Spore Story

Chapter 355 The Rocky Hill Ahead, Pro

Chapter 355 The Rocky Hill Ahead, Pro

"Say it! How can you not be afraid of that big guy!"

(Why should I be afraid of that big guy?)
At this time, four days have passed since the Liying Clan team encountered the epic creature earth dragon. The people in the team just woke up from the shock of the earth dragon. I really don't know who saw the earth dragon in the cracks Guy, is there any need to be so afraid?Of course, this is nothing more than empty fantasy standing and talking without back pain.

As for the Flying Blade boy who was sent to investigate from the very beginning, he was very lucky, or very smart, after discovering the existence of the earth dragon through the abnormal shadow on the ground, he retreated quickly, and the earth dragon obviously did not treat him. In this way, the little ant has been interested, so that he can save his life.

And this has become what this kid is most proud of, showing off in front of his teammates every day.Photographed by the power of the earth dragon, the other team members listened with great interest, even though what Feiren said seemed to be getting more and more outrageous, from the real "just seeing the opponent's figure from a distance" to now "under the opponent's huge mouth Walked around'.

"That's true, you can come back alive, you think you are me." Kong Huan secretly complained like this, of course, these cannot be said clearly.

However, the red shadow facing the earth dragon on the treetop was obviously the most frightened.

But now it seems that she is also the fastest to recover, how should I say it?Are you worthy of being the representative of the superior tribe?Thinking about it like this,

But now, Chi Ying is very reluctant to drag Kong Huan, asking Kong Huan to explain the story he and Earth Dragon have to tell, so much so that in order to make Kong Huan surrender, even the majesty of the superior tribe, which has little effect, is used.

From this point of view, in fact, she has not recovered yet.

"Okay, okay, it's just one time when I went out secretly. The specific situation, because I was so scared at the time, I have forgotten it now." As a last resort, Konghuan can only use this kind of fool It can be seen that the sentence is full of lies, but perhaps the sentence "too terribly scared" made Chi Ying feel a little psychologically balanced, so he didn't get entangled again.

(Could it be that the girl was thinking, "This guy was so scared the first time that he forgot the specific situation, but this time he saw him calmly. I'm just worried for a few days. Next time It must be better than him' or something like that." Kong Huan thought.

Looking back at the direction of the earth dragon, there is still a trace of doubt in Kong Huan's heart, (Shouldn't epic creatures like earth dragons live underground? Why do they always come to the ground to hang out recently?)

Since the last time I met the earth dragon, Kong Huan took advantage of the Chinese New Year to ask 8051 who came back, and the other party also roughly told Kong Huan and the habits of the earth dragon.

Just like marine epic creatures like to live in the depths of the sea, earth dragons, the epic creatures of land strata, also like to live in the depths of the earth, which can also explain why the friends failed to detect the existence of each other.As for the last incident, it can also be interpreted as being attracted to the ground by the Spirit Race people who are also underground. Although it is a bit reluctant, it is not impossible, but what about this time?

Shaking his head, Kong Huan got up and walked forward.

Nonchalantly, from not far away, he stepped over a meatball beast that was four or five times thicker than himself, and swallowed a giant snake with a thick bowl mouth, and Kong Huan buried his head and continued on his way.And the giant snake didn't respond to this either, still wriggling its mouth slowly. As for a giant spider in the woods in the distance that was peeping at the giant snake, Kong Huan felt that he shouldn't remind the giant snake, so as to break the natural world. food chain.

"I don't know what's going on in 8051. Now she comes back once a year like this. She really thinks she's a wanderer."

On April 14, 4 AD, the team finally came to the edge of the forest, where Enmur and the others had encountered their friends.

This is nothing to Void, it’s just about to get home, but the other Shadow Clan people don’t think so, because they have all seen that, the wall made of modular cement is six meters high, and the standard team with an estimated diameter of 500 meters The barracks, although at this time there is a cliff stationed inside.

"Then, that hill, didn't it exist when we came here dozens of days ago?" Enmu'er hid doubtfully among the broad leaves of trees about a kilometer away from the barracks, looking at the front with a face full of surprise, which was like a whole Objects made of rocks, talking to themselves with emotion.

But Kong Huan and the others carefully surrounded Enmu'er, relying on stealth to hide here.

In fact, Kong Huan was very impulsive. He wanted to tell a few people, "You don't need to hide. Because of yourself as a traitor, there are at least [-] Winged Men in the sky watching this place, and there are people from the Shadow Team around you." , No fewer than seven soul-level independent consciousness bodies who are good at secret investigations surround you, and their commander is my mouth tooth next to you!Ga. '

But Kong Huan felt that he was a good person, and he couldn't make the Shadow Clan people who had made friends along the way fear him, so he resolutely kept silent. (=.=XE)

"Enmur, are you sure you didn't go to the wrong place?" Hearing Enmur's words, Chi Ying frowned, looked at the barracks in the distance and asked suspiciously, because everyone in the barracks was ordered to stay inside the wall, Chi Ying couldn't see the people inside here.

But Chi Ying's keen perception told her that this place is very unsafe, not only the strange-looking 'hill' in front, but also the surroundings, and even the sky, seem to be full of dignified feeling.

"It's absolutely not wrong. When we found that thing, we all confirmed each other. There are marks around us before we returned. It is definitely where we came before." En Mur nodded firmly.

"Are you sure that hill didn't exist dozens of days ago?"

"Sure, that... sure... ah! But I'm not so sure now." Regarding this kind of thing beyond common sense, it was obvious that poor Enmu'er's brain had begun to become confused.

"Eh." Kong Huan and Chi Ying were speechless at the same time, but they both knew that this should be the place where Enmur and the others had come before. Regardless of Kong Huan, Chi Ying felt that his trip might not be that simple.

After thinking for a while, she reminded everyone in a low voice: "Well, everyone, step back a little distance and go to the woods at the foot of the mountain that we passed before. Let's rest for one night, and we will bypass that thing in the early morning of tomorrow and continue north. "

"Aren't you going to investigate?" Kong Huan added to the confusion.

"I want to go to you, there is something wrong with that thing at a glance, maybe it will be as dangerous as that epic creature a few days ago." Chi Ying said angrily, for people like them, they agree with their own feelings, But now Chi Ying felt that the concrete barracks ahead (it looked like a hill to them) was dangerous, so she decisively chose to bypass it since it had nothing to do with the mission.

With a heartbeat, Kong Huan, who was on the edge of the team, shook his head slightly when he felt the question of "whether to attack" from the members of the Shadow Team, and told the other party to continue to wait for orders through mental power.Anyway, for soul-level members who have cultivated from dead souls, it's okay to stay in one place for dozens of days without doing anything, let alone Kong Huan told them that it's only a matter of a day or two.

Now, relying on the six gods of the underworld, the [Revenant Realm] created by using the illusion technology has gradually stabilized, and has successively collected 60.00% of the souls below the soul level of the entire group, and is waiting for the final step. The ten-year long Stability test.

When the experiment is successful, the world of undead will be formally established. At that time, only the undead above the soul level and the new undead will be left outside.

"Okay, let's rest here today, Zhong Wei, come here for a while."

"What's the matter?" She looked at the worried red shadow suspiciously, did she find something?Kong fantasized about it, and felt that the situation in the barracks should have made her feel scared, but it could not be ruled out that the Shadow Clan sensed the surrounding situation strangely.

"Did you find it strange?" Looking around, Chi Ying rubbed his fingers depressedly, making a rustling sound of metal rubbing.

"Hey!" Kong Huan looked at Chi Ying with a puzzled face in surprise, and after a brief astonishment, he thought of her soul-level consciousness and perception stronger than ordinary soul-level friends, and nodded clearly.

"So you feel it too? It really isn't a hallucination." Seeing Kong Huan's nod, Chi Ying waved his hand, his expression becoming hesitant.

(Um, not only do I feel it, I'm their leader!) Thinking like this, (Did she find out, should I let the Shadow Team leave temporarily? No, then it's too obvious... Forget it, just find out I found that, anyway, sooner or later, everyone will have direct communication.)
Thinking of this, Kong Huan nodded again and said: "Indeed, I always feel that there is something watching us around."

"Eh? Surroundings?" Chi Ying's reaction was somewhat unexpected.

"Don't you feel something is watching us around?" Kong Huan looked depressedly at the strange red figure, he realized that he seemed to have misunderstood him: "Then what do you feel?"

But at this time, Chi Ying interrupted Kong Huan's words with a serious face: "Wait, why do you feel something watching us around?"

(Um, is this not asking for it?) Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong thought for a while and said, "Just recently, I always feel that something is watching us."

At this time, Kong Huan played a little trick. While he was talking, he pointed his finger under his body, it seemed that Kong Huan was saying that what was looking at us was something from the ground. This was just a misunderstanding of Chi The moves learned during the shadow's movements.

Sure enough, a few days ago, I saw the red shadow of the epic creature with most of its body buried in the ground, and was immediately attracted by the illusory movement: "You, you mean, that kind of thing actually followed us."

"I didn't say that." Kong Huan spread his hands irresponsibly, suppressed a smile, patted Chi Ying's shoulder with a serious face and said with a little desolation: "Anyway, we can't fight, we simply don't go Whatever it is, let’s talk about what you feel.”

"Oh," shaking his head as if trying to wake himself up, Chi Ying looked at Kong Huan suspiciously, and then said: "I'm talking about that hill, it doesn't look like it was formed naturally, it's weird anyway, but it looks like, It's like our house built of stones."

As he talked, he seemed to think of the five or six-meter-high wall of the concrete barracks. Chi Ying gestured excitedly and said, "Think about it, if it's really a stone house, it's that tall, and how big a person must be, Dark Ye God, I am suddenly at a loss for our actions this time."

"Why, are you scared?" Seeing that Chi Ying seemed to be thinking of retreating, Kong Huan twitched the corners of his mouth in depression. He never thought of it, but a concrete military camp would not be so courageous, but the strength is indeed strong The MP was terrified.

But for the Shadow Clan people, it's normal to 'do nothing, choose to retreat', unless it involves a situation where there is no way to retreat, then they will explode.From Chi Ying's point of view, their mission this time was just to explore a place 'far' away from the ethnic group, and it's okay to fail, but her pride as a superior tribal councilor seemed to make her hesitate.

Hearing the seemingly caring but actually stimulating words of the emptiness, Chi Ying immediately became excited: "What are you afraid of! Just follow what I said before, and go around when I get up tomorrow morning. Anyway, what Enmu'er and the others encountered was not a giant, but a giant. They're just guys who can only escape in the forest."

In an instant, the dozen or so members of the Shadow Clan present felt a chill in their bodies except for the empty illusion.

But Kong Huan shook his head helplessly. What Chi Ying said earlier obviously dissatisfied the members of the Shadow Team who had been monitoring here, and from time to time he would send out some killing missions (mostly the targets were spirits and animals =.=) Shadow The members of the team obviously have no shortage of murderous aura.

What's more, if you think about it carefully, the Shadow Team is responsible for covert inspections and sneak attacks and assassinations, which seems to be similar to the development direction of the Shadow Clan's racial talent, which feels a bit like an enemy.

"Okay, go to sleep, you'll be fine when you wake up tomorrow morning." Looking at the few people present, Kong Huan shook his head with a smile, his eyes flashed past Yingge, but unexpectedly found that the other party was actually looking around.

Looking closely at the other party, Kong Huan was even more shocked to see that the several directions where Yingge's gaze rested happened to be the location of several members of the Shadow Team who were closer.

(Is this guy's observation or perception a bit too much?) With his eyes fixed, Kong Huan nodded to the thoughtful Chi Ying, got up and came to Ying Song's side to ask, in fact, to interrupt the other party Behavior: "What are you looking at?"

"Ah, no, I just feel that the surroundings are a little quiet."

"Quiet?" Is it because the members of the shadow team frightened some small animals? After thinking about it, Kong Huan patted the opponent's shoulder and said: "Maybe that strange hill scared away the surrounding creatures, okay, go to bed early, Anyway, let’s go around tomorrow.”

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan ignored it, leaned against a big tree, and made a sleep movement.


Looking around strangely, Yingge felt that during the time he was chatting with Konghuan, the things that gave him a strange feeling before seemed to have disappeared.

After thinking about it, he couldn't find the reason, and even when the omnipotent thermal vision didn't respond, he could only attribute it to him being a guard for too long, resulting in excessive vigilance, so he also leaned on a tree The big tree fell asleep.

After a while, more than a dozen members of the Shadow Clan, including Chi Ying, who couldn't figure out the reason after thinking about it for a long time, also jumped to the top of the tree. next to sleep.

And what about illusory?In fact, they are contacting Chu Xia and the others who are in the cement barracks through spiritual power, and are determining the next course of action.

"...Then, what about Zhong Wei? This identity won't last long."

"It's nothing, Chu Xia is still using the dream world to simulate the experience of this period of time you passed on, and let him go through it again. The rest of the time is to let him 'deep sleep', but it may be because he slept for too long , lack of physical exercise, after he is replaced, I am afraid there will be a period of weakness."

"Oh, I'm really sorry, but I've left him a good position, huh." Thinking about the status of Councilor Zhong Wei in the Shadow Clan team and his evaluation from the chairman, Coupled with some of the behavior patterns and tactics experienced by Zhong Konghuan in the past few days, as long as he remembers well, it is obviously not difficult for Zhong Wei to improve the tribe's level by then.

But obviously, Chu Ling didn't see it that way: "Tch, what are you talking about there?"

"Speaking of which, isn't it good for the two parties to meet directly like this? But, according to your current method, will it scare your little friend?"

"Um, what little buddy, it sounds weird." Shaking his head depressedly, he felt the resentment from Chu Ling on the other side in a strange way. Let's do that, after all, we can't let the Shadow Clan people who have not yet identified their friends and enemies enter the territory of the friend clan, so it is impossible for them to bypass the barracks, and it is obviously best to go directly to the barracks to talk."

"And, hehe, they actually said that the barracks is a giant's hut, Chu Ling, you are all giants, huh."

"Well, that's it, when do you plan to change it back?"

"I..." I was stunned for a while, and Kong Huan suddenly realized that playing the life of an ordinary Shadow Clan member recently seems to be very good, but, "I am an elder of the Peng Clan after all. After this negotiation, if the agreement between the two parties can be determined The friendly tone, at least the tone of non-interference, should be replaced. After resting for so many days, I didn’t even do the task, so I should continue to work.”

The other side was silent for a while...

It wasn't until Kong Huan asked again that Chu Ling's voice came faintly: "Okay, okay, then, we will wait for your return."


After disconnecting from the spiritual connection, Kong Huan stretched heavily, looked at the red shadow leaning against the same big tree as himself in surprise, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"In a few days, it will be your business."

Infinite loop, ask for support, ask for support... Ga
(End of this chapter)

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