Spore Story

Chapter 346 Edge Forest, First Contact

Chapter 346 Edge Forest, First Contact

As the head of Xiaoshu Village in Wutong City in the southern province, Shushan has a remarkable background. He used to be a quasi-priest who traveled around the world (actually in the south).

Although he finally returned to Gashan in despair because he couldn't find anything, and after studying in the management school for half a year, he moved to this place with dozens of clansmen, but he was also experienced.In this way, the life of the village head has passed for nearly ten years.

Today, he has been immersed in the ordinary life of going to the village entrance to chat with the old people he is familiar with, playing Go, and drinking green tea after sleeping until he wakes up naturally every day.Gradually, the time of the quasi-priest seemed to be a distant past.

Especially six years ago, after the wife he married from a neighboring village gave birth to a little boy for him, he no longer had the desire to go out, and his fighting spirit seemed to be wasted in the daily chores of life .

Sometimes Shushan also wonders whether he is good or bad, and even went to the temple to ask his friends who are now priests to discuss philosophical ideas such as the relationship between passion and plainness.But in the end, he was tired of the life of quasi-priests who had been running around year after year, and he still thought it was good. Seeing how busy those priests and mayors were, they couldn't see anyone all day long. Compared with his own life, That is happiness.

Woke up this morning, Shushan came to the big tree at the entrance of the village as usual.It was a slack season at this time, and obviously there was nothing to be busy with, so he gathered six children from the village, intending to give everyone some preschool education based on his knowledge of the quasi-priest school. The child has good grades, people know that I taught it, and it can satisfy my modest vanity, isn't it, Quack."

"Village Chief, tell us about your previous story, let's just talk about that, the huge canyon to the south, I haven't finished talking about it last time!"

"Okay, but you have to read these words first." This is also an old trick of the teacher in the quasi-priest school. I recalled the time when I studied hard for a story that would whet my appetite every day. At this time, looking at the children who were almost the same as the students back then, a kind smile appeared on Shushan's face.

Speaking of which, Shushan is only in his 40s, but his heart is already old, and his body is useless no matter how young he is, even if he is still a Yiren.

In half a day, several children, the oldest of whom were seven years old, finally finished learning today's five characters. Shushan also fulfilled his promise and began to tell mostly fabricated stories.I remember when I was in school, if one day the teacher didn't tell the story after the students finished learning, it would cause a riot.Of course, this is an exaggeration, huh, huh.

At this time, a villager suddenly ran out of the village entrance, and they seemed to have just discovered Shushan at the entrance of the village, and rushed over in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the panic-stricken villagers, most of whom had a few not-so-deep scars on their bodies, Shushan comforted the restless child, and then asked him.

"Village chief, Shuku and the others, they encountered a very powerful monster in the woods to the south, hurry up and have a look."

When the villagers talked about monsters, Shushan had already got up and flew towards the direction they were pointing at. Animals that could cut through the skin of the original people should not be underestimated at all.

"I hope it's not those things." For ordinary village chiefs, they would only think of them as troublesome monsters, but Shushan is different. As a former quasi-priest, he is better than ordinary village chiefs in terms of information alone. Not 01 :30 o'clock.As the head of the village on the southern border, he must always pay attention to the situation outside the border.Therefore, Shushan has a certain understanding of the situation in the south.

In the latest announcement, it is stated that there is a large race far to the south, and they used to fight fiercely with the tribe where Lord Darkblood belongs. "But it should be in a civil war recently, so it is impossible to come here."

"This is?" Spreading his wings, Shushan quickly and secretly stopped on the top of the tree. Shushan saw three villagers in the distance, and the uneasiness in his heart calmed down a little.

Relying on the small circle formed by the experience of fighting against the Eldar, as long as they don't panic, they should be able to keep the three of them in an undefeated situation. The matter is not as urgent as imagined.Therefore, he intends to take the opportunity to learn more about the enemy's situation, and he can write more details in the report later. Although he has no idea about promotion, he cannot slack off because of this.

"Creatures you haven't seen?" Looking carefully, the three villagers were fighting with four creatures with slightly grayish-black skin. The overall appearance was similar to that of an original human, and the key parts were covered with tree bark. Hard and wrinkled crustaceous substance, it is not known whether it grows on its own, or it is worn like clothes or armor.

These creatures are agile, and with Shushan's strength, they can only be seen in general, especially when they are running in the woods, it makes people feel indistinguishable.Looking at the positions of the three villagers, they should have realized this, so they escaped from the edge of the forest.

Unexpectedly, Shushan remembered a legend he heard among the quasi-priests who also went to the south. It said that in a forest in the south, there lived a shadow-like creature that would fall into it if not careful. The opponent's trap, so the quasi-priests going to the south must be careful.

At that time, because friends did not have a deep understanding of nature, people also held an attitude of preferring to believe these unreliable legends.But Shushan had never encountered such a thing, and gradually classified it as some unique creature, or the hallucination of his predecessors, or a story fabricated by the teachers to make students be cautious about the surrounding environment.

While he was thinking, one of the four figures suddenly stopped at the edge of the woods, and then waved his tail at one of them.The two sides were clearly separated by several meters, and in Shushan's opinion, there was nothing to worry about, but the three villagers who had been paying attention to the surrounding situation hurriedly raised the wooden shields that they usually have nothing to do.This kind of wooden shield can't even catch a blow from the original man, and the claws of the Dunjia man can cut in with a little force, so in the eyes of everyone, it is just a toy.

But at this time, there was a dull impact sound from the wooden shield, and then Shushan noticed a new one-centimeter-long thin needle-like object on the wooden shield.That one centimeter is only the exposed part of the wooden shield, and it is unknown how many pierced into the wooden shield.At this time, he even discovered that there were five or six wooden thorns like this on the wooden shield.

"No, the speed is too fast." Shushan, who had taken off the ordinary bow and arrow made of stubborn wood from his body, did not dare to neglect after confirming that the opponent had a long-range attack, and tried to aim with the bow and arrow.But the speed of the opponent's movement was too fast, and Shushan finally had no choice but to put the bow and arrow back in vain.

"Shuku, what's the situation of the enemy?" Before the battle, it's best to know more about the situation of your enemy. Shushan connected to one of the villagers through a spiritual connection.The other party froze for a moment when he heard the voice in his mind, if it wasn't for the relatively safe time specially chosen by Shushan, this slight stupor might have killed the other party here.

At this time, the four shadows seemed to be unable to attack for a long time, and sneaked into the surrounding woods again. This was the seventh time since Shushan's arrival. hidden.And from the reactions of the three villagers, it can be seen that the other party definitely did not leave.

"Village Chief, you are finally here, and I am almost exhausted."

"Speaking of the main point, seeing that you are so leisurely, do you think you don't need my help?"

"Don't, don't, don't I take this opportunity to relieve my tension?" Shuku looked around carefully, and told the two teammates at the same time, but fortunately, the two still knew the severity, and did not turn their heads to look at him out of curiosity. Shushan: "The thing is like this, just now when we wanted to find some game in the woods to the south, we happened to see a brontosaurus."

"Thunder Dragon? You kid is so lucky to meet Thunder Dragon, I don't believe it."

Adjusting the atmosphere with words to relieve the tension caused by long-term battles is also the experience of participating in the Pengling War, but Shushan really doesn't believe that Shuku, who has always been known for his bad luck, will encounter such a hard-to-see mobile meat storage.

"Village chief, don't hurt me. Didn't you meet these guys later? The thunder dragon that I finally met was also lost." It seemed to be quite hit, under the siege of four powerful enemies Shuku, who didn't show the slightest slack, actually made a mournful expression at this time, which was quite funny, but obviously, his enemy was not deceived by this action.

Hearing what the other party said, Shushan nodded in satisfaction: "What do I mean, you're just so lucky, keep talking!"

"Hey, life. Didn't you just meet a brontosaurus and want to rush up to catch it and bring it back to satisfy your hunger? Suddenly a velociraptor rushed out from the bushes. Damn me, at first we still I thought I met my colleagues, but who knew that the Velociraptor was actually running for his life, behind them were a few dark shadows, here, those guys."

At this time, it seemed that Shuku who was talking was a little slack, and a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the woods and rushed towards Shuku.However, Shuku reacted quickly, blocking the opponent's attack with a shield, and at the same time swung the bronze spear in his hand to sweep at the opponent.But the opponent was also a bachelor, and once he missed a hit, he sneaked into the woods again and disappeared.

The three of them are only in a small open space, with a width of only three or four meters around, which is only a blink of an eye for these shadows. Therefore, the three of them seem to be slack, but in fact they are all focused on the surrounding situation. Will not persist for so long under the siege of the opponent.

"Speaking of which, village chief, you have to be careful what the other party's tail shoots out, that thing seems harmless, but the velociraptor was stabbed by a needle, and fell to the ground motionless within less than a cup of tea. "It seems that there are lingering fears about this. When Shuku said this, he subconsciously looked at the shield in his hand, "If we didn't happen to see this at the time, we would barely be able to block that kind of flying that is not very powerful. The shield of the needle, maybe it will be yin too."

Who would have thought that this toy, which is usually made by ordinary villagers as an imitation of the sword and shield soldiers of the clan, would one day become a real life-saving tool. Although I have some confidence in my skin, it is against the knife and the like. , Acupuncture is not in the scope of defense.

"Got it, I need to know the main battle situation of the enemy."

"The main thing is to guard against that tail needle. The trajectory is indistinguishable, the speed is extremely fast, and it is very likely to be poisonous. In addition, the opponent's speed and sensitivity are very high, and it is very dangerous in the woods. The injuries on the three of us are all When I escaped from the woods, I was cut by the opponent's claws. Meow, three times, I was hit three times! It can actually cut our skin, which is sharper than the claws of the armored man, damn it."

Spit secretly, the three of Shuku didn't dare to move at all because they were surrounded by forests.And Shushan can also see from this that the three of Shuku are afraid of each other's forest warfare ability, but he is flying in the tree...

Suddenly, a dangerous breath came from below the body, the body reacted earlier than the mind, Shushan vibrated his wings, and disappeared into the treetops suddenly with the kick of his feet, a thing like a thin needle rubbed Flying over the corner of Shushan's linen clothes, fortunately, he didn't touch Shushan's body.

"Gah, why didn't you discover your mental power!" Immediately notified Shuku to be careful, and Shushan flew high into the sky at the same time: "Che, if it weren't for the experience honed by me as a quasi-priest for several years, he would really have been killed."

Although the Winged Man is much stronger than the Velociraptor, and also has poison resistance, but the Velociraptor fell to the ground after just a cup of tea, and the Winged Man may only last for a long time, not to mention that most of the toxins are gradual If it takes effect, Shushan doesn't believe that after the combat power is weakened by poisoning, the opponent will miss the opportunity to make up the sword. When fighting the spirit clan, the poison controlled by the spirit clan was overshadowed and there were not many people who were hit by the sword.

"Village Chief, are you okay?"

"No, when I was fighting the giant centipede in the canyon back then, you kid didn't know that you were unlucky in that corner." Scanning with mental power again, it was confirmed that the other party was not found, and even the four who could clearly see the figure in the distance Guy, after none of them were shown in the mental power scan, Shushan confirmed one point, "My mid-stage ghost-level mental power doesn't seem to be effective for these guys."

"How should we deal with these guys?" Looking up at Mr. Sun who was on the west side, Shushan frowned uncomfortably: "They are obviously creatures that tend to attack sneakily, a bit like oviraptors, but regardless of their speed, stamina and combat effectiveness It is much stronger than the opponent, and it also has that kind of long-range attack."

I don't know if it's because Shushan flies so high that their attacks can no longer reach them. After the previous needle, Shushan didn't encounter any attacks, but with the previous lessons, he dared not slack off Hovering in the air.

"Shuku, how many did you meet from the beginning?" Thinking of the other party's ability to nullify mental power, Shushan glanced at the surrounding forest with some vigilance.

"I don't know," Treebank's answer was very speechless: "After we encountered them, we have never seen their appearance. The most time was only three attacks together. We don't know how many there are, but we think there will be three. .”

"Three, man, I've got five now!"

"Tree bank, I have to say that your luck is really good." After calculating the width of the forest between the small open space where the tree bank is located and the farmland area of ​​the village, Shushan sighed depressingly, "100 meters, if You are sure to kill these guys before dark, so you don’t have to run this distance.”

"Um, I should have worked hard to chrysalis if I knew it back then, huh!"


The sun is gradually reclining, and most of the open space has been covered by shadows. Shushan's eyes are fixed, knowing that he can't wait any longer: "Shuku, you all move towards the village in coordination. I use bows and arrows to interfere with the movements of those guys. I don't need speed, don't disperse." Drive, pay attention to your surroundings, and try to walk in an open area!"

Gradually, the circle of three people began to alternately sink into the woods, and Shushan, who was high in the sky, carefully watched the area around the three of them.

Quickly bent the bow and shot an arrow, an arrow pierced through several leaves and plunged into the bushes. Although nothing was shot except the soil, Shushan knew that there was a black shadow that retreated a certain distance in that place instantly, and Shuku The three of them had also just passed by here.

"These guys are too fast." With the tentacles rolled out the arrow from the quiver behind him and handed it to his hand, Shushan kept watching the situation below.Up to now, the three of them have entered half of the distance into the woods, which is only more than 50 meters. The black shadow seems to realize something, and the frequency of attacks is accelerating.

Suddenly, under the cover of a protruding wide tree trunk, a black figure soundlessly appeared from the height of the head, behind one of the three people in Shuku.In order to avoid accidental injury, Shushan was unable to attack, and the villager suddenly took a step back in a panic. Although he escaped the attack of the shadow, he dangerously destroyed the formation of three people.


After all, they were not specially trained team fighters, but had received a little war training during the Pengling War, and the three of them carried out a siege on the edge of the battlefield. In a panic, they ignored Shushan's warning and rushed towards the entrance of the village together.

"Wow!" He shot three consecutive arrows in front of the three of them and blocked three black shadows. The distance of 50 meters is the length of more than [-] strides for Yuanren. Even in the forest, It's just a few more strides, but it seems to be shorter for those black shadows.

Just when the tree bank was about to approach the open area in front of him, he suddenly felt a chill on his side. In shock, the survival potential from his body suddenly exploded. The original man only had a few points of energy, all of which were converted into electricity and burst into bright lights along his body. light blue.

A piercing scream did not attract any attention from the three of them, but Shushan in the sky could see clearly.When a black shadow was about to hit the tree bank, the power burst out of the tree bank made the black shadow stop suddenly, and the voice made by the other party made the black shadow who was about to approach the other two pull back instantly.

Shu Shan, who raised his bow and arrow and was about to strike the black shadow one last time, suddenly saw three black shadows raising their tails and aiming at the three running out of the woods.

Surprised, Shushan immediately turned the bow and arrow and used the bow and tentacles in the blink of an eye to shoot and throw three arrows to drive back the three shadows, but when he looked at the shadows that had fallen to the ground before, the opponents had disappeared without a trace. without a trace.

At this time, the three Shuku people who rushed out of the woods also gradually came to their senses in the distance, using wooden shields to defend their backs and retreating slowly.

Please click for recommendations on Monday, don’t even get off the top 100 list, that’s a tragedy ==
(End of this chapter)

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