Spore Story

Chapter 356 You are such a good person

Chapter 356 You are such a good person

"Hey, Zhong Wei!"

"Uh, I'm so sleepy, please don't mess with Xiao Lingyun..."

"Zhong Wei! Get up!"

"Ten minutes more, 10 don't make trouble..."

"What a mess! Zhong Wei! Get up for me!"

"Oh, who... eh?"

Opening his eyes, Kong Huan happened to see the angry red figure, his face froze.

After calming down for a while, a flash of understanding flashed in Kong Huan's heart, but looking at everything in front of him, he still felt a little lost in his heart.
"What are you doing? You hit him so hard." Rubbing his beaten head, although he roughly knew what happened, Zhong Wei, who was the target of the role, shouldn't know, so Kong Huan sat up slowly, with a puzzled look on his face. look around.As for Chi Ying's previous attack, Kong Huan's body maintained by mind power is not something that ordinary creatures can break through. In fact, it is comparable to titanium alloy armor. (The leather is really hard =.=)

Looking around, all the Shadow Clan members around have already got up (Is Kong Huan the last slacker=.=), everyone has solemn expressions on their faces, and they are using their own stealth methods to hide in a small Carefully searched the surrounding area.

Looking up at the sky, unexpectedly, according to the plan, the friends at this time should have not launched an attack. How could the Shadow Clan people have such a reaction? Judging from the surrounding situation, both sides It seems that they are still in a confrontation, as if they have encountered it before.

"Did something happen?" His face changed into a dignified expression in doubt. It has to be said that Kong Huan's performance level has been tempered. , there is already seven points of truth in this dignified, (Did you underestimate the detection ability of the Shadow Clan?)

But Chi Ying didn't answer Kong Huan's words immediately, but looked up at Ying Ge not far away, and said approvingly: "I didn't expect Zhong Wei, you are really unexpected. At the beginning, you only brought one guard." , I thought it was chosen casually, but I didn’t expect that although this Shadow Song is not good at stealth, but other aspects of ability are so strong.”

(Does it seem self-defeating?) My heart sank slightly, and after thinking about it carefully, Kong Huan could actually find the problem.With a wry smile, Kong Huan continued to throw a puzzled expression at Chi Ying and asked, "Why don't you tell me what's going on first?"

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense."

"We were all sleeping just now, and that Shadow Song suddenly woke us up and said 'there is danger around'," Chi Ying looked at the illusion that Ying Song hadn't woken up before, thinking in his heart Continued: "Then when we just recovered and didn't find out what was going on, we suddenly saw many strange creatures around us, but it seemed that we were all awake, and they were also a little surprised. The space disappeared."

Speaking of this, Chi Ying still had doubts and surprises on his face, carefully looked around, patted Kong Huan heavily and said: "Get up, that kind of thing is very strange, it may be a dangerous stealthy predator Animals, these group activities, guys who are good at sneak attacks are very difficult to deal with, maybe we have to leave a few people here today."

What happened was similar to what Kong Huan had imagined. The problem was with the Shadow Song and the Shadow Guard. Because soul-level revenants could not touch the material world, Kong Huan did not arrange them as the main attacking force, but continued to monitor the Shadow Clan.

Before that, Shadow Song accidentally discovered several members of the Shadow Guard, which caused the Shadow Guard who was watching outside to use their mental power to approach and stun Ying Song, but they were spotted by the awakened Shadow Clan team.

In order not to disrupt Konghuan's plan, they quickly relied on the effect of the void body similar to the wall-penetrating technique to hide their bodies in tree trunks, soil, and rocks. This is what Chiying and the others called their sudden disappearance. But he could clearly feel the Shadow Guard who was retreating carefully.

It has to be said that the concealment effect brought by this ability is obviously not comparable to the stealth produced by the living body with the aid of foreign objects, but this ability lasts for a long time and is harmful to the degree of concentration of consciousness, so everyone usually uses it as little as possible.

(In other words, the main attacking force hasn't come up yet, it's just that there is something wrong with the Shadow Guard. These guys are still a little anxious.) Shaking his head, Kong Huan nodded to Yingge with an expression of approval, and then followed Chi Ying Jumped onto the tree trunk.

At this time, realizing that the Shadow Clan people were equally slow to respond to the friends' mental power, and the increasingly daring Kong Hua had already used his mental power to notify the Shadow Guard to evacuate and contacted the main attacking force.

"These creatures obviously have powerful concealment capabilities. We try to move up the mountain, where the trees are sparse, which is conducive to our activities as we have lost the advantage in stealth at the moment." In the shadow guard commanding the enemy, the captain of the 'insider' During this period of time, Chi Ying, the very conscientious captain, had already made a decision.

After finishing speaking, everyone began to gather together. Although they could still see that they belonged to the stealth state, Kong Huan could clearly feel where the members of the Shadow Clan team around him were, because through this period of life, he was aware of the stealth behavior of these members. Habits already have a clearer understanding.

(That's it,) The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, Kong Huan secretly checked the surrounding situation, thinking with satisfaction in his heart, (That's it, let's compare the two sides, and see the difference in strength between the friends you prepared and the Shadow Clan , Ga.)
This was the plan discussed by Kong Huan and Chu Xia. Although there was a small mistake made by the Shadow Guard, fortunately it didn't have much impact.

In their view, whether it is "direct contact" or "surprise attack" to capture the members of the Shadow Clan team, the subsequent communication will be a little unstable, and what the friends have to do is, in the almost head-to-head battle , defeated the Shadow Clan team, and then brought them to the barracks for a formal exchange.

Although a little unhappy about this, Kong Huan has to admit that the current creatures, even among friends whose civilization progress is very fast, still have a very obvious mentality of "the strong are respected". The power of speech of the strong is much higher than that of ordinary people.

(Then, I will act as a lower-level member of parliament, and do the two jobs of hidden referee and security at the same time.) Smiling, Kong Huan carefully jumped to the top of the treetop, under the control of the power of thought, as tight as light kung fu. Followed by the red shadow below.

"Okay, the battle...begins!"

Unlike the previous games, this is a racial confrontation. Although there is a safety insurance of emptiness, there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes and cause damage to both parties. Therefore, for the sake of friendly exchanges in the future, Chu Xia and Chu Ling are actually hiding in the air. Monitor the audience.

Although the Shadow Clan's hiding ability is good, and their spiritual power cannot be discovered by friends' spiritual power, the spiritual power of Shadow Clan people below the soul level is not enough to protect their own body from being discovered by friends' spiritual power.

Even the soul-level councilors that Kong Huan encountered only intermittently blocked the spiritual power of the Youshen-level to check, which actually had little effect.

But in order to ensure no accidents, Kong Huan still pays close attention to Chi Ying (=.=), the only soul-level councilor in the team. As for the others, they can be monitored by Chu Xia and Chu Ling. No illusory eyes.

Seeing a few Hell Butterflies flying not far away, Kong Huan nodded with a smile.

With a bang, a Shadow Clan member was suddenly pinned down by a primitive man strung out from the bushes while sneaking.

The Shadow Clan's hiding ability is indeed good, but as long as they stay still, the original people can also hide their bodies well, and relying on the spiritual command of the winged priest in the sky, they can clearly understand the surrounding situation.And this Shadow Clan member was obviously unlucky, he happened to pass by this original person, coupled with the illusory notice of war, if this original person didn't seize the opportunity to attack, he wouldn't be able to join the team.

And this original person's attack seems to be more effective than the illusory war announcement.

In an instant, all the original people lurking around used their own methods to attack the nearest Shadow Clan people at this moment.

They are different from the villagers like Shushan, they are all members of the local team of the Central Plains. In order to facilitate their actions and deal with the flying needles of the Shadow Clan, they all wear special full-cover thick wooden armor, each of them is like a diamond-shaped wooden man. The appearance, obviously also has the intimidating effect, which calmed down many Shadow Clan members.

"Damn it, it's an ambush!"

"Everyone disperse! Fight on your own, gather at the place where you rested the day before yesterday!"

With the assassination ability of the Shadow Clan, it is obvious that the effect of fighting alone will be better, and Chi Ying knows this very well.

When she found that her side seemed to be ambushed, and most importantly, Chiying was horrified to find that the Shadow Clan member, who was considered to be a strong member of the team, was caught by the other party and couldn't even move his tail. Seeing the huge gap between one's own strength and the opponent's, he quickly issued an order to disperse the assault.

(They want to disperse the assault, and the Yiren continue to monitor the sky and point out the direction to the original people; the ground troops attack in a one-on-one manner, try not to hurt them, if it is troublesome, you can let them sleep for a while. The rest organize the surrounding circle , can't let a person run away.)
After notifying the people around him through mental power, Kong Huan jumped to Chi Ying's side and said, "Be careful, they are very strong, but they seem to be gathered on that side, let's run here."

Turning his head to look around, Chi Ying seemed to be confirming the situation after hearing Kong Huan's words.

After a while, Chi Ying turned around to follow Kong Huan with a face full of reluctance, and ran towards the direction where he had rested before.

"What's going on here? Where did these wooden monsters come from?" Chi Ying, who was full of confusion, followed Kong Huan from left to right, while looking back at the battlefield from time to time to check the situation of the team members.

And during the time when the two were escaping, they were locked on by the Wingmen in the sky from the very beginning, and even the Shadow Clan members who had a member of the Shadow Guard hanging behind each of them were not far behind each of them. catch.

Relying on the protection of the thick wooden armor and a large number of combat skills provided by the military department under the Military Academy, the flying needles of the Shadow Clan were completely restrained by the Friends.

As for the sharp claws, although it can easily break through wooden armor, it is enough to provide the primitive people with a short reaction time.And these specially trained team members took advantage of this short time to turn around, first use the tentacles to bind the opponent's hands, then hold the Shadow Clan's tail, and finally, they are bound or mentally shocked...

Chi Ying had never seen a Shadow Clan member in such a state of embarrassment. He had always been a member of the Shadow Clan who sneakily attacked and assassinated their prey, or quickly evaded dangerous animals. This was the first time that they had encountered a prepared civilized army head-on.

And when Kong Huan and Chi Ying returned to the place where they rested before, Kong Huan also received a notification from the team.

(Master Konghuan, the fourteen Shadow Clan members you reported have all been arrested. According to your instructions, they were only forced into a coma and were not injured.)
(Oh, what about our situation?)

(Because of the special thick wood armor, none of the original people were injured, only one unlucky guy was bitten by a poisonous snake's tail while lurking, and the treatment has been completed, and there is no serious problem.)
"Uh," curling his tail subconsciously, Kong Huan paid a silent tribute to that unlucky guy, looked around carefully, and continued: (All the captured Shadow Clan members were taken to the barracks and handed over to Elder Chu Xia. In addition, Let your original person, Cliff Chief, personally bring someone over to deal with the two people here, of course, just change to an ordinary person to deal with me.)
(Hehe, it's useless to deal with Master Konghuan even if our team leader comes in person.)
Subconsciously smiled, Kong Huan quickly put on a worried expression and looked at Chi Ying. Fortunately, the other party was also considering where to go, so he didn't notice the abnormality of Kong Huan: "Chi Ying, do you want to go directly to the place where you rested the day before yesterday?"



At this time, Chi Ying's expression was very calm, and there was a feeling that Kong Huan could not figure it out.

I saw that she seemed to have made a lot of determination, looked at Kong Huan calmly and said: "Zhong Wei, your ability is very strong, I have to admit this."

"Now, everyone has been caught. You immediately go back to the tribe and tell the chairman what's going on here. I'll stay behind." When encountering strong enemies while hunting, the Shadow Clan has often encountered them. , leaving the situation after the break.

Obviously, Chi Ying at this time classified his strength as weaker than 'Zhong Wei', which was indeed a difficult time for such a strong Chi Ying.

"No! You're better than me, and you're still a senior member of parliament. If you want to go back, you'll go back, and I'll cut it off!" He said righteous words, but he smiled bitterly in his empty heart. He didn't expect that he would be valued so much, but at this time He obviously couldn't agree with Chi Ying's statement.

As a last resort, Kong Huan also played such a great role, (I never thought I would have this day.)
(Of course, it's better for both of us to stay, anyway, there's no danger.) But Wu Huan obviously wouldn't say such words, even if he said it, Chi Ying couldn't believe it.

Taking a deep look at Kong Huan, Chi Ying, who was ready to sacrifice, stared at 'Zhong Wei' in surprise, and his face became a little annoyed: "You! Hurry up! Why are you procrastinating!"

"No, I'm just a junior councilor! I'm the one to cut! Take care of my tribe!" (For the tribe, ga.)
Kong Huan's words seemed to make Chi Ying fall into a difficult decision, and at this time, Kong Huan tried his best to put on an impassioned look.

Although this kind of action made Kong Huan very uncomfortable, and Chu Ling could even hear Chu Ling's laughter during the spiritual communication, it obviously took some time for the people sent over to arrive here, and what Kong Huan had to do was to Play it off.

who knew...

"Well, Zhong Wei, you are a good person! Don't worry, your tribe, I will take good care of you."


After saying the above sentence, Chi Ying turned his head without hesitation, and hid in the woods without even looking at Kong Huan.

The breeze blew, rolling up a few flowers that fell in spring and summer, leaving a vacant and painful face.

"This, what is the situation? Are you really leaving?"

(Obviously, you have been issued a good card, Void Fantasy.)
"The good guy is stuck, this guy is too straightforward! Shouldn't he be talking to each other, or come to a long story! How could the plot develop into this way!" Kong Huan watched and disappeared with a little madness. the red shadow.

Obviously, he underestimated the importance these Shadow Clan people, who were still struggling to survive naturally, attached to tasks and survival.

Chi Ying's behavior, in fact, seems to many people in the Shadow Clan to be a little unscrupulous. If it was them, they would probably turn around and leave at the same time after Kong Huan's expression was broken. card ah.

(Ah ha ha ha! I laughed so hard! They are still talking to each other, emptiness? You, what are you thinking?)
Chu Ling's laughter came from his mind, making Kong Huan look helpless.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan turned over and sat on the tree trunk, with an indescribable embarrassment.Although it seemed to have been slapped once, Chi Ying still couldn't escape the surveillance of Chu Xia and Chu Ling in the sky, and Kong Huan was very confident in this regard.

"Well, Master Konghuan, are you still chasing him?"

Two female originals wearing the second-generation Youshen armor [Bronze Wall Type 1 Modification] appeared in front of Konghuan, their eyes sparkled with a light called curiosity, obviously feeling fresh about the appearance of the Shadow Clan.

For today's friends, the appearance of high-level people is obviously not seen much.But the first time they saw Kong Huan, it was the Shadow Clan's appearance, which obviously amused them.You know, not long ago, their subordinates easily dealt with fourteen Shadow Clan people, although they had the advantage of equipment and ambushes.

"This..." After thinking for a while, Kong Huan still shook his head: "Since it's me who is more powerful, he should be a little bit of a queen, isn't it? You guys have a cup of tea and then go after him."

After a cup of tea, he took a deep look at the woods where the red shadow disappeared, shook his head self-deprecatingly, and nodded to the two fidgeting generals under the tree who were lying on the ground counting grass.

"Okay, my post-retirement work is considered a complete merit, you go."

"Remember, the other party is not as easy to deal with as the previous Shadow Clan members. You have to be careful, especially her flying needles."

Hearing Kong Huan's words, the two nodded excitedly to Kong Huan, got up and ran to the depths of the woods with the sound of armor colliding.

"Shadow Clan Void, maybe it's time to say goodbye."

Gradually, the appearance of 'Zhong Wei' sitting on the tree trunk gradually became blurred...

In other words, although there is a problem with the essence this week, there must be a lot of comments, oh =w=
(End of this chapter)

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