Spore Story

Chapter 362 Back to the chapter, do you really want to suppress business?

Chapter 362 Going back, do you really want to suppress the quotient?

"I am back."

"Ah, welcome to Mr. Thunder God... ouch!"

On May 14, 5 AD, in a peaceful atmosphere, Chu Xia, who went to exchange with the Shadow Clan, returned to Xiaoshu Military Camp.

"Hey, you're the only one, didn't you bring any fanatics who came to visit?" Turning to look around Chu Xia, Kong Huan, who didn't find any additional items, looked at Chu Xia in doubt, and conveniently passed the tripartite meeting of the friends. The provided "Protoss Improvement Draft" was given to Chu Xia.

"I took them back to show the strength of the gods, but if they want to visit the group of gods later, they have to show sincerity, so I told them, if they want to come, they can come on foot, one step at a time. "Chu Xia took the draft with a smile, saw the expression on the cover, and said quite unexpectedly: "The friends have already confirmed it?"

"Yes, everyone has made a lot of determination this time. It is said that they are already discussing the resettlement of the Dunjia clan."

"So, how about the Shadow Clan, Chu Xia?" Rubbing his aching head, Kong Huan asked with a smile: "Although I have great confidence in our Thunder God...ah no, it's Chu Xia, but, What I want to know is the specific reaction of Shadow Clan and your opinion."

"Very well," nodded thoughtfully, as if thinking of something, Chu Xia said with a smile: "Smooth is a bit unexpected, the Thunder God belief in the Shadow Clan seems to be similar to what we got from the dozen or so members of Chiying." "Almost silent" is different. Among the nearly 1000 Shadow Clan people, at least 1000 people still believe in Thor, and because there is no fixed chief, these [-] people can actually be regarded as firm believers, that is... old a bit."

"Oh, but it's a good thing, after all, at least they're still alive," Kong thought and nodded.

"Um, yes."

Although Chi Ying is a senior member of the Shadow Clan, after all, because he is young, it is understandable that he does not know clearly about this aspect of ancient history in the eyes of the Shadow Clan; as for the rest of the Shadow Clan team, they all It's just an ordinary member of the Shadow Clan, who obviously lived in the belief system of the God of Darkness since childhood, and it's normal not to know the specific situation of the Thor belief.

"After gaining the recognition of the other party's controller, the speaker, I, who has established his majesty among the ordinary members, can of course find out the Thor believers among them very easily. As for the method..."

Wagging her tail, Chu Xia turned her head to look towards the south, with a satisfied smile on her face, but Kong Huan could see a bit of weirdness, or complacency in it.

"That, I just used lightning to blow up the parliament hall that symbolizes the center of their rights."


Kong Huan, who was sweating profusely, looked at Chu Xia who was pretending to be innocent with a speechless face.

"Didn't you say you wanted to show strength and take control of the Shadow Clan decisively?"


Kong Huan clearly remembered his plan, he just asked Chu Xia to express it with thunder, at most he could gain control of the Shadow Clan by controlling the other party's speaker, but what he didn't expect was that Chu Xia did something even better. For simply.

However, Chu Xia and Kong Huan didn't bother with this point, and if they smashed it, they would smash it, and they would build a better one in the future.

After thinking for a while, Chu Xia continued: "After finding out the Thunder God believers, I deleted a total of [-] pious people, of course, including the speaker, although it can be seen that he is not normal. "

"Then, relying on the illusion technology, I temporarily created a 'Thunder God Kingdom' that lasted for 20 days. Of course, in the Kingdom of God, two hundred days have passed."

"And in the Kingdom of God, I can control everything. Just like the way you taught us with dreams in the past, I used Pengcheng as a model to create a god of thunder. Then teach these 100 people some basic life Ways, such as planting seeds, and important sacrificial processes, at the same time promoted the gods of Thor, and cultivated them into the chiefs of Thor."

"After letting them out, I will introduce behind the scenes and guide them to establish Thor's divine court organization in Shadow Clan."

"Then, I came back."

It was very easy to hear what Chu Xia said, but in fact, the shock she brought to the Shadow Clan people was far more than that.

After seeing and feeling the "Thunder God Kingdom" with their own eyes, the one hundred believers, including those who harbored evil intentions at the beginning and intended to investigate the so-called chairman of the Thunder God with the believers of the God of Darkness, were deeply shocked. Cracks appeared in the speaker's belief in the God of Darkness, and it is conceivable that other people who believed in Thor.

You know, they have never seen a world full of thunder, suspended cities, artificially planted plants, and all kinds of rare and exotic beasts...

These countless new things and unconventional sights have made these 100 people firm believers in Thor.

After all, the power and kindness of the God of Dark Night are both invisible and intangible, and have been passed down from generation to generation.Especially after Chu Xia deliberately downplayed, even weakened, and blurred the God of the Night, at least in the eyes of these 100 people, the God of the Night has become nothing more than an existence imagined by everyone.

At this time, the regularity and commonness of the night has become a disadvantage. After all, solar eclipses don’t come when you want them.

Afterwards, after obtaining the divine will of "positive, light and punishment" spoken by the God of Thunder 'personally', the originally fragmented Thunder God belief system was instantly assembled.

It can be said that after Chu Xia, who is powerful and has the wings of thunder, appeared and showed the Thunder God Kingdom, there have been no less than seventy fanatics and no less than a thousand ordinary believers in the Shadow Clan. There are no internal situations, because they are too familiar, even if they use the fantasy world, friends will not become believers of a righteous god.

It has to be said that mystery and the unknown are indeed a great weapon of gods, otherwise they would be just people with powerful technology.

Of course, since the problem of the dead souls of the Shadow Clan could not be solved, Chu Xia did not propose such things as the so-called "divine kingdom after death", but changed the illusory and mysterious future into a more direct life technology instead of becoming a divine favor .

Although this seems a little common, but because it works quickly and is aimed at ordinary people, it is more convenient for the spread of Thor's belief, and even after a long time, it adds a spirit of "life" to Thor.

After Chu Xia left, out of the "sincerity and walking" that Chu Xia casually said, there were more than [-] people who were transferred to [Great Chief], but in fact they still had a little unforgettable reason for the God of the Dark Night. The speaker, after stabilizing the Shadow Clan, issued a proposal to go to the Protoss.

At this time, the management organization of the Shadow Clan has changed from a mortal parliamentary system to a church parliamentary system in less than ten days. Although at this time, it seems that this is just a name change, but the meaning it represents is self-evident. Metaphor.

"So, the problem of the Shadow Clan has been solved?" Hearing Chu Xia's narration, especially the way of training the Fantasy World as a "temporary Kingdom of God", made Kong Huan's eyes shine.

"It's probably resolved, but," Chu Xia frowned, said, "The Shadow Clan can only say that it's so easy because they have the belief in Thunder God. no problem."

Patting her tail lightly, Chu Xia thought for a while and said: "First of all, it is a matter of speed. It will take at least a few decades for the Shadow Clan to really regain their belief in the God of Thunder and completely abandon their belief in the God of the Night. It will take a while. There can be no accidents, for example, there is a Youshen class within the Shadow Clan, and they claim to be the God of the Night or even believe in it, otherwise it will cause us a lot of trouble."

"Then do you think it is possible to have a Youshen class within the Shadow Clan?" Kong Huan asked worriedly.

"This." After thinking for a while, Chu Xia shook her head: "After I covered the entire Shadow Clan Plain with my mental power, according to the detection situation, the Shadow Clan has nearly 3 people, but there are only more than 300 soul-level people, one hundred The ratio of one to one is better than Dunjia, but they are all in the early stage, and there are only a dozen in the middle stage."

"As for the chairman, it's very strange, and I can't see it clearly. But in terms of strength, it should be only around the high-level soul level." Nodding, Chu Xia said with a smile: "In this way, the high-end of the Shadow Clan The growth rate is probably not as good as that of the Dunjia clan, although the combat power is much higher than that of the Dunjia clan, but this has become the best grassroots, right?"

"If the day doesn't turn into night, we can't do it in reality. Otherwise, it would be a good way to let the Youshen level of the friends to be the god of the night. It's a pity."

"However, there is another problem. The Shadow Clan believes in Thunder God, not the Thunder God family. It is easy for them to put their faith on an individual, but it is troublesome to put it on a group." Head, Chu Xia said helplessly: "In this regard, although I used the Kingdom of God to simulate the life scenes of a large number of strong friends from the friend race, the Shadow Clan people obviously only regard them as strong men rather than gods."

"This thing can only be done step by step." Pulling Chu Xia and Chu Ling to the inside of Xiaoshu's barracks, Kong Huan lightly tapped on the concrete wall in front of him and said, "Actually, if it wasn't for the limitation of productivity, I would have thought about it." Enclose the entire group of friends with cement walls to isolate the inside and outside, so as to create a sense of mystery for the entire group."

"I have to say, the way you sometimes think about your fantasy really makes me..."

"Speechless, right?"

"As long as you know."

"Yeah, things that seem almost impossible are not necessarily impossible. However, now is not the time to do this." Waving his hand, Kong Huan said: "The matter here at the Shadow Clan has barely come to an end, we will do it tomorrow Let's go back to Friends City."

"Then what should we do here? The big problem of the Shadow Clan has been solved, but in terms of specific communication," Chu Xia pointed to the Xiaoshu Barracks, and asked curiously: "Didn't the chamber of commerce say that it is expected that the development and shadow clan clan trade?"

But to Chu Xia's surprise, when she was talking about the chamber of commerce, Kong Hua's face looked a bit distressed.


After receiving the tea from a Wingman soldier, Kong Huan waved his hand to make the other party retreat, then looked around, and then said in a deep voice: "The issue of the Chamber of Commerce was jointly issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Farmers' Association a few days ago. According to a statistic, we found that the speed of the Chamber of Commerce's development is a bit too much."

"Isn't it very good? I heard that some time ago, the tax statistics of the Chamber of Commerce provided a lot of funds for the management. Did it rely on this fund to establish the Pengcheng water supply system? The Ministry of Finance even said , Is it a question of opening the next batch of factories?"

"No, I found that we are a little impatient." Kong Huan drank the tea in his cup, heaved a sigh of relief, and then said: "Business is now in the early stage of development. People don't need to be busy in farmland and factories, but they can use various way, to obtain copper coins no less than regular workers."

"In this way, out of yearning for a better life or the desire to travel abroad, more and more merchants will be registered with the chamber of commerce."

"But the problem is that the agricultural population of our Peng clan is not large, and now it is only with the support of more than 30 Dunjia people that we can achieve the current level of industrial and commercial development, but the Peng clan has reached a bottleneck. "

Using his thoughts, he poured three cups of tea and handed them in front of the two of them. Kong Huan tapped the table heavily, picked up a few wisps of dust, and said worriedly: "If the agricultural population continues to decrease, especially if there are many Dunjia people, there will be a lot of businessmen. , the area of ​​arable land will definitely decrease further.”

"Let's not talk about the reduction in the average cultivated land area caused by this, and the impact on Bai Nong's task. After all, we are now controlling to prevent Bai Nong's task from being completed. But a few days ago, the Peasant Association and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly issued an early warning to the Elderly House , if it grows at the speed of the Chamber of Commerce, our current farmland planting area will not be able to support the food consumption of the friends' population in ten years."

"Isn't there a copper coin from the chamber of commerce? They have earned a lot, so they can buy food in the future?" Chu Ling said nonchalantly: "I think that after the development of commerce, more and more good things will come out, which is good for the friends. It has been greatly promoted, and it can be active everywhere.”

"I also know that the development of business is inevitable, but it requires a certain foundation."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan said: "So what if there are more copper coins? How can it be eaten as food... don't talk about buying food."

Stopping Chu Ling's words with a wave of his hand, Kong Huan continued: "The farmers' association's statistics are supported by the Ministry of Agriculture. Their statistical results mean that after ten years, the grains produced by all the farmlands, on average, will be equal to each person's head. It will be unsupportable, at this time, it cannot be bought with money.”

Seeing that Chu Ling was still a little confused, Chu Xia, who had already thought of the key point, waved her hand to stop the agitated Kong Huan, patted Chu Ling with a smile and said, "Let me use an example, I probably understand the meaning of Wu Huan .”

Smiling and nodding to Kong Huan, Chu Xia waved her hands as if calling, and took a piece of white paper and a pencil from the bookshelf in the corner of the room. Looking at the flying sawdust, Kong Huan was slightly lost in thought.

At this time, Chu Xia clicked on the paper and said: "Look, suppose there are 100 people. At the beginning, these 100 people are farming, and each person can only plant 2 fields at most. However, 1 field can actually satisfy 1 person's food." demand, so at this time, the 100 fields of these 200 people can feed 200 people."

"So, at this time, everyone can eat enough, and there is still a lot of savings. This is like the first few years when our friend clan fully implemented farming. Chu Ling still remembers;"

Thinking that the first three years of farming had supported the consumption of the Pengling War for five years, Chu Ling nodded knowingly.

And Chu Xia also smiled gratifiedly, and then continued to write and said: "Then, commerce and industry began to develop, and 20 of these 80 people became workers and merchants. Then, only 80 people are farming. But the 160 farms planted by these 160 people can actually feed 80 people, so everyone can still eat enough, and businessmen and workers can also rely on their wages to buy the extra food from the [-] people.”

"This is like the situation after 7 A.D., Chu Ling can understand these."

Nodding her head, Chu Ling looked at Chu Xia quietly, her eyes gradually clearing up.In comparison, since Kong Huan said a lot before, but Chu Ling was at a loss, it can be seen that there is a gap in education between Kong Huan and Chu Xia.

"Then the Ministry of Agriculture predicted that after ten years, out of the 100 people, because they are optimistic about the development of industry and commerce, only 50 people are still farming, and the other 50 people have become workers and businessmen. At this time , the farmland of the entire ethnic group can only support the consumption of 100 people, and the workers and merchants just use copper coins to buy enough food."

"This situation is only ideal, but what is worse is that if this trend continues, if the number of people farming out of 100 people is less than 50 people. Then, because the food harvested by these people is not enough for 100 people, So no matter how much money the workers and businessmen have, there will be people who won’t have enough to eat.”

"Um, so that's the case." Chu Ling nodded heavily.

"See, so, although I really don't want to, I'm afraid I still have to restrain the development of business a little bit." Rubbing his forehead in distress, Kong Huan said helplessly.

In fact, the idea of ​​"restraining quotient" originated from the ancient times in human memory, but what Kong Huan never imagined was that he would make such a decision one day, which was likely to be criticized by later generations.

"Actually, it's illusory. It doesn't have to be suppressed." On this point, relying on a good brain speed and a simple and effective thinking mode that has been cultivated for a long time, Chu Xia is obviously better than because she knows too much. , and the emptiness that appears to be chaotic can be seen more clearly.

"Huh? Is there any way?" Gathering his mind, Kong Huan looked up at Chu Xia.

"Look, just like the example I gave before, we can analyze many ways from it,"

Touching the paper with the tip of the sharpened pen, Chu Xia said while writing: "According to the example, the solutions are: 2. Increase the planting area of ​​a single person. For example, each person who originally had a maximum of 3 fields can now plant 100 fields. , Then out of 34 people, only at least [-] people are needed to farm, wouldn’t it be enough to meet everyone’s needs?”

"In this regard, isn't the plow dragged by camel dragons jointly developed by the Technology Bureau and the Ministry of Agriculture a good thing? I heard that after using it, it would have taken five Dunjia people a day, or two original people a day. , can produce a field at the speed of a camel dragon and a plow, and can produce five fields in one day, and can be replaced by other tame animals, isn’t this a good way.”

Smiling, looking at the suddenly realized emptiness, Chu Xia continued: "Second, increase the output of a single field. If the grain in one field changes from feeding one person to supporting two people, then even if one person can only grow two Farming, 1 people only need 1 people to farm, right?

"Three, the easiest way, of course, is to break through the limit of 100 people. For example, if we take all the Shadow Clan to farm, and we use industrial products in exchange for their surplus food under commercial exchanges, it turns out that even if these 100 people Isn’t it a good way not to farm, but there are 200 or 2000 people farming to supply it.”

"This is actually the analysis method you taught us back then, but it seems that you know a lot of things about Kong Huan, but you don't know how to use them very well." Chu Xia's expression was a little playful, but she didn't laugh, because they all knew Who brought the friends to the present, even though in many aspects, their abilities have surpassed each other.

"Uh," scratching his cheek in embarrassment, Kong Huan smiled, and his stiff body had already relaxed.

Thinking about it carefully, I was mainly influenced by the fixed thinking of the human age. When I encountered this kind of problem, I immediately thought of the ancient emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business, but I forgot the development characteristics of the friends, that is, the speed of technological update is very fast. quick.

"Of course, for commerce and industry, even the simplification and standardization of government agencies is also necessary. It can't be wasted." In the end, she summed it up in one sentence, Chu Xia wrote and drew a few times on the paper, and handed it over to Kong Huan.

"If there is no problem, let's discuss it with the top management when we go back."

The second update is finally achieved, and I sincerely ask for support, subscription, monthly pass, 嘎=w=
(End of this chapter)

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