Spore Story

Chapter 359 Three proposals, the meeting of friends

Chapter 359 Three parties, the meeting of friends

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The heat of summer has once again attacked the creatures living in it. Pengcheng, located in the middle of the subtropical zone towards the equator, has had to face the attack of high temperature for a long time.

Fortunately, at the very beginning of planning, Pengcheng was designed with a drainage system and a large number of plant environmental protection systems. In addition, the residents of Pengcheng came from Gashan and established good hygiene habits for a long time. With due diligence, the whole friend city looks very clean and tidy.

And a large amount of green makes the air in Pengcheng clear. Even in such a hot climate, Pengcheng, which is mostly covered by tall trees, still looks cool and fresh, but there is no corruption in the forest.

In the center of Pengcheng, there are three ordinary-looking buildings. Everyone who walks by them will subconsciously glance at them. There are various emotions in their eyes, such as awe, respect, and yearning. These three buildings are respectively yes:

The management compound located in the center of Pengcheng looks like an ordinary folk compound from the outside, but inside there is a two-story small building covering a large area, which is the residence of the patriarch and the deans of the various courtyards. The office location is also the core of the Pengzu's government affairs management, stationed in the Executive Yuan of the [Top Management];
Located at the southern end of the management compound is an oval-shaped building with a three-meter-high courtyard wall. There are still two floors of small buildings inside, but there are three buildings, one for office, two for accommodation, and of course, warehouses and the like. , still exists, but I won’t specifically explain it here. This is the highest decision-making unit in Pengcheng, and it is also the gathering place for high-end strength. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a monster concentration camp like Shenting. This is the [Presbyterian Court];
Located at the northern end of the management compound, there is a compound with six special buildings despite the same courtyard walls, and there is a large open space. Each building here has its own style, or obelisk, or Semicircle, or cube, etc.Because each of their buildings represents a righteous god, including the square gods, and two foreign gods, who are the special high-level people of the friends, and the elders' house on the other side of the friends, [Shenting].

Shi Shiran swayed his body, Chu Jie, who was still in the temple, only felt that the scenery in front of him turned around, and he came to the courtyard of the God Court.

Turning her head to look at the several buildings in Shenting, Chu Jie curled her lips in disdain. Although she built her own building first, Chu Jie didn't give any face to Bai Nong who proposed to build such a thing, and only gave one Rated 'so ugly'.

In Chu Jie's opinion, instead of thinking about such a weird building, it would be more beneficial to build a two-story house for herself.But for this, the people in the elders' house seem to be very persistent, and the two gods from the outer domain seem to support it, but they have an attitude of wanting to welcome but not daring in front of Chu Jie, probably because they think they disagree with Chu Jie It is a bad thing.

"The two guys in Mengying are like this. They always look forward and backward in doing things, and they are not frank at all." Shaking her head, Chu Jie looked away from the buildings of the two gods of the outer domain. As a result, the building is made of trees according to the other party's preferences, full of greenery.

Since the God of Outland mainly manages the group of friends who are far away from the friend city, most of the temples are far away, and there is only a small temple among the friends, which is used as a transmission symbol during the meeting.Therefore, under normal circumstances, you will not see two righteous gods from other domains in the Friends Clan.

But today, the Elder's House seems to have received illusory communications, and everyone needs to discuss something.

"It's really strange. What important things does the ethnic group want to discuss? People from the God Court, the Elder's House, and the management team need to participate... Ah, Mr. Chu Jie." A burst of brilliance flashed, and the latest righteous god from the outer domain suddenly appeared In front of Chu Jie, Chu Jie accidentally experienced the feeling of being startled by someone's sudden appearance. I have to say, is this retribution?
"Oh, it's Tia, you react really fast, and I don't know what's going on."


"By the way, Tia, how is the group in the west doing?"

Tia is the latest righteous god to appear, and she is also the No.2 female righteous god in the gods. After she appeared, she took over the management of the original outland gods, Mengying, in the west under the distribution of the gods and elders. Become [Far West God].

In this way, the League of Nations will only be responsible for the management of friends on the southwest continent, while Tia will be responsible for the ethnic groups on the extreme west continent.

With the gradual maturity of the Shenting, the way of spreading the belief of the righteous gods, and the accumulation of experience have become more and more perfect, and the firmness of the Shenting's beliefs in the outer domain is much higher than that of the Peng Clan.

Because within the Friends, the God's Court is more like a management institution like the Elder's House and the management team, rather than a transcendent religious institution. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary friends, no matter whether it is the God's Court or the Elder's House, it is just that the direction of the managers is different.

I have to say that it is because from the very beginning, the friends did not keep Shen Ting mysterious among friends. Everyone knows too much, so that when friends look at Shen Ting, they are far more detached than Dunjia people and foreign friends. .

A good example is that when talking about the Shenting, the friends of the clan and friends think of "I want to enter it"; the Dunjia people say "the original Shenting blesses"; From this we can see the attitude of the three parties towards Shenting.

Hearing Chu Jie's question, Tia nodded gently and cautiously.At least in terms of demeanor, Tia, who grew up in the temple, is obviously more beautiful than Chu Jie and the others.

If the original Four Righteous Gods gave people the feeling of gentle and majestic elders; then the present two Outland Righteous Gods gave the people of the two ethnic groups the feeling of being sacred and elegant gods.

"The Yuanxi Peng nationality now has a population of more than 3, but because there is no grassroots race like the Dunjia nationality, the development of a large number of people has been restricted by agriculture. Up to now, only three provinces have been established, and a central city (similar to Pengcheng), two provincial capitals, 27 towns..."

"Just tell me how everyone's life is. Everything else is the management's business. Let's not get involved. I'm tired." Shaking her head nonchalantly, Chu Jie smiled and nodded to the two righteous gods who had just appeared. Nodded, then pulled Tia and walked towards the elders' house.

As for Chu Jie's words, Tia was noncommittal, but she didn't show it on her face. She just thought about it and said: "Everyone's life is obviously much better than before, but it's just not as good as the current level of friends. The copper coin market also One was built, but because of agricultural restrictions, commerce was not very developed, and the factory was temporarily under the responsibility of the management agency under the Shenting, and the copper coins were only issued 100 million pieces, and it was temporarily stopped for stability."

"It's not bad, barely catch up with Pengzu around AD 8, keep working hard."

"Yes, Master Chu Jie."

At this time, the courtyard shone with light again, and Meng Ying, who had officially assumed the post of [Xilu Zhengshen], also appeared in front of everyone.Seeing Tia who arrived earlier, Meng Ying seemed a little surprised. He looked at Tia responsibly, then nodded to several people present, and followed Chu Jie without saying a word.

"Mengying, why are you so quiet, how about your Xilu?"

"Yes, Master Chu Jie, the Peng Clan's Xilu ethnic group now has a population of 4.2, with three Yiren clans and nine Yuanren clans. People's lives have been stabilized in farming mode, but commerce and industry are not very developed, so No copper coins have been issued for the time being.”

"Life is okay. If you lack experience in the development of Outland, you can actually apply to the management to set up a few targeted books, and ask the God of the Earth to send them over. You just pay attention to building the school." Speaking of this, Chu Jie also asked Tia nodded. In this regard, at the beginning, only one book was sent from the two places. Now it seems that the development of the two places is very different, perhaps because of their righteous character.

But Chu Jie had no experience in this matter, so she could only ask the two of them to ask Lingxue and the others if they had any questions.

"Thank you Master Chu Jie, we will go to Master Zao Lingxue immediately if necessary."

It has to be said that with the passage of time and the improvement of the various systems of the friends, even within the Shenting, there seems to be a certain level of division.Among them, whether it is in terms of strength or qualifications, Chu Jie has become the No. 1 among them.

As a result, Shenting vaguely seemed to be headed by Chu Jie.It's just that because of her personality, Chu Jie doesn't seem to know this yet, and she still does things carelessly.

"Hey! Die Wu, today I want to eat calcium carbide fruit platter!"

Chu Jie, who entered the big room of the elders' courtyard, unceremoniously ordered Die Wu, the second patriarch, and everyone was accustomed to this, but Lingxue shook her head speechlessly, and walked away easily with a full face. Die Wu whispered in the past: "You just get used to your god like this, don't become a pig."

"Hehe, Master Lingxue, you are joking."

Although the two have the same status after entering the elders' house, Die Wu adheres to the attitude she had when she was the high priest of Chu Jie (the head maid). She was polite to everyone and continued to care about Chu Jie. Run to Chu Jie's temple.

As a member of the original Gaga team, Chu Yi's right to speak is obviously second only to Chu Jie.Sitting down and looking around, Chu Yi asked after most of them arrived.

"What's the matter this time, do all three parties need to come?"

"I heard that Master Kong Huan and Master Chu Xia announced it, but our temple has not received any notice. Speaking of which, Master Kong Huan seems to be in the south?"

"It's through magnetic field communication, and letters transported by Chu Ling's Hell Butterfly."

Lingxue, who took out a pile of documents from the hut, happened to hear the discussion of Chu Yi and the others, smiled and handed over the documents in her hand to everyone, and then pointed to a few hell butterflies perched on a big tree in the elders' courtyard.

"So that's it, so we can relax a little bit later?" Speaking of this, Zhan Scythe, who had recently transformed his flaming body into a normal state of mind, smiled.

He did it from the bottom of his heart, because sending the letter would delay his training time, if not, he would have been able to return to his normal Winged Man form a few years earlier.If magnetic field communication and other communication can really replace the communication methods of the temple, then the righteous gods can also concentrate on cultivation.

However, Lingxue just smiled at this, and shook her head and said: "The magnetic field communication cannot be kept secret now, anyone who can speak energy language and have energy control up to LV3 can receive it; Their own characteristics, small body and poisonous body make them not easy to be attacked, and with the support of Chu Ling, the Hell Butterfly can bring back the letter more quickly and accurately, but the time is still not enough."

"I want to rest, I'm afraid you will have to wait for a long time."

Speaking of this, Lingxue also looked at the two righteous gods of the Outland, Meng Ying and Tia.Now the ethnic group's control over the two outer domain ethnic groups is completely dependent on the two righteous gods, and other communications are unable to work due to the distance factor.

As for the 8051, it can only be used as insurance, and it cannot become a conventional method.

At this time, everyone began to read the report sent by Lingxue.

"The Clan of the Gods?"

Smiling with a bit of distress, Mu Wen put down the document in his hand and looked at Lingxue: "Master Kong Huan is still so good at tossing around, but this time, is it a little too much? This is changing the positioning concept of the entire ethnic group."

It has to be said that letting people above the soul level serve as high-level people has also produced an unrealistic and unexpected benefit (I am afraid I have not realized it until now), that is, compared with ordinary people who only have a lifespan of about 100 years, they can It is said that the personnel of the three parties present, as long as there are no accidents, are individuals who can easily live for hundreds of years.

In this way, when everyone thinks about the problem, the time span will be stretched to hundreds of years, instead of the decades of ordinary people. In other words, when the people present think about the problem, they are very long-term.

If not, I am afraid that many of the decisions made by Kong Huan from the perspective of the ethnic group would not be recognized, because most of them are decisions of 'long-term work, which will not have much effect in the short term, or even weaken the ethnic group'.

The same is true for the proposal of the "God Clan" now, and it has gone a step further.

"If we really do it like this, I'm afraid there will be problems with the Dunjia tribe. We even have to start adjusting the territories of both sides. Is it really good?" After thinking about it, Mu Wen continued: "The most important thing is Yes, in this way, our entire friend clan will be deified, and the institutional reforms, educational revisions, system adjustments, etc. involved in it may not be resolved with a few sentences now."


Nodding, and putting the cut fruit in front of Chu Jie, Die Wu said: "This family has always treated the foreign family and the internal situation with a relatively equal attitude, but if it is modified, no matter whether it is friendly to the outside world or China The Dunjia Clan, the temporarily neutral Shadow Clan, the hostile Spirit Clan, or the internal Yiren and Yuanren, will probably cause quite a problem.”

"For example, the Dunjia tribe who originally communicated with each other on an equal footing will suddenly become the first class. This may have a big impact on the Dunjia tribe who are already somewhat dissatisfied with their status in the friend tribe."

Putting down the knife in his hand, Die Wu nodded to Lingxue and Mu Wen and continued: "On the other hand, although the winged people and the original people within us are very closely related, they become the Protoss, how to divide the two classes in the group?" , Is it based on strength? By pupation? By original status? Or by knowledge..."

"In this regard, we can actually rely on the division of grades to solve the problem, just like the ranks of ordinary workers, technicians, technicians, and researchers to determine the status of workers." After thinking for a while, Lingxue answered Die Wu's question.

But Mu Wen shook his head: "Master Lingxue, I'm afraid there is still a big problem with the division of levels. Up to now, the military department has only completed the division of the internal levels of the ghost level, and there is still no clue about the soul level." .”

Hearing this, Long Yue, the head of the Military Academy, who is directly under the Ministry of Military Affairs, got up and nodded depressedly, and said apologetically, "The Ministry of Military Affairs has also done a lot of work on the level issue, but the actual combat ability and fixed ability are really important. It is not very easy to confirm, I will continue to urge them in this regard, but I hope the elders' house can give us more time."

"Don't worry about this. According to the latest statistics, there are only more than 7000 people above the soul level in the entire friend species (including Outland), and there are only a dozen of us who appeared in the friend race at the Youshen level, but the total number of friends is 23. More than [-] people. That is to say, the classification of Yinhun level can already be used as the general division of friends, and those above the soul level can take their time."

"Moreover, even if the status of the entire friend clan is to be revised, the adjustment of this 'God Clan' will not take a day or two, and it may take decades." Nodding, Dark Blood smiled and said to Long Yue : "It's empty, he really can't sit still, and then ask the military department to sort out the division method, and send it to us for confirmation, and then it can be implemented, but..."

Speaking of this, Dark Blood's eyes suddenly lit up: "You all just saw the difficulties in the establishment of the Clan of Gods. And the problems that the Clan of Gods faced when modifying the essence of the Friends Clan at this time, although this is also very important aspect, but don't everyone see the benefits of success? And the importance of this to the ethnic group?"

"Think about it, when we succeed, the concept that the friends are gods has penetrated into all races, sometimes a single 'name' can make them hesitate when they try to resist, and at the same time, with the title of 'gods', we also We can safely develop part of the technology to guide other species to recognize us in a way of grace, and we can manage it better in the future."

"Even, by controlling the belief of the Double Moon Star species, we can make the friends completely invincible...Of course, this refers to the interior of the Double Moon Star, and we still have 8051, ah, also It is the powerful backup of the god of the earth, Kong Ling."

Facing the dark blood, everyone subconsciously looked at the previous report again.

People who are familiar with this report can clearly see that it was sent out in vain, and then it was copied verbatim by the Elders' Court. It clearly stated the problems faced by the current ethnic group, the crisis faced by the ethnic group in the future, and becoming a protoss The benefits brought, but obviously, the benefits and success rates mentioned by Dark Blood and Void Fantasy cannot be denied by everyone.

"Indeed, a 'crisis oppression' forced us to consider changes, and a 'benefit attraction' allowed us to find our goal. It seemed impossible not to embark on this path."

"So, from now on, we will all be 'gods' no matter whether we are righteous gods or not." Lingxue smiled slightly mockingly, propping her head with one hand, shaking the wings behind her, and looked at the crowd.
"Then our votes are all gods, now it's God's meeting, hehe."

"So, gods, express your opinion."


I'm really sorry I'm a little late today, my work and rest are all messed up, ga =w=
(End of this chapter)

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