Spore Story

Chapter 350 Parliament, the illusory Infernal Affairs

Chapter 350 Parliament, the illusory Infernal Affairs

As Kong Huan and the others expected, the few Shadow Clan people who had contacted the Peng Clan village had returned to the Shadow Clan Plain two days ago, and at the same time reported their encounters and other relevant news along the way to the council, and it seemed that this It seems to be an operation of ShadowClan to scout the surrounding area, because several teams are scouting in various directions at the same time.

It seems that since the people who went out once discovered the New Forest, which caused a series of changes in the Shadow Clan, the Shadow Clan began to pay attention to the investigation of various places.

Regarding this, Kong Huan inquired about Chi Ying beside him, and found that the team heading to the south hadn't returned yet.From Kong Huan's point of view, this may be because the team was killed by the Black Bone Race, or they were killed by dangerous creatures. Of course, there are other situations, but at least it shows that the Shadow Clan has not found the gathering place of the Black Bone Race.

However, unexpectedly, the news brought back by the team that discovered the friends did not receive the attention of the parliament at first.In their view, the creatures in the north (that is, the friends) may be a bit powerful, but on the one hand, there is a huge forest between the two sides; Know how wide and how long, there is a canyon on the map of friends.

And according to these members of the Shadow Clan, they passed a dangerous bridge in that canyon out of curiosity, and now recalling it, they still have a little fear of that suspended bridge. In this regard, Kong Huan, who has been flying in the sky for a long time, expressed no pressure.

At the same time, that race is not the enemy of the Shadow Clan in the forest. It was the Shadow Clan chasing and killing them from the beginning to the end, but in the end, the electricity burst out by the opponent paralyzed one of the unlucky ghosts, but after he recovered, this guy Just keep jumping around.

"It seems that the Shadow Clan people have very low resistance to the paralysis attached to the electric shock, but they can resist a certain amount of electric damage." After thinking for a while, Kong Huan continued to listen to the elders on the stage. As for the red shadow beside him, At this time, he seemed to be interested, and put aside his doubts about emptiness.

Since this news did not attract the attention of the ShadowClan Council at the beginning, why did it react again later?This involves what some of them said, the four-winged monster...

"The Winged Man was called a four-winged monster. This is really a tragedy," Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan, who was also a Winged Man, moved his body uncomfortably, but now he looks like a member of the Shadow Clan.

The news that several people worked so hard to bring back did not attract the attention of the council, which naturally caused them to be in a bad mood. Therefore, they turned their experiences and others into stories, telling them to the people around them, or showing off, which made Kong fantasize Adventurers in human history.

When these adventurers talked about that kind of four-winged monster, one of them, who had the style of an ancient artist, even drew his impression of the four-winged monster on the ground (Impressionism=.=).

With the painting technology at this time, people obviously cannot expect how accurate and realistic it is, but it is precisely because of the abstraction of these paintings that people's imagination is also enhanced in order to understand these paintings.

In fact, from Kong Huan’s point of view, this is nothing more than four short sticks rubbed on both sides of a thick stick to represent wings. Surprisingly, the artist also inserted limbs and tails on the thick stick , Such a dedicated performance moved Kong Huan deeply, but unfortunately, he didn't see his head in the painting.

"Meow, is it a winged senior?"

Therefore, one of them had fought against the black bone ape army, and then hid at the edge of the forest, peeking at the Shadow Clan people who had gathered in the distance, and was surprised to find that this four-winged creature seemed to be seen somewhere.

And the friend of this Shadow Clan member happened to be a member of the parliament, and when he heard this friend accidentally mentioning this matter, he noticed the problem.

Afterwards, the Shadow Clan man told the other party how they fought with the black bone apes at the edge of the forest, and when the black bone apes gathered, those black bone apes were frightened by a four-winged creature (Butterfly Dance) The process of staggering and so on.

If the Black Bone Ape heard this, he should obviously be glad that he and others were just driven out at the edge of the forest. Otherwise, once the attention of the entire forest shadow clan was attracted, there would probably be no subsequent 'rebels', and no After the "Fall of the Cthulhu" is over, there is no such thing as the aftermath.

As a result, the fighting power of the four-winged creature was re-evaluated, because the opponent still had the flying attribute, and the forests and canyons that were previously regarded as barriers seemed less safe. The conscientious members of the council quickly sorted out and reported the matter to the speaker.The news that was not confidential also spread to the entire Shadow Clan.

At this moment, Kong Huan's body froze, Chu Xia seemed to have finished the torture again, and would once again get information from the real councilor Zhong Wei, package it and send it to Kong Huan.Because it is in the meeting stage at the moment, it is obvious that the dream world cannot be used to digest this information, so the empty illusion can only be read and understood bit by bit.

From the memory of this member of the Shadow Clan, Kong Huan learned about the situation of the people around him. Of course, this included the Chi Ying beside him who was somewhat revered and feared by 'Zhen Zhongwei', and the person on the stage. In the other party's impression of the extremely powerful speaker, Kong Huan swept it away.As for information such as Mr. Zhong Wei's personal character, even if he knew it, he could only use it as a reference for Kong Huan, who was not very good at acting.

At this time, the meeting entered the discussion stage, and the speaker asked the members of the assembly to express their views and their opinions on how to deal with it.

Member No.1 got up and said: "The few of them have only come into contact with a few of these creatures, and their combat power may be similar to ours, but we don't know the specific situation. How should we consider this?"

This caused everyone to echo, and the speaker seemed a little helpless about it, but obviously he didn't intend to express his opinion now, but turned his head to look at the people around him, including Kong Huan... the red shadow next to him .

"Hey, is this person's status still high?" Looking at Chi Ying beside him who seemed to be in distress because of the chairman's expectations, Kong Huan secretly smiled and continued to collect the situation of the venue at this time.

In order to prevent his replacement behavior from causing problems, Kong Huan, through a spiritual connection with Chu Xia, made minor adjustments to all his movements from early to now, such as using his mind power instead of using his hands normally. Passed it to Chu Xia.

And after asking most of the useful information from Zhong Weichu, Chu Xia will rely on these experiences to create a dream that is exactly the same as what Kong Huan experienced today, and let the Shadow Clan member experience these in person, so that all of this is caused by him. ideas from real experiences.

At that time, as long as the other party is swapped with Kong Huanyi, when the other party wakes up, he will only feel a little groggy during this period of time, and he behaves strangely, but neither the Shadow Clan nor the congressman will agree. Have doubts about the experience of the past few days, because in the eyes of both parties, this is a personal experience.

Of course, except for the situation that the congressman saw Konghuan that night, this can only be said to be a lack of thoughtfulness, but fortunately, in the subconscious of that congressman, it has been regarded as a dream, and what Konghuan has to do is to try to avoid it. Appear in front of the other person.

"Actually, I think it's useless even if we think about it here. It's better to send a group of people to check and confirm. Our purpose is to survive well, just like they are dangerous animals. We can check the results , and then decide to go, stay or attack.”

(Animals? In the eyes of our friends, you have just left the animals.) Glancing at the Shadow Clan people in front of you, the other party had to stand up after being called by the speaker, but obviously what he said was reasonable, but The phrase 'animal' just made Kong Huan a little dissatisfied.

At this time, the speaker's eyes, like scanning radar, focused on another Shadow Clan member who seemed to be more active than usual.The opponent's body trembled, and he wriggled quite restlessly, which aroused contempt from the people around him.

There is a kind of you to come out and talk!Kong Huan dubbed the congressman in his mind.

Shaking his head, the speaker thought for a while and fixed his gaze on Kong Huan.

"No, why look at me." The voice from beside him made Kong Huan speechless for a while, (Is this the Shadow Clan's council? Why does it feel more painful than elementary school students being asked questions in class==)

But Kong Huan obviously didn't expect, or haven't read, that in the Shadow Clan's council, except for the speaker who is the strongest and most prestigious person chosen by everyone, the others are almost randomly selected from various small tribes , which is why there are great differences among MPs.

As for those who performed better in normal times, they obviously became the real councilors in the eyes of the speaker. As for the other soy sauce crowd, they were just checking for leaks and making up for vacancies, and they were just decorations where they were usually placed. They were at the same level as the divers in the chat group.

"Chiying, please tell me your opinion." Although he was slightly dissatisfied with Chiying's embarrassment, but because the Chiying next to Kong Huan did not directly refuse like other councilors, the speaker obviously had a feeling of "this girl." Seems to have ideas, just still thinking 'misconceptions.

Forced to be helpless, Chi Ying looked left and right, and her eyes stopped on Kong Huan for a while, but because Kong Huan was scanning the surroundings at this time, she thought about it, got up and said: "I agree to send some people over to take a look. After investigating for four weeks, the returned teams all showed that, at least within a certain range, no creatures that could threaten us have been found for the time being. Obviously, the plains are a good place to live, and I don’t want to just give up here.”

Although this sentence is suspicious of soy sauce, it clearly expresses the aspirations of the surrounding Shadow Clan people.Which of the Shadow Clan people who stayed in this plain was not attracted by the excellent living environment here. If it was just because of a few worries and guesses, leaving here would obviously make people feel unwilling.

What's more, 'Shadow Clan people are not easy to bully', this was the words of a member of Parliament who got up immediately after Chi Ying.

"Well, that is to say, everyone agrees to send some people to the north to see if those animals will threaten us, right?"

Everyone nodded, and Kong Huan temporarily stopped his movements.


"Wait, Mr. Speaker." Seeing that the speaker seemed to have the idea of ​​ending the topic and then drawing a conclusion, after thinking about their conclusion, Kong Huan realized something was wrong, and quickly got up to speak. Anyway, Kong Huan's current identity is also a member of the council , why not use it effectively?
"Sir Speaker?"

"Eh?" Dazed for a moment, Kong Huan got up and looked at the puzzled speaker, seeming a little at a loss, (No, just now I was in a hurry and called someone according to the habit of friends, what is the name of the Shadow Clan? ...Hey, forget it, the most urgent thing is to change the subject.)
"Well, I want to say something about sending people!"

Obviously, the representative Zhong Wei who is replaced by Kong Huan at this time seems to be a guy with a background who talks a lot (from Chiying) but can't say anything in formal occasions (from everyone's expressions) , but at this time, Kong Huan is also riding a tiger.

"Oh, Zhong Wei also wants to say something. This is a good thing. Tell me, do you want to join this team?" The speaker's expression was very kind, even with a hint of relief and encouragement to the young people, but ... (When the hell did I learn to distinguish the expressions of the Shadow Clan ==)

"No, I meant to say..."

(Wait!) Kong Huan suddenly remembered that if he joined this team, as a councilor, he might not be the captain, but also an important member, then he would obviously be able to influence their evaluation of the friends, and even use this to prevent the relationship between the two parties from deteriorating. Isn't this better than direct contact between the two sides?

"Yes, I mean..."

"What's not, yes! Let's get to the point!" Obviously, everyone was a little dissatisfied with Kong Hua's statement of "no" for a while, and "yes" for a while. Fortunately, the speaker said that he seemed to have an encouraging attitude, so he just frowned. On the contrary, the red shadow beside Kong Huan secretly gave Kong Huan a kick to express his dissatisfaction.

"Hmm! I mean two things!" In order to prevent the situation from becoming chaotic, Kong Huan yelled out in a firm tone, (Hey, the old man doesn't show his power, you think I'm a real lady!)
Glancing at the stunned councilors around him, Kong Huan seemed to be in the middle of the hall with a calm expression, but he obviously held a trace of the beard that was pulled out at some point in his hand. Kong Huan continued: "First, I apply to join This exploration team, to determine the good and evil of friends and foes for the ethnic group, is also my duty as a member of the council."

"Well, yes, I agree," nodded approvingly. The speaker was obviously very satisfied with the majesty shown by Kong Huan at this time. This congressman finally got the hang of it, (There will be another choice when the roll call is held in the future.)
Obviously, the congressman who was still in Chuxia Dream Realm and experienced all this was about to cry.

"So, what about the second one?"

Nodding his head, ignoring the stunned red shadow beside him who was so shocked that one foot was still on Kong Huan's tail, Kong Huan thought about it and said: "I also got to know Enmu'er (one of the returned Shadow Clan members) [-]) The situation they encountered, from their description, it seems that what they encountered this time may not be an animal."

"Not an animal, what is that? A tree?"

"You mean, they will be the same tribe as ours?" Obviously, the speaker is the speaker, and his brains are turning a bit faster than those members in this respect.

"Yes," nodded, and Kong Huan deliberately frowned to match his tone. He was obviously not fully proficient in the language habits of the Shadow Clan, so he could only use facial expressions and movements to match the explanation, and tried to be as unambiguous as possible. Doubt: "Think about it, if Enmur and the others met a tribe like ours, would they be able to communicate with each other like we are now, and even live in peace."


"Well, it's just talking, or having a meeting, and everyone discusses making friends, or at least getting along with each other."


Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan felt that he had returned to the time when he taught Xiao Lingyun and the others to speak, and what was even more tragic was that he hadn't yet made these people feel that his words were new and strange.

Regarding the exchange of civilizations, ShadowClan obviously has little experience.

Judging from the two encounters with the black-skeleton ape at the beginning and the two fights, whether it was the black-skeleton ape or the Shadow Clan, it was obvious that they were the ones who first spoke with their fists, although most primitive civilizations were like this.And obviously, the fists of Shadow Clan in the forest are a bit bigger.

However, in order to unite the double-moon star species as much as possible, Kong Huan does not expect the Shadow Clan and the Friends to fight. Although he is confident that the Friends can quickly wipe out the Shadow Clan with less than 3 people, the casualties caused by that, regardless of the friends Whether it belongs to the tribe or the Shadow tribe, it will make Konghuan feel dissatisfied. These are the capital to fight against the enemy in the future.

"However, from what Enmur and the others said, even if that race is the same tribe as ours, it is a different species. Is it possible to hold a meeting?" The speaker was obviously interested at this time.Although the forest is dangerous, because of the cautious character of the Shadow Clan, the Shadow Clan has never been very warlike. What they seek is still a simple survival. Therefore, if they really live in peace, it is obviously in line with the wishes of both parties .

"This," thinking quickly, Kong Huan carefully considered the situation of the two parties, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "Even if different races can hold a meeting! You see, Enmu'er and the others are talking about two kinds of creatures, one is and In our similar forest, there are upright creatures, and one is four-winged creatures, they are not the same kind no matter how they look, but they can help each other."

At this time, Kong Huan was very fortunate that the Shadow Clan didn't know the ability to pupate: "So, since they can get along well, why can't we get along together?"

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, whether it was the speaker on the stage or the congressmen below.The guys who are used to living a stable life on the plains are obviously melting away the wildness accumulated in the forest.

"Well, no matter if it's an animal or a tribe, Zhong Wei is going for you anyway, so I'll just do as you say." The high-spirited speaker directly made a decision. After speaking, he realized that he seemed to be a bit arbitrary. He belatedly asked, "Everyone, do you have any objections?"


Therefore, the Shadow Clan Council decided to select more than a dozen people from the group to confirm the situation in the north, led by member Zhong Wei (replaced by Kong Huan) and assisted by member Chi Ying (recommended by himself).

After the decision was made, Kong Huan realized one thing...

"Could it be that I still want to continue pretending!"

After only performing for half a day, I felt exhausted and illusory, thinking in my... no, it was the hut where Congressman Zhong Wei lived.

Of course, this series of actions will not be experienced by the real Zhong Wei in Chu Xia's dream world.

There are so few clicks to recommend, ask for some push, ask for some push for the Shadow Clan Council, 嘎=w=
(End of this chapter)

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