Spore Story

Chapter 363 Is it a novel? It's an inspirational novel

Chapter 363 Is it a novel? It's an inspirational novel

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"What kind of... Great Chief, Lord Thunder God's clan, what is it like?"

"I do not know either."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, it took more than ten days to detour dozens of kilometers just to cross the canyon without the broken bridge. At this moment, the pilgrimage team led by the former speaker of the Shadow Clan finally set foot on the road of Red Shadow and their memories. , the road to Xiaoshu Barracks.

"It's really hard work."

Fortunately, the more than 20 MPs in this Shadow Clan team are all experienced hunters, and they will not be bullied by animals and plants that can be seen everywhere in nature. However, Chi Ying and Zhong Wei have not even seen the shadows of the epic creatures. arrive.

If it wasn't for Chi Ying who personally led the team to the location of the epic creature, and found those broken branches, the fracture that was chewed open by a giant force, the wood blocks that were charred by powerful energy, and some loose soil layers, etc., would have been there. No one would believe that there are such huge creatures in nature.

Of course, except for a few people who saw that creature with their own eyes, other members of the team still hold a skeptical attitude, but they are not entangled in it anymore.

"Zhong Wei, you said that you had a feeling that you were not yourself in that short period of time? What's going on?"

Tired from walking, everyone sat on the tree trunk to rest, and the speaker called Zhong Wei who was walking with Chi Ying, and raised his doubts.

He didn't realize it before, but now the skeptical speaker finds out that Zhong Wei, from the beginning of the last meeting to the day of Thor's return, listened to Chi Ying's description and his own memory, and the other party seemed to have performed exceptionally well.

Afterwards, everyone also checked, and although Zhong Wei's performance was not as good as the high profile of those few days, it was much stronger than before.

The most important thing is that Zhong Wei seems to have become stronger than before in terms of character and strength. The speaker believes that if he hadn't mobilized Zhong Wei in the name of leading the way after completing the mission issued by Thor this time, Perhaps within this year, Zhong Wei's tribe can be promoted to intermediate level.

There was no intention of resisting the speaker's inquiry. In the previous few days, Zhong Wei had received many inquiries from Chi Ying, tribe elders, teammates, etc., and even he himself could not explain why. Just tell the truth.

"Yes, there was a feeling that I couldn't control my body in those few days. It looked like I didn't do anything and watched myself make various movements, but these movements were all developing in a good direction, so I felt In fact, I am controlling again, this..."

"It's such a mysterious feeling."


"Hehe, the god is mysterious... maybe, this is also the grace bestowed on you by the god of thunder?" The speaker, who couldn't figure out the reason, finally used the ultimate religious skill 'shirk responsibility' to push all good things to the powerful and mysterious place. In God, all bad things are pushed to evil and despicable demons, and what happened to Zhong Wei is obviously good, so of course it is a "gift from God".

And after thinking of this point, with the idea that all the responsibilities should be borne by God, the people around them went through the whole process smoothly.

Many years later, this process became the biography "Thor Returns: The Chosen Zhong Wei".

The story tells the story of Zhong Wei (the male protagonist =.=) who lived in the upper-level tribe since he was a child (the opposite of the early days =.=), because he was out of tune with the ordinary children around him (the dragon set in the memory =.=), Finally, after becoming an adult, with a part of the people attracted by his personality charm (amount=.=), he left this upper-level tribe and established a lower-level tribe of his own (development basis =.=).

However, it is not an easy task to develop lower-level tribes (a difficult goal). Councilor Zhong Wei is secretly exercising his own strength (the protagonist endures hardships and stands hard work) and summing up his stealth experience. At the same time, he also devoutly believes in the The God of Thunder (Background), and expressed his willingness to give everything to the God of Thunder (Promise).

And at this moment, a Shadow Clan team of the ethnic group went out to explore the road, and accidentally discovered the tribe of the God of Thunder (fuse/the beginning of the story=.=). After reporting back to the tribal council, Councilor Zhong Wei Night was instructed by the God of Thunder who woke up (explained why it didn't appear before, ga =. =).

Councilor Zhong Wei, who seized the opportunity, immediately stated that he was willing to fulfill his promise, "dedicate everything to the God of Thunder and Lightning" (the protagonist keeps his word).

Therefore, the God of Thunder and Lightning, who was very moved, sent a trace of his spiritual thoughts to Zhong Wei, and guided Zhong Wei, guiding his way of action, guiding the God's Chosen team, through untold hardships ( The novel has been enriched with a lot of content =. =), and finally found the tribe of God, and then returned to the Shadow Clan tribe under the leadership of God, and re-established the belief in the God of Thunder.

In order to praise Zhong Wei's piety, the God of Thunder rewarded Zhong Wei with stronger strength, more knowledge, and a better character.

As a result, the reborn Zhong Weisen, relying on the gifts of these gods, gradually developed his tribe into another superior tribe. (end of story)


"What's the matter? Zhong Wei?"

"Ah, it's nothing, Chi Ying."

Shaking his head heavily, Zhong Wei nodded to Chi Ying, whom he had always admired. Although the other party immediately snorted and turned his head away, Zhong Wei knew that this was just arrogance.

By the way, since it is a youth inspirational story (=.=), of course there must be a heroine or something.

In "The Return of Thor: The Chosen One", Chiying (the heroine), who is a member of the same superior tribe, was the little princess of this tribe when Zhong Wei (the hero) was young. He has a strong personality, but he took good care of Zhong Wei who was excluded at the time, which made Zhong Wei feel a ray of light in his loneliness, and thus planted a seed in Zhong Wei's heart.

This provided a lot of motivation for Zhong Wei to work hard and work hard in the future.And after Thunder God possessed him, with the help of Thunder God, Councilor Zhong Wei finally won the favor of the heroine Chiying, and after finally developing his tribe into a superior tribe, he married in a glorious manner, and has become The superior tribal chief also waited for Zhong Wei's red shadow.

Then, the two superior tribes also merged to become the strongest tribe...

So, the story has a perfect ending, ga.


"So what? Zhong is a councilor?"

"Ah, big, probably nothing."

Shaking his head heavily, Zhong Wei looked at his partner Yingge who followed him all the way. The other party also entered the God of Thunder Kingdom and became the chief of Thunder God. He is no longer the guard who was looked down upon by people in the past .

The current Yingge can be regarded as Zhong Wei's loyal friend, but his personality is still a bit dull.After hearing Zhong Wei's answer, Yingge just nodded and continued to follow the team.

Ah, by the way, since it is an inspirational story for young people, of course there must be a friend (equivalent to subordinate =. =) No.

Therefore, Yingge (male number two) has also become an important figure in "The Return of Thor: The Chosen One" Zhong Wei. He is not good at the stealth ability recognized by the Shadow Clan. A guard who was also known as the "gathering place of useless people" at that time, he and Mr. Zhong Wei felt a little sympathetic to each other.

Shadowsong was almost discouraged at the time (the plot required, in "Thor Return: The Chosen Shadowsong", he worked hard secretly again, huh), and lived like other guards every day, but the change happened in He dutifully guarded their target with another teammate (a side character, used to set off the male number two), when Zhong was a councilor.

When receiving the invitation from Councilor Zhong Wei and facing Councilman Zhong Wei's forceful reprimand, in stark contrast to his teammates, Yingge came to his senses at that moment, and then resolutely joined Councilor Zhong's team. (Look, this is the gap between the character and the protagonist =. =)

In the God's Choice team, Yingsong also dutifully protected everyone, and walked out of the road of "Guardian of the New Era"-Guardian (special profession). At the same time, he was inspired by Zhong Wei and resolutely became a believer of Thor.

Many years later, Yingge, who is still Zhong Wei's steadfast friend, has developed a role of "Guardian" as powerful as the stalker in the new era, and has written a strong and colorful stroke in history. (novel language)
"...Uh, gah."

"What's going on with you today, Mr. Zhong Wei?"

"Huh? It's okay."

Without even looking at the person next to him, although Zhong Wei's reaction caused a burst of dissatisfaction on the other side, the other party who seemed to be going crazy was stopped by the speaker beside him with a wave, and he could only stare at him with vicious and jealous eyes. Bell for.

So, at this time, since the protagonist Fang is mostly present, shouldn't the 'villain' come out?
As a youth inspirational story, the villain is generally like this.

At this time, this handsome guy, but his eyes are flashing with a haze that destroys the image, and he seems to have a hooked nose. No matter how good he is, he will call himself ⑨. Let’s just call him the villain (villain) Well, anyway, I don't bother to take names. (=.=)

This person is also a member of the superior tribe that Zhong Wei came from. When he was a child, he had a little friendship with Zhong Wei, but most of them were bad impressions.

He is an excellent member of the superior tribe, with the goal of pursuing Princess Chiying and becoming the chief of the superior tribe. He is kind and friendly in front of others, but in fact he keeps plotting, is vicious and brutal (in short, how disgusting and how to evaluate it, the evil villain=.= ), compared with the clock at that time, it is a sky and an underground.

And before the ShadowClan team went to the Friends Clan last time, this person seemed to have won the approval of most of the older members of the upper-level tribe, and became the person who was most likely to marry Chi Ying and take over the position of chief of the upper-level tribe. Zhong Wei was just a silent little guy who was exercising secretly.

But this villain is one of the few people who knows that the person Chi Ying likes is Zhong Wei, and Zhong Wei's subsequent behavior makes him feel deeply threatened.

However, he did not join the Shadow Clan team because he planned to gain the leadership of the tribe. After the team returned, he was also excluded from the God's Chosen because he did not believe in Thor.

As a result, he, who was about to achieve a great event, was dimmed because of Zhong Wei's strong insertion.

How could he be willing to pinch?After successfully completing 99 steps, this last step is just short of him. He will never give up.

Therefore, as a fat man, he resolutely joined the current team, and planned to destroy the belief in the so-called God of Thunder and Lightning as a devout believer of the God of Dark Night, and regain the leadership of the superior tribe and even the leadership of the ethnic group. And Chi Ying's favor, no, the body is also fine, ga.

However, as a tragic villain, of course he will not succeed.

At the end of the story, he was a clown villain and a cup boy from the beginning to the end, and he was destroyed in his own conspiracy (standard self-eating), as if he fell off a cliff or something (did we say something taboo? ).

So, the villain is destroyed, the protagonist wins, the princess falls in love, and the friend succeeds... What a perfect ending to the story, clap your hands.


"What's the matter? Zhong Wei, are you feeling unwell? Forget it, everyone, let's take a rest, you're tired after walking all day."

"Um, thank you Speaker."

"Call me the Great Chief, hehe, I am also a believer in Thor now." Gently clapping the bell, the Great Chief smiled, looked up at the sky, and then turned around and arranged for everyone to set up camp.

At this time, everyone has also thought about it. According to the inertia of the plot, the hero, heroine, supporting actor, and villain have all appeared, and there is another existence, which should appear.

This is, as a youth inspirational story, the elder who "guides the way" is absolutely indispensable, the backstage of the protagonist in the early stage, Ga.

And in "Thor's Return: The Chosen Shadow Song", the speaker who does not know how old he is, the current great chief is the existence who represents humility, gentleness, kindness, friendliness, wisdom... and so on ( This proves the truth that if you are too perfect, you will not be the protagonist =.=).

In the story, the Speaker is a good comrade who worries about his family and the people. Although he inherits the belief of Thor, for the sake of the stability of the ethnic group, he believes in the God of Darkness that most ethnic groups believe in.

In normal times, he is a gentle elder who doesn't appear many times, but he often gives the councilor Zhong Wei who was in the trough of his life at that time, like enlightenment guidance (other books also correspond to other guided members =.=) .

At the same time, Councilor Chung also learned various life philosophies from the speaker, laying a solid foundation for future growth.If the heroine, Chi Ying, is Zhong Wei's life goal, then the second supporting actor, the Elder Speaker, is the one who paves the way for Zhong Wei's life.

There is even a saying in some historical novels: "At the beginning, the speaker cited the bell as a belief in Thor, so as to lay the foundation for future generations." 'That is to say, Mr. Zhong Wei's belief in Thunder God was guided by the speaker, and the speaker is behind everything, so let's talk about history...

"...Ah! What the hell is going on in my head!"

"Hey! Zhong, Zhong Wei, what's wrong? I'm sick again?" A petite and lovely female voice came...

no!stop!This book is an inspirational novel for youth!It's not a YY stallion novel!Sinai...

Therefore, our Zhong Wei Councilor, in the eyes of the Shadow Clan, is still immersed in the joy of becoming a Thor voter; Among other reasons, such as his own brain being broken, he fell into a deep sleep under the gaze of a bunch of various supporting characters and heroines.

As for whether the previous things were true or not, Zhong Wei didn't think about it at all, and he was not in the mood to think about it, because at this time, under the jealous eyes of the villain, Zhong Wei who was lying on Chiying's lap had no idea at all. That mind went to think about other things. (You are a prostitute =.=)

"It's nice to be young."

The great chief nodded in relief, looked back with a smile, and then waved his hands to get the two old friends around him to come over.

"What do you think of Thor's return this time?"

The words of the great chief were a little serious. Although whether it was the previous power or the kingdom of God that only God could do, he was irrefutable about the existence and strength of Thor, but he always had a little doubt.

And it was this trace of doubt that kept him awake (in his opinion).

"Thor's authenticity, you shouldn't be able to refute it." One of the old men with the same gray beard nodded, stroked his short beard, and smiled at the serious chief.

"That's right, no matter it's such a powerful thunder, such a beautiful thunder's wings, or that shocking kingdom of God, none of these mortals like me can create it, so it's obvious that Thor is irrefutable." Another The beard on the old man's chin was slightly withered, and the top of his head turned into a barren mountain, but he himself was looking at the great chief energetically, not minding anything at all.

"I also know that I won't refute the existence of Thor, otherwise I won't turn into the belief of Thor, but..."

Pulling out a beard in distress, the great chief rubbed his chin, which was still lush, and looked up to the north: "But, as Thor said, she came from a group of gods, but this..."

"Old friend, why are you thinking so complicated?" Smiling and shaking his head, the old man with a short beard thought for a while and asked, "I ask you, God, is it powerful?"

"Powerful." The great chief nodded of course.

"Who will win against our clan with the power of God alone?" The bald old man looked around and asked cautiously.

"This... I'm afraid it's a god." Thinking about what the God of Thunder and Lightning has shown, that flying high in the sky, guiding Thunder's attack method, the great chief didn't care about the bald old man's words, sighed and shook his head .

"Then why does God need to lie to us?"

"It... doesn't seem to be." The chief's expression gradually softened.

"Whether God is one or a clan, is this harmful to you and my clan?"

"This...it doesn't seem to be there either." Shaking his head, the great chief straightened up slightly.

"The last question, is the existence of God good for our family?"

"Yes, and a lot." This time the answer was very straightforward, because recalling the techniques of planting and construction that he had learned in the Kingdom of God, the chief had to nod in agreement.

"Then why are you so worried, come on, come on, eat meat, eat meat, let's eat more meat while the teeth are still there, haha."

"Hehe, I'm obsessed."

The great chief smiled, and looked gratefully at the two old friends beside him.

"It seems that after being the speaker for a long time, it is not as thorough as the two of you."

"That's not because you are the best, the two of us are just going to die together."


Support or something, not at all forceful to say - -
(End of this chapter)

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