Spore Story

Chapter 352 Suspended Broken Bridge, Plain Halo

Chapter 352 Suspended Broken Bridge, Plain Halo

March 14, 3 AD.

Don't have any expectations, this is just a very ordinary day, there is neither a war nor a civil strife, and no one has developed a super technology, a super great man appeared and then jumped into the golden age or something.

And on such an ordinary day, the Chairman of the Shadow Clan, who had nothing to do, came to bid farewell to Councilor Zhong Wei (played by Kong Huan) and Councilor Chi Ying with a few equally distressed councilors.

This team is actually very strange, because it has two captains, one is Zhong Wei, and the other is Chi Ying. After a few days, Kong Huan hadn't seen a post like 'Deputy' appearing.

Perhaps, in the opinion of the speaker, Chi Ying has always reassured him, so it is good to have Chi Ying as the captain; but this time, many things need the "sudden appearance" Zhong Wei to make decisions, so Zhong Wei has also become the leader of the team. team leader.Both are captains, so there is no need to worry that neither of them can work.As for the trouble caused by the lack of concentration of power, obviously at this time, no one will realize it.

As for Kong Huan, he obviously knows this situation, but he is just a soy saucer. He will never put things in front of the stage that he can do behind the scenes. He cares most about things like being lazy. It can only be said that it is a matter of character.

"This mission may be dangerous. In this regard, Chiying, you are quite capable. Remember to take care of everyone." The speaker obviously ignored the illusion, because in his impression, Zhong Wei, the member of parliament, was only as strong as It is considered the bottom of the councilors, and the best portrayal of it is "not high enough to be low" among the ethnic groups.

Even though his recent performance has gradually improved, the improvement in strength cannot be achieved overnight after all. He obviously didn't know that Zhong Wei had changed at this time.

"Don't worry, Speaker," Chi Ying, who had no resistance to praise and the like, answered while turning his head and glanced aside, at Kong Huan who was chatting with several team members.

The other party no longer had the strange feeling of "like two people" a few days ago. He had a vague feeling about this congressman before, but now gradually, in Chi Ying's memory, the real congressman Zhong Wei seems to be like this Yes, and the deepest memory of Zhong Wei is "talkative and incompetent", and now this congressman seems to be changing back to the talkative Zhong Wei, just "incompetent"...

(I just hope that the ability will not change back.) Shaking his head, Chi Ying smiled and nodded to the speaker, then turned and walked towards Kong Huan.

Looking at the team gradually leaving, the chairman said to himself: "If it is true that according to the bell, it is the same tribe as ours, then it will be a big deal?"

"Important matter?" Obviously, the councilors on the side were a little curious about this statement: "Even if it is a tribe, it's just as good as not interfering with each other in the forest before. When encountering important matters, everyone discusses them together. It seems that we just found out. A tribe, how can it not be considered a big deal?"

"Ha ha," habitually stretching out his hand to smooth his beard, the speaker looked at the nonchalant congressmen beside him, smiled and shook his head, then turned and walked towards the river in the distance: "You will know when the time comes, After all, they are not Shadow Clan people, but another kind of creature."


"This time the team is led by two of our congressmen. Except for Enmur and the others, I found six people in the team. How did you find one?" Chi Ying looked at Kong Huan and Ying beside him. Song, with a helpless face, said: "There are only sixteen people in total, so it's not easy to fight."

"Fight?" looked at Chi Ying in surprise, until the other party looked a little embarrassed, Kong Huan smiled and turned his head and said: "It's not possible to fight or not. We didn't fight in the past, but fought in the past." Spy or make friends."

"How do you know you won't be able to fight?" With a slanted glance at Kong Huan, Chi Ying shook his head and said, "Didn't the creature we're looking for this time have a fight with Enmur and the others last time? It's very likely that they will fight Get up, if you can't win...forget it, you are a member of parliament anyway, if you dare to run, hehe."

"...囧" Kong Huan shook his head, (What is this about? Still running away? Could it be that Zhong Wei, the congressman, has such a tragic evaluation from others?)

"Do you know what our purpose is?" When he said this, Kong Huan glanced at En Mur who was enthusiastically describing the battle between himself and his friends not far away. : "It's not that you don't know the characters of Enmu'er and the others. When you meet ordinary Shadow Clan people, you can fight. It's normal to fight with other creatures."

"Uh, it seems that too."

"Right," Kong Huan was just saying casually, anyway, it doesn't matter if he says something wrong, but he didn't expect that En Mu'er really seemed to have such a combative personality.Laughing, Kong Huan continued: "Look, our purpose is just reconnaissance, not combat. With our Shadow Clan's hidden ability, isn't it easy to find out their specific situation without being discovered by the other party?" .”

While saying this, Kong Huan curled his lips secretly. If the other party knew that he was the target of their investigation, he didn't know what his reaction would be. Thinking of this, Kong Huan raised the corners of his mouth evilly, but quickly calmed down .

As for Kong Huan's comments on the hidden abilities of the Shadow Clan, Chi Ying obviously agreed very much. As one of the best, she raised her head proudly, and made a slight nod with difficulty, but cutely, and then Said: "You are still very clear about this, you are indeed a member of parliament. Well, this time, we will try our best to find out everything about the other party without being discovered!"

(Before here, everything about you has been known clearly...) Looking at Chi Ying who was full of thoughts of "the Shadow Clan's hidden ability is invincible", Kong Huan shook his head with a smile, and continued to follow Enmur in front team.

Time passed like this little by little, and that night, while eating, Kong Huan finally found Yingge who finally chose to join the team.

"Where's that teammate of yours?" Kong Huan asked casually after taking the other party's roasted fresh meat.

"He," he was stunned for a moment, maybe he didn't expect that the other party's first question was actually his teammate, Yingge replied slightly surprised: "He likes the guard work in the territory, and he said that he wants to protect you when you leave." It's time to secure your house, so don't come over."

Perhaps because he still wanted to protect his teammates, Yingge stopped the conversation after saying just this one sentence.

"Protect the house." The corners of his mouth twitched, Kong Huan was obviously speechless for this kind of excuse.

"What about you? Why are you willing to follow?" At this time, the topic entered the main thread. According to the method obtained from the two of them, Kong Huan cut the arm-sized piece of meat into two pieces with his fingers and handed it to the other party. Then he said: "You know, it's not necessarily safe here."

"Where is it really safe?" Unexpectedly, the other party asked with emotion.

Then, seeming to organize the language, Yingge opened the chatter box and began to talk about his past, a very ordinary past, children, teenagers, adults... plain, passing by, accomplishing nothing...

"You said that night, 'This is the middle of the territory, there is no danger, so don't be so careful', but you probably forgot, what if there is a fire in the territory? Where is the monster rushing in in the territory? Where is the pterosaur in the territory? Flying over?...Aren't these all dangerous?"

"..." (I just wanted to let you guys relax, and I said it while I was out at night, ga)

"Have you noticed that it is very comprehensive? Why, after thinking about it, are you going to work hard again to become a master assassin?" other side.

For Kong Huan, who is now a conscious body, eating is just an action simulated by thought power. Without an energy core, he can't even digest these things, so in the end he still uses thought power to store them in his body, and then finds an opportunity to secretly expel them. (...), very troublesome.

Eating is just to cover up, and it also consumes mental power, which can only be said to be torture for Kong Huan.

"Assassin master?" I was taken aback for a moment, and again, to Kong Huan's surprise, the other party did not wake up to that night as Kong Huan had imagined, and then regained the childhood dream that I don't know if it exists. Afterwards, with the help of emptiness and speciousness, he finally grows into a master assassin or something...

"No," Yingge just shook his head, looked at Kong Huan gratefully and said, "What you said that night, Councilor... Well, it does make sense, but I've known for so long since I was a child, I'm not good at assassination, but I'm not giving up anything."

"Oh, tell me." Kong Huan asked blankly, suppressing a trace of helplessness and anger in his mind.

It's not that he didn't think that he could have the ability to attract and guide others in every word and deed like the other protagonists, but it was proved by the facts that when he didn't have that talent, Kong Huan still felt a little unwilling and self-deprecating.

And Yingge obviously doesn't have such complicated thoughts as Wu Huan: "Although guards are usually done by weak guys, so they seem useless and become synonymous with incompetence, but I have been a guard for so long. In fact, there are many points that need to be paid attention to, for example, you must look around at all times, you must monitor the sky and the earth, you must distinguish between good and evil, the enemy and yourself, and so on."

"And the guards are actually very important, such as discovering the enemy's sneak attack, protecting important congressmen and speakers, and preventing fires and the like."

"Oh, so what?" At this time, Kong Huan was somewhat interested.

All walks of life have their own set of rules, as long as you think about it, you can do better.But now it seems that this Yingge wants to step out of his own way of guarding when the whole people are pursuing covert assassination.

Of course, the current him obviously doesn't think so deeply, but the illusion polluted by the knowledge of the Internet in his previous life obviously sees it more clearly.

"So, my purpose is to be the best guard! Maybe I can't be the best assassin, but relying on the experience of guarding during this period, I can be the best guard. Now, my task Just guard the squad."

"Very good." Maybe there was something else to say, but Kong Huan finally just patted the other person's shoulder encouragingly and said these two words.

Yingge already had his own goals and ideas, so there was no need for Konghuan to intervene too much.What's more, Kong Huan only wanted the other party to join the team at the beginning, and the rest of the nonsense after that was more of Kong Huan's own little emotions. Now that the goal has been achieved, other things, just let it go.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Chi Ying walked over with several of her teammates, and then sat beside Kong Huan and said, "According to what En Mur said, we will reach the Grand Canyon tomorrow, and we need to pass a very dangerous overpass to get there. , You must be mentally prepared when the time comes."

"A very dangerous flyover?"


"It's really a dangerous flyover."

Standing on the edge of the canyon in an imaginary and speechless manner, he looked at the stone bridge that spanned the two ends of the nearly [-]-meter-long canyon like a line, and the narrowest part was only about two meters wide.

He poked his head out and looked at the depths of the pitch-black canyon below. Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, Kong Huan secretly released his mental power to check it out, but when Youshen, who was in an independent state of consciousness, could control the mental power to the maximum, Didn't feel the bottom either.

(Let me go, is this a canyon, or a crack in the earth that Alale smashed into!) Wiping off his cold sweat, he turned his eyes back with a dreamy head full of black lines.

To say that this so-called sky bridge is indeed dangerous and dangerous for land creatures, but it is obviously impossible for the flying illusion to have any burden.However, when checking with mental power before, Kong Huan found that the overpass had some internal cracks. It should be fine for one or two Shadow Clan people to walk over, but now these dozen or so people might suddenly break down.

"This is the legendary 'sinister-looking bridge that will definitely break' that appears in many adventure stories?" Looking at the overpass in the distance, and then at the crack below, Kong Huan somehow gave birth to a The idea that if you fall from here, you will get the legendary treasures of heaven and earth, peerless cheats and the like.

"What, are you scared?" Chi Ying said jokingly after patting Kong Huan.

(If you're not trembling, I'll say I'm scared.) Glancing at Chi Ying, Kong Huan nonchalantly pulled his stiff-moving counterpart to the edge of the flyover.And Enmur and the others who had walked across the bridge before were enjoying the reactions of the people around them. (Human bad character =.=)

"Enmur, it's getting late, let's go one by one from you."

At this time, Chi Ying, one of the captains, or the captain recognized by everyone, was in chaos, and Kong Huan, the second captain, took the captain's responsibility as a matter of course.

Seeing the empty illusion, there is no sense of fear. Both Enmu'er and other members of the Shadow Clan admire them, and their worries about themselves have also decreased a lot.

Afterwards, everyone began to line up to cross the bridge according to Kong Huan's instructions.

As I said before, this sky bridge is actually very dangerous, but Kong Huan let everyone on the bridge, not because he has any bad intentions, but because that kind of danger is only for the Shadow Clan people.At this time, with the existence of the Youshen level, Kong Huan, he can completely protect the overpass with his thoughts, and even use his thoughts to pave a temporary suspended road between the overpass and the people on it, so that they can walk without touching the overpass. Walk over easily.

"I have to say, I really have a bland halo."

Seeing the guys walking across the overpass without any danger, and then cheering, pretending to be calm, or complacent guys on the opposite side, Kong Huan looked back at Chi Ying and Ying Ge behind him, nodded and led the three of them away on the bridge.

If there is no illusory thought power, this group of people may lose no less than six people when they pass this overpass.

Let's see what happens if that happens?

When the dozen or so people were crossing the bridge, halfway through, the overpass suddenly broke.

Afterwards, everyone moved forward, retreated, or fell into the abyss in horror.

In the end, there may be six or seven people who ran safely to the opposite side. They rejoiced on the other side of life and mourned the loss of their companions, and then began to shoulder their responsibilities and continue northward.Of course, there may be some internal disagreements, but according to the general plot, we will continue to move forward.

As for those who are at the back, there may be three or four people who are lucky enough to return to the origin, and they will appear on the other side.Or just go back to the 'internal discussion, the final result can be set arbitrarily, ga.

As for those who fell into the abyss, there are three situations: the protagonist side, the villain side, and the passerby side.

The protagonist, I am afraid that he will have some adventures in the abyss of the canyon. Survivors will definitely appear, and then the members of the protagonist with improved skills will make a shocking appearance at the protagonist's crisis. Refer to a white-robed wizard;

The villain, I am afraid that he will be polluted by some demon, some evil thing, etc. in the abyss of the canyon, and then return to the world as a powerful and negative existence, bringing endless pain to the world and other messy things, waiting for the protagonist destruction or redemption or something.If it is to enrich the plot, it may also add a description of the painful past of this person... Ga, there are many references;
Passerby, as the most ordinary but most stable party, this loss is eternal, and the result cannot be explained.

So, while fantasizing about a moving plot, the last illusory three came to the opposite side without any surprises.

Then, perhaps with a hint of spoof, or perhaps for the safety of the latecomers, Kong Huan slightly moved the crack of the bridge when he removed his mind power.


"My God! It's broken! It's broken!"

So, as a matter of course, all the people who were safe and sound were extremely grateful for the good luck of themselves and others, and even expressed absolute awe for the empty three who came last.

As for Chi Ying, she was sitting on the ground at the moment, pretending to be calm and expressing that she was resting, but staring intently at the broken bridge in the distance, and occasionally added a statement of 'another piece fell'.

(If at this time, the Shadow Clan has a god to worship, maybe these people will say something...)
"Thanks to the protection of the great God of the Night, it was too dangerous, fortunately we all came here."

"..." Well, pretend I didn't say it.

(Shadow Clan already has gods?) Thinking about it, Kong Huan looked around and said, "Come here today, leave tomorrow."

After speaking, a group of people who were frightened by the sky bridge all turned their grateful eyes to Kong Huan.

Resolutely ask for support =w=
(End of this chapter)

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