Spore Story

Chapter 357 The status of friends is higher

Chapter 357 The status of friends is higher

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history record
On April 14, 4 AD, the representatives of the Shadow Clan Council and the Peng Clan Elderly House had their first official contact outside the 'Little Tree Barracks'.

During the contact period, the two sides conducted a friendly and comprehensive military technical exchange, and launched a confrontation drill of actual combat, stealth and anti-stealth.After half a day of rehearsal, the rehearsal ended in a friendly atmosphere.

After the exercise, Elder Chu Xia, the representative of Pengzu, said that the friendship between the two parties is sincere and can be maintained for a long time...

Councilor Chi Ying, the representative of the Shadow Clan, said that this exercise has made him fully aware of his own shortcomings, and he is very grateful for the sincere teaching given by the friendly friends of the Clan...

Well, that's history, if you believe it, ga...

The topic is back on track.

Chi Ying was obviously still caught. With his whereabouts exposed, the Shadow Clan members who are not physically superior are no match for the well-equipped Friends Clan team members who have experienced battles and are familiar with skills.

What's more, what she encountered was still a powerful formation of earth (Dunjia people), land (original people), air (wing people), and gods (youshen level). He could only end with hatred, not to mention an ordinary ShadowClan member.

Chi Ying did not receive the same 'deep sleep' treatment as other members of the Shadow Clan, but was restrained by Chu Xia with her thoughts, and led by two officers who went to arrest her, they came to the military camp they planned to bypass among.

When she was first caught, she fought hard and tried to escape, but of course it didn't work.

But after seeing the barracks, or approaching the barracks, and seeing a bunch of curious team members inside, she completely fell silent, the gap was too great.

In the hall, Shi Shiran, the two original generals who were chasing Chi Ying before, opened the curtain and walked into the small room at the back of the hall.

Seeing the Winged Man sitting in the hut flapping his wings, they quickly realized that this should be the Master Kong Huan they had seen before, because Chu Xia and Chu Ling were sitting on each other's sides.

"My lord, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Turning the teacup in his hand calmly, he gently put it on the table. The light sound when the teacup touched the stone table made the two of them pause.

This made Kong Huan suddenly look helpless: "What are you afraid of, I won't eat you."

"Though you have been reminded before, you have never fought with a member of the Shadow Clan, and you are not wearing full-face armor. I can understand this. Remember to learn your lesson! Go on."

Nodding gratefully to Chu Xia who was sitting at the side, the two generals retreated out of the hall dejectedly.

In the previous battle, although the two joined forces to attack Chiying, Chiying relied on strong stealth and flexible movements to walk between them.During the period, they seized the opportunity to leave two scars on the two of them, which were the only battle wounds in this battle, which made the two generals very embarrassed in front of their subordinates.

If it's just like this, it's okay, as long as Chi Ying is caught, the two can also infer that the congressman is strong, which is also true, but they still underestimated Chi Ying's strength.

Because he was wearing a non-full-coverage armor, Chi Ying seized the opportunity and secretly used a flying needle to attack one of them.

If it wasn't for Chu Xia, who was monitoring here at that time, using her mind power to block the flying needles for them in time, and then immediately imprisoned Chi Ying's actions, one of these two people would have been a mummified corpse at this moment.

"The Shadow Clan can't be an enemy, and it's very difficult to destroy them all." Nodding, Kong Huan said: "The other abilities of the Shadow Clan are nothing, the most important thing is the poison of the flying needle, we have no solution at all now. So, they It must be under our control, at least not an enemy."

Seeing the two people walking out, Kong Huan sighed, tapped the table and expressed his thoughts.

"Indeed." Nodding in the same way, Chu Xia turned her head, looked at the hall on the other side of the wall through her mental power, and then asked Kong Huan, "How do you plan to deal with this group of Shadow Clan people?"

"The demonstration is complete, now it's time to show kindness and communicate on an equal footing, but I don't know if it will be useful." Putting down the cup in his hand, Kong Huan smiled strangely, and under the watchful eyes of Chu Xia and Chu Ling, he folded his wings, stand up.

—————Exchange of civilizations—————

Chi Ying thought he was really unlucky.

That's right, it's really unlucky, or a tragedy, whoever encounters a broken bridge along the way, faces an epic creature, is defeated by the weak in the past, is overtaken after someone is broken, and is obviously about to win but suddenly can't move... …

In the end, he was actually taken to the 'hill' where he thought it was a giant's hut, but it was actually an unbelievably large building, but just like that, he seemed to be ignored and thrown into a cave like In the same hall.

"What are they trying to do to me? The others? Damn it!"

With this in mind, Chi Ying carefully touched the invisible but palpable wall beside her, which is why she didn't take the opportunity to escape.

Using the claws to slash and slash, the wall couldn't bear the force of the claws, and was slightly dented, but when Chi Ying retracted the claws, the wall would return to its original state, making people powerless.

"Really, what's going on?" Squatting down in the center of the area surrounded by the wall that had already detected the boundary, Chi Ying looked depressedly at the few flying needles that fell on the ground, speechless for a while, A non-toxic flying needle with the strongest impact can't break through the defense, so she is at a loss.

"Sorry to surprise you."

At this time, a voice suddenly came.

"Who!" Scarlet Shadow was shocked, his body bounced off the ground reflexively, and he bowed his body to prepare for battle.

The creatures I met along the way all spoke in a strange language, and I couldn't understand a word.She also saw the wooden figurine who defeated her team members before. It turned out to be a creature wearing wooden clothes like herself, but the opponent's clothes were very big and thick...

(It should be very heavy too,) This was Chi Ying's idea, but she was relieved when she thought of their strength, (Only such powerful creatures can wear such thick clothes.)
But when she came to an unfamiliar environment and was completely unable to communicate, Chi Ying obviously felt a burst of powerlessness and panic. At this moment, she suddenly heard a familiar speech, and she immediately woke up, looking at the target, with a hint of expectation in her heart.

"Huh? This is..."

It is about the same height as the Shadow Clan people, with the same four limbs and the same tail; but instead of hair on the top of the head, there are four long tentacles, and a single white horn protrudes from the top of the forehead, and from time to time there are streams of light like lines. However; the opponent's hands have no claws, and the tail looks ordinary, and there is no flying needle injection port.


"Four-winged monster," Chi Ying's legs trembled when he thought of asking the Shadow Clan members who had seen that kind of four-winged creature to make some preparations when he left.The sense of oppression the other party gave him was actually similar to the epic creatures he had seen not long ago. (Could it be that this four-winged monster is as powerful as the epic creatures that Zhong Wei said?)
Suddenly startled, Chiying shook her teeth, her eyes became sharper, she was very afraid because the situation was based on the inability to communicate, now that the two sides can communicate, her fear has also decreased a lot: "Where are my team members? You put them how is it?"

In order to avoid being noticed by the other party by talking too much, Kong Huan just watched Chiying's expression change. When the other party asked, Kong Huan came to his senses, smiled and waved to the side: "Your team members are fine, now we are leading They come."

Hearing that the team members were fine, Chi Ying secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

This is not only because everyone is still alive, but more importantly, it shows that the other party should have no malicious intentions.But on the other hand, it also shows that the opponent's strength is so strong that Chi Ying has no thought of resisting.

Looking ahead vigilantly, it was extremely powerful in the rumors, and after seeing the powerful four-winged monster, Chi Ying asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Is this what I want to ask?" Kong Hua's smile was very embarrassing, at least in Chi Ying's view.

Dazed for a moment, Chi Ying obviously didn't expect that he would be asked back, as if he was forced to push back.

"Don't forget, it was your people who attacked us first, and now you brought more people over, so we had to fight back against you." Spreading his hands, Kong Huan stared at Chiying's dark red eyes, He said word by word: "You know, our friends are a peace-loving and ceremonial race. If you didn't provoke us first, we would not attack you."

"This..." Chi Ying choked on Kong Huan's words, turned his eyes, and just saw his team members, who were brought in from the door by several creatures that were the same as the people he had fought with before, and then put them on the ground. Among them was Zhen Zhongwei who was limp and still full of confusion.

At this time, the illusion's sight also happened to be on the real member of Zhong Wei.

In order not to reveal the truth about his replacement, Kong Huan specially asked Chu Xia to instill in Zhong Wei a lot of tactics that Kong Huan had revealed in the past few days that could be used by members of the Shadow Clan while letting Zhong Wei go through the process of Kong Huan. Law.

At the same time, like an embedded program package, some memories of "Zhong Wei worked hard when he was a child, went out for adventures secretly, and kept a low profile" were added to his previous memories. 'Fitness, so that the character of the real Zhong Wei is reversed to a certain extent.

This kind of technology is also very advanced in Pengzu, and even before that it was still in the theoretical stage.

Using it on Zhong Wei at this time, there was no pressure on Chu Xia and the others. Although Zhong Wei did behave more naturally in the subsequent dream, more like the "Zhong Wei" played by Kong Huan during this period, but after waking up , but because of the conflict between reality and dreams, he appears very confused and confused.

According to a high priest researcher who is proficient in the dream world, this kind of chaotic period may last for several years, or even a lifetime, but it is enough for Zhong Wei to make a big change. Of course, this technology sees In the future, we need to continue to demonstrate, modify, and test...

The most important thing is that this kind of confusion looks a little like mild schizophrenia to outsiders.

"I hope you can integrate well." Looking deeply at the real member of Zhongwei who was being examined by Chi Ying, Kong Huan sighed slightly, and put on a self-conscious smiling face again.

"Don't worry, this one is just because of his strength, so when fighting us, in order not to hurt him, we had to use some special methods, and he will wake up in a few days." Shadow, Kong Huan was a little funny, or asked jokingly: "Can I ask a personal question, is this your partner?"

"You don't have to worry about it." After handing Zhong Wei to the sober Yingge and several team members, Chi Ying replied coldly, only to realize that the wall that restrained him before had disappeared.

Of course, she didn't dare to take the opportunity to attack indiscriminately. Regarding the opponent's strength, Chi Ying thought that she already had a very clear understanding, that is, the two sides are no longer at the same level. Think about the ability that makes her unable to move , and that powerful coercion.

(I don't know who is more powerful than the speaker or them?) After a daze, Chi Ying looked at Kong Huan again and asked, "Can we go?"


"What do you mean!" Looking at Kong Huan with a dazed face, Chi Ying obviously wouldn't think that the other party was a fool. Then, the other party grabbed him and waited for others not to kill him, but he wouldn't let him go. In this situation...

Thinking of some powerful monsters that have the bad habit of catching prey and playing with them, Chi Ying looked at Kong Huan's specially kind smile, and her little face turned pale with fright.

"Hahahaha, it can't be done, Kong Huan has failed too much this time!"

Chiying obviously couldn't understand the friend's words from inside the house, but when she saw the four-winged monster who was still smiling before, her expression froze suddenly, she immediately retreated to her teammates, and all the members of the Shadow Clan also immediately stood up at this moment. get together.This place has a clear view, and stealth cannot be carried out at all, and it can only rely on the strength of the group.

"Okay, okay, let me do it." Accompanied by the language of the Shadow Clan, a creature that looked similar to the previous one except for the lack of wings walked out of the room, but through the chest, the red shadow was still the same Separated the gender of the two.

Feeling a more palpitating power from the slowly walking figure, a trace of despair flashed in Chi Ying's heart.But what the other party brought Chi Ying more was the kindness like a spring breeze. She controlled not to weaken her vigilance. She opened her mouth and asked what she and the teammates around her wanted to say most: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Us?" Looking around, Chu Xia smiled and said, "We are gods."


turn back time...

Switching back to before, when Kong Huan got up from the stone table, at this moment, he stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at Chu Xia and said without thinking: "Chu Xia, I have been thinking recently, What should the position of the friends on Double Moon Star be?"

"Huh?" Chu Xia, who thought that Kong Huan was going to talk about friendship with the Shadow Clan, but found that the topic seemed to be on the moon, was stunned for a moment, and looked at Kong Huan with a puzzled face.

"Well, just take it as what I thought when I was bored," smiled and shook his head, Kong Huan waved his hand and continued, "You heard it from 8051, right? Clan, Friends Clan, Black Bone Clan and Spirit Clan."

"Among the six civilized races, our Peng and Spirit races are pretty much the strongest, and the Dunjia and Shadow races are equally strong. The Black Bone Race seems to be powerful, but now with the Peng clan The development is actually similar to the strength of the Shadow Clan and the Dunjia Clan, as for the Sea Clan..."

After thinking for a while, Kong Huan shook his head and smiled, "The Sea Clan is extremely large in number, but their strength and physical fitness are too limited. In real terms, they are probably about the same as the Dunjia Clan."

"What the hell are you trying to say, Kong Huan? Keep it simple." Chu Ling at the side waved her wings and sent a small piece of fresh meat into the mouth of the little butterfly beside her with a depressed face.

"Actually, what I want to say is that in order to fight against the enemy in the sky, we obviously need to unite the double-moon star civilization, right?"

The two nodded. This was the conclusion reached by the House of Elders after many discussions, and it was also the reason why the principle of 'as friendly as possible' appeared in the friend clan's diplomacy, because the friend clan didn't have the confidence to deal with that enemy alone.

Otherwise, in order to compete for the future resources of Shuangyuexing, no matter how good-hearted the friends are, they will probably aim to exterminate other civilized races, and will not leave obstacles for their future development.

"However, recently, when I heard the news about the civil strife of various ethnic groups in 8051, and how many thousands of people died on both sides, I was thinking about a question."

Walking around in the hut, Kong Huan said as he walked: "I was thinking that we should make good friends with all ethnic groups on an equal footing. Even if the six races of Double Moon Star can form an alliance in the future, let's look at the current situation of each ethnic group. When the alliance encounters the enemy, once something goes wrong, the internal stability will be very worrying."

When he said these words, Kong Huan had a worried look on his face.

However, Chu Xia and Chu Ling didn't cooperate with his thoughts at all, and drank tea on their own, obviously they knew too much about the habits of emptiness.

"Tch, you two really don't know how to be emotional."

"What is that thing, if you have an idea, tell me, I still have to take care of my little butterflies."


"Actually, I was thinking that the problem with our friends is that we have few people and slow reproduction. It is certain that we will leave the current civilized races in order to fight against the enemy. Then, as time goes by, the friends of the planet race The proportion of the population will become smaller and smaller, which is obviously not good for our friends, isn't it?"

"Instead of that, why didn't we take the initiative from the beginning!"

"The initiative? Is it to establish an alliance now, and then, as the leader of the alliance, unite the various races of the Shuangyue Star to comprehensively promote the development of the overall civilization?" After thinking about it, Chu Xia nodded slightly approvingly: "Indeed, if In this case, it will only take about 100 years, and Shuangyue Xing will be able to easily deal with thousands of such investigation bases."

"But," after thinking for a while, Chu Xia shook her head and said with a sigh: "If that's the case, even if the Peng Clan has a leader status in the alliance, the strength will not be comparable to other races."

"After all, according to the statistics of the Bureau of Statistics, even if we develop for another 300 years, under ideal conditions, the population will only be close to 1000 million. What kind of concept is this?"

"In the same period, other races may have more than 5000 million people. This is still a race. Among the six major races, the other five races are all guys with high reproductive rates. At that time, even if everyone blocks the enemy or even eliminates the enemy, maybe relying on With kindness, the friends will continue to lead the alliance for hundreds of years, but what about hundreds of years later?"

Shaking his head, the population problem is the biggest heart disease of the elders' home, because it directly restricts the development of the Pengzu.Even with the addition of the Dunjia tribe, the overall strength of the friends is still weakened in some respects because of equal treatment.

After all, although the Dunjia people are friends now, the Dunjia people are not friends. This is an undeniable fact.

Thinking of this, Chu Xia looked at Kong Huan hesitantly, the main supporter of 'equal treatment of the Dunjia clan' was Kong Huan, she wondered if she should take the opportunity to persuade him at this time.

"I know all of this," Xiang Chuxia nodded, and Kong Huan said with a smile: "So, we can't just limit ourselves to things like the leader."

Holding his head with one hand, Kong Huan's smile is a bit weird at this time.

"In the past, our considerations were still focused on the ordinary level, or we considered friends on the same level as other races from the beginning. Although this is not incorrect, when we recognize our own disadvantages, we must also Recognizing our strengths…”

"In order to ensure the status of the friends in the future, to maintain the unity of the Double Moon Star Race, and to ensure our strength when facing the bugs in the future..."

"If we want to do it, we have to do better, and the population problem of the Pengzu forces us to do this..."

"We, no, our race..."

"If you want to do it, you have to do it..."


(End of this chapter)

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