Spore Story

Chapter 360 Thunder, Double Moon Star's Religion

Chapter 360 Thunder, Double Moon Star's Religion

Pengcheng Nursing Home
The noon sun was still shining brightly, but with the cover of the canopy of more than a dozen big trees in the compound, only the roofs of a few houses were exposed to direct sunlight.

At the same time, after passing the test of the Pengcheng Technology Bureau, the urban water supply system formed by suspended water towers and transport waterways that has just been established in Pengcheng is constantly flowing, taking away the heat that permeates the city.

It's just this first public welfare system that is funded by the management and manpower provided by the people. The cost of [-] copper coins makes the manager of the Ministry of Finance quite dissatisfied, but he doesn't mind spending time with his wife and children at home. , to experience this more convenient way of water supply than well water.

At this time, the high-level members of the entire friend clan are gathering in the compound, sitting in their favorite places with each other, doing favorite movements... and continuing to discuss the previous topic.

"Okay, okay, there are three main purposes of our meeting this time."

"One is to determine whether the Peng Clan accepts Kong Huan's proposal of 'change to the Clan of Gods'. Everyone has discussed this for so long, and it seems that there is no opinion."

Seeing everyone nodding one after another, Lingxue clapped her hands and continued: "The other one is to let everyone be mentally prepared, because this proposal will not be officially proposed until next year's annual meeting. Before that, we must do a good job. Don't be confused by a group of high-ranking officials and mayors at the meeting about the preparation of the details."

In this regard, the people around are noncommittal, obviously very confident in their own abilities.

"However, our main purpose is to discuss the identities of those ordinary people in this 'Clan of the Gods'." Touching the table, Lingxue returned the teacup handed by Diewu, smiled and nodded to continue Said: "According to what Dark Blood said before, after all, more than 90% of our friends belong to the regular ghost class."

"That is to say, most of our friends are about the same as people of other species."

"But here, the school of priests has recently summed up an interesting phenomenon." Speaking of this, Lingxue smiled, and let go of her mental power to cover the entire elders' house: "The consciousness level of a primitive child is close to the ghost level. As long as he grows up for a few years, he will definitely enter the ghost level; and a friend of the ghost level, or wingman, only needs to work hard, long or short, and it will take decades to definitely enter the soul level , but Yuan Ren has to work harder, it’s still fine.”

"However, our research on the Dunjia race shows that other species are different from the Peng race. After their children are born, they are only in the middle or even early stage of the ghost class. To enter the ghost class from the ghost class, relying on hard work, it takes more than ten years. It is possible, but to go from the ghost level to the soul level, you need to pay many times more effort than the friends."

"After careful calculation of the ratio, the school of priests found that under the existing cultivation ability, the ratio of the friend clan's ghost level to soul level is 10:1, while the Dunjia clan's ghost level to soul level ratio is 130:1."

There was a sound of breathing around.

"The gap is very big. I really don't know. I was shocked." Lingxue took a sip of the tea in the cup, looked at the thoughtful people and said, "The school of priests and the Technical Bureau After the joint research, the explanation given is: each biological species has its own conditions and limitations, which leads to many inequalities in the improvement of strength, and our species obviously has better physical conditions than the Dunjia race. .”

"What about the Spirit Race? Have you studied it?"

"This," Lingxue froze, and said with a wry smile: "The Spirit Race has indeed been studied, but the information is too little, so it can't be accurate. Combined with the intelligence analysis of the three major teams breaking into the Spirit Race, the breeding of the Spirit Race and the relationship between the friends and relatives It is different, the proportion of soul level among them is very high."

"In this way, isn't the Peng Clan much worse than the Spirit Clan?"

"Don't underestimate yourself." Shaking her head, Lingxue said with a smile: "From the information from 8051, oh, Kong Ling, although the Spirit Race has more soul levels, the ratio of their soul level to the Youshen level , but it is extremely large, even close to 2000:1.”

"What's more, the longest of their Youshen-level rulers may be thousands of years old, but none of them has reached the peak of Youshen-level."

"And what about our friends? The ratio of our friends' soul level to Youshen level is 300:1."

"Of course, there is also the problem of the ratio of the soul-level junior high school to the peak four levels. I won't explain it here. What we need to understand is that although the spirit race is stronger than the friend race now, in terms of further developing high-end strength, the friend race is more difficult. The family still holds the upper hand.”

"I think that our greatest strengths are Master Kong Huan and Master Kong Ling." The head of the Executive Yuan blurted out jokingly, and the people around were stunned, and then nodded in agreement.

"Well, that is indeed the case, but it is enough for everyone to know that."

Looking at the crowd, Lingxue smiled and said: "Then, what we need to solve now is to call the Peng Clan the 'God Clan', or 'God Clan' for short. As for the 'God Clan', the Peng Clan There are a lot of ordinary people with ghost-level strength, we still have to think about it carefully and give a relatively reasonable explanation."

"What is the consideration of the elders' house?"

"Yes, this is actually just a detail that needs to be perfected. After confirming the development of the status of the friends, it is impossible for us to say that we are a protoss or a protoss. We must gradually establish this concept in people's minds."

"Indeed, but the problems of ordinary people must also be solved. Even with the various training methods provided by the Ministry of Military Affairs, it will still take time for friends to improve their overall strength. We are still in the early stages of development, and it is time to continue our strength."


The meeting of friends looks like a small chat, but this kind of relaxed discussion atmosphere just enables people to think about the problem more clearly and comprehensively, so as not to fall into a strange circle because they are too entangled in one point. The time is obviously a bit long.

Fortunately, the Presbyterian Court, the Divine Court, and even the top management are relatively free because of the lazy principles of "decentralization and delegation" when the management organization was first established. There is a lot of free time to discuss these long-term plans .

As for issues related to the elders' house, Lingxue usually made the speech. After thinking about it, she said: "After receiving the communication, the elders' house discussed it according to Kong Huan, Chu Xia and Chu Ling's ideas. I believe that since it is a 'God Race', we must grasp the two words 'God' and 'Clan'."

"'God' shows our strength and status. In this regard, Youshen-level and Soul-level can be included in 'God'." Speaking of this, Lingxue looked at the people who were doing it, and half of them were Youshen-level , and the rest are all soul level and above, this can be regarded as a gathering of high-end strength of friends.

"For example, listing the soul class as 'half-god', 'quasi-god', and 'beginning god' is just a title. The important thing is strength and being listed as a 'god', while the Youshen class is Include titles like 'True God'."

"In this regard, our opinion is that it is divided into two aspects: one is [God level], that is, the level of God, which needs to be discussed after the military department lists the level above the soul level; It is the duties of the gods, such as owning the temple, the normal preaching is "so-and-so righteous god", and the one who manages the world of undead is "**underworld god"... These are just titles, and they will be settled soon."

"As for us now, we should pay attention to the 'clan'."

"From the perspective of the elders' house, this is the key to solving the problems of ordinary people. In this regard, the management has a good suggestion." Speaking of this, Lingxue looked at the wood grain.

Nodding his head, Mu Wen glanced at everyone calmly, and then said: "In this regard, for people below the soul level, our idea is to list them as 'God Son', 'Original God', etc., which are still just titles. Question, but considering that Master Chu Xia is intervening in the belief system of the Shadow Clan in the form of 'Thunder God', and friends happen to have energy cores..."

Curling his lips, Mu Wen said calmly: "So, we use the energy core as a characteristic of God, and make an announcement to the outside world. It is precisely because our friends have energy cores that they are called the clan of gods. Note, It's a 'clan', not an individual."

"As long as it is a race, there are differences in strength, size, and age, and this smoothly explains the question of 'why ordinary people are weak and weak'."

"Oh, but in this way, how do other creatures with energy cores in nature explain it?"

"Uh," both Lingxue and Muwen froze. The energies of the elders' house and the management seemed to be focused on explaining the identity of the ordinary people of the clan, but ignored other species. If the energy core is from the Protoss logo, what about other creatures with energy cores?
"What's the trouble?" Opening her mouth to swallow a Calcium Calcium Fruit, Chu Jie smiled and said, "There is a word 'human' in the friend, so the ordinary people of the friend clan are 'God Man' or 'Human God' What; and those creatures with energy cores, we all claim that they are the 'divine beasts' or 'sacred dragons' of the protoss."

With a weird smile, Chu Jie continued: "Anyway, the species of Shuangyuexing will be under the control of 8051 in the future. If you want to ask 8051 for help, it is not difficult to point out creatures with energy cores, and species like Shuangyuexing should not be difficult." More. If it’s feasible, it doesn’t seem difficult to divide it into several main consciousness positions, just like the net rabbit, isn’t it just having a power core.”


"The relationship between emptiness and 8051 can indeed be exploited."

"How can you say use it?" Mu Wen smiled and said: "Master Kong Huan and Master Kong Ling are our controllers. Isn't it their wish that the development of the friends is good?"

"You guys..."

"Hey, Longyue, why does it feel like everyone is talking about words?" Tia, who was considered young in both the Shenting and the Elder's Court, was surprised by what everyone said, and whispered to Longyue beside her, but they obviously Ignore the powerful hearing of the Youshen class, even though she entered the Youshen class a few months ago.

"Little girl, this seems to be a matter of words, but at this time of words, we have determined the internal level of the future friends and the future development of the race. Listen carefully, and you can manage the Far West tribe well in the future. Isn't it?"

"Ah, yes, Master Lingxue."

"However, if you think about it carefully, the current overall strength of the Pengzu is not much higher than that of other races. If the status of the Pengzu is raised in this way, will other races recognize it?" Long Yue, the head of the Military Academy, asked a little worried. road.

After hearing this, everyone calmed down a little.

"No matter what we say internally, we call ourselves gods or humans, but if other races don't recognize it, can't we?"

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lingxue looked at Chu Jie and said, "The emptiness' suggestion in this regard is to set up a special missionary organization directly under the Divine Court to train members of various races to become missionaries, and even use the temporary of the fantasy world, to be trained to preach within their race."

"As for God, what God is is strength, mystery, majesty, and kindness." Looking up at the sky, Lingxue said with emotion: "We rely on the illusory research model, plus the three major research institutes of the Technology Bureau, the Armed Forces Department, and the Priest School. Institutions, for sure, can gain strength beyond other species, which will be seen in a few decades."

"In order to ensure that we will not be suspected before gaining strength beyond that of other species, the inside of the Pengzu should be closed to outsiders as much as possible to keep it mysterious. In this way, it will involve the handling of the Dunjia tribe and future communication with other tribes. contact..."

"For the issue of the Dunjia clan, the management's proposal is not to separate them from the Peng clan for the time being, but to still use them as the basic species of agriculture. As for stability, they can't say anything if they think about it; as for the exchange and contact with foreign races, It can be handed over to the missionary organization." After expressing the management's thoughts, Mu Wen looked at Lingxue again.

"Well, then the Dunjia tribe is still handed over to the management, and the communication with foreign tribes can be handed over to the Shenting. The next step is majesty and kindness."

As for the solution to Majesty, the three parties at the meeting are actually in agreement, that is, under the condition of ensuring their own strength, they can conduct limited-scale high-end battles against other foreign races, so that the other party can see the strength of the friends, but they will not find the weakness of the bottom of the friends ;

In terms of kindness, the Presbyterian House believes that after the other party accepts the belief system of the friends, it can distribute the next-level applied technology through the missionary organization.

"Why do I feel like this, Pengzu has completely become a technical bureau and a factory."

"Yes, that's true." Wooden nodded approvingly to Tia and said: "Our friends are going to transform ourselves into a technology research and development and industrial production race. Rely on the brain wisdom of the friends to develop technology, and then through the whole family's Factories supply other species."

"Even," when it came to this, Mu Wen said very calmly: "In order to curb the theoretical development of other races, we can appoint the strong and smart people among them in the name of the Kingdom of God to The place provides it with what it needs, turning it into a member of our party."

"In this regard, overseas isolated islands and floating islands seem to be good choices, because until now, only friends have the ability to fly on a large scale. As for those who do not cooperate, hehe, I heard that the legend of the evil moon has spread to The Dunjia clan must be among them, there seems to be no shortage of enemies."

"Um, Mu Wen, don't laugh like that, okay?" Feeling a chill down her spine, Die Wu patted Mu Wen reproachfully, while everyone stared at Mu Wen with a strange smile on her face.

Quickly regaining his calm expression, Mu Wen blinked and nodded to Die Wu: "Yes, Master Die Wu."

The discussion lasted for five full days. After the three parties finalized a lot of details, they sent the more complete discussion results to the empty place in the southern Xiaoshu military camp.

In fact, this sudden plan to change the status of the ethnic group, on the one hand, is forced by Kong Huan; on the other hand, it is not without his own careful thinking.

As for changing the Friends Clan to the 'God Clan', Kong Huan has no experience at all, and even the vague memory of human beings, there is not much available information.

But it is precisely in this way that Pengzu can go out of its own way.

In some spare time, Kong Huan also wondered why he was so stubborn and wanted to develop a unique race, but he never thought of going down the path of human beings in a peaceful way. In this regard, 8051 is also firmly supporting .

On April 14, AD 4, after Chu Xia shocked the members of the Shadow Clan team with the wings of thunder, she relied on the dream world to incorporate these dozen or so people into her Thunder God system.

Then, under Kong Huan's suggestion, relying on her powerful thoughts, she directly led the Shadow Clan team all the way back to the Shadow Clan tribe.

And this kind of personal experience is obviously more intuitive and shocking than just looking at it before.

When Chi Ying and the others saw the rapidly retreating forest below and the canyon that they were worried about how to cross before, but easily disappeared behind them, they were completely convinced by Chu Xia's strength.

On the contrary, the epic creature, the earth dragon, seems to have completely disappeared, and the forest where the earth dragon was located before has become much sparser.

In the early morning of April 14, AD 4, in less than a day, with the support of the strong strength of the Youshen-level peak, the Shadow Clan team and Chu Xia came to the sky above the plain where the Shadow Clan was.

Of course, the members of the Shadow Clan team didn't know that their teammate 'Zhong Wei' had already returned to his real body.

April 14th, AD 4, was called the "Day of Thor's Return" by ShadowClan.

This morning, what the Shadow Clan people saw when they got up was neither a bright sky nor a dark night, but dark clouds constantly flashing with thunder.

If many years ago, the Shadow Clan people who believed in Thor would have known what this meant, but now they just said calmly, "It's thundering, it's raining... (clothes are made of wood, don't need to dry = .=)'.

However, when thunder and lightning began to bombard the three tribal settlements located in the center of the plain, and then concentrated on the parliament hall, everyone finally realized that something was wrong.

"Thunder?" The Speaker of the Shadow Clan, who was running on the main road, saw the charcoal-black thunderbolts flashing past from time to time in front of him, and a haze flashed in his heart.

He is a staunch believer in the God of the Night, but also as a historical inheritor, he has no lack of understanding of the Thunder God who has almost disappeared now, and even has the method of predicting thunderstorm weather.

In nature, thunder and lightning will form regularly, but today's thunder is very abrupt. First, a few dark clouds gathered in the sky from all directions, and then thunder began to erupt. This is completely different from the traditional method of thunderstorm forecasting.

In this case, he didn't know how to explain it.

"No, it's impossible. Doesn't Thor not like preaching? Could it be that he was annoyed?" Looking at the house that was hit by the thunder and burning, the speaker was glad that there was no one inside, but at the same time, he was thinking, could it be that Thor deliberately For that.

At this time, the very few people who still remembered the belief in Thor began to prostrate on the ground and prayed, while most of the people who had vague memories of Thor looked blank.


With the last thunderclap from the Shadow Clan people hitting the council hall, a dozen large and small figures appeared on the original site of the council hall that was almost wiped out, and the dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate.

The light shining on everyone made the Shadow Clan people feel at ease like never before.

The dust seemed to be suddenly dissipated by something, revealing the specific appearance of a dozen figures, and the running speaker also stopped, narrowing his eyes slightly to look at each other.

"Thunder... wings made of thunder!"

Logged in to Diandian today, and found that there is no starting point in our account... Is this the legendary being eaten, gah.

Even if it's only a few hundred.

Then, keep begging for clicks, clicks, comments...

Speaking of which, today is Monday again.

(End of this chapter)

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