Spore Story

Chapter 361 Soul, Level and Hell Conjecture

Chapter 361 Soul, Level and Hell Conjecture

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"Wings of Thunder, God of Thunder, hehe."

Sitting with dangling legs on the concrete wall of the Xiaoshu military camp, Kong Huan looked at the blue sky in the south, and smiled and imagined the scene of the Shadow Clan after seeing Chu Xia. The spiritual power of the god-level peak guides the surrounding thunder clouds to gather, and then relies on the thunder wings to generate thunder and lightning. In this way, no one dares to resist.

"With Chu Xia at the helm, it's impossible for problems to arise." Seeing the white clouds above his head constantly changing, turning into circles and squares for a while, Kong Huan shook his head heavily, and waved poor Baiyun Jun to leave. It's really boring, I'd better get down to business."

Using the huge spiritual power of Youshen level to support the power of mind to control the weather, this is a long-term practice, coupled with the observation and summary of emptiness, 8051 and the priest school, the final method, and now Chu Xia alone can guide There was a thundercloud scene, and other people would only have a little rain or a little breeze at most, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this was powerful enough.

The most important thing is that relying on this kind of weather control ability, the friends can avoid some natural disasters. For example, when there is a sudden heavy rain in a certain place for several days and the water potential rises, the elders' house can send a good Youshen class to move the rain cloud to the drought-stricken area. place to go.

"I always feel like I'm playing (Ga) on the weather king, Ga."

Smiling evilly, Kong Huan withdrew his thoughts, and spread out the report from Pengcheng in his hand.

This time, the three parties agreed to Kong Huan's proposal for the reform goals of the "God Clan", which was somewhat beyond his expectations. After all, in Kong Huan's opinion, this change is indeed too troublesome. For those inside who expect stability, Obviously not a good thing.

But the pages of the book were suddenly blown by the strong wind at high altitude, which made Kong Huan a little helpless.

After thinking about it, he still landed outside the all-concrete barracks, pulled the tree trunk with his mind to make a small platform, and then made a chair out of tree vines, and Shi Shiran sat on it.

Looking up and looking not far from the barracks, dozens of team members, except for the dozen or so left behind, are all reclaiming wasteland in the distance.

After the gradual issuance of copper coins, the army also began to implement the salary system, but the military reclamation to support the food consumption of soldiers and reduce the pressure on the government is still in practice.

After confirming that they will be stationed here, in order to solve the food problem, the army soldiers will reclaim a certain amount of farmland here at the standard of 3 fields per person for future food supply.

Of course, it's not that each person has 3 fields individually, but refers to the average of 3 fields per person in the entire barracks.

There are a total of eight teams, including a special formation of cliff members stationed here, including three teams of Yiren, four teams of Yuanren, and one team of Dunjiaren. The total number of people is 85, and 255 fields need to be opened.


Taking a deep look at the Dunjia people and friends in the distance, relying on their strong digging ability, who are helping everyone loosen the soil, and have a friendly relationship with each other, for some reason, Kong Huan felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

"I'm sorry, friends of the Dunjia tribe, but it's a good thing for you to continue farming." Thinking this way, Kong Huan shook his head and looked away.

"After the official start of the 'Protoss' reform next year, no matter how the relationship between the Dunjia Clan and the Peng Clan develops, I'm afraid they will no longer be as friendly as they are now."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Kong Huan skipped the details of the Protoss reform discussed by the three parties, and turned the report to the last page.

"Ghost level assessment, after waiting for so long, is it finally out?"

Hierarchy, which has always been planned by Unreal, is a method to replace class.

Because ratings require real strength, at least its error will be much smaller than pure class division, and it will not easily cause dissatisfaction.

The grades that are officially used in the friends clan today are only the 'technical grade for workers' and the 'three-system control grade for spirit, energy and body'.Dozens of ratings, such as the ability ratings of managers, the credit ratings of businessmen, and the strength ratings of individuals, are still in the stage of discussion and revision.

After carefully checking the "ghost-level strength rating" sent by the Ministry of Armed Forces, I was full of anticipation and illusion, but finally smiled depressingly, noncommittal.

"These guys have also learned to be lazy."

Having said that, Kong Huan didn't mean much to blame.It is very difficult to evaluate a person's strength, it cannot be determined by one or two tests, and the evaluation given by the Ministry of Armed Forces this time, although it is based on the previous conclusions, is barely usable.

Strictly speaking, this time the Yinhun-level strength rating is based on the ratings given by the control levels of the three systems of spirit, energy, and body.

In the organization of the Armed Forces Department, among the spirit, energy, and body, the one with the highest control level is set as the main level, which is called [control hierarchical level].

For example, for example, one of the three items is Lv3, and the other two are lower than this level, then this person is a third-order 1st level; and if two items are Lv3, and the other item is lower than this level, this person Humans are Level 2 and Level 3; similarly, if all three items are Lv3, it is Level 4 and Level 3; and so on, if one of the items is called Lv0, no matter whether the other two are Lv4 or Lv[-], as long as they do not exceed Lv[-], This person is all Tier [-].

Relying on this kind of rating, completely relying on the mature three-series control rating method, after the promotion, it will soon be able to count the incremental ratings starting from the first level, and people will not feel uncomfortable .

But in this way, the stage level does not seem to be an accurate assessment of actual combat ability, because the third level 3 is not necessarily weaker than the fourth level 1, but this is a matter for the benevolent to see, the wise see the wisdom, how many low levels have defeated high levels in history? Let's not talk about this kind of thing.It can only be said that the Armed Forces Department gave a barely usable rating method when there was no other way.

But thinking about it, this is much more refined than those pure strength divisions, and most importantly, it is easily accepted by ordinary people.

However, once you go from the ghost level to the soul level, since the soul level rating has not yet been formed, the stage evaluation used by this ghost level has also changed back to the soul level junior high school to the peak four level.

"Why is it so troublesome? If you can attribute attributes to everyone in the entire ethnic group, won't this thing be very simple?"

Being depressed by the voice from beside him, Kong Huan looked at Chu Ling who landed next to him, shook his head and said, "You think I don't want to, it will cost money, and I have to keep my civilized point." Researched and upgraded."

"However," Kong Huan said with a smile: "Recently, when I attribute some blades, I don't know if it's because of the promotion to the Youshen level. I noticed a little way to attribute people in the control center. After analyzing it, I can popularize attributes in the future, and then...hehe."

"Oh, that's really looking forward to it."

Stimulated by Chu Ling's voice without passion, Kong Huan swallowed it down: "Forget it, let's get down to business, what do you think of this evaluation method? Chu Ling."

Handing the rating in his hand to Chu Ling, Kong Huan smiled and stretched out his hand to pat the Hell Butterfly who was in charge of delivering the letter, but the other party gave Kong Huan a wing directly.

"Ugh, this little guy has a really bad temper, but he's also very courageous, huh."

"Who told you to give her calcium carbide fruit last time, which caused her to have diarrhea for a long time and almost died," Chu Ling said angrily after receiving the document.

Scratching his head, Kong Huan smiled embarrassingly: "It's obviously a butterfly, but instead of gathering nectar, it eats meat. Isn't that not a job well done?"

"Cut, those little flowers are flattened as soon as you step on them." Chu Ling looked at the trees with disdain, most of them started to wither, and then sprouted and bear fruit. A weak branch cannot bear it."

"But isn't that kind of flower very big?"

Looking over with her illusory fingers, Chu Ling saw a giant flower. The petals were pink, which complemented the color of the Hell butterfly, but...

Chu Ling immediately pushed Kong Huan with black lines all over her head, and said viciously: "If you want to pick it, you can pick it. The place where the flowers are located has already become one of the top ten forbidden places for hell butterflies, meow."

"Hey," smiled wickedly, Kong Huan shook his head and stopped molesting Chu Ling.

Now that I am a friend, I know what it is. It is a flower called "Temptation of the Underworld God" by the ethnic group. The diameter of the flower is about 1.5 meters. The huge size and elegant appearance have confused a lot of people Animals big and small, but as long as you can safely lift the two or three meter wide leaves under the flowers, you can find the evil hidden under the beauty, pieces of dead bones.

That's right, this is the ubiquitous piranha.

Even friends have to be careful when they approach each other, because the fragrance of this flower is not poisonous, but it can make people fall into confusion, and people can't do anything until they are completely paralyzed by the evil tentacles below the flower. The correct response, let alone fight or run away.

According to records, no less than 30 friends were attacked by this flower, but the Technology Bureau found that as long as one pays attention, this flower is a very good defensive weapon, so gradually, it is used by the friends The military defense site faces the direction of the enemy and becomes a good defensive tool.

And looking at Chu Ling's reaction, Kong Huan came to the conclusion that "the Hell Butterfly, which is also a poison, seems to be doing business to collect nectar, but suffered disasters."

"Could it be that the hell butterfly stopped collecting nectar and ate meat because of this kind of flower?" Nodding in agreement, the vacant head was smashed down by the angry Chu Ling, and had to fall into self-repair.

"Take it," waving the finished report to Kong Huan, Chu Ling said nonchalantly: "This is the level, I have no objection, but once the 'Protoss' transformation is carried out, the power of Shenting will obviously be greatly improved , this issue must be resolved.”

"Don't worry about that." Shaking his head, Kong Huan put the report in his arms and looked up to the north: "Once the transformation is completed, the entire Peng Clan will actually be the Protoss, so it won't be a big problem whether the Shenting will exist or not." Woolen cloth."

"You want to disband the court!"

Chu Ling was shocked. Now, the Pengzu is governed by the Shenting, the Elder's House and the top management. Under such a stable structure, if the Shenting is disbanded, will there be greater turmoil?
"I didn't say that." Glancing at Chu Ling, Kong Huan continued: "After the reform of the Protoss, the upper echelons of the existing organization will undergo great changes. This is a fact recognized by all three parties. adapt to the reformed internal model."

"For example, I plan to set up a streamlined three-party at the highest level, select three outstanding personnel above the Youshen level, and form a final decision-making body... These aspects are just a prediction now, and need to be concretely improved by the three parties."

In order to ensure rapid development, coupled with illusory personal emotional factors, under the control of illusory, the Pengzu has isolated as much as possible the way of overthrowing and rebuilding by relying on violent reforms, which has extremely strict requirements on the upper-level institutions.After talking about his general idea, Kong Huan stopped talking.

Patting the dirt on his body, Kong Huan spread his wings and flew towards the barracks.

"Forget it, whether it is a friend race or a god race, as long as it can continue to grow, it will be fine." Feeling the hell butterfly flying around her, Chu Ling nodded with a smile, and hugged the other party in her arms Ceng said: "It's me, let's continue to take care of my lovely Hell Butterflies, right?"

On May 14, 5 A.D., because they were not worried about the defense of the south, mainly because there were two Youshen levels, Kong Huan and Chu Ling, staying in the barracks, so only a few symbolic garrison personnel were left in the barracks. Adhering to the good principle of 'military and civilian unity as one family', they went to Xiaoshu Village and surrounding villages to help harvest bean vines.

Therefore, Kong Huan, who got up early, saw a desolate scene like the Ghost City created by a rather wicked god of the underworld in the world of souls.

"It really looks like Ghost City, emptiness."

"Huh? Chu Ling, have you been there too?" He looked at Chu Ling with a little surprise. Kong Huan didn't expect that Chu Ling, who had devoted herself to taking care of the hell butterfly since becoming the main consciousness, had actually been to the Realm of the Dead.

Smiling and nodding, Chu Ling said: "Actually, I also want to think about the dead souls of the hell butterfly, and isn't there a soul world in the southern province? I went to see it a few days ago. Speaking of it, six The idea of ​​a god of death is actually very interesting."

"Yeah," Kong Huan nodded with a smile, recalling the six soul realms he had seen during his inspection.

Because the world of the dead was established by the god of the underworld relying on his own imagination, so they all bring their own thinking about the world of death with the god of the underworld.However, due to the friend clan's initial positioning on the world of souls, these ghost gods still have a lot in common.

For example, urging to improve strength.

Among them, the world of dead souls set up by the gods and ghosts in the southern province is based on darkness and emptiness, and more than 4000 dead souls live in various dark cities.

In order to promote the improvement of strength, Ghost even established a classification of strength and location.

That is to say, the dead souls at the early stage of the ghost level can only cultivate in various dark and barren places; after the middle stage of the ghost level, they can enter small towns everywhere, and the living environment here is obviously much better; similarly, after entering the advanced stage of the ghost level , you can come to the city with sunshine; as for the soul level, it belongs to the level of leaving the soul world and returning to reality.

"Speaking of which, I feel that Gui Zhen's ghost world is influenced by the conjecture of hell in the priest school." Chu Ling, who had stayed in the priest school for several years when she just left the editing space, said with a smile.

"Oh," I haven't had the chance to go to the school of priests to experience it. It's just the fantasy of reading various summary reports, but I haven't had much contact with this kind of gossip.Hearing Chu Ling's words, he looked at the other party expectantly, and the other party was obviously enjoying this feeling.

It wasn't until Kong Huan clapped his hands impatiently that Chu Ling stuck out her tongue cutely and said, "The guys in the priest school are all imaginative, so they have thought about the world where the dead souls dissipate in their spare time. The four guesses are dominant."

"The first is Memory Hell. There is no order in that world, only strong and weak. But the strength there is different from reality. There, people's strength is judged by the richness of memory when they are alive, that is to say , the richer you live, the more powerful you are after death. And every battle requires memories, but because you can’t return to reality after death, every memory is actually painful;”

"The second is the Hell of Good and Evil, that is, that world. When alive, kind people live a beautiful and happy life, while evil people live in pain and loneliness, etc. This should be affected by the previous trial mechanism that managed the temple; "

"The third is primitive hell, which refers to that world. After the dead souls dissipate, they become various animals and have to face the hunting and killing of civilization. That's not counting. If they become plants, they have to face animals The chewing of human beings, the felling of civilization, etc. Speaking of which, the guy who first proposed this seems to be the director of the Animal Bureau under the Ministry of Agriculture. I heard that she has a good relationship with animals, and the hell butterflies seem to like her more; "

"The fourth is the nihilistic hell, which means that in that world, people don't know anything and don't remember anything. As for this hell conjecture, it should be the most common and boring, but many students think that forgetting is not a bad idea." This is a good thing, so it has become one of the mainstream conjectures."

"But I don't think the world of the dead has anything to do with these things." Shaking his head, Kong Huan recalled the six worlds of the dead that he had seen. The principle of cultivating invisible power while storing dead souls is somewhat contrary, so it should not be used in many places in the world of dead souls.

"No," Chu Ling shook her head and said, "The spooky southern world of souls simply uses the method of distributing strength to locations to urge people to improve their strength, a bit reminiscent of the law of the jungle model of hell."

"As for the world of dead souls in Fuyun Province, the memory of the dead souls who entered it is suppressed. Only when they are promoted to the high stage of the ghost level can the underworld god restore their memories of life. This is a bit like the shadow of nihilistic hell."

"As for the Realm of the Dead in Linhai Province, it suppresses people's memories and at the same time makes people fight with each other. The loser starts from scratch, and the winner recovers his memory..."

"The other realms of the dead also have their own conjectures about hell."

"Really." After thinking for a while, Kong Huan frowned slightly.

"Although their methods can promote the strength of the dead souls, they don't pay attention to the psychological conditions of the dead souls. I am afraid that the dead souls cultivated in this way will have some mental problems."

"It seems that after going back, it is necessary to regulate the world of the dead everywhere."

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(End of this chapter)

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