Spore Story

Chapter 364 Continuing Daily, Summer Trivia

Chapter 364 Continuing Daily, Summer Trivia

Thank you for your reward O(∩_∩)O
On June 14th, 6 AD, the three Kong Huan, who were physically and mentally exhausted because of the Shadow Clan, returned to Pengcheng, and then went about their business.

At the same time, the Shadow Clan team also arrived at Xiaoshu Barracks.

Of course, there was no Thunder God they recognized there anymore, but Lingyue, the leader of the Lingyue team stationed in Thunder Cloud Fort in the Southern Province, temporarily cameo as a god of the same level as Thor, and it was also effortless.

After all, in terms of the energy value displayed after digitization, Chu Xia is 4201, and Lingyue has 2700, and Chu Xia once calculated that the energy of an authentic natural thunderbolt should be around 2000.Obviously, this is much higher than the 50-point Lightning Strike Art, but the Lingyue of the Ghost Body is still barely usable.

And the appearance of Lingyue, who can also use the fantasy world, made these guys who had some small thoughts before completely surrender. Of course, they would not know that the so-called "God Kingdom" is just something more like a dream.

Therefore, the discussion of various Shadow Clan obligations and the gifts of the "God Clan" will obviously proceed smoothly.

Here, we will not say more.

When they left the Xiaoshu military camp, it was the annual rice planting time.

Although they failed to catch up with the "reclamation festival" organized by the farmers spontaneously, which is analogous to the harvest festival, the three people wandering among the farmlands in various places still help the farmers along the way to plant from time to time, making the journey that was less than a day , The three of them flew for more than ten days.

The days that followed returned to normal.

"Here, this is the status of the mining exploration test just obtained. The iron thing you mentioned before has not been found, but the gold that is more useless than copper seems to have been found. The smelting laboratory of the Technology Bureau is testing."


As a result, the exploration report was illusory. After a hasty look, it was similar to the previous situation, so he put it aside.

Then, thinking about the fact that he just completed the mission, under the leadership of Bai Min, the director of the Technology Bureau, he saw the gold of Shuangyuexing under the influence of some human psychology.

Very normal gold, golden yellow, excellent ductility, and good shaping effect, but other than that, in the eyes of friends, there is nothing more distinctive. I have to say, seeing a large piece of gold in front of me , Kong Huan was still a little excited, but when he was excited by the indifferent expressions of the people around him, Kong Huan's heart faded away.

The gold nugget children's shoes for cups are completely piled up with those bronze scraps...

As for using gold as currency, Kong still shook his head after thinking about it.

Now, the copper coins released by the entire ethnic group are only 500 million. The copper coins are enough for use, and the gold can only be used as decorations for the time being. Is it necessary to let Kong Huan produce gold coins now?Then there is a matter of exchanging a few hundred copper coins for a few gold coins.

"Speaking of which, why didn't I see Yin? At least the silver needle can test poison." Shaking his head, Kong Huan scanned the surroundings and walked out of the laboratory with the gold nugget.

"Is there anything available from the Technology Bureau recently?" Kneading gold into the shape of a small house like playing with plasticine, Kong Huan was boringly using his thoughts to modify the details while looking at the absent-minded Bai Min.


"No," shaking his head, Bai Min gathered himself together, and brought Kong Huan to the exhibition hall inside the Technology Bureau.Now, the function of this hall is only to provide a place for high-level executives to fully understand the research and development of the Technology Bureau, and it is not open to the outside world.

And due to the temporary adoption of the decree prohibiting the construction of factories larger than a small size, it is not open to businessmen.

"In terms of theoretical research, we are still stuck in the theory of understanding and inverting the output of illusory research models, while there are many outputs in applied research, but not many are available."

"The products are all here, Kong Huan, you can see for yourself, I have to go to the laboratory to see." After leaving Kong Huan here, Bai Min, who seemed absent-minded from the beginning to the end, turned and left.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan did not follow, but looked at the spacious hall with a wry smile.

After Bai Min took over, the Technical Bureau has also carried out many internal reforms under the adjustment of the ethnic group system several times.

Today's Technology Bureau has become a research institution with more than 100 resident researchers and more than 30 special laboratories.And reached a mutual assistance agreement with students and teachers in the college area, teachers and students can join the research and development projects of the technical bureau from time to time, and the technical bureau can provide opportunities such as internships for the students of the school.

"This is?"

Walking around casually, Kong Huan was attracted by a stone slab that seemed to be a picture and a circuit, and turned his head to look at Yuanren beside him in doubt. The other party should be the commentator that Bai Min left for him. The girl is actually a little thoughtful.

"This is a small thing made by a researcher in the circuit laboratory, um..."

After looking at this object, the commentator thought for a while and said, "This is to input energy from here, and then directly observe the changes of the stone slab."

Try to do what the narrator said, because the lines on the slate are all drawn out from the calcium carbide smelting laboratory and have not yet entered mass production. The void did not release too much energy.

But nothing happened to the slate, which was said to change as electricity flowed through the lines.

Kong Huan turned his head to look at the narrator speechlessly: "Could it be that this circuit is just a short circuit?"

"Hey, this... please wait," after thinking about it carefully, he even took over the slate in Kong Huan's hand and looked at it. After the commentator was puzzled, he finally shook his head in doubt and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Kong Huan, The information does say that it is enough to pass the energy directly, and now it seems that it may be just a researcher who is testing the circuit."

Looking at the crooked and seemingly messy lines on the slate, Kong Huan had a feeling of "there are actually some rules in it", but he didn't have more reactions.

After thinking about it, and recalling the reality that since the R&D was encouraged, the Technology Bureau had endlessly come up with fantastic ideas, but very few of them were really useful, and the illusory thoughts faded away.

"Let that researcher write down the explanation next time he does his research. Everything here is here." Putting the slate back, Kong Huan smiled at the flustered commentator and said, "Let me point out what has entered recently." Apply something."

"By the way," Kong Huan seemed to think of something, wagging his tail and said, "It's better to be about agriculture, and things in this area can be used recently."


The planter is a thing assembled by combining various applied knowledge such as "Mechanical Construction" in the school, with the cooperation of the gear set provided by the research mode. It is said that it was secretly made by a researcher in a laboratory under the car factory.

For this kind of behavior like not doing business properly, if there is no result, then the researcher will obviously have a more miserable experience, such as being deducted half a month's salary or something.

But fortunately, this researcher made a result, and more importantly, this result can be used directly and is very important, so he published it.

The first product that the narrator explained to Kong Huan was this planter, which was produced by the [Agricultural Machinery Factory], which was opened separately in the depot, with the permission of the management.

"...This kind of seeding machine relies on the existing 7 kinds of gear model groups, and the bronze templates made by researchers who can observe the micron level with mental power, and then grind out various gears. After passing through a certain mechanism The application-shaped machine assembled after construction, according to the test performance, the actual seeding speed is five times that of ordinary primitive people..."

At this moment, because of Chu Xia's persuasion, he no longer worried about the problem of "industrial and commercial development occupying a large number of agricultural population". Looking at the planter in front of him, he is full of confidence in the future.

Except for the gears of the entire planter, which are 7 types of models researched by Void by relying on the research mode, the rest are all assembled by friends.

Rubbing the polished and extremely smooth putter, Kong Huan nodded in satisfaction, while the commentator continued.

"...Because it is an independent invention, although there is suspicion of using the factory laboratory, the car factory has already stated that it will not pursue it, so according to our family's patent law, this researcher was rewarded with 5000 copper coins."

"Because the other party expressed that he was unwilling to enter the technical bureau for the time being, so according to my request, he was transferred to the agricultural machinery factory and served as the research director of the [Sower Laboratory]."

"What's the current output and selling price?"

The situation in this regard is related to the promotion of seeders.Although with the addition of the Shadow Clan, the food problem should be delayed a lot, but Kong Huan still hopes that friends can satisfy their own food consumption, so that they will not be controlled by others in the future.

"This," carefully took out a notebook from his pocket, the narrator quickly inquired, and then said to Kong Huan: "The agricultural machinery factory was responsible for the production of [plows], [waterwheels], [threshing machines] ] and other things, so there are mature factory buildings and auxiliary parts factories to support it.”

"Therefore, after the seeder was finalized in March, it began to be produced in small batches according to the assembly line production method. Up to now, two production lines have been built, which can produce and assemble 3 sets per day. However, because of the application of bronze gears and other metal parts, Therefore, the increase in production capacity is quite limited, and the price is also high, requiring 18 copper coins."

"Indeed it's a bit high," frowned dissatisfiedly, Kong Huan calculated the current prices, and found that the price of this kind of planter seems to be a bit unfavorable for popularization, but after thinking about it, Kong Huan planned to obtain the actual sales, so Asked: "What about sales?"

"Um, Lord Unreal, the factory is in charge of statistics in this regard, we are just a technical bureau, and only have these test data."

He paused for a while and seemed dissatisfied with his answer. After thinking for a while, the narrator continued: "However, only Pengcheng produces planters now, and I usually see the planters produced by the factory every day, and it seems that they can be produced quickly. They were bought, although most of them were purchased by merchants, but I think the sales are not bad.”

"Oh, are there any other good things?" Nodding, after making up his mind, he went to the Executive Yuan to check the emptiness of the statistical data, and looked at the objects piled up around him.

"Of course, this way please..."


Summer is long and hot. When I return to my friend city, I will run non-stop between the Technology Bureau and various places. When I return to the Elder’s House at dusk again, I am already sweating profusely, and I have to use my thoughts to mobilize the surrounding air. Flow so as to bring a little breeze.

"Did you find that in recent years, the summer has been getting hotter and hotter, while the winter seems to be getting colder and colder?"

"Only you idle guys can say that." Kong Huan didn't say this, but sat down under the big tree a few steps, then nodded after thinking about it: "It's true that I feel that way, but one day I I'm busy with work at night, so I don't have time to look at these things, ah, by the way, give me a glass of iced Xishui."


"Here." A glass of ice-cold Xishui floated in front of Kong Huan. It is obviously a supreme enjoyment to drink something cold in the hot summer. As for the source of these ice cubes, it is thanks to the extreme climate And the proposer of the ice cellar.

The ice on the Priest Mountain in winter is transported to the deep pit ice cellars dug by the Dunjia people in various places.

In this way, friends can drink this delicious thing in summer.

As for the technology of the ice cellar, because there is nothing to keep secret, it will cost a lot of copper coins to hire experienced Dunjia people to dig holes, so until now, only a small number of businessmen in the Pengzu can use the ice cellar.

The other ice cellars are concentrated in the management, restaurants and libraries, which has provided a strong impetus to the business of frozen food in restaurants all over the country, and has greatly improved the utilization rate of libraries.

He took a shallow sip of ice water, felt the heat being completely melted from his mouth along the esophagus, and squinted his eyes comfortably: "One of the most correct things Bai Nong did was this ice cellar, which is comfortable what."

"However, after all, we don't understand the climate you mentioned, so don't worry about it. Let the Meteorological Bureau keep records and do their jobs well."

"The Meteorological Bureau? Speaking of which, they have mixed feelings about the Presbyterian Home." The voice sounded playful, obviously amused by the Meteorological Bureau's reaction.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Although there are not many opportunities for this kind of leisurely chat, but when it comes to the relationship between the middle management and the elders' house, Kong Huan can't help but pay attention.

"Because the Meteorological Bureau needs natural climate changes to collect weather data, but under the realistic consideration of the Presbyterian House, the climate in some places will be changed from time to time, which makes it difficult for the Meteorological Bureau to summarize the natural weather. law……"

"So it's this." Scratching his head, Kong Huan shook his head helplessly and smiled: "This can only be said to be a conflict between practical factors and academics. Speaking of it, I'm afraid I can only sacrifice the Meteorological Bureau. After returning to their local meteorological experience, the Meteorological Bureau should be happy for a while."

"Yes, that's fine."

With a few ding-dong sounds, several thumb-sized ice cubes fell into the empty water glass, splashing a few splashes.

In normal times, this kind of behavior would probably make people dissatisfied, but in this hot summer, the cold water spray on the skin makes people feel refreshed. The next step.

"However," at this time, the other party continued to speak: "There is news from the three fortresses that the frequency of Eldar people appearing at the entrance of the passage seems to be less and less recently. During the period, a little conflict broke out in the three fortresses, but to no avail. After returning, the people of the Spirit Race almost disappeared."

"So, someone suggested, should we take the opportunity to close the three major passages? Or send personnel to go underground to investigate?"

The creaking sound of ice shattering came from the opposite side, and Kong Huan also swallowed a piece of ice. After thinking for a while, he said, "It's getting less and less. That should be the reason for the civil war of the spirit clan that 8051 said."

"However, there are not many large natural caves under the territory of the Peng Clan. It is possible that the Spirit Clan did not pay much attention to it after the civil war began." After thinking about it, Kong Huan still shook his head and said: "The passage is still reserved. Well, people have a habit, with such a path, even if the opponent goes to war in the future, they will first think of breaking through the three strongholds instead of finding another path, which is more beneficial to us.”

"What about sending a team to investigate?"

Smiling, Kong Huan smashed a block of ice with his thoughts to create a few cool winds, then took a breath of satisfaction and said: "The spirit race is in full swing, we just go to the theater, don't spoil people's happiness. Otherwise, Attracting them here, dozens of Youshen-level rulers, theoretically, it is not something we can deal with now."

"Alright, I will tell Longyue about this, and they should make the right choice."

"Hehe, speaking of it, in fact, among the three of us, I think you are the most powerful in terms of mind, and it really is a woman with a delicate mind." Looking at the other party meaningfully, Kong Huan said softly: "When I first quit the military academy, Coming to the Elder's Court, you have achieved your reputation, and you have thrown away the trivial matters of the Military Academy, and the most important thing is..."

"Longyue's ability is not very suitable, and it happens to be under your control. In this way, you will not only relax, but also continue to control the military academy and two of the three major teams. I might as well."

"Is it fun to brag about yourself?"


"Don't talk about that," Dark Blood didn't care about the emptiness in OTZ, but said to himself: "This time Chu Xia is back, it seems a little different."

"It's not the same?" Soon after waking up, Kong fantasized and said clearly: "Of course, the belief of a race..."

"I'm not talking about that, I'm referring to Chu Xia's strength, her Thunder Wings, it feels...somewhat different," Shaking his head, Dark Blood didn't seem to know how to describe it, and could only wrinkle in distress Brows, but don't know what to say.

"It's really different." At this time, Chu Xia's voice came from the sky, and the two people in the elder's house looked up at the same time, and they happened to see Chu Xia who was landing with Chu Jie.

After staying on the ground, Chu Xia unexpectedly stretched out her thunder wings, and then showed them to everyone.

"Look carefully, can you find anything wrong?"

Attracted by this topic, Kong Huan, Dark Blood, and Chu Jie who was called by Chu Xia all moved forward curiously, and then frowned suspiciously: "Where is Wing Gen?"

"Don't worry, I did this on my own initiative, and it's not harmful."

Seeing Chu Xia's smile as if offering a treasure, Kong Huan didn't worry any more, but continued to look at the different Wing Gen.

After Chu Xia waited for everyone present to show a clear expression, she continued: "This is what I came up with, the method to become a yin god."

Ice tea, support...

(End of this chapter)

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