Spore Story

Chapter 358 The Shadow Clan's Faith, I am Thor

Chapter 358 The Shadow Clan's Faith, I am Thor
"Uh, God?"

Chi Ying and his teammates gathered together and looked up at the creature in front of him.

Although the strength of the opponent is indeed very strong, and the pressure brought to him and others is extremely great, but just saying that he is a god...

However, Chi Ying thought about it carefully, he and others really don't know what a god is like.

The chiefs of the ethnic group, and so on, are just talking about the greatness of the God of the Night, greatness, greatness, and so on...

But where is the greatness of God?how greatHow is the strength?What does it look like?Whenever these things are asked by them, these chiefs will always turn the topic back to the previous paragraph in a very natural way...

As a result, the topic will resolutely loop indefinitely, until the questioner himself has forgotten his question.

At this time, everyone was caught by the other party, and the other party claimed to be a god in front of him. Although more of them were unbelievers, Chi Ying couldn't deny the sliver of expectation in his heart.

(If she is really a god, what would happen?) Shaking her head, Chi Ying continued to think while controlling her somewhat sluggish thinking, (Thinking about it carefully, they can easily catch us, so there should be no need to lie to myself.)
Although he doesn't know the strength of the Friends Clan, Chi Ying can tell from the hill-like building that appeared in just a few dozen days and the oppression brought by the other party that the Friends Clan is obviously stronger than his Shadow Clan Go up a lot.

(No, wait, she seems to say, 'we'?) Looking up at the side of the other party, in Chi Ying's view, the only one who is worthy of the other party's saying 'we' here should be the four-winged creature (empty illusion) Bar.

(It seems that both of them are indeed very powerful. Are they really gods?)
While Chiying was thinking about it, the other party's voice came again. Since she couldn't communicate through mental power, and the friends had not yet mastered the communication of consciousness, Chu Xia had to use backward language to communicate. Fortunately, her voice naturally carried a trace of Affinity: "What you believe in is the God of Darkness, right?"

"Hey, you know?" She looked at the other party in surprise. If Chi Ying remembers correctly, this should be the first official communication between the two parties, because there is no record of the other party in the ethnic group, (then why, she knows ours What about faith? God of the night, can't you say something?)
Chi Ying, who didn't get any prompt from the 'God of the Night', shook her head depressedly, thinking to herself, (If, if the other party calls himself a god is true, and relies on the principle of 'God is omnipotent', then know that you This point of belief seems to be nothing?)

Unknowingly, Chi Ying has subconsciously expected that the other party is a real god, perhaps because for a long time, the "God of the Night" they believe in has no reason to take the initiative.

"Of course we know." Smiling, Chu Xia pointed to herself, then pointed to Chiying and said, "The god you believe in? Have you seen it? Have you felt it? Do you really believe in his existence?" ?”


"But we are real existences." Without waiting for the answer from the two, Chu Xia still maintained a gentle smile, but she could see a hint of cunning in her familiarity.

But in an instant, the Shadow Clan people who had previously been calm, or doubtful, suddenly panicked under the flickering bright light.

"Thunder, thunder and lightning!"

That's right, Chu Xia opened her Thunder Wings naturally, and then flew lightly into the mid-air, looking down at the Shadow Clan people below. After a long period of refinement, Chu Xia's Thunder Wings have completely become her own. A part of the body can be used like an arm and a finger, and through the wings of thunder, Chu Xia can even actively guide the generation and attack of thunder when rain clouds appear.

At this time, Chu Xia no longer thought about the past, and was unwilling to show her thunderous wings in front of others as if she was playing a petty temper. Now Chu Xia was able to look at it with a peaceful mind.

Therefore, when Konghuan suggested to her to show the wings of thunder, she readily agreed.

As for why Thunder Wings were used at this time, it had to be traced back to a situation that Kong Huan learned from Chi Ying and the others not long ago.

Back in time to when I just left the Broken Bridge...

"God of the night?"

At that time, Kong Huan suddenly realized that the Shadow Clan actually had its own god when they heard a few emotional members of the Shadow Clan call out this title.

This is nothing, the important thing is that Kong Huan, who has lived in the Shadow Clan for dozens of days, did not notice this situation.

"What a huge mistake."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan, who was aroused by this title, was only a little annoyed for a while, and then started to think about the next step.

Needless to say, the title of the God of the Night is just a code name. What Kong Huan thinks is, does the God of the Night really exist?If there is, what level is the other party?Will it have an impact on friends?
However, after carefully questioning the people around him about the history of the Shadow Clan gods, Kong Huan came to a conclusion that this god of the night should be just a brain supplement produced by the primitive tribe's natural worship, that is, the worship of the night.

Its origins go back to when ShadowClan was still in the forest.

Because in the dim night with low light, the Shadow Clan people can rely on good physical fitness and thermal vision to exert more powerful strength. Over time, the Shadow Clan people worship the dark night more and more.

Over time, a wise old man of the Shadow Clan finally came up with the title 'God of the Night' (words like 'god', just translation =.=), and then, with the old man's continuous efforts , because of the foundation accumulated in the past, the belief in the 'God of the Night' quickly spread to the tribes in the entire forest.

And that old man eventually became the great chief who connected the tribes.This laid a solid foundation for the relative stability within the Shadow Clan.It can be said that it is the belief system of the "Night God" that makes the civil war situation of ShadowClan rare.

From this we can see the status of the God of the Dark Night among the Shadow Clan people, but at the same time, through this history, it also shows that the God of the Dark Night is a fictitious natural god. The God at this time is completely an object of worship for ordinary people .

Then, Kong Huan doesn't have to worry that the other party is a powerful and self-aware individual who will hinder his plan.And what Space-Time Huan thinks about becomes, 'How to make more effective use of the belief of the God of the Night to benefit the friends. '

It has to be said that Kong Huan has also started to learn to think about these things, which is a great improvement in the eyes of Chu Xia and the others.

In subsequent inquiries, Kong Huan, taking advantage of Zhong Wei's status as a member of parliament, discovered something that was not valued by the 'now' Shadow Clan people, that is, thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning, like dark night, are imaginations of nature. In terms of scale, dark night is produced by the movement of celestial bodies, while thunder and lightning are only produced by ionization of clouds. The two cannot be compared, but this is not the case in the eyes of primitive tribes.

In the eyes of the primitive tribes, first of all, whenever there is thunder and lightning, the sky will become dark night (blocked by thunderclouds), so there should be a relationship between dark night and thunder and lightning, maybe it is some close relationship;

Secondly, whenever thunder and lightning break through the sky, the dark night will disappear (the strong light of the thunder and lightning), and the world will become like day, so the thunder and lightning should be stronger than the dark night;
In the end, the thunder and lightning appeared with a rumbling deterrence (bursts of thunder), while the dark night was just very calm to deathly silence.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Shadow Clan people, Dark Night is the god of "backside, stability and tranquility" to the Shadow Clan people. Its power lies in "darkness" and its grace lies in "combat power improvement"; The symbol of "strength", its prestige lies in "shock", and its grace lies in "flame".

But at this time, Kong Huan discovered a problem. Why do the Shadow Clan people only have the belief in the God of Dark Night, but not the God of Thunder?At least in the Shadow Clan team where Kong Huan is, no one has heard anyone say 'God of Thunder and Lightning'.

After all, from Kong Huan's point of view, for primitive tribes, what they generally respect are powerful existences, because at this time their beliefs are based on fear and gratitude, and internally, the Shadow Clan people who value strength very much, why do they Only respect the 'God of the Night', but not the 'God of Thunder and Lightning'?

On this issue, Kong Huan conducted an in-depth discussion with Chi Ying and other members of the Shadow Clan team (in fact, Kong Huan asked sideways to get the available content, and finally concluded by himself).

In the end, Kong Huan came up with a reason that he couldn't laugh or cry, but seemed the most reasonable.

That is, the god of thunder and lightning has a bad temper and does not allow preaching.

What happened, in fact, has to start from a long, long time ago...

In other words, many years ago, there were actually two god systems within the Shadow Clan, one was the 'God of Thunder' and the other was the 'God of Dark Night'.

In the beginning, many people in the Shadow Clan worshiped the 'God of Thunder and Lightning' because of its power.

However, unlike the "God of Darkness" that appears every night, the appearance of the "God of Thunder" is very irregular, at least in the eyes of the Shadow Clan people at first.This gave the Shadow Clan people an illusion at that time, leading them to put forward: the "God of Thunder" pursues "freedom and freedom"; the "God of Dark Night" advocates "stability and rules".

But after many years, finally some tireless chiefs of 'Thor' discovered that thunder and lightning were actually predictable.

Although this is only a small part of experience, generation after generation, relying on the accumulation of various experiences, some experienced chiefs have appeared in the Shadow Clan, who can predict thunder and lightning through the surrounding climate changes about half a day in advance the occurrence of the situation.

"This can be regarded as a pioneer of meteorology, powerful." When summing up here, the illusion is so illusory that he seems very interested.

After all, the god system within the Pengzu was completely planned by the high-level, and deviated from the direction of natural god worship from the very beginning, while the Shadowclan now looks more like the development history of ordinary primitive tribes. At the same time, the end of meteorological data Due to various reasons, the Friends Clan has only been around for a few decades, and it would be a great thing to gain experience from within the Shadow Clan.

Back to topic...

At this time, within the ancient Shadow Clan, especially in the relatively powerful "God of Thunder" belief system at that time, more and more chiefs had the ability to predict thunder and lightning because of relying on experience, and their predictions gradually became more accurate. People's belief system began to face a contradiction: Since thunder and lightning can be predicted, then the so-called "freedom and unrestrained" divine will of the "God of Thunder and Lightning" does not seem to be very correct?
Any change in religion will bring turmoil, not to mention the nature of God, thinking about "God's will".

In the end, the Thor chiefs who knew nothing at the time determined that the divine will of 'freedom and unrestraint' was wrong, but of course it was not the gods who were wrong, but the chiefs who misunderstood the divine will.

However, it was the chiefs who proposed this divine will a long time ago, and they have already been reduced to a touch of loess, so it seems meaningless to pursue it.Therefore, the more practical chiefs modified the divine will of the "God of Thunder and Lightning" and changed it into "strength and deterrence".

The change caused a large number of people who joined the belief in Thor because of the original divine will to change their beliefs. Some joined the "God of the Night" system, and the other part chose to be stubborn, trying to prove that the original divine will was correct.

In the competition between the two major belief systems, the God of the Night began to gain the upper hand.

At that time, within the Shadow Clan, it was a complete organizational method in which "gods" managed the chiefs and the chiefs managed the people. After losing the believers, the strength of the Thor system was greatly reduced, and the chiefs of Thor were extremely dissatisfied with this.

On the one hand, in order to restore the decline, and on the other hand, in order to prove the correctness of their own divine will, they put forward the proof of the "existence of God", intending to establish communication with the "God", so as to obtain the personal guidance of the "God".

Fanatics are indispensable in any religion, whether it is the "God of the Night" or the "God of Thunder" in ShadowClan.

Therefore, at almost the same period, the chiefs of the 'God of Thunder' and the 'God of Night', in order to strengthen their own forces, successively made various actions that they thought could communicate with the gods.

The disciples of Thunder God made an extremely crazy decision. When the thunderstorm came, they guided the thunder and lightning into their bodies... 囧
Well, let's totally take that as the idea of ​​some burnt-out mind, but these fanatics among the chiefs actually did it.As a result, everyone can imagine that several tragic and fanatical chiefs, whether they were from the original gods or new gods, were struck to death by the lightning they worshiped.

Speaking of this, Kong Huan was surprised to find that these chiefs actually knew how to attract lightning on the big tree.

And this kind of tree that was often struck by lightning and they called it the Thunder God tree, found under the guidance of Chi Ying and others, it was actually a calcium carbide tree...

"Sure enough, the two have something to do with each other."

The death of a large-scale Thunder God chief gave the 'God of Thunder' a divine evaluation of 'temper', and at the same time, the chiefs of the 'God of Night' belief system were obviously much smarter, they just...

When the night comes, meditate;
When a thunderstorm comes, meditate;
Meditate during a storm;
On a clear day, meditate;

If this is the case, in fact, the two are not the same, and it is just that the chiefs of the "God of the Night" have better luck, but this luck is a little too good in the eyes of the current emptiness...

Because, on a certain day, on a certain day, on a cloudless day... there was a solar eclipse... 囧
"In this way, everyone can clearly see the strength and gentleness of the God of Darkness, and the chiefs of Thunder God seem to have given up in the end. They said that because Thor doesn't like preaching, they will destroy those chiefs , and let his divine will become so unpredictable."

"In the end, most people turned to the 'God of the Night', and only a small number of stubborn people still retained the belief in Thor, but speculation about Thor's will led to chaos and looseness within them. Up to now, Thor believers There are very few."

Speaking of this, Chi Ying looked suspiciously at Kong Huan, who was playing Zhong Wei at the time, and said, "Speaking of which, there seem to be a few people in your tribe who believe in Thor."

"Oh, really."

At that time, Kong Huan didn't think much about it, but just remembered it in his heart. After returning to the Peng Clan, when Kong Huan made up his mind to improve the status of the Peng Clan among the civilized races of the Double Moon Star, he thought of the awe of the Thunder and Lightning from the Shadow Clan. .What's even more coincidental is that Pengren is very good at using electricity because of the energy core, which provides a good foundation for the illusory flickering drama.

Time resumed, and the scene changed to the barracks square.

At this time, Chu Xia was carefully controlling her aura, looking at the dozen or so Shadow Clan people shivering with fright from the dazzling Thunder Wings behind her with a gentle face.

"...I have to say that this is an arrangement of fate. You are destined to come here, this kingdom of gods, and guide Thor's belief again."

"Go back and tell your speaker that the God of Thunder and Lightning came from here. They said, return to my faith and accept my leadership, and you will have a better future."


There is no doubt about Chu Xia's level of deception. She has been the head of education for more than ten years. There were a dozen of them, and the rest were students of Chu Xia.

This is not about Chu Xia's status, but about her ability.

Using this ability to deal with the Shadow Clan team, which is nothing more than a primitive tribe and knows how to sneak, continue to sneak, or sneak all day long, is not difficult at all.

But in half a day, under the flicker of Chu Xia's kindness and power, all the Shadow Clan team fell into the belief of Thunder God from top to bottom.

"In this way, Chu Xia will really take the position of the God of Thunder and Lightning." Chu Ling chatted with Kong Huan through her spiritual power.

"Yes, but Chu Xia said that she seems to have some ideas about entering the Yin God level. It is not easy to build an altar at this time. It seems that she can only spread the divine will, and not build a temple."

"It shouldn't be a problem. After all, the Pengzu uses the temple to control, and for the Shadowclan, it seems better for us to promote the divine will first." Smiling, Chu Ling seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "Aren't you going to use the entire Is the friend race included in the race of gods?"

"The high-level people are fine, but how can we explain the strength of ordinary people?"

Speaking of which, why are there so many fewer comments?Ga.

Please give us your opinions, so that we can know how to write stories that everyone likes, right? O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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