Spore Story

Chapter 345 It's another year of spring, let's go shopping

Chapter 345 It's another spring, let's go shopping

Thanks for the reward of winter in the wind, flowers and snow night~\(≧▽≦)/~
Winter goes to spring, and it is another day when flowers bloom in a blink of an eye.

It has been 14 years since the entire Pengzu established a stable organization, and since the management of Muwen came to power in 10 AD, Void Fantasy has gradually faded out of the front desk of the management.Afterwards, Mu Wen and the others proved their ability to govern, and Kong Huan confidently devoted all his energy to more important technology research and development and development planning.

January is another month of the annual meeting, but I have already made up my mind not to manage the illusion of specific affairs, and I still sit leisurely at the exclusive stone table in the elders' house, drinking the latest drinks provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.

He is wearing a robe made of linen and leather, plus the fur of some stuffed animals. There are also leather extensions from the wing roots of the four wings on the back to cover the part. Knowing whether it is a spoof or a hobby, two eyes are embroidered with different lines on the velvet hat, which looks cute.

Kong Huan is holding a cup of steaming milk tea in both hands. If he is given a rocking chair and a head of white hair at this time, he will look like a leisurely old man.

"Could this be the effect of my old man's character?"

At this time, the gate of the courtyard was gently pushed open, and a beautiful figure tightened his coat and walked into the courtyard slowly.

It seemed that he was stunned by Kong Huan's appearance, and the figure paused. It seemed that it took a long time. After finally confirming Kong Huan's identity, he walked up a few steps and put a booklet on the stone table , and then sat down on another wooden chair covered with fur, and finally complained in that cold voice: "What kind of dress are you wearing? laid back."

"You think I think, the coat is made by Chu Xia and the others, the hat is made by Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling, and even the clothes and trousers inside are made by Lingxue and Chu Jie to respect the elders, I will go. Shaking his head depressedly, he swayed the milk tea in the cup empty-handedly, but under the control of Nianli, not a drop would flow out.

"You don't know your blessings in the midst of blessings." Throwing a pair of gloves in front of Kong Huan with a wave, Chu Qin said nonchalantly, "New Year's gift, honoring you, an old man."

"Ah," wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, Kong Huan shook his head speechlessly and put on the gloves: "It's not bad, my hands were a little cold at first, but now I can sweat."

Smiling, Kong Huan pointed to a plate of ovens to Chu Qin and asked, "Clean tea? Milk tea? Sun fruit water? Or clear water?"

"Just come as it is." Shaking her hand nonchalantly, the other party didn't say anything more about it. Seeing that Kong Huan seemed to completely ignore the brochure on the table, Chu Qin reminded with some dissatisfaction: "That's the meeting report this morning. , you don’t have to look at it, although it doesn’t matter, but it’s good to care about it in a moderate amount.”

"Okay, here, Chu Qin, your favorite Xiguo water." With a smile, he put the steaming water glass in front of the other party, and flipped open the booklet on the table.

Chu Qin is the only person in the entire elders' house who is directly responsible for the government, because she leads the Ministry of Development and Reform.

The Ministry of Development and Reform is not an ordinary department. Although with the gradual improvement of the government composition, the power of this department will become smaller and smaller, but in the view of the three of them, at least 30 years from now, the power of the Ministry of Development and Reform will be limited. It is much larger than any of the Executive Yuan, Military Yuan, and Law Yuan. It can be said that in an emergency, the Ministry of Development and Reform can form another government without any difficulty.

This made the House of Elders have to deal with it carefully. If Chu Qin were to hand over the power as usual, it would be hard to say whether the new appointment would be firm in the responsibility of the Ministry of Development and Reform instead of fighting for power and profit with the management.

In comparison, Chu Qin and the others can be regarded as the existence of the first generation of leaders, and most of them are now at the Youshen level, and because of their close relationship with the void, they will not have other messy thoughts. Compared with private ownership, they will gradually deepen , and the newcomers who appeared during the period when good life philosophies such as dedication and overall perspective have not yet emerged, they are obviously more trustworthy.

If you think about it carefully, there is some hesitation in the fantasy. Is the implementation of private ownership good or bad? In a small way, it allows the people to have their own things and make them happy; but in a big way, the selfishness and greed that it breeds is not It's easy to ruin everything.

In the past few years, Kong Huan has spent a lot of time thinking about this, but he has not come to many useful conclusions, but he has confirmed one thing, that is, the ethnic group cannot implement complete private ownership at this stage, at least until they obtain a stable living environment. Public ownership must prevail.

"Is there any problem at this meeting?" Flipping through the brochure in his hand, Kong Huan asked Chu Qin: "I heard that some guys made trouble again at the meeting."

"It's not a big deal, it's just that when some guys are discussing the budget, they are arguing about which province has more copper coins. After all," shaking her head with a smile, Chu Qin took out a Gashan copper coin from her bosom and put it in the on the table, and then imitated the illusory movement and turned it up: "After all, it seems that this thing is necessary for everything now."

Looking at the copper coins spinning on the table, Kong Huan's eyes were a little confused, but he came to his senses after a while: "Speaking of which, Chu Qin, how many copper coins have been issued?"

"In this regard, the wood grain should be the one you know best. After all, our Ministry of Development and Reform is not in charge of this." Shaking her head, Chu Qin thought about it and said: "However, some time ago, I saw the old people's house. It was mentioned in the internal report that it seems that about 1000 million copper coins have been issued, didn’t you read it?”

"Uh, there are already so many?" Looking at Chu Qin in amazement, Kong Huan clearly remembered that when the copper coins were issued in 07, it seemed that they were suspended after only 200 million coins were issued, but it has increased in less than 7 years. 5 times: "Did they pay attention to changes in market prices when the Executive Yuan issued them?"

"I don't know, but I think it's according to your previous plan."

"I have to ask Mu Wen." Kong Huan felt that he should pay attention to these things.Because of being in missions, research, and elders' homes for a long time, Kong Huan realized that he hadn't paid much attention to the situation of the people, and he didn't have such a sensitive business sense, otherwise he wouldn't have been at the bottom in his previous life. So now, only step by step.

"Wait, Kong Huan, why are you so impatient all of a sudden!" Shaking her head depressedly, Chu Qin looked at Kong Huan who was stopped at the door by her own power of thought with some amusement.Of course, Chu Qin's mental power can't completely block Kong Huan, who is also in the early stage of Youshen level, but it is still possible to just wake up Kong Huan.

"What are you in a hurry for? It's mid-afternoon, and Mu Wen and the others are in a meeting."

"Hehe, I didn't pay attention." Looking outside the door, Kong Huan patted his gloved hands, his eyes lit up, and he grabbed Chu Qin who was approaching and walked away: "Go, go shopping with me."


Pengcheng has undergone several renovations, and under the influence of 8051, it has attached great importance to greening. It can be said that it has become the most natural city in the entire Pengzu.

The concrete main road in the whole city is nearly ten meters wide, and on both sides are planted with big trees over a century old, some of which were originally left behind, but most of them were transplanted from the outside. A small amount of machinery is still very easy to achieve.

Among these trees, almost every second one is a calcium carbide tree.Every autumn, the crystal calcium carbide fruit reflects the twilight at night, giving people a psychedelic sense of warmth.And now it is spring, although winter has just left, tender white buds have begun to grow on the calcium carbide tree, and some of the flowers that bloomed early because of impatience have become the objects of appreciation for passers-by.

Of course, the main object of appreciation at this time is the ancestral tree.The name of the tree originated from the New Middle District of the Dark Blood Plain, but it actually has little to do with the current ancestral tree.The ancestral trees of Pengcheng are five large trees that are estimated to be hundreds of years old, or even a thousand years old. They were originally planned and left within the scope of Pengcheng.Even though the city has undergone several renovations, they have all been left intact, witnessing the development of Pengcheng over the past ten years.

Sometimes Kong Huan joked with Dark Blood Painong or 8051, and said that maybe these five ancestral trees have become spirits, although in fact, they still stand there calmly and calmly, without eyes popping out. Observe the world around you; there is no mouth popping up to babble.

But now, the five ancestral trees with a height of tens of meters have become the best place for children to play and play.Of course, coupled with the legend of the tree man in some fantasy stories, the ancestral tree is even more mysterious.Even if everyone knows that it is unrealistic, they are willing to believe it, or are willing to sink into it, imagining that these five old people are looking at themselves, friends, and the world.

"Kong Huan, why do you suddenly want to go shopping?" Chu Qin looked curiously at Kong Huan who was pulling her.

After stopping, Kong Huan looked back at Chu Qin: "What's the matter? Is there something urgent?"

"Not really." Thinking about her leisurely but busy development and reform department, Chu Qin shook her head depressedly and said, "I'm just curious, what are you doing here? It seems that you don't plan to rush to find Mu Wen Alright, didn't anyone say that your mood changes so quickly?"

"Um, this, I don't know, but I'm looking for wood grain now, and all I can get is probably only rough data," pointing to both sides of the street, following the government's various commercial policies, plus "Resettlement of Urban Workers' Families", etc. The street gradually became lively after the promulgation of relevant laws, Kong Huan smiled and explained: "Let's go shopping first."

"But..." Just as he approached the street, Kong Huan suddenly stopped hesitantly.


"No, it's nothing, let's go." Shaking his head, Kong Huan suddenly remembered that as an elder, he seemed to be recognized when he went to the street in the past. At this time, if he went directly to buy things, would the other party give an unreal price?It's not impossible after all.

(If I had known it earlier, I would have asked the maid to buy it, and then I would have used my possessive skills.) After thinking about it, Kong Huan smiled again: "Forget it, let's really go shopping."

Saying so, Kong Huan took Chu Qin into a most basic rice shop.

Because the wages of urban workers are usually paid in copper coins, most of their food needs to be purchased with copper coins, except for those who have farmland at home. After the store is opened to merchants, the supervision it receives is still very strict, so the price fluctuation of the rice store is generally the most stable, which can show the specific situation of the currency.

Taking his hand out of the glove, he reached out and took out a handful of rice and kneaded it. The white and plump rice grains made Kong Huan nod in satisfaction.He is no longer the guy who didn't distinguish between five grains in his previous life. From the appearance of this vat of grains and soybeans, Wu Huan can tell which is good and which is bad.What makes Kong Huan even more satisfied is that each rice vat has a price tag, so there is no need to worry about the so-called price cheating.

"Boss, give me a catty of rice, a catty of soybeans, and a catty of soil stems."

"Okay," the boss obviously looked forward to the two expensively dressed people entering the room, but who knew that each item was only a catty, which made him feel like a cloud of loss, but his good quality still calmed him down quickly. down.

After quickly weighing the grains with the standard scale issued by the management, and then packing them in paper bags, the boss handed three paper bags to Kong Huan: "You put it away, 3 copper coins for a catty of rice, 4 copper coins for a catty of soybeans , 2 copper coins for a catty of soil stems, a total of 9 copper coins."

"Oh," Kong Huan looked at the boss suspiciously, only to find three paper bags.I was bored in the elders' home for a long time, or I was just doing tasks outside. It was reasonable that some people in Pengcheng didn't recognize me at first, but when I looked at Chu Qin beside me, it seemed that the other party was not recognized.

However, now is not the time to think about this, stretching his hand to his waist, Kong Huan's body froze suddenly, and a clear chuckle came from behind him, causing Kong Huan's face to turn red.

"Come on, boss, here are 9 copper coins." With a smile, he pulled Kong Huan out of the store for shopping without money, Chu Qin patted Kong Huan on the shoulder: "You really stayed at home for too long, but you went out to do tasks Didn't you bring any money with you?"

"Isn't most of the tasks here are sparsely populated places, and the food is game?" Rubbing his forehead depressedly, Kong Huan handed the three bags in his hand to Chu Qin who was still chuckling, and took them out of his arms. Notebook and pencil to write the price down.

"Speaking of which, Chu Qin, why weren't you recognized?"

"Why do I have to be recognized?"

"Uh." How to answer this, Kong Huan was a little troubled.

"Okay, I know what you mean." Shaking the three paper bags in her hand, Chu Qin thought for a while and said, "If there was a friend city with a fixed population of three or four hundred in the past, you and I would be recognized when we went out, after all There are just a few people who don’t look up and look down. But in Pengcheng now, since the business started to develop and various policies were introduced, the population flow has been very large.”

For the Ministry of Development and Reform, which has vague functions and can plug into almost everything, this kind of population flow problem can also be known. It seems that Chu Qin has already made a lot of experience in this work.

"Nowadays, the resident population of Pengcheng is about 600 people, and the floating population includes businessmen, slack workers, visiting relatives, school students, mobile messengers, etc. I am afraid the same number is about 600, and this does not include the few teams stationed outside the city, and The external mine personnel. In addition, it happened to be mid-afternoon at this time, and most of the permanent residents were going to work and school..."

"But this kind of fixed shop merchants should know you, right? Don't most merchants have broad knowledge?" Pointing to the rice shop not far away, the owner is receiving new customers at this time, and it seems that the two sides are talking Very happy, I completely forgot about the two people who only spent 9 copper coins.

"High-level executives like us usually have a maid team. They are responsible for selling rice and other daily necessities, aren't they? Besides, don't businessmen nowadays only care about people related to themselves? So they are very concerned about the maid team. The understanding is obviously much clearer than the understanding of high-level people."

"As for me, I usually buy some interesting things, so I bring copper coins, but you are really a nerd." After glancing at Kong Huan, Chu Qin jokingly said: "You usually don't have anything I asked someone to buy it for you, tsk tsk, I can tell by looking at your body, you are being raised by everyone, quack."

"Well." Kong Huan cast a gloomy sideways glance at Chu Qin, then nodded, acting as if he suddenly realized something, and as for Chu Qin's next words, he responded with a blank face.

"Cut, what do you do next?"

"Of course, I need to know more about the prices of commodities." Pointing to the surrounding shops, Kong Huan said: "The price of a rice store can only be used as a reference. I need more information to analyze the situation of copper coins."

It is obviously impossible to get a very detailed price in half an afternoon, but Kong Huan just wants to get a general situation, and then use it as a reference.

After returning to the Elder's House, Kong Huan quickly called out the Bureau of Statistics. After comparing the price statistics in other places, he finally confirmed with relief that the prices in all places were relatively stable.

However, what surprised Kong Huan was that overall, the value of copper coins was still relatively high, which seemed to run counter to the depreciation of copper coins that Kong Huan was worried about after hearing about the issuance of 1000 million copper coins.

"What's going on here?" At the first moment, Kong fantasized about 'hoarding copper coins', but after thinking about it, he still shook his head.Speaking of hoarding copper coins, the management of Pengzu recovered nearly 500 million copper coins after selling two batches of factories. This is the hoarding of copper coins.

Well, the primary purpose now is obviously to spend this batch of money. This is exactly what the people at the meeting are arguing about. Obviously, there is no need to worry about spending money in vain.

"It seems that we have to wait until the middle of the year to see the situation. Thinking about it now, with the rapid development of the initial stage of business, the circulation of copper coins should gradually increase."

"I said illusory."


"The Ministry of Finance should worry about these things. Why do you care about them? Don't worry, Mu Wen and the others will think they are underestimated."

"Well, get used to it, get used to it." Smiling and shaking his head, looking at Chu Qin who was shaking a winged figure ornament he had chosen for the other party in the afternoon, after thinking about it, Kong put down the notebook in his hand and picked up a glass again. Milk tea, at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he happened to see a net rabbit jumping around in the yard.

"I heard that the race in the south seems to have contacted us?"

Monday, please support =w=
(End of this chapter)

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