Spore Story

Chapter 348 Transfiguration, Shadow Clan Haunts the Void

Chapter 348 Transfiguration, Shadow Clan Haunts the Void
"First, we need to catch a Shadow Clan member without being discovered or causing any disturbance."

This is what Kong Huan said to the impatient two after returning to the nest.

For this step, the two obviously did not feel surprised. Relying on the dozens of spiritual power skills of the friends, the Youshen class can easily obtain the general knowledge of individuals of other species within half a day.

During the previous observation, the three of them had already determined that the Shadow Clan had its own language.Although I don't know how perfect this language is, capturing a Shadow Clan member and then obtaining the opponent's Shadow Clan language and general information about the Shadow Clan has become the first thing everyone should do.

Therefore, the empty illusion kicked out of the nest by Chu Xia and Chu Ling at this moment has become a typical basic labor force.

"Damn, if Chu Xia comes, she can easily catch a Shadow Clan member with one thought, but let me, a little guy who has just entered the early stage of Youshen level, go up." Although he complained so much in his mind, the illusory movements There is no hesitation at all. It is not once or twice that the guys in the elders' house have been used as labor, not to mention that this time the action was proposed by myself.

"Is this self-inflicted? After entering the Youshen level, there are almost no real battles. This is the first actual battle." Thinking like this, Kong Huan carefully confirmed the target in the sky.

Compared with the former Kong Huan who was pushed up to the Youshen level by the public consciousness, now Kong Huan is completely relying on his own training to raise it. Whether it is the use of abilities or the understanding of Youshen, it is far beyond the past illusory.

Sometimes Kong Huan even thought that the body of the main consciousness should be reserved for use in emergencies in the future, but before that, the three of them still worked hard to cultivate themselves, mainly to strengthen their understanding of their own abilities.In this way, even when the body of the main consciousness is fused in the future, it will suddenly gain powerful strength (combined with the population and level of friends, this is for sure=.=), and it can be quickly controlled.

"Okay, it's you, if you want to catch, you have to catch the one who knows a lot, Quack."

Cautiously stopped his body, Kong Huan didn't have much confidence in his ability to hide, so his main plan was to rely on Youshen's speed and absolute strength to quickly end the mission.

Compared with the high vigilance situation in the outer settlements, it is obvious that the three settlements in the center have to relax a lot, and the empty illusion is to ride the night, suddenly fall from a high altitude, and then use the magnetic field to disrupt the surrounding perceptions .

This is not what Konghuan discovered, but when he usually does certain tasks, he needs to get close to certain animals without disturbing the other party. method of hiding.

Sure enough, at the side of the camp that Kong Huan was approaching, the Shadow Clan members who seemed to be guards did not respond to Kong Huan in the grass less than five meters away from them.

Of course, they were not the target of Kong Huan, so he felt the range carefully, completely hiding his body in the tall bushes, and slowly approached one of the wooden houses step by step. It's the same as falling down.

"Generally speaking, the person sleeping in this kind of hut at this time is a more valuable target, Quack." After putting his ear against the wooden wall and feeling it, and confirming that there are creatures inside and that he has fallen asleep, Kong Huan carefully pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

The entire wooden hut is very simple, even because the walls are tied against the tree trunk like a fence, so it can't even block the wind, and the roof is made of large leaves or shrubs, tied with tree vines.This kind of simple house is not at all comparable to the small two-story concrete building of the Pengzu. In the Pengzu, even the villagers who live in brick or wooden houses would not have the slightest interest, but in the Yingzu, they are One of the nicest few houses.

After carefully adapting to the darkness in the house, he confirmed that the target's emotions did not fluctuate in his mental power. Kong Huan turned his head to look at the target, but suddenly felt a palpitation.

"Damn! What's going on!" Without making any physical movements, Kong Huan just fastened all his thought power around his body, forming a solid spherical force field.A few weak impact sounds came later, Kong Huan looked at the fingers and claws in front of him that were blocked by the psychic force, and the flying needle that was wrapped and squeezed by the psychic force, and felt relieved.

"At least, it hasn't reached the level where it can compete with the Youshen class, but it seems too dangerous if you are not careful." Looking at the flying needle that was close to Kong Huan's body when the Psychic Mask was formed, Kong Huan wiped his cold sweat: " I didn't even notice it, it seems that the evaluation of your hidden ability should be improved."

Smiled, since the other party was not threatening, and because of the Shadow Clan's attack habits, neither side made a sound from the beginning to the end.At this moment, when the other party remembered to call for help, Kong Huan had already wrapped the entire hut with his thoughts.What he used was the same method that Xiao Lingyun used to deal with himself in the field of sound insulation, completely isolating the sound inside and outside the hut.

It seems that the other party's perception is also very keen. At the moment when all kinds of insects and winds outside the house suddenly disappeared without a trace, he stopped his futile activities, carefully watched the void in front of him, and walked towards the house step by step. The door moves, and the action looks battle-tested.

"It's not that easy to run away." Without any intention of continuing to entangle, Kong Huan planned to end the fight.And when the other party found that the wooden door that could be opened easily in the past, but now it can't even be touched, it has already started to panic. After all, this thing seems to be unexplainable by common sense. Where is the doorknob, but just touch it less than.

But just when Kong Huan was about to make a move, this person did something that made Kong Huan extremely speechless, but it seemed normal.

After repeated trials to no avail, he first looked around, then carefully looked at Kong Huan with slightly weird dark red eyes, and said a few words in succession, but after Kong Huan didn't respond, he glanced again. Surrounded by the surrounding situation, he actually made a yawning movement in the end, completely ignoring the existence of the illusion, and walked to the straw mat before.

Lie down, pull up the leather quilt, sleep... (fortunately no lights yet =. =)


"This guy's mental endurance is too strong." Shaking his head speechlessly, Kong Huan finally confirmed that he had underestimated everyone in the world.

"Forget it, let's go back early and go to bed early." After being teased by the other party, Kong Huan felt that he had become sleepy. He flapped his wings depressedly, walked to the other party's side, and kicked him with his feet.

There is still no response.

"Sure enough, you can't have any expectations. Judging by your treatment and strength, you should be regarded as a high-level person. You are so numb, is it too long?" Shaking his head, Kong Huan put his hand on the opponent's head, and estimated a After the formidable power, a mental power shock was sent out.

The other party who was only half asleep and half awake immediately fell into a 'deep sleep' and didn't even need to dream.


"Hahahaha, Kong Huan, you are actually a character in a dream." It seems that Chu Ling's cheerfulness is not a good thing, at least Kong Huan has found that more and more people are bullying him: "However, this is really similar to your Dream God." It matches."

"If you say it again, I'll tear your mouth off." She gave the other party a vicious look, but obviously this didn't have the slightest effect, and instead made Chu Xia start to shake her shoulders.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business," Chu Xia seemed to see the illusory dissatisfaction, and finally acted as a lubricant, bringing the two back to the topic.

It was already late at night, and it took half the night to bring back one of the Shadow Clan, who seemed to have a high status, and now he was going to spend half the night to obtain useful information from the other party.

Of course, different from methods such as torture of other species, the friends, especially the Youshen class have their own effective methods.

First of all, concentrate your spiritual power on the opponent's mind, then go deep into the sea of ​​consciousness, and then...

"Huh? Something weird?" Chu Xia, who was the most mentally strong among them, obviously took on the duty of information acquisition, but she suddenly frowned suspiciously.


"No, not the same."


"Well, the spiritual power of this Shadow Clan is different from ours, and the difference in composition seems to be very large," Chu Xia seemed to retreat from the opponent's mind, looked at the Shadow Clan in front of her hesitantly, and said after thinking: "There is not much difference in consciousness, it's the same kind of inertia, but the mental power of the Shadow Clan seems to be born with the characteristics of shielding us, and even most of the biological spiritual power."

Pointing at herself, Chu Xia said: "No matter how strong or weak our spiritual power is, it has a fixed pattern of composition, so we have various spiritual power comforting, spiritual power perception and other skills, and the Youshen level is also Can rely on the continuous in-depth understanding of spiritual power, rely on guiding the other party's memory or emotional fluctuations, and quickly obtain the other party's knowledge."

"However, the composition of this creature's spiritual power is completely different from ours. When we perceive it, if we compare our spiritual power to a net, its spiritual power is water, and our net can't catch the water at all."

"Is that why my mental power didn't feel the abnormal mood before his sneak attack in the hut?" Kong Huan looked at the Shadow Clan people who were still in a deep sleep in doubt, and said after thinking: "No, In other words, it’s not that I didn’t feel his emotions were abnormal before, but I didn’t feel his emotions at all, because the spiritual power of the two parties is completely different, so I can’t use the experience summed up by my friends to deal with them.”

"Then what should we do now?" In terms of spiritual power, Chu Ling, who has become the consciousness of the butterfly master of the underworld, has no right to speak, because her spiritual power is slightly different from that of her friends.

The three fell into contemplation. Because of the difference in mental power, all mental power torture techniques were rejected. Then, relying on the powerful spiritual power of Youshen level to obtain knowledge such as the memory of the other party is obviously not acceptable.

"I have to say that the Shadow Clan really seems to be born in nature. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are their natural enemies against many special species of spiritual power specialization races, especially the Spirit Clan."

Unable to think of anything useful, Kong Huan temporarily stopped thinking deeply and shifted direction in order to obtain useful information from other sources.

"Yeah, the perception of the spirit race is entirely dependent on the spiritual power, and the mental power is similar to that of the friends. In the past, our research thought that the difference in the spiritual power of the species was completely affected by the consciousness and the brain... Wait!"

Speaking of this, Chu Xia suddenly paused: "Consciousness...brain...that's right! As long as it is a creature of the double moon star, any consciousness comes from the will of the double moon star planet, and will eventually return to the planet's will. That is, That is to say, there will be no difference in consciousness, no matter how big the difference in mental power is, the consciousness is the same, it will only be disturbed by memory, but there will be no essential change."

Hearing Chu Xia's explanation, Kong Huan's eyes also brightened. He thought of what 8051 said, the process of [consciousness purification] after the creature returns to the will of the planet. This process is to separate the memory from the original consciousness. If the memory is not If you ignore it, it will disappear completely; and the consciousness will return to the will of the planet, and when the newborn (including animals, plants and even others) appears, it will be transferred to the newborn's mind and join the next reincarnation.

"That said, awareness tricks are useful."

But at this time, the hole had already begun to emit subtle rays of light. Looking at the sunlight swaying on his body, Kong Huan frowned.

"No, it's already morning. This guy is supposed to be a high-level person. If he doesn't send him back now, he will definitely scare the snake away. This will make our actions more troublesome."

"Then send it back. Now that we've found a way, we'll catch it tomorrow night." Chu Ling said nonchalantly.This poor guy, who should be one of the top executives in the Shadow Clan, is now like a toy that the three Youshen-level bosses knead at will.

"No, no need," shaking his head with a smile, Kong Huan suddenly wanted to try a special ability he deduced when he was promoted to the Youshen level: "Chu Xia, you can use the dream world to torture this guy. Your consciousness value should still be in the middle of the soul level, but with Chu Xia's strength at the peak of the Youshen level, there is nothing to worry about."

"Then how do you plan to solve the problem of 'striking the grass to scare the snake'?" Seeing the cunning hairball of Void, Chu Xia felt a burst of curiosity when she thought of a bad idea. Life is too long, so she needs to find some interesting things to relieve her fatigue. , Many people in the elders' house now have this attitude.

"This is our new ability, you just watch it carefully," blinked, Kong Huan sat down in a corner of the den, and closed his eyes.

Kong Huan's actions at this time are very clear to Chu Xia and Chu Ling, that is, a priest can use it, but only high priests can use it, and the consciousness is out of the body.

Gradually lowered, a group of white mist appeared above Kong Huan's head in a short time, and then quickly condensed into a hollow appearance. This was only what Chu Xia and Chu Ling saw. Ordinary people can't see independence Consciousness.

At this time, Chu Xia suddenly noticed that the corner of the mouth of the empty phantom conscious body who had just opened his eyes raised a slight margin, which was the symbolic expression of empty phantom complacency.

Sure enough, after a while, amidst the expressions of Chu Xia and Chu Ling changing from doubt to surprise and then to shock, the illusion that was just a standard Winged Man shape suddenly became blurred, and then slowly trembled and converged.

But in a short time, the independent consciousness body returned to the same mass as when it was just separated from the body.

At this time, the two discovered that the changes in the consciousness body did not stop, but began to slowly stretch, squeeze, and deform like the children of the ethnic group when they kneaded clay...

Although the two were shocked by Kong Huan's behavior, they wanted to laugh at such funny scenes and dared not laugh, fearing that it would affect Kong Huan's performance, so they could only hold back and wait.

And at this time, the lower limit of sunlight outside the cave has begun to slowly drop, and it will soon spread to the ShadowClan Plain not far away.

At this time, the shape of the clay conscious body began to gradually appear. Although there was still a trace of a human figure, Chu Xia frowned, because the conscious body in front of her was quite different from her friend.

Subconsciously glanced at the unconscious Shadow Clan people beside her, Chu Xia's eyes widened in shock.

"Shadow Clan!?"

"That's right, it's the Shadow Clan."

The formation speed of the consciousness body is much faster than the recovery speed. The moment Chu Xia turned her head and glanced at the Shadow Clansmen, the illusion that was just a standard winged figure turned into a creature exactly like the Shadow Clansmen on the ground.

"I call this ability Transfiguration."

At this time, although shocked by Kong Huan's so-called new ability, Chu Xia already understood what Kong Huan was thinking, but after thinking about it, she calmed down and looked at Kong Huan's appearance and asked: "Even so, you are now an independent consciousness Body, whether the Shadow Clan people can see it or not is a matter of opinion, even if they can see it, the appearance of this consciousness body is very different from the living body."

The 'Shadow Clan' on the opposite side, Kong Huan, spread his hands with claws strangely, shook his tail and said only one sentence: "Is this problem difficult to say?"

Afterwards, the previously hazy consciousness body suddenly condensed, and Chu Xia could clearly feel that it was the extreme compression of thought power, and the dust on the surrounding ground also began to gather towards the illusory body.

After finally stepping on the ground and leaving a footprint that was neither deep nor shallow, what appeared in front of everyone was already a standard Shadow Clan Void that was almost the same as the Shadow Clan people on the ground.

"You, how did you do it?"

"Is that how you did it?" Blinking at Chu Ling to study, Kong Huan stopped the other party who was about to erupt, and said with a serious face (differences in species, no expression =.=): "It's getting late, Chu Xia, as soon as possible, first obtain the other party's language, and then pass it to me immediately, and I will cover it first, so as not to be discovered."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan jumped out of the hole, floating towards the hut.

If any member of the Shadow Clan saw Kong Huan at this time, he would probably be scared to death. A member of the Shadow Clan floating in the air was unique.

"Really, they are so big, and they are still so playful."

Like her mother complaining, she shook her head at the empty figure. After Chu Xia ordered Chu Ling to protect the nest, she quickly opened the dream world and pulled the consciousness of the Shadow Clan into her own world.

So, is it necessary to ask for support after transforming, ga=. =
(End of this chapter)

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