Spore Story

Chapter 351 Cold Rainy Night, Desire and Effort

Chapter 351 Cold Rainy Night, Desire and Effort

Haunted =w=
"Is it done? Let's go then."

The spring rain is continuous, and while it is sparsely swaying the earth, it also brings cool and fresh air.No need to worry about acid rain, no need to think about pollution, just breathe the refreshing breath quietly, and make people's restless heart feel peaceful.

I don't know when it appeared in the small cave on the cliff, but at this time, two figures slowly flew out, one is a petite original man, and the other is a...butterfly man with huge butterfly wings on his back?I guess so.

What's more interesting is that under the petite original man, there is a shadow clan man floating; in the arms of the butterfly man, there is also a winged man who is about the same size as her.Such a weird combination is probably the first time in this world.

"Chu Xia, why did you choose to go out at such a time?" It seems that not everyone likes the comfort and tranquility of Chunyu, such as those who go out.Flapping her wings habitually, Chu Ling flew to Chu Xia's side.In fact, Chu Ling's flight mainly relies on the magnetic field provided by the energy core. As for the pair of wings, they are just for decoration.

Just last night, Kong Huan, who took the time to return, told Chu Xia and Chu Ling about his plan after merging his body and eating something.From the perspective of the two who were feeling bored recently, such a fun event obviously cannot be missed. Therefore, the three agreed that Kong Huan would continue to play the role.

But in order to ensure that there will be no disputes in the future, the simulation of the dream world of the real member Zhong Wei cannot be stopped, so that Kong Huan can be replaced at any time. Then, along the way, he has to bring that congressman and Kong Huan's body up.

And after obtaining Kong Huan's consent, Chu Xia plans to set off early. She can set up an outpost for Kong Huan and the others to make sure the route is safe; Zhong Wei, played by Kong Huan, is a model of friendly exchanges between different races.

"Okay, Chu Ling, rainy weather doesn't have any bad effect on you, right?" Chu Xia asked with a smile after looking at Chu Ling behind her.

"Of course not." Chu Ling, who protected herself and Kong Huan under the psychic cover, looked at the drizzle that couldn't get close to her, and shook her head nonchalantly, with a proud face: "Such a little drizzle is useless at all. .”

"That's right." Unlike Chu Ling's completely spherical all-round enclosed protection, Chu Xia just installed a hemispherical shield on top of her head to block the wind and rain around her.Therefore, the refreshing cool wind can blow into it through the gap below, causing Chu Xia's clothes to flutter slightly: "When it rains, creatures generally go out less, let alone pay more attention to the sky. In this way, our Actions can also be more stealthy."

"But flying high during the day is not the same." Obviously, Chu Ling hasn't noticed the point yet, she is just dissatisfied with going out in this gray weather: "Although it is very important for us to support the Psychic Shield like this for a long time." It's nothing, but staying indoors wrapped in a quilt on a rainy day is the kingly way."

Smiling very cutely, Chu Xia shook the shadow clansman (in a coma) who was drenched by the rain a few times, and didn't say much.At this time, she glanced at Kong Huan who was being held upside down in Chu Ling's arms, and a gleam of light flashed across her face.

"Chu Ling, leave Kong Huan to me, aren't you tired?"

"No, with such a light weight, I won't get tired." Tightening her arms tightly, Chu Ling looked at Chu Xia vigilantly, and carefully flapped her wings to fly forward.

"However," Chu Xia pointed at Kong Huan in Chu Ling's arms, and said with a smirk on her face, "Hang Huan's body is a living body, and it needs to breathe. If you cover it with mental power like this, although there is still some air, but that amount... ..."

"Huh?" Looking down suspiciously at Kong Huan in her arms, Chu Ling suddenly found in a panic that the other party's face was already blushing due to lack of oxygen. If it wasn't for Chu Xia's reminder, the unresponsive Kong Huan's body might not be doing well. Maybe he was suffocated to death just like that.

"Ah, not good!" Although it is not a big problem to have a body, if people know that the empty body is suffocated to death due to overprotection, then...

After a while of fuss, Kong Huan finally returned to normal, and Chu Xia also smiled and continued to take the lead in flying.

"Hey, Chu Xia," the voice behind her caught Chu Xia's attention, she turned to look at Chu Ling, she just smiled and waited for the other party's question.

"Do you have any wishes?"

"Wish?" Dazed for a moment, Chu Xia looked at Chu Ling who was full of curiosity, her eyes were full of confusion: "Wish? Probably...go out."

"Go out?" The corners of her lips twitched. It was obvious that Chu Ling didn't understand what Chu Xia meant. Although she could be considered the boss of the former Gaga team based on her seniority, after all, she slept in the editorial space for so many years. Come to think of it, anyone in the original Gaga team has more experience than her.

"It is to make the territory of the friend clan bigger, more people, and stronger... probably, that's all." When she said this, although she still kept smiling, Chu Ling could see it. It turned out that the trace of confusion in Chu Xia's eyes did not disappear.

Therefore, she pointedly pointed out: "This is not 'your' wish. We all want our friends to go out. This is just everyone's idea, but what I want to ask is 'your own' wish."

"Uh," the atmosphere seemed to be a little quiet, and for the first time, the head teacher Chu Xia, who had been busy all this time, felt that her mind was a little confused: "My own wish? What's there?"


Shaking her head, Chu Xia didn't seem to want to be entangled in this, she reached out and patted Chu Ling's shoulder, she turned and flew into the rain ahead.

"My wish, I really haven't thought about it, let's talk about it when I think about it."

"Um," shook her head depressedly, and tightened the air in her arms. Chu Ling felt the air flow around her, and then she nodded and followed in satisfaction: "Really, Kong Huan, what are they thinking?" what?"


In the hut of the Shadow Clan councilor, Kong Huan listened to the sound of drizzle outside, leaning against the windy walls on all sides, wearing leather with better wind resistance, pushed the fire in front of him depressingly, to make the flames bigger .

Tasting the breath of nature is obviously not something that can be done casually, at least, without a warm and safe environment, what you taste at this time is not nature, but cold.

"The two outside, come in, it's so cold." For the Youshen body, it is obvious that there is no discomfort with such a little cold, but through the wall that can't block the cold air, the two outside the door are shivering. When they were guarding, Kong Huan still had a little admiration for their dedication.

In the past few days, the two of them guarded the door closely during working hours. Such a conscientious spirit is rare even among the friends.

"Thank you... Thank you Zhongwei, Aqiu!" Hearing Kong Huan's words, the two ShadowClan guards, who were hiding under the eaves with a large leaf on their backs and chatting with each other, chose to unify without any consideration.

In fact, they had been leaning against the wall before, feeling the heat of the fire inside the house, but separated by a wall, the heat was quickly dissipated by the coolness outside the door.Hearing Kong Huan's words, the two rushed in tremblingly from outside the door, then nodded gratefully to Kong Huan, and then put the leaves on the corner to block the sparse tree gaps, so as to prevent the cool wind from seeping in through these gaps.

"It's...it's really cold, it's obviously just light rain."


"You two have been guarding my door for so long, and you have done a good job. However, this is the center of our territory, so you don't need to be so careful." Saying such words, but now these two conscientious guards are causing Kong Huan a lot of trouble.

Whenever in the middle of the night, Kong Fantasia wanted to go out and return to the cliff, but because the two dutifully guarded the door, he had to spend time looking for an opportunity.As a result, every time Kong Huan wants to go out, either he can only wait for the moment when the two relax; or he just knocks them unconscious.

In any case, this is a troublesome matter for Kong Huan, not to mention that he needs to avoid attracting the attention of the two of them as much as possible.Kong Huan obviously didn't think about it, it was because of his sudden return at the beginning that the two strengthened their guard on the hut.

This made Kong Huan a little dumbfounded, (It seems that a dedicated guard must be trustworthy.)
Looking outside the door, because of Chu Xia's notification, Kong Huan already knew that Chu Xia and Chu Ling had left the cliff tonight and returned to the group ahead of schedule.Afterwards, Kong Huan had to run this journey alone.After thinking for a while, he got up and went to the corner of the room, and took out a few pieces of dried meat.

The Shadow Clan does not have the ability to store meat such as bacon, but when they are in the forest, they have a method of making dried meat as one of the winter food.Now that they occupy the plains, they can get food from the river in winter, and dried meat, which used to be important, is not so important, so obviously a lot more are distributed to the councilors.

"Come on, I won't be able to sleep at night anyway, let's have barbecue."

Life in primitive society is boring, that is only compared to modern people with rich and colorful entertainment. Primitive people have their own way of life, busy with various jobs during the day, living a fulfilling and compact life, and do not need entertainment to fill the so-called spirit In the world, every full meal is an enjoyment for them; and at night, when they are bored, they can also gather together to chat, sing and dance.

Of course, the three guys on Konghuan's side are just talking about homework.And Kong Huan also took the opportunity to learn about the internal situation of the Shadow Clan on the sidelines.

For example, when sharing food, you must use your fingers and claws to divide it into large pieces, but when eating, you must tear it with your mouth instead of using your fingers; when running, you must never stand in front of others. This is an absolute provocation ;The tip of the tail should be placed on the ground at ordinary times, it can be dragged, and it can be slightly lifted off the ground, but it cannot be raised to face its own people...

However, what surprised Kong Huan the most was the [Heat Sensation Night Vision] of the Shadow Clan people. Although he had learned about this from the information of Zhong Wei, a member of the Shadow Clan, but Kong Huan was not a member of the Shadow Clan after all. He could only use his consciousness to The body simulates the form, but it cannot simulate the ability, so it cannot experience this ability.

Therefore, when the two guards, who gradually became enthusiastic, were demonstrating their night vision abilities, Kong Huan realized that he still underestimated the assassination ability of the Shadow Clan. The detection ability, the most important thing is that it belongs to passive vision, and it will not be discovered as easily as active mental power detection.

Involuntarily, Kong Huan became very interested in the Shadow Clan's assassination tactics.

"You two guys, be careful not to demolish the house. Come on, let's talk about your tactics now. Speaking of which, it must be very powerful to arrange you to be guards."

Originally intended to use this to find out the assassination tactics of the Shadow Clan people, but after hearing Kong Huan's words, the two of them stopped in embarrassment. It seems that there is a feeling that it is not fragrant.

Seeing Kong Huan with a confused face, one of the guards patted his dissatisfied teammates, shook his head at Kong Huan, then smiled at himself and said: "Member, you really know how to joke, we guards, it's because of tactics No, I was assigned to be this kind of guard who can only be guarded all day long. Moreover, good tactics are the secrets of the warriors of each tribe, and it is impossible for others to tell me."

"This, I'm sorry." Wiping off his sweat, Kong Huan didn't expect to be careful again and again, but he was still struck by thunder: "Come on, eat more, haven't I been a little confused recently, I can't get my head around and didn't notice it?"

(Generally speaking, as the guards of important tasks, aren't they all powerful existences? How come they become defective products when they reach the Shadow Clan.) Shaking his head depressingly, watching the originally enthusiastic atmosphere gradually subside, The emptiness seemed a little helpless.

"Look, am I going to the north? I just want to ask you two what you mean. We have been together for so long. If you are willing to join, there will be a support on the way." Although the atmosphere is a bit stiff, Hollow still will He spoke his mind.

In the entire Shadow Clan, Kong Huan is now familiar with only three people, one is Chi Ying, who is also a council member, and the other two are the two guards who guard Kong Huan's door all day long.Let familiar people be with you, and you can have a little cover for the illusion on the road.

However, Councilor Chiying seems to have always maintained a sliver of doubt about the void, but because of lack of experience, it is impossible to think of other aspects.In fact, Councilor Chi Ying's current thoughts are the same as the speaker's, and it's just a situation like 'Zhong has enlightened Councilor', but she obviously feels that this explanation is still lacking in convincing.

And these two people are much better, just guarding outside the door all day long, and Kong Huan often blatantly eavesdrops on their chats, so he has a general understanding of their personalities.

"This..." After hearing what Kong Huan said, one of the guards seemed a little hesitant. He thought that with his own strength, it was obviously very dangerous to follow Kong Huan and the others: "Our strength is comparable to that of your team. Going out, will it hold everyone back?"

The other guard, who thought it was an opportunity because of the illusory words, was about to agree, but when he heard the words of his teammates, he fell silent: "Member, our strength... hey."


Looking at the two people who were silent, Kong Huan shook his head: "What's the point!"

With a loud roar, looking at the hesitant two people, a trace of evil fire burst out involuntarily: "Afraid of this and that, that's why you are just guards!"

Ignoring the angry faces of the two who seemed to get up and leave immediately, Kong Huan turned his head to look outside the room and said, "What are you afraid of!"

"Safe? There are so many companions along the way, we are not going to any dangerous place, what is unsafe!"

"Insufficient strength? Whoever is born is powerful, which one is not honed a little bit, accumulated little by little!"

"There are no good tactics? Where did those people's tactics come from in the first place? They are not summed up by humans. Why can they be summed up, but you can't!"

"In the end, it's not that you are afraid, lazy, and give up on yourself!"

"Don't hone, don't go to accumulate experience, just stay here for a lifetime, what can you get? Hmm? It's just a lifetime of guarding! Guarding!"

These words may have been said to the two guards at the beginning, but as he said them, Kong Huan felt that they were speaking to his former self, to his past self, and even meant to teach his current self a lesson.

"Forget it," the so-called non-vomiting, after saying these things, Kong Huan vented a bit of depression, and at the same time lost the interest to continue talking.Seeing the fluctuating expressions of the two, Kong Huan shook his head, turned around and lay down on the straw mat, pulled up the leather quilt and covered it: "It's getting late, I'm going to bed first, you guys stay inside to warm up by the fire before the rain stops."

The dry flames swayed gently in the hut, reflecting the bewildered expressions of the two.

"Yingge, what do you mean by councilor? Did you bring us in just to scold us!" There was no wavering, after thinking for a while, the guard only felt angry.

He glared fiercely at someone who was sleeping, looked at his teammates beside him, and whispered angrily: "Isn't it just that the speaker arranged to lead a team to search north? What's the big deal, what was he before? We don't know yet, huh!"

"Hey, Yingge, say something." While complaining about Void, the team member didn't have the slightest intention of leaving the warm hut: "What are you thinking?"

"Oh," as if he just came to his senses, the team member looked at his indignant teammates and shook his head with a wry smile: "Actually, I think that although the congressman's words are a bit exaggerated, there is still some truth to them."

"Reason? Cut." He waved his hand nonchalantly, and the teammate said he didn't care about what his teammate said: "What reason can he have?"

"Maybe." Shaking his head, Yingge took a deep look at the congressman who seemed to be completely asleep, reached out and patted his teammates, got up and walked out the door: "Let's go, the rain is getting lighter, we Don't stay here."

"Ah, it's cold outside! I want to go to you."


Sighing and shaking his head, Yingge thought for a while, then put on his own clothes and pushed the door against the leaves.

support, ga
(End of this chapter)

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