Spore Story

Chapter 347 Three Nether Gods, the Shadow Clan Plain

Chapter 347 Three Nether Gods, the Shadow Clan Plain

Thank you Fengsexiang for your monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Afterwards, the village chief led the villagers and was protected by several wingmen, and went into the woods to check the situation, but only found a few pieces of bark that looked like armor and red Blood, other than that, there are almost no traces, and even a footprint is rarely seen."

"Later, he reported the relevant situation in detail to the superior mayor, and the mayor reported it level by level, and the bark that was suspected to be armor was proved to be a bark called soft cloud tree after the fact. The bark is tough, and it can stick to the skin with a certain amount of stickiness after it is removed, but it does not feel very good, and, although it is light, it is only slightly at the level of the original human skin, so it has not been used by the armor factory. attention."

"After analyzing and collecting evidence, we can confirm that the other party is indeed the Shadow Clan after mobilizing the information of the Elder's House. Specifically, it should be the Shadow Clan team who went out to travel or explore the road. After fighting with that village and getting no benefits, They should have returned, and there were no contact reports from several other villages on the southern border."

"The preliminary analysis report given by Shenting is that in the forest, the strength of a primitive person is similar to that of a Shadow Clan, but as the skills of the Shadow Clan improve, the actual combat power will be greater than that of the original person. Of course, one of the shortcomings of the Shadow Clan It should be an electric shock, because the original person blocked the opponent with only a single-digit electric burst, but it cannot be ruled out that it was an accident caused by the first encounter."

"On the contrary, the winged people are in the forest. If their energy is consumed, they can only be lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Therefore, it is suggested that the winged people should not enter the forest until the relationship with the Shadow Clan is not clear."

"Of course, it's a different matter in the open land and the sky." After concluding, Mu Wen looked at Kong Huan: "That's all for now, the other things are still being investigated by Shenting."

For this kind of foreign race's response, the Elder's House generally entrusts Kong Huan to be responsible, and Mu Wen has no objection to this. After all, the other party has the best relationship with the God of the Earth, and the God of the Earth has already become a friend. The channel of communication (although so far, it has only played a role in the peace talks between friends and spirits).Therefore, when Kong Huan asked him about the situation of the Shadow Clan, Mu Wen quickly found out all the relevant reports and came to the elders' house.

"I didn't expect 8051 to mention that the Shadow Clan established a foothold in the south at the annual festival a few days ago, and the other party has already penetrated into our borders. I thought they would stay there for a while longer." Rubbing his forehead , Kong Huan said quite unexpectedly
"Then Master Unreal thinks, how should we deal with this matter?"

"So it seems... By the way, there were not many casualties on both sides." Without answering Wood Grain's question, Kong Huan asked again.

"Yes, the only possible loss for ShadowClan is the person who was electrocuted, but he probably won't die. Those villagers all participated in the Pengling War, so under the deliberate protection, they only suffered a little. For trauma, just apply some medicine, but speaking of it, it seems that we are at a disadvantage."

"It's the village chief who cleverly came up with a method of 'relying on high-altitude bows and arrows to restrict the opponent's actions' that is worth promoting, but that guy actually refused to join the team. Fortunately, he used to be a quasi-priest." Speaking of this, Mu Wen It's obviously a bit unbelievable, after all, isn't the team and the top management generally the places that friends envy the most?And when it comes to quasi-priests, 70% of the current management of the Pengzu are quasi-priests and priests trained by Gashan before 1 AD.

But in this regard, Kong Huan became much clearer. Not everyone likes to pursue a higher level. There are still many people who are content with the status quo. Don't force it. However, since he has this ability, and now there is a borderline situation..."

After thinking about it, Kong Huan still ordered: "Well, I suggest mobilizing a local team from the cliff to garrison that village, build a sentry barracks there, and let the village chief work as a part-time teacher or something. Reject. At the same time, order the wood factory in the southern province to produce a batch of wooden shields for use in the villages on the southern border."

"Of course, passive defense is not feasible." Looking around, Kong Huan hesitated for a moment, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "I thought of a fun way, so this matter will be left to me, Chu Ling Let's go with Chu Xia. Your management can arrange the defense in the south. Although the Black Bones are in civil strife right now, it's hard to say who suddenly had a brain twitch and develop into our place. It's hard to say how long it will be. The war between the two sides is still unavoidable in the end. of."

"Yes, then, can you tell me what you think?" Attracted by Kong Huan's expression, Mu Wen's curiosity was aroused, but at this time, Kong Huan also had the idea of ​​being playful, shaking his head and shaking his head. The finger said arrogantly: "No, it's more interesting to wait until you succeed."

"Cut, who cares?" Mu Wen, who had been tricked once, closed the document in his hand depressedly, and after making a snap, he glared at Kong Huan angrily, regained his calm and expressionless face, stood up and said: "Then, I'll go first if there's nothing else to do, so take your time."

"Well, I can't help but play." Looking at the wood grain that walked away quickly, Kong Huan shook his head.

"You're not afraid of spoiling the game," Chu Qin followed suit, but in exchange for a hand knife from Chu Xia not far away: "It's so empty, what are we going to do?"





On February 14, 2 AD, in Xiaoshu Village, Nanbian Province.

"Educator Chu Xia, Elder Kong Huan, Master Chu Ling."

For Shushan, the current village head and former quasi-priest of Gashan, they are obviously the most familiar and respectful of Chuxia’s head of education; in comparison, they are worshiping for Konghuan, but they have basically never seen it. ; As for Chu Ling, it was heard, but because the news that Chu Ling later became the boss of the hell butterfly spread many versions of the story, Shushan would not fail to recognize the two big butterfly wings on the back of the other party.

It is not ruled out that I have fantasized about seeing the three of them, but when this time comes, and the three bosses stand in front of him like this, Shu Shan, who has lived an ordinary life for more than ten years, only feels that his own I'm afraid the good days are coming to an end, but that's all.

"Head of Education, this is the research report sent by Shenting this morning." After handing the prepared report to Chu Xia, who seemed to be the leader among the three, Shushan obediently stood aside, just like he did in Gashan.It's just that at that time, he was just standing under the stage, surrounded by a bunch of companions, and some of those companions had died, and most of them were still alive, and most of them became mayors, high priests, and even management gods.

Nowadays, the communication technology of the ethnic group, after the technology bureau has continuously improved the [clutter filtering] and [transfer station] technology, has reached It has reached the level of near real-time communication, converted into human society, it is the early radio communication, but no decoding is required.

In comparison, Pengzu's traffic is still too slow even if it has tens of thousands of kilometers of concrete roads, relying entirely on biological force.

Even the Youshen-level Kong Huan, Chu Xia, and Chu Ling moved from Pengcheng to Xiaoshu Village in Nanbian Province by relying on their thoughts or magnetic fields, and it took two days.Along the way, in order to hurry and maintain the moving magnetic field, everyone did not even access the magnetic field communication network, which made the three of them have to rush to get the relevant information within the past two days.

Spreading out the report in hand, Kong Huan and Chu Ling naturally joined together.

"Shadow Clan analysis report, there are two types of attack weapons: finger claws, sharp claw blades, moderate danger, suspected to be poisonous, but the poison is mild, ineffective against friends; tail stab, small size, fast speed, strong penetrating power , a medium-range attack, with dehydration and highly poisonous, extremely dangerous."

"Physical quality: flexibility and forest concealment are higher than friends; stamina and basic speed are on par with original people; strength and physical strength are weaker than friends but higher than armored people; strong shielding against mental power detection; other qualities unknown."

"Analysis of combat methods: rely on physical condition, rely on speed and objects to move and conceal, launch a sudden sneak attack, give the enemy a fatal blow, and retreat quickly when the sneak attack fails. And other tactics, it was finally judged to be an assassination creature."


"So, generally speaking, the Shadow Clan still has an advantage over the original people?" Seeing Chu Xia close the report in her hand, Kong Huan turned his head to look at the bustling barracks construction site.

This site is based on the open space defended by the three villagers some time ago. After relocating a large number of trees, it relies on modular cement boards. In just two days, the foundation of a military camp has been established.I believe that after another two days, a cement barracks like a permanent fortification will appear here. In the absence of construction machinery, this is completely built up by the powerful strength of friends.

This is true of all the construction projects of the Pengzu today. The most brilliant ones are of course the three fortresses, but they were built with the support of countless Pengren Dunjia people in the emergency of war; the second is of course the major provincial cities today. And now the earthquake-resistant modular cement building renovation has been pushed to the municipal level.

So far, more than [-] cities have completed the transformation, but most of them are based on the provincial capital from far to near. In general, the cities that are far away from the provincial capital need to be remodeled first.

"Yuan Ren and Ying Clan can only talk about the same thing, but they each have their own strengths, so we can't generalize them." Speaking of this, Chu Xia looked at the bustling military camp construction site with her empty eyes.

"The fortifications are expected to be completed in six days. Should we wait until the fortifications here are built and the southern border is protected?" Chu Xia expressed her thoughts after looking at Kong Huan.

As for Chu Ling, she was still flapping her wings leisurely and flying around at this moment.Ever since she figured out a way to restrain the toxins, although the psychedelic colors around her body have disappeared, which made Chu Ling less mysterious, but now Chu Ling can move around freely, without worrying about hurting anyone, but becomes more and more beautiful. Be cheerful.

If it wasn't for hanging out in Pengcheng before, I am afraid that Kong Huan would not be able to pull her out together. You must know that in order to gather together the Internet rabbits that have mutated and appeared in various places, Xiao Lingyun, like 8051, has disappeared every three days, and now it has appeared around Pengcheng. There are more than a dozen careful net rabbit dens, and there are quite a few around other provincial capitals. Of course, Xiao Lingyun still knows the laws of nature and does not blindly protect them. clan territory.

"No," looked up at the six-meter-high concrete wall under construction, and shook his head after thinking about it, "The barracks were originally just a backup, and their main purpose was to prevent them. Besides, my purpose is not to eliminate them." enemy."

Looking up at the sky, Kong Huan said: "It is not enough to rely on friends to resist insects. We must unite the races of Shuangyuexing as much as possible."

Pointing to the guide, Kong Huan said with a smile: "What is the specific situation of the Shadow Clan? We will make a conclusion after we have a look. If it is worth paying attention to at that time, we can unite and deal with the Black Bone Clan farther south. To fight against future bugs, the barracks are built here, the main purpose is to deal with the Black Bones."

"So, are we going directly to the Shadow Clan?" Chu Ling flapped her wings and looked at Kong Huan in surprise, "Just passed by without any preparations, their language, culture, and way of thinking, none of these things Do you want to make some preparations? It’s not good to screw up when the time comes.”

"That will happen after we arrive. I didn't say that we will contact them immediately after we arrive." Laughing, Kong Huan carefully avoided Chu Xia's knife, and pulled the two of them into the sky.

They are all three of Youshen level, Chu Xia doesn't even have physical wings, and the wings of Thunder can be retracted whenever she wants, and her flight depends on her powerful thoughts; Chu Ling is originally a Youshen body, completely floating, and her flight depends on fusion The magnetic force provided by the energy core with a height of more than 2500; speaking of it, Kong Huan still retains the habit of flying with wings, and his mental power and magnetic force are not enough to support his long-term flight.

Passing through a relatively vast forest and a bottomless canyon crack, the three people flying at the height of the clouds saw the plain mentioned by 8051 from afar.

The specific situation of this plain, 8051 did not explain it in words, but directly created an illusion for several people. The principle seems to be to change the light of the environment. The Priest School has related research topics, but there has been no progress.

However, because of 8051's excellent narration method, the three of them had a clear understanding of the specific scene in the plain.

Stopping at the hillside of a hill, Chu Xia used her mental power to make a solid cave hut on one of the cliffs. According to Kong Huan, this will be the nest of the three of them in the near future.

(It's obvious that they are living together, but they don't feel like it at all. It's a tragedy.)
On the mountainside, which was neither high nor low, three guys of different races were lying close together behind a rock, carefully peeping at the plain in the distance.

"Most are concentrated by the river, a small part is concentrated by the forest, and only three settlements are in the middle of the plain?" Carefully looking at the distribution of the Shadow Clan on the distant plain, Kong Huan explained the other party's current situation at the same time , also thinking about specific ways to deal with it.

"Judging from the current clear situation, the Shadow Clan is not the kind of race that needs to be hidden in everything. It should have developed a concealed attack method only for survival and food. But in normal life, houses The construction is not too much pursuit of concealment. Presumably it is not the kind of gloomy racial character."

"Especially now that there are more than 2 Shadow Clan in the entire plain, in their view, there is probably no one who can threaten their survival."

"Well, looking at the current distribution, the part concentrated on the edge of the forest is hunting in the forest, and the part concentrated on the riverside is hunting in the river, and there are only three small settlements in the middle, which may be the core of management. Chu Xia on the side thought for a while and expressed her own thoughts: "There is no reclamation in the whole plain, that is to say, it is still in the original source of food. Maybe we can use farming model training to strengthen communication. Add a food source."

Judging from the current situation, the Shadow Clan is still in the original hunting situation. Although they are fishing, but relying on the Youshen level eyesight, the three peeking on the hillside not far away can still see clearly. The so-called predation by the river is nothing more than stabbing fish with sharp wooden sticks like spears, which reminds me of some primitive tribal customs in the human period.

"It's really an activity that exercises precision, speed, and endurance. Maybe it can be promoted after I go back, Quack."

"Don't make sarcastic remarks there," Chu Ling said contemptuously: "It seems that fishing nets can also be used as a promotional thing, but we can only see some superficial things here, so we can confirm that the other party is a primitive The tribal stage, but what about the rest?"

"Yeah, don't we just run over and say, we have fishing nets and farming, let's make friends, or just join us, isn't that asking for trouble?"

"Speaking of which, if the original people's speed is used, during this period of time, those Shadow Clans should have returned here." Patting Chu Ling who was on the side, Chu Xia thought for a while and said, "For the Friends of the Friends My first impression is that they fought with the original people, if this affects the Shadow Clan's view of the Friends Clan, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

"Don't worry about this. We can only communicate with each other after we get to know each other better, Shadow Clan, it's better to be friends, or...friends." Kong Huan smiled softly, backed away slowly, and flew towards the hut on the cliff.

Looking at each other, Chu Xia and Chu Ling, who hadn't gotten any words from Kong Huan all the way, looked at each other depressedly, turned and followed.

"It's true that it's emptiness, it's still a secret at this time."

"That's right, go back and deal with him. If we can't do it, let 8051, Xiao Lingyun and Dark Blood go. Quack, there's always someone who can deal with him, Quack."


(End of this chapter)

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