Spore Story

Chapter 349 Well, Shadow Clan Void is in Action

Chapter 349 Well, Shadow Clan Void is in Action

Thank you for the support of Interstellar Travel Dust's monthly ticket, thank you for the winter of Fenghuaxueye, and 598644031 for your support~\(≧▽≦)/~
The two guards belonged to the same group, that is, one of the groups arranged to take care of the members of the ShadowClan Council, and the members they took care of were in the room behind them.At least until midnight, they all thought so.

But now, the two seem a little confused.

Because, obviously, I kept watch all night and didn't see the congressman who had gone out. He came back from the door early in the morning. The funniest thing is that the guy didn't have any clothes on, and he walked wobbly when he came back. Yoyo, even ignoring the greetings of the two guards.

What's going on here?In this regard, the two are distressed and have no solution.

In the end, after half a day of thinking and discussion, the two of them came to three conclusions: [-]. The councilor's hobbies are very strange, maybe he has an interest in running wild at night (the real councilor's tears =.=); [-]. The councilor sleeps at night Very restless, I'm afraid I have the habit of wandering around (sleepwalking); three... that, three, the two of us, it seems, probably, maybe... dereliction of duty.

No way, I went out last night to solve my physical problems for a short time, could it be that time I went out?The two fell into anxiety.

Suddenly realizing that they hadn't guarded the council member properly, the two guards immediately cheered up, and then stood at the door of the councilor non-stop, expressing their determination not to leave a step, not even in the mood to spread the councilor's special hobbies and special habits , just obediently guarding the door.

You know, if the two of you are punished by the councilor, you will lose this leisurely guard job. Of course, it doesn't seem so leisurely now.

If the member of the Shadow Clan who was playing in Chuxia's dream world and reminiscing about his life knew about these things, he didn't know how he would feel.However, our current Shadow Clan councilor is empty, and he is still bored in the room, sleeping. At least on the surface, the Shadow Clan councilor disguised as a ghost body is very similar.

However, it was already mid-morning, and the other party was still sleeping in the house. Both the guards outside and the Shadow Clan people passing by occasionally were obviously curious.

In fact, it's not that Kong Huan doesn't want to go out, but because he doesn't know the language of the Shadow Clan, so going out like this will inevitably lead to the need to communicate, what will Kong Huan do then?If you don't answer, I'm afraid it will cause suspicion; if you can answer, you won't speak.

Therefore, it is best to stay at home obediently.

Turning Shadow Clan's conical head to look at the door, Kong Huan looked at the two guards who were guarding the door tightly through the gaps in the wall, and frowned suspiciously.

(When I came in in the morning, I really couldn't hide from being seen by these two people. Although they seemed to say something, they didn't seem to have much worry. That is to say, I should have passed. But now I am so guarded Tight, is the person I play an important high-level person, or a criminal?)
Shaking his head in distress, after confirming that no one was approaching the hut, Kong Huan simply sat up from the straw mat and began to look around.

He came and went in a hurry last night, so he didn't have time to check the living environment of this Shadow Clan. At this time, Kong Huan took a closer look and found that the Shadow Clan seemed to be still at the stage of obediently grilling meat, and didn't even have a pottery.

"I don't know how to survive such a sad life," Obviously, Kong Huan had forgotten that he had roasted a piece of meat, and he would be happy for a few days.

The entire hut, except for the straw mats and leather quilts that Kong Huan is sleeping on now, is just a few pieces assembled and dealt with in the corners like models, objects suspected to be the bark armor in the report of the gods, and a few trees that look good. root.

"Could it be that this guy is still an art lover and collects beautiful tree roots as souvenirs?" He shook his head with a smile, Kong Huan floated up gently, reached out and took out one of the pieces of bark armor, with a clatter, The neatly placed bark armor suddenly collapsed into a ball.

"Um, meow, fortunately there is sound insulation." Looking around carefully, Kong Huan placed a few pieces of armor in front of him with his thoughts.

This is a very crude armor model, it can be clearly seen from the scratches on the edge that it is divided by fingers and claws, but Kong Huan, who has never used this kind of armor, has no idea where those are installed. Fortunately, he Not alone.

Carefully glanced at the two people outside the house, the other party dutifully guarded the door without any movement of looking in.Comparing the way of wearing armor on their bodies, Kong Huan looked it up and attached two pieces of armor to the chest and back, and then attached several pieces to the limbs and lower body respectively.

After doing all this, I was about to take a look at the emptiness of my own appearance, when I suddenly realized something: "Really, I forgot about the mirror."

Looking around helplessly, Kong Huan found that because of the common use of mental power and mind power, when he wanted to check his physical appearance, people with higher abilities like Kong Huan and the like could do it with a simple use of mental power.

In this way, many things that are used by ordinary people are unconsciously ignored by the empty fantasy.

"Forget it, just go back and do it slowly."

At this time, Konghuan's heart moved, and he turned to look at the direction where Chu Xia and the others were.According to what Chu Xia said before, since the spiritual power of the Shadow Clan and friends are different, while the friends cannot discover the spiritual power of the Shadow Clan, the Shadow Clan will also be unable to detect the spiritual power of the friends.It's just that when the Shadow Clan acts, it relies more on vision and other perceptions, so it can become a hunter.

"Understood, you keep asking, I'll go out and see the situation of this Shadow Clan," nodded with a smile, and the Shadow Clan people in the hut where there was only one person seemed to be talking to someone, and their expressions changed: "I didn't expect that the Shadow Clan is actually a parliamentary model, and this guy is still a member of parliament. In conversion, he can be regarded as the minister level of our friend clan."

Knowing that Chu Xia had transferred part of the knowledge she found out in the dream world to Kong Huan, she disconnected the spiritual connection with Kong Huan, and Kong Huan sat on the ground again, and after a while, he fell into a complete sleep.

It takes time to learn and digest a lot of knowledge. Even though Chu Xia passed the language of the Shadow Clan and many common sense things of this Shadow Clan to Kong Huan, the best way to digest it is to enter the world for a longer time than the outside world. dream world.


"Zhong Wei! Why haven't you woken up yet!" He seemed to hear some roaring emptiness in a daze, and opened his eyes in doubt. What caught his eyes was a huge and strange gray-black face, which was similar to that of his friends. Aesthetics are very different.

"Damn it! Ghost!" Quickly took a few steps back, Kong Huan even forgot to use his mind power, until he was fully awake, he realized that his behavior seemed to be too aggressive, isn't that just the face of an ordinary Shadow Clan member? .

Looking around, it was still his own hut, the sunlight outside showed that it was close to noon, and there was an extra person in the room. From the digested Shadow Clan memory, it showed that the other person was one of the people played by Kong Huan, who was also Shadow Clan. Friends of the Clan Members.

Rubbing his head, Kong Huan got up and asked, "What's the matter? Chi Ying."

At this time, Kong Huan had only digested the language and part of his memory, adhering to the principle of 'talk more and make mistakes, speak less and make mistakes', and asked questions as briefly as possible.


I was a little puzzled by the strangeness in Kong Huan's eyes and the unfamiliarity of his tone, but after all, he didn't know such a magical thing as Transfiguration, and Kong Huan was exactly the same as the replaced Shadow Clan councilor at this time, the councilor called Red Shadow Just staring at Kong Huan, he continued: "The parliament is about to start, and you are still asleep. If I didn't happen to pass by, do you want to be criticized by the speaker?"

As he was talking, Chi Ying felt restless for a while, and without waiting for Kong Huan to react, he stepped forward and pulled the other party directly to the door and walked out.But suddenly, she stopped again, and looked strangely at Kong Huan behind her: "How do you feel, you have become so much lighter?"

"Ah, you are suspicious." He took his hand back very naturally, pointed to the door with a sense of emptiness and said, "Hurry up, the council is about to start."

Walking on the street, Kong Huan tried his best to imitate the movements of the Shadow Clan people around him, but everyone has their own way. After thinking about it, Kong Huan simply imitated the method of the councilman named Chi Ying in front, gently stepping on the grass, Wagging his tail, he walked towards a big house in the middle.

"Hey, Zhong Wei, why don't you talk?" The red shadow in front slowed down a little, looked back at the calm Kong Huan behind him and asked: "I have felt something wrong since I just woke you up, you guy usually Don't you talk a lot?"

(No, it’s really unfortunate that I happened to be replacing a talkative guy.) Shaking his head depressedly, Kong Huan gently pushed the other party, then raised his finger to the big house where people entered one after another and said: " I just woke up and haven't recovered yet, so let's hurry up."

"Uh," provoked by the other party's nonchalant expression, Chi Ying felt like a string in his brain was broken, and a row of veins suddenly popped up on his forehead: "You who slept until noon, it is impossible for you not to be confused !"

Turning around angrily and walking towards the big house, Chi Ying ignored Kong Huan following behind him, and used his full speed as if losing his temper.

"Phew, it's really embarrassing for me to come here with a guy who sleeps until noon. If other people find out, they might suspect that I slept that long too." Rubbing his face, he gasped lightly. With a sigh of relief, Chi Ying turned his head and looked behind him, intending to look at the one who was thrown far away by him...

"Ah! Ghost!" The person who should have been thrown far away was actually beside him, and the moment he turned his head, the face was only a few centimeters away from the red shadow.

"..." (Sister, don't learn how to speak like me, okay==), Kong Huan stood behind this strange Shadow Clan member, the other party suddenly ran so fast just now, and in order to avoid contact with other people, Kong Huan followed as much as possible behind the opponent.

For Kong Huan, although the opponent's speed is very fast, it is obviously not his opponent as a Youshen-level opponent, but he obviously did not notice the difference between himself and himself.

But now it seems that he did something wrong. After thinking about it, Kong Huan quickly changed the subject: "What's the matter? Come in quickly, it should start!"

"You, why are you so fast!" Chi Ying, who habitually said this sentence, looked around and found that everyone was looking at him strangely.

At this time, she also ignored her previous suspicions, stepped forward and pulled Kong Huan up to enter the hall, and then pushed the other party onto a chair, while she walked beside him.

There is a problem, Zhong Wei definitely has a problem, he used to require me to slow down to keep up, but today I didn't even catch my breath.

Chi Ying obviously couldn't believe that he was defeated by the opponent, or Zhong Wei, who usually didn't care much. At this moment, he was vigorously rubbing the stones on the ground, making creaking sounds.

Looking at Zhong Wei beside him strangely, Chi Ying found that the other party had a relieved expression on his face. What does this mean?
And Kong Huan, who played Zhong Wei's councilor, was indeed relieved at this time.

When he came in, he found that the people around him all walked to the same seat and sat down, which meant that these councilors might have fixed seats, but the part of the knowledge that Chu Xia obtained from that person's memory hadn't touched on these things. This made Kong Huan unable to find his own seat at all.

Now being held in this position by this strange congressman beside him, presumably it is Zhong Wei's seat, so it obviously saves a trouble, doesn't it?

"What's the matter?" looked at Chi Ying suspiciously. Although he was very grateful for the other party's behavior, since this Chi Ying was so familiar with his performance, it was obviously easier for the other party to notice if there was a problem with him. Kong Huan knew that he had to be careful .

This indifferent person is pretending to be stupid again!
Glaring at the other party fiercely, Chi Ying, who was about to say something, happened to see a member of the Shadow Clan walking towards the center of the hall from the corner of his vision, so he could only sit back obediently.

"Uh," the confused Kong Huan looked at Chi Ying, then at the person in the middle of the hall who was covered with a large piece of leather and wore some kind of beast's skull, and imitated the Chi Ying sitting beside him, ( That person must be the speaker.)
Obviously, Kong Huan's ability in acting is very poor. If there is no such thing as transformation and replacement at this time, he may be found out in less than half a day.

At this time, the people in the middle of the hall began to speak.

"Everyone is very welcome. The reason for today's meeting is known to many people. Since we separated from those who stubbornly want to survive in the dangerous forest, we..."

Time passed by little by little. From the beginning to the present, that person seemed to be reminiscing about the history of Shadow Clan, while the people below obviously listened to too much, so that they were staggering. Obviously, they didn't respond at all to these nonsense things. .

"Ha~~, really, isn't it good to put these nonsense directly into the topic every time? You say so, Zhong Wei... hey!" The bored Chi Ying withdrew his gaze from the speaker in the center of the hall and turned his head. Look at the companion beside you.

According to a long-standing habit, at this time, even if there was a situation where he slept until noon before, the other party would fall asleep if he wanted to, and he had to wake him up when he was talking about the business later.But this time it was obvious that something unexpected happened. Not only did the people beside him not fall asleep, but they listened with gusto. What's going on?The sky is falling?

Turning his head to look at the stands, the speaker's tone remained unchanged, still slow and long, and still had a strong hypnotic effect; he glanced around again, and all the members were staggering and unenthusiastic, 10% of them were distracted, 30% Sleeping, 60% yawning...

Well, it was supposed to be like this, but there was actually a different kind beside me, and the other party was actually listening carefully!
"Could it be a dream?" After recalling the day, Chi Ying shook his head, then pushed the person beside him heavily and asked, "Hey, are you actually listening?"

Of course Kong Huan is listening, perhaps for these councilors, they have heard it so many times that they are bored, but this is a great opportunity for Kong Huan to learn about the history of Shadow Clan.And he had already discovered that the Shadow Clan didn't even have words, so he could think that this should be a way for the Shadow Clan to inherit history.

By constantly repeating the narration, people can subconsciously remember their own history, but this method is obviously not very smart depending on the situation.

Shaking his head, being pushed by the person beside him, Kong Huan turned his head to look at the other party in doubt: "What's the matter?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Kong Huan sensed something was wrong, as if the proportion of the words 'what's going on' in the few words he said today seems to be a bit high.Fortunately, the person on the opposite side didn't notice this, she just shouted with curiosity and suspicion: "You are listening! You can listen!"

The person in front of him seemed to be a little confused, and he could only say nothing about the emptiness, but the voice of the other party was obviously a little louder, which instantly attracted the attention of the people around him.

"Not good, I can't attract more attention." Looking around, Kong Huan also found out that he was wrong, and quickly reached out to cover the opponent's mouth, and at the same time, Kong Huan followed the example of the people around him and yawned heavily , actually brought out a few drops of tears.

God knows if this is the lingua franca of these guys, after Kong Huan made this action, a bunch of people actually went back to class again...

"Be quiet!"

"I see." Although the reasons for the silence that the two knew were obviously not in the same direction, 'keep quiet' has become the consensus of the two.In this way, Kong Huan faced the suspicious eyes that didn't come from beside him, and while doing the gesture of 'speaking is boring', he listened carefully to the speaker's narration.

(Hey, things that can't be solved with strength are really troublesome.)
God knows how long the other party has been talking, Kong Huan is even thinking, if every meeting has to talk about a piece of history, then if it is a pre-war discussion when encountering the enemy, when the topic gets to the point, will the enemy have already invaded? capital?

At this time, although the speaker's tone on the stage was slow, but never paused, he suddenly stopped and swept around.

Immediately, everyone sat up straight like a student with five stripes.

(Are you members of parliament or students!) Kong Hua complained speechlessly.

"The next thing is the topic of this meeting, the discussion on what happened to the seven people in the north."

(Sure enough, these people came back.) In an instant, the empty spirit was fully awake.

(End of this chapter)

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