Spore Story

Chapter 354 Shadow Clan Tribal Level, Earth Dragon

Chapter 354 Shadow Clan Tribal Level, Earth Dragon

Thank you for the three-legged witch crow's monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~
How long this game lasts depends on the patience of the illusion.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, Kong Huan must be able to discover the traces of Chi Ying in advance.

However, after the two of them stalemate for a day and a half, after Kong Huan began to become boring, he decided to use only his vision and hearing, and suspend his spiritual power and other non-shadow clan strengths that can indirectly help him, so as to train himself Ability.

Therefore, it is certain to be found.

Of course, that's still scoring active and passive.

When the time came to the second night, after experiencing several man-made thrilling encounters, he was tired of the fantasy of this boring confrontation game, so he took the initiative to make a little noise and deliberately slowed down his movements, finally attracting the attention that had been searched the night before In front of the team, Chi Ying was highly concentrated.

So, he was taken out by the excited red shadow as a matter of course, and obviously, both of them were very happy.

I have to say, in terms of patience, Kong Huan is not as good as Chi Ying, but in other respects...

"Say! How did you hide for so long!"

(Do you think I will tell you?) Although it is only limited to vision and hearing, don’t forget that Void is now a pure independent consciousness (referred to as pure body=.=), and the composition of the whole body is consciousness, spirit and thoughts. , Some things can be restricted if you don't want to restrict them. Habits are terrible.

Therefore, from beginning to end, no matter how powerful Chiying's skills and tactics are, he was discovered by Konghuan from time to time. Of course, Chiying didn't know about it, and this was not a level of confrontation at all.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan couldn't help but think of the speaker: "As far as consciousness is concerned, most of the councilors are soul-level, although basically they are mid- and early-stage soul-level guys, and there are only a few dozen of them. , but the speaker..."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan was a little curious about the speaker. According to the general rule, the speaker is obviously stronger than the members, so at least he is a soul-level senior.But as a Youshen-level Kong Huan, he couldn't even perceive the opponent's conscious strength, which made things complicated.

If it is placed in an ordinary creature, Konghuan will give a statement that the opponent is above the initial level of the Youshen level, but now the target is the Shadow Clan, and the hidden ability of the Shadow Clan, as well as the specificity of spiritual power, determine that just entering the Youshen level It is impossible to make an accurate assessment of the specific strength of the opponent.

Maybe this speaker is a guy with a strong ability to hide, so he hides his level of consciousness.Hiding the strength that is actually no more than the middle stage of the soul level or even below, so that the emptiness of the Youshen level cannot be perceived.

Isn't this a plot in many YY novels?The protagonist relies on some powerful items and uses weak strength to play with a bunch of brain-dead masters. Although Kong Huan doesn't think that the speaker, who looks like a master of the world or a charlatan, will be a protagonist that only young people can be. .

(No, I'm the hidden one now, so I can't say that, ga.)
"Hey! Did you listen to me!" Chi Ying, who was ignored by Kong Huan, was very dissatisfied: "I'm asking you something! Do you want to die!"

(Are you the group leader?) Glaring at Chi Ying who was dragging him depressedly, Kong Huan withdrew from his thoughts, and after sorting out his thoughts, he said slowly: "This involves tribal skills, keep it secret." (Unfortunately we It's neither M real for a long time, nor embarrassing.)
"..." The scene suddenly turned cold, and even the few people who seemed to be eavesdropping froze, and a guy even bumped into a tree because of this.

(Do you have a sense of secrecy?)
"You! You! Hmph!" After three verses, Chi Ying turned around and squatted under a big tree with a flushed (angry) face, seemingly sullen...

"Member Zhong Wei, I have to say that you were very imposing just now, but it was a bit too much." Looking at the red shadow councilor who squatted aside and sulking, Yingge smiled wryly and shook his head and sat next to Kong Huan. He also noticed the contact of time. This member of Zhong Wei seemed to be very inexperienced in some common sense.

"Every tribe has its own secret skills. Isn't it very problematic for her to ask directly? It's her fault." Kong Huan said nonchalantly, since this situation exists in the Shadow Clan, then he said 'keep it secret', Chi As a member of parliament, Ying should have a little self-consciousness, and this is not a human feminist society.

"No, you only understand the surface, how do you say this?" After thinking about it, Yingge still shook his head and gave a wry smile, making Kong Huan confused.

After a pause, Yingge continued: "Member Zhong Wei, you know that you are a lower-level councilor, right?"

"Inferior councilor?" Hearing this word, Kong Huan froze for a moment and nodded.

Quickly searching for the information provided by Zhong Wei, Kong Huan discovered that there was indeed such a thing.But because this thing seemed to have nothing to do with his lurking, neither Kong Huan nor Chu Xia tried to obtain more information.

After all, Kong Huan only temporarily replaces Zhong Wei, but it does not intend to completely replace Zhong Wei. This person does not need to copy all the memories of the other party. Even if one uses the dream world, it will take a few years to digest all the memories of a person. Too much time to waste.

"Sure enough," covered his forehead depressedly, Yingge was a little confused by Kong Huan's performance, how could the other party not even have this kind of common sense, but fortunately, he didn't doubt Zhong Wei's authenticity: "So, Councilor Zhong Wei You will not have noticed that the tribes of our ethnic group have been divided into upper, middle and lower tribes since they entered the plains."

Kong Huan shook his head, anyway, it would not arouse excessive suspicion, that Kong Huan just got relevant information from Yingge, this happened not once or twice.

Shaking his head helplessly, Yingge could only continue to say: "The tribes in our clan are divided into three levels. The upper-level tribes are the veteran tribes with the largest number of people and the strongest strength. There are seven seats in the council; the lower-level tribes are Because the upper-level tribes have too many people, the small tribes separated out have only one seat in the parliament; the middle-level tribes are developed from small tribes, and the tribes that are weaker than the upper-level tribes and stronger than the lower-level tribes have three seats in the parliament.”

"So, in fact, many of the tactics of the lower-level tribes were obtained or brought out from the upper-level tribes they were separated from."

"As for Mr. Zhong, your tribe was originally a lower-level tribe that was just separated from the upper-level tribe where Mr. Chiying was. Therefore, when Mr. Chiying asked you, you should not keep it a secret. It is still a kind of honor. .”

Shaking his head, Yingge carefully looked in Chiying's direction, and whispered to Kong Huan: "Actually, if councilor Chiying insisted on asking you just now, but you didn't answer, she would really blame her. It's not impossible to be swallowed back, but..."

Smiling mysteriously, Yingge said: "Looking at Master Chiying, he should be just angry, not to the point of swallowing your tribe."

"Ah," wiped off his cold sweat depressingly, Kong Huan never expected that the Shadow Clan in a primitive society could be divided into such a fine line, and the internal hierarchy is so clear: "So, I'm going to make amends to Chiying now, and then serve What about the tactics?"

Although it is not impossible, but for this kind of compulsive behavior, Kong Huan always feels a little uncomfortable.Even though I am not Zhong Wei, but now I am playing Zhong Wei after all. If I replace someone else for a period of time, I have to bring some benefits to the other party to make up for it, instead of causing a lot of trouble for the other party and then walking away. That's so immoral.

"That's not what I said," Shaking his head, Yingge looked at Kong Huan with a little approval.Although he has been a guard for more than ten years, he is indeed not good at stealth and assassination, but he still has a little insight. As for the situation of the ethnic group, because he is in the center, he knows better than most of the stalkers who only know about stealth hunting. a lot of.

As for the congressman in front of him, he was very curious: "As I said before, middle-level tribes are developed from lower-level tribes. If Mr. Zhong Wei is just an ordinary lower-level councilor, when Mr. Chi Ying asks you, although it is not mandatory You have to answer, but for the good of your own tribe, it's better to answer the other side."

"But it's different now. Councilor Zhong Wei, since you already have such powerful tactics, you might even bring your own tribe to the middle level, or even become a superior. Then, regarding the thoughts of the former superior tribal member Chiying Councilor, what do you think?" You don't have to worry about anything, do you?"

"Oh," nodded, although he didn't care much about the calculation of people's interests, but after all, he lived for hundreds of years, and with the pollution of the Internet in his previous life, Wu Huan still had some ideas.

In his view, this is nothing more than substituting the natural way of animal survival into society and turning it into a tribal way of survival.

If Kong Huan is really Zhong Wei, then with powerful abilities, it would not be troublesome for the tribe with Zhong Wei to develop into a superior tribe.

However, the crux of the problem is that Kong Huan is not Zhong Wei, the real Zhong Wei is probably just south of Xiaoshu Village, in the built military camp, he is having the same dream as Kong Huan experienced a few days ago.

In this way, for the sake of Zhong being temporarily replaced by Kong Huan, Kong Huan would not be able to offend Chi Ying.

"Thanks, I was too lazy before, so I really didn't notice this." Smiling and nodding to Yingge, Kong Huan noticed that this guy had come out, and seemed to become a lot more cheerful. Of course, this had nothing to do with Kong Huan himself.

Seeing Kong Huan who stood up and walked towards Chi Ying, Ying Ge thought for a while in doubt before nodding in understanding.In his opinion, perhaps Kong Huan intends to improve his relationship with Chi Ying in order to have one less enemy.After all, relying on today's performance, it is certain that the lower-level tribe where Kong Huan belongs will be promoted to the middle-level tribe. At that time, there will be two more seats in the parliament, and the right to speak will be much more, but the matter of "one less enemy and one more friend" No one will refuse.

"It's a pity that I'm just a small guard, and I don't even have the strength to join the hunting team." With a self-deprecating smile, Yingge took out the small animals he caught during the day, skinned and deboned , skewered with wooden sticks, and began to learn the unreal method of roasting carefully, so that the taste of slowly roasting is indeed much more delicious than half-burnt and half-cooked barbecue.


The next day, the team continued on the road, because the two-person confrontation game spent a lot of energy in the previous two days, Kong Huan and Chi Ying did not join again, and the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief because they lost two powerful enemies. , and also had a great time playing with each other.

After Kong Huan used a small amount of stealth experience that he usually summed up in exchange for Chi Ying's friendship, the two resumed their natural relationship before. However, relying on the good performance of the previous game, Kong Huan's status in the team has obviously improved a lot. Less, (Competition is everywhere.)
"I didn't expect that this kind of game can also increase the reputation value," Kong Huan sighed in his heart looking at the admiring players around him.

At this time, there was a sudden roar of a beast in front of him.

"Huh? What's the sound? Why does it feel a little familiar."

Frowning suspiciously, Kong Huan raised his head and looked forward, the voice gave Kong Huan a bad feeling.

After careful calculation, this place is at least six or seven days away from the south of the Pengzu. It should not be something inside the Pengzu. Then... "Could it be something I encountered when I was doing missions before?"

"Mission? Stop talking nonsense, pay attention!"

"Flying Blade, go and have a look! Everyone else is sneaking in."

During this period of time, Chi Ying had already arranged investigators.To this, Kong Huan just nodded approvingly, and then moved to the edge of the team while everyone was not paying attention, carefully releasing his mental power.Just now, I accidentally said what was in my heart to attract the attention of others, but I was startled into a cold sweat. Fortunately, because I was worried about the roar of the beast, no one cared about Kong Huan and let him fool it.

The mental power explored the way to the source of the sound along the gap between the trees, and at the moment when it was close to the target, it withdrew the mental power reflexively, and then froze again.

"How did it get here? Not good!"

"Red Shadow, tell Feiren to come back!" At the same time as he said these words, Kong Huan jumped to the top of the treetop a few steps, and turned his head to look at the target.

The unreasonable agility of the movement made Chiying's eyes fixed when she was attracted by the empty voice, but she still jumped to the top of the tree, but she didn't follow the empty words to call him back.

"what happened?"

"You!" I wanted to angrily scold the other party for not obeying orders, but Kong Huan suddenly remembered that this is not a friend clan, he is the captain just like the other party, and he is just a lower-level councilor, so he could only stop talking depressingly: "Climb high and look far away!" , it can be seen more clearly here."

Hearing Kong Huan's angry words, Chi Ying smiled nonchalantly and turned her head to follow Kong Huan's eyes. In an instant, her smile froze.

Since most of the trees in the forest are tens of meters high, ordinary creatures, even some powerful beast dinosaurs, will be covered by the trees.Therefore, when the roar of the beast happened, the first thing everyone thought of was to send people there, rather than the illusory "climbing and looking into the distance". After all, it was blocked by the forest, and you could only see the top of the tree when you climbed high.

But sometimes, some unreasonable things will appear in front of everyone, for example, the one kilometer away in front of Kong Huan and Chi Ying... the guy who may have had a relationship with Kong Huan - Tu Dragon (an epic creature with a diameter of about six meters and an unknown body length).

(I'm going, how did it get here!) Just like people don't care about two ants standing on the tip of the grass, this earth dragon didn't pay attention to the empty illusion and red shadow standing on the treetop, but the red Ying obviously couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if you don't count the spiritual coercion naturally emitted by the earth dragon, the sense of oppression brought by the huge size alone is beyond the ability of ordinary creatures. This may be the reason why Kong Huan and the others did not encounter the reason why the animals broke out.

As for poor Feiren, Kong Huan and Chi Ying didn't seem to think of him now.

"This...what is this!"

"Eh? Haven't you seen epic creatures?" Kong Huan glanced at Chi Ying beside him in surprise, but he was relieved after thinking about it. these rare species.

"Aren't you afraid! No, what epic creature? Wait! Have you ever seen it? It's impossible! I..."

(Little sister, don’t be afraid, it’s just an epic creature.) After thinking about it funny, Kong Huan patted Chiying on the shoulder who was starting to speak incoherently. He found that although Chiying was powerful, he seemed to lack self-control.

As far as Kong Huan was concerned, apart from the surprise when he saw the earth dragon at the beginning, he was left with only doubts and no fear at this time.

For ordinary creatures, epic creatures are unattainable existences, but for Youshen class, this huge epic creature is just a group of powerful (much more powerful than Youshen class), but no brains It's just a monster, the illusory state of mind at this time is much more stable than the state of mind at the soul level.

What's more, the emptiness at this moment has been seen, the other party is just eating trees like animals eating grass.

"That's right. I said that the appetite of epic creatures and eating animals can't be destroyed everywhere? So vegetarianism is the kingly way." Kong Huan is still in the mood to tease at this time, and he can see his calmness, but In the eyes of Chi Ying, who was placed aside, it seemed a bit excessive and weird.

"Go, go down, we can bypass him." Seeing that the other party has not noticed his side, Kong Huan has no more thoughts of observing.

The most important thing now is not to let the group of stalkers below offend the earth dragon. At this time, the empty phantom is just a Youshen level in the state of independent consciousness. It is very easy to run away by yourself in a real fight, but it is very easy to protect others. trouble.

"This...that's okay, right?"

"Huh? No problem, as long as you don't mess with him." Shaking his head, Kong Huan pulled the other party and jumped off the tree. From the beginning to the end, the earth dragon didn't even look at them.

An event that might have erupted into a shocking war and entered the annals of history, once again became ordinary under the illusory and plain halo. In the end, in the history of Shadow Clan, only "March 14, 3 AD, Zhong Wei and Chi Lord Shadow's friendly exchange team, a glimpse of the epic creature 'Earth Dragon' on the way, above. 'In this case.

But Kong Huan actually thought about whether to lure this earth dragon outside the cement barracks in the south of the Peng Clan, and then gather the strength of a few elders at the Youshen level to kill it in front of the Shadow Clan people, so as to give ShadowClan leaves Friends with the idea that they are powerful and invincible.

But after calculating the casualties that the friends would cause, this idea was firmly buried in the depths of memory by Void.

"Mr. Tulong, this is the second time we've met. I don't know when will be the third time?"

(End of this chapter)

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