion, looking at the group of businessmen at the gate of the factory, Chen Guang lost the interest to go in and take a look.

There is only general information on the information, and the specific situation can only be found out by the merchants themselves, who take the initiative to check the factory.This can be regarded as the management allowing those businessmen who want to buy these factories to understand their own factories through this kind of action.

Smiling and closing the file, Chen Guang turned around and continued to walk forward.

The planning of the industrial zone left a lot of open space from the beginning, so even though Pengcheng has been increasing the number of factories in the past ten years, the industrial zone is still in good order.

Walking along the street made of cement and big trees, occasionally entering a certain factory to have a look, just like the house number along the way, Chen Guang finally came to his destination [Pengcheng No. 2 Calcium Calcium Smelting Plant].

Pengcheng No. 2 Calcium Calcium Smelting Plant

Type: Smelting calcium carbide ore into corresponding massive pure ore.


Monthly income/expenses: 1.7W/1.5W
Estimated purchase price: 3W
Estimated Taxes (Monthly): 500

Judging from this information alone, many businessmen will stop, not to mention the low monthly profit, and the purchase price is still very expensive.The most important thing is that this is a newly emerging calcium carbide processing industry. At this time, Pengzu has not yet established a stable deep processing model.

And calcium carbide is something that can be seen everywhere in the friends. Almost every province has calcium carbide mines. Since calcium carbide fruit trees were planted in a large area in the ethnic group, calcium carbide mines have been completely abandoned, which has caused calcium carbide to be ignored by people.

Chen Guang only knew that the Technology Bureau had started to study calcium carbide smelting in the past one or two years.

Because it is a new thing, there is great uncertainty in the future application of calcium carbide, so most businessmen who seek stability do not pay much attention to it.

But Chen Guang is not worried about this, not to mention the inside information he got, the new generation of armor and weapons under development will use calcium carbide in large quantities, and calcium carbide is a component of human bones, and the Technology Bureau is researching this thing, which makes calcium carbide not May not fall.

First of all, it is guaranteed not to lose money, and secondly, there is a better development prospect, so it is impossible for him to let this thing go.

"It's here."

After taking out the information and walking to the gate, and showing his own information to the guard, Chen Guang nodded and walked inside.

The guards were also included in the ordinary workers. From this point of view, their expressions were calm. It seemed that the management had reminded them before, so the workers were able to stabilize their emotions, which saved the merchants a lot of trouble.

"Hello, my name is Chenguang, and I'm a businessman who wants to see the specific situation here." Chenguang said kindly, holding a worker who didn't seem to be very busy.

"Oh, you're the one they said, you're here to buy a factory?" She looked at the plainly dressed Chen Guang in surprise.

Because the merchants often go out, their clothes are mainly made of wear-resistant leather. Even if they become the president of the chamber of commerce and the money-making things begin to transform into shops, Chen Guang still retains the old habits.

This is obviously not very like the shopkeepers who like gorgeous shopkeepers that workers often see.

Nodding his head without hesitation, Chen Guang said, "That's right, I'll come over and take a look if I don't get the information, so I can make a plan that will benefit the factory in the future."

"Oh, you are the first to come to our factory, tell me? After you buy the factory, how do you plan to accommodate us guys."

Chen Guang was a little caught off guard by the fact that this worker was careless and went straight to the point.

But fortunately, he was also a little bit prepared. He looked up at the workers around him who were curiously looking at him. In the past few days, because of the factory visit, the workers have reduced their working hours as much as possible.

However, the smelting furnace obviously cannot be stopped, so only a few workers can walk around leisurely.

"I haven't asked you yet?"

"Me? I'm their leader."

"Uh," so straightforward, Chen Guang wiped his sweat speechlessly, remembered the technician on the information, and nodded clearly.

According to the "Worker Grade Evaluation" issued by Pengzu in 10 AD, factory workers were divided into five grades: general, technician, technician, researcher, and engineer according to their professional skills.

Although there is no explicit regulation, the wages are generally paid according to this level.

In the previous preparations, Chenguang learned that the wages of ordinary workers in smelting plants are generally 250 copper coins per month; technicians 300; technicians 400; researchers 600; engineers are determined according to the situation, with an average of about 1000 .

And Chenguang's salary for everyone is also this standard, and the standard of the "Minimum Wage Law" is not far from this.

In this regard, the workers present were neither happy nor disappointed. They probably thought of this a long time ago.

However... the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Chen Guang waited for a while before saying: "Of course, these are just the basics. If the factory's effect is good in a certain month, everyone can get a bonus reward of about 100 copper coins. For good performance, of course There will also be corresponding rewards, these, after I buy the factory, I will tell you in detail."

For this, the technician and the surrounding workers seemed a little surprised.

Looking at each other, Chen Guang could feel a little bit of approval from it, which is what he wanted, because the future development plan of the factory is obviously inseparable from the help of these workers.

In the past few years since the issuance of copper coins, people have become more and more dependent on such small things, and no one wants to have more of them.

At first, what Chen Guang thought was only to increase the basic salary, but after thinking of the "competition mechanism" in Pengcheng that seemed to waste energy and money, he changed his mind. The internal combat mechanism.

After getting a general understanding of the calcium carbide smelting plant, Chen Guang invited a few workers and turned around to leave.

The estimated price of up to 3 yuan has slightly exceeded Chenguang's net worth, and he needs to find some friends who will not participate in his career to borrow some money.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Xingshang Huankong, and there was a wry smile in his heart, who would have thought that the novice was actually the elder of the elders.

However, he also had to lament his luck. If it wasn't for this, even though he could reach the current level with his own ability, it would take a lot of effort to think about it.

On July 7, the first batch of 1 factories in Pengcheng were sold out, and Chenguang obtained the second calcium carbide smelting plant as it wished, and changed its name to Chenguang Stone Factory.

Most of the products sold in this batch are primary processing factories. On the one hand, it intensifies the competition mechanism, and on the other hand, it can also bring a lot of income to the government.

Who would have thought that these peddlers who started out selling small commodities actually had so many copper coins. The 36 factories brought in an income of 70 copper coins for the management. Of course, these will be divided up by various departments later.

After 4 months of supervision and inspection, after confirming that the transferred factories are in good condition, Pengzu opened the second batch of 200 factories in all provinces and cities. In addition to 167 primary processing factories, 33 raw materials have been added. Gathering factories, such as [logging factory], [mining factory] and other basic factories.

However, there are strict restrictions on the sale of raw material factories, such as daily collection volume, collection scope, personnel safety, etc. It can be said that raw material factories are only able to earn as much as the management wants you to earn. Condition.

This limits the development of raw material factories, and has become the goal of many businessmen who seek stability without much pursuit.

It is worth mentioning that during the sale of the second batch of factories, citizens raised funds to purchase factories in three cities and then transferred them to the cities for production.

In this regard, the management has a soy sauce attitude, and now the cement roads in various places have been built to the 'city-city' level.If the cities where the factories have been transferred develop well, the management does not mind transferring some factories to other cities; if the development is not good, it goes without saying...

On March 13, 13 AD, all the second batch of factories were sold.

At this time, it was confirmed by the management and the Chamber of Commerce that the working capital held by the merchants within the Pengzu could no longer swallow more factories, so the opening of the third batch of factories was postponed.

At the same time as the factory was transferred, the management of Pengzu also began to standardize the entire factory of Pengzu.

As a whole, it is divided into [raw materials] (representing lumber mills and mining plants), [primary processing] (representing smelting plants, wood board factories, bearing factories), [extended processing] (representing car factories, copperware factories, bow and arrow factories, papermaking factory), [deep processing category] (representing armor factory, printing factory, mint), [research category] (representing circuit laboratory).

Obviously, only the factories in the first two categories are open to ordinary people, while the latter ones are still in the hands of the management for various reasons.

Not long after, the various laboratories in the [Research Category], which originally belonged to various factories, were also dismantled one after another, and the parts involving critical issues were placed under the Technology Bureau, and most of them were transferred to the school district.

On May 13, 15 AD, the management further divided the original factory categories into two categories: [civilian] and [military].

[Bow and Arrow Factory], [Bronze Arsenal], [Armor Factory] and other more than [-] military or emergency material factories are collectively classified as [Military] category, directly under the management of the Ministry of Industry, and supervised by the Military Academy. They will not be open to the public, and will Accept the monitoring of the patrol team stationed.

As for [civil use], it is a factory that civilian personnel can purchase.

Of course, there were not so many powerful businessmen in the Pengzu at this time.Moreover, the top management also follows the order of 'preventing the emergence of monopoly institutions' issued by the House of Elders. When selling, they always sell multiple factories of the same kind, and then control the number of factories of the same kind purchased by the same person or group.

"Speaking of which, the friend clan's restriction of 'not allowing private construction of small or more factories with more than 5 people is not allowed', when do you plan to let them undo it?"

Lingxue flipped through the "Work Report for 13 AD" submitted by the top management, and asked Kong Huan at the side.

Before you know it, it's another year, winter goes to spring, looking at the buds that just appeared in the courtyard, the emptiness seems very emotional.

Hearing Lingxue's words, Kong Huan smiled and said: "Even if they are open now, most of them don't have the ability to open small factories."

Changing into a comfortable position, Kong Huan patted the report on the table and continued: "After all, we have only developed for 14 years. Although from the surface, the Pengzu is already very advanced, but in reality? We lack confidence."

"There are so many things that are considered absolutely advanced in this era. Coupled with my friends' higher education level, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and electricity have all appeared one after another, but in fact?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Kong Huan pointed to himself and said: "Actually, almost all of this is given by the research model, not developed by the Pengzu itself, which leads to the fact that the entire Pengzu is now a learner. Not the creator."

"The current factories, just those factories waiting to be sold in the ethnic group, are enough for businessmen to use for decades. Therefore, the first step to develop is not a factory, but a research institution."

"Do you want to open the technology bureau?" Lingxue asked in surprise.

"How is it possible?" After being stunned for a moment, Kong Huan realized that Lingxue had misunderstood what he said, and explained with a smile: "I mean the "Patent Law" and the "Private Laboratory Support Law."

"Oh," shaking her head in embarrassment, Lingxue looked away: "Indeed, with more than ten years of comprehensive education, the temptation of the "Patent Law" and the support of the "Private Laboratory Support Law" , and the rest is up to everyone to perform on their own.”


Waving the tentacles to roll up a few branches, Kong Huan looked at the squeezing and creaking branches, and said with emotion: "The number and reproduction rate of friends are too low. In order to resist the enemy, we can only continue to strengthen the individual At the same time, we don’t forget to strengthen the strength of the group.”

"Cultivation is one aspect, but knowledge and wisdom are the real key."

"By the way, I plan to build a citizen library at the city level. Although the collection of books will not be very large, only limited to [-] volumes, it should be enough for use."

"Hey!" Hearing Kong Huan's jumpy speech, Lingxue was stunned, and suddenly let out an exclamation.

"This is a huge expense. Have you notified Wooden? Have you told the Budget Bureau of the Ministry of Finance? Will they agree?"

Continue to haunt, tomorrow is Monday, please support, ask for a monthly ticket, 嘎=w=
(End of this chapter)

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