Spore Story

Chapter 353 In the jungle game, come and catch me

Chapter 353 In the jungle game, come and catch me

Thank you Mango Hero for your reward~\(≧▽≦)/~
When the overpass is broken, it will be broken, because no one has gained super luck and become a god, and no one has died because of it. Therefore, for the people in the team, this is nothing more than a past, a surprise. No risk game.

The only thing everyone needs to worry about is how to determine the way after returning.

However, "Since we can find a way here, why not in other places", after Kong Huan said this sentence, everyone decisively chose to agree and agreed to continue on their way.

Therefore, the next morning, after everyone had rested and sighed the majesty of the broken bridge, they turned around and continued on their way to their destination.

"But how deep is that crack?"

Looking back, I looked at the broken bridge that was basically maintained in two protruding states. Last night, I could hear the sound of gravel falling from the broken bridge from time to time. Except for the sound of impact, no sound of touching the ground was heard.

"If you throw someone down, will you keep 'ah~~', and in the end you will die not because of 'bang', but because of 'hungry'."

"Speaking of which, those things aren't still falling, are they?" He laughed in disbelief, and Kong Huan shook his head and followed the teammates in front of him.

"The next step is a large forest. Although some of us have not been in the forest for more than a year, we will not be intimidated by the forest because of this." Looking at Kong Huan, this made Kong Huan very uncomfortable.

(This girl is not talking about Zhong Wei, I said Zhong Wei is such a useless guy.) Speechlessly avoiding Chi Ying's sight, she looked at the surrounding environment imaginatively. Stop it, this is just a joke, even Kong Huan knows that the various tactics of the Shadow Clan are summed up in the forest. Are you rusty?

In fact, it was Kong Huan who misunderstood Chi Ying this time. She became interested in Chi Ying because of Kong Huan's outstanding performance before.The words just now did not mean to show contempt for Zhong Wei.After all, no matter how Zhong Wei is, he is also a member of parliament. Although he was chosen at random, the people in that tribe would not agree if he was randomly selected as trash.

"Forest, I don't know what I will encounter?" To say that Kong Huan is very familiar with the forest, not to mention, the tasks of the civilization control center that he is doing now are often carried out in the forest, so for the forest's Dangerous, illusory can be regarded as relatively clear.

And the mysterious creatures in the forest in the various stories of the previous life are endless, such as giant snakes as thick as buckets, gorillas as small as hills, mysterious dinosaurs, insects as big as casserole...

"Uh, wait, why does it feel like they are all common creatures in this world?" These creatures seem to be the only ones who turn around and run when they encounter Kong Huan now. It's not an epic creature, so he doesn't need to worry about it. Ordinary creatures only need to release the deterrent power of the ghost level, which is enough to scare the opponent, but looking at the ordinary forest in front of him now...

"Why is there a... still so ordinary feeling of pinching, huh."

Well, in fact, Kong Huan's bland halo is really powerful, at least no one in the crowd feels the danger, and only the idle and painful Kong Huan will say "Shouldn't there be some monsters or fire at this time?"

Shaking his head, Kong Huan waved away these seemingly chaotic thoughts, waved his hands to Chiying and the others and said, "It's a hurry anyway, it's too boring to just go like this, why don't let Enmu'er lead the team, and everyone else uses In the state of stealth, follow Enmu'er, let's see who has the best skills, let's play games."

Since the bland halo has made the story boring, why don't we take the initiative to create our own stories?That's what Kong Huan thought, so a game of stalkers unfolded like this, and he could let Kong Huan feel the stealth tactics of the Shadow Clan casually.

"Good way! Enmu'er, you can lead the way naturally, don't worry, we will follow you well." It seems that Chi Ying's enthusiasm for this seems to be higher than that of Wu Huan.After hearing Kong Huan's words, she agreed without thinking.

"Yes," nodded with a depressed face, this kind of fun thing can only be used as the leading party, En Mur, who looks like a fighter at first glance, can only stare at Chi Ying resentfully at this time... The empty illusion not far away seemed to be captured by Chiying's power, and he still didn't dare to do anything to Chiying.

(Ignoring it) Turning his head decisively, he quickly hid in a pile of bushes, and used the stealth skills he had learned from the hidden missions that appeared from time to time in the previous missions, and disappeared smoothly before the eyes of several people.

"Not bad? As expected of a member of parliament, I underestimated you before." Chi Ying was not to be outdone, and disappeared with a shake.

"Did you choose to move the treetops?" After thinking for a while, Kong Huan nodded approvingly. If he hadn't been paying attention to the other party with all his strength, he would never have found the tree where Chi Ying was hiding.

Because most of the trees in this period are tall and strong, the Yiying people are probably slightly lighter than humans, and they are only about the weight of a friend from the Central Plains. They move on the branches. Under normal circumstances, they can continue to swim in a very stealthy way, without even causing the trees to shake.

At this time, Kong Huan saw the difference in the tribes of each team member.According to Yingge, each tribe has its own stealth method, that is to say, different tribes can be determined from the stealth method.

Like Chi Ying, there were six people who jumped onto the branch. They were basically the same as Chi Ying in terms of tactics. Then, the six of them should belong to the same tribe, and these six people happened to be recruited by Chi Ying;

"Sure enough, people from my own tribe can use this easily. Unfortunately, I am not the real Zhong Wei, otherwise you can go to Zhong Wei's tribe to see."

The rest of Enmur's companions, that is, the few people who fought with Shushan and the others before, chose to hide behind the tree trunk, and some of them even wrapped some mud and weeds on their bodies, which is simple but effective;
To Kong Huan's surprise, two of them chose the same action as Kong Huan and hid in the grass, "Could it be that these two guys belong to the same tribe as Zhong Wei?"

After thinking about it, Kong Huan still shook his head with a smile. The way he hid in the weeds belonged to Wu Huan, and had nothing to do with Zhong Wei at all. This can only be called a coincidence. It should be more like it.)
Regarding this, Kong Huan thought for a while and still didn't do it, because he was not familiar with Zhong Wei's stealth method, and if he changed it, it would probably be self-defeating.

"Are you ready?"

"Huh?" Looking around suspiciously, Kong Huan turned his head to look at the red shadow on the branch. He was obviously on the branch, so why did the sound come from somewhere on the ground...

"By the way? Sound wave reflection, with the help of various entities to reflect sound waves, makes people have an illusion of the sound source." Looking at the location of Chiying in surprise, for the Shadow Clan who doesn't even have words, this ability can only It is completely accumulated through long-term experience. I have to say that the Shadow Clan really lived out their experience in the forest.

Carefully looking around, he nodded in emptiness and clarity: "There are dense trees here, if you can grasp the angle, it can indeed produce this effect, but the exercise required is not small, I didn't expect the Shadow Clan to actually Can you master this ability? Is it a unique skill of Chi Ying's tribe?"

Shaking his head and continuing to lurk, out of the corner of his eyes, he happened to see Yingge behind En Mur'er who was indifferent, (What is this kid doing? Why isn't he hiding?)

Chi Ying, who was hiding on the branch, also noticed the original guard, Ying Song, and frowned dissatisfied.After thinking about it, she turned and spoke to a hollow in the trunk, and then quickly left the tree.

And the voice she said was transmitted to everyone's ears from the other mouth of the root through the hollow tree. It sounded like people were speaking on the ground: "Shadow Song, why don't you go into stealth?"

Obviously, Kong Huan thought things a bit more complicated, ga(=.=)

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not very good at sneaking, so let's follow Enmu'er on the bright side." Yingge patted the back of his head embarrassingly and said with a smile.

"Forget it, it's up to you." Anyway, it's just a game, reminding the other party that it's just for the sake of emptiness. After being rejected, Chi Ying just hesitated for a while and ignored it, but his evaluation of Yingge fell in his heart Quite a few, and even a little bit of favorability towards Void that brought him, (You thought it was a GALGame game!)

"Okay, everyone get ready." While saying this, Chi Ying jumped onto another tree. There are many hollow trees here. It is obvious that Chi Ying, who is familiar with these, needs to find a trunk to convey the message. As far as it is concerned, it is just a trouble-free game.


For a moment... there was no movement... except En Mur'er who was slowly moving forward, and Ying Ge obediently following En Mur'er around.


"Cut, fortunately, I still have some expectations." Carefully separated the surrounding weeds with the help of thoughts, at this moment, the empty illusion is actually suspended about half a centimeter above the ground, although this obviously has the suspicion of cheating, But isn't that what people like?

(We are not members of the Shadow Clan, how can we fight with these guys without cheating?) At this time, Kong Huan realized the strength of the Shadow Clan. Perceptual ability), Kong Huan can hardly detect the existence of these guys around him.

Of course, there are many reasons for this.

Count the normal perception abilities of friends: spirit, magnetism, smell, taste, touch, vision, hearing.

Spiritual detection of spiritual power, because the spiritual power of the friends and the shadow clan is completely different, so the detection of the spiritual power is invalid for the shadow clan, so the external effect of spiritual perception is discarded;
In terms of magnetic sense, because the support of the energy core of the body is needed, the individual can relatively clearly perceive the surrounding magnetic field. For the empty illusion who is only temporarily away from the body, he does not need to fuse the energy core to transform himself into a ghost body, that is, Said, the emptiness at this time has no magnetic sense because there is no energy core;
Smell and taste belong to the chemical perception ability, which can only be formed by living organisms. The ghost body without biological body and the independent consciousness body at this time, emptiness, do not have these two perceptions.Even eating in the Youshen body is just a judgment on the appearance and internal energy of the food. This is why the taste of food in the Youshen body is very different from that of ordinary people, because no matter how spicy you put it, in the eyes of the Youshen body. Just a little more energy;

In terms of touch, the touch of ordinary creatures relies on the skin, which does not need to be explained, but at this moment, the emptiness, like the ghost body, relies on the power of thought as the sense of touch. Like the sense of touch on the skin, the sense of touch through thought power is also an active perception, that is, In other words, you need 'touch' to 'feel', and the disadvantage of active perception is that when you see the other party, the other party can easily see you;
The last thing left is vision and hearing, which are the normal perception abilities of independent conscious bodies.

Vision is provided by consciousness. Although the principle is different from the vision of ordinary creatures, the content is similar; hearing is the mental power eardrum invented by Void, as long as the mental power is controlled above LV1, it can be formed, except that the raw material for the composition is mental power or thought power In addition, the principle is the same as that of ordinary organisms.

Therefore, at this time, the empty illusion can only rely on hearing and vision to judge the existence of these stalkers, not even as good as the Shadow Clan people, after all, they still have thermal vision.

"I have to say that the Shadow Clan people have a physical advantage over the Pengren in this respect."

Carefully avoiding the two small animals, and calming down a snake that found him with mental strength, so as not to reveal his position by the other party's neighing, Kong Huan continued to follow En Mu'er in front of him.

Seeing Enmu'er who acted a little stiffly, Kong Huan mourned for him a little funny.Being sneaked by a group of people 'blatantly', although I know that these people are companions and won't do anything to me, this feeling must not be much better.

In comparison, Yingge was much more natural, he walked with ease, as if on an outing.

"No, this kid is not simple." After carefully observing Yingge's actions, Kong Huan realized something was wrong: "You almost got past me! Meow."

Different from En Mur'er's self-defeating and unconcealed way of moving, every step of Yingge's actions seems random, but they are all light and easy, without stepping on a broken branch, not touching a leaf, and not Surprise a small animal...

What kind of strength is this? An ordinary person will make mistakes no matter how careful he is, but he didn't make a single mistake.

"This guy's observation skills are very strong."

Although it is not ruled out that it is the instinct of the other party, but if this is really the ability brought by instinct, he can become an excellent assassin based on this alone, and it is impossible for him to be a guard for a long time and be despised by people.As for covering up, is it necessary?At least Unreal didn't find it.

In other words, Shadow Song does have a very strong power of observation, but it's not very good at applying it to stealth.

In comparison, when he was a guard, it was very effective to rely on this kind of observation to monitor the surrounding situation. He even thought that Yingge's observation ability should be honed when he was a guard.

"Sure enough, it's the life of a guard, Ga." Shaking his head with a smile, Kong Huan looked away from the other party.

At this time, a dejected team member suddenly walked out from the grass not far away.

"Boss Chiying is really powerful, he was discovered." Self-deprecatingly smiled at Enmu'er and Yingge, the other party walked up to Enmu'er, and began to chat with each other, while Yingge continued to look after himself Following behind the two of them, I have to say that this kid's sense of existence is really...neither high nor low...I guess.

"Hey! Chi Ying has made a move so quickly." Looking around carefully, Kong Huan moved towards the tree trunk next to him, so as not to be discovered by others. , other people may not have any opinions, but now he is emptiness himself, and he will not be happy if he is caught emptiness.

Obviously, this game is not just about letting people hide. After moving for a certain period of time, they will start to arrest each other. There is no grouping, everyone is alone, and the person whose location is pointed out will be eliminated. Stand up consciously, and the rest continue until there is only one left.

As for how long it took to start arresting, there is no fixed number, it's just that both parties agree by default, usually a few breaths after the start of the announcement.

In the next few minutes, three more people walked out one after another. One of them was kicked down from the tree, and Kong Huan only saw half of his clean calf; With one exception, they all lamented Chi Ying's strength.

"Is the congressman really that powerful?" Looking at the one in front of him with some surprise, the team has expanded from Enmur and Yingge at the beginning to a team of six people. Kong Huan shook his head with a smile, and came to the front of the team cautiously .

The direction that Enmur has always led the way is directly facing Xiaoshu Village. In terms of familiarity, it is obviously more familiar with Wuhuan. After all, Dark Blood and the others lived in the south before.Therefore, unlike other people who sneaked, but still had to follow En Murer, so that they were limited to a certain range, Kong Huan could easily hide in front of the team.

"Quack, this is still cheating, but what can you do to me, ah hahaha!" Satisfied Kong Huan, sitting on the trunk of a big tree in front of the team, watched the team members being caught out one by one, until the night fell. At that time, only Chi Ying and himself were left.

"I don't know what this chick Chi Ying is thinking now?" Carefully flipped down from the tree trunk, and then continued to move forward for a while, using the power of thought to drive the surrounding materials to cover his own heat, flying to another tree trunk, borrowing With the wide leaves and the comprehensive perception of his surroundings with mental power, he completely hides his figure among the leaves.

It has to be said that although mental power cannot find enemies, it is still very effective for assisting oneself.

At this time, the depressed Chi Ying also searched the entire area around the team in a daze, but he didn't even find the illusory shadow.

"Impossible! This Hun Dan is just a low-level member of a small tribe, how could he not even find me! Ah!"

At this time, Chi Ying was obviously a little crazy.

"Zhong Wei, I'm stuck with you!"

At the same time, just separated from Chi Ying by the empty illusion of the team, he shuddered on the tree.

Still looking for support, such as monthly tickets, comments... and so on, ga
(End of this chapter)

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