Spore Story

Chapter 365 Cell Evolution, Energization

Chapter 365 Cell Evolution, Energization

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'How to go deep into Yinshen level? '

This has always been a heart disease of the senior members of the Pengzu, especially after receiving the reminder of 8051's "integration of mind and body", everyone is even more entangled.

But at this moment, under the light of Chu Xia's wisdom, the seemingly hard and seamless wall finally cracked such a hole.

So, in an instant, the future suddenly became clear.

"I've been researching the method mentioned by 8051 recently, but I always have no clue. So, in my spare time, I studied my Thunder Wings by the way, and discovered something by accident."

This is a kind of thinking mode of friends. When you can't figure out something, you will use another thing that is not too far behind as a breakthrough. Imagination calls it a "detour route", and 8051 calls it "avoiding the important and taking the light". Regardless, the approach has proven to be effective.

And obviously, Chu Xia relied on this method to poke a hole in the wall between Youshen and Yinshen levels.And the tool used is her distinctive Thunder Wings.

The Wings of Thunder is indeed different from ordinary people, and has attracted everyone's attention.Among them, 8051 even said something like 'this wing is very special, maybe it has something to do with being promoted to Yinshen level'.

Now, Chu Xia's expression made everyone realize that she had gained useful experience on these wings.

I saw Chu Xia flapping her wings with a smile, and asked as if showing off: "Can everyone see what is special about my pair of wings?"

"Isn't there a problem if you don't see it? Your whole wings are something special." Chu Jie, who was staring at Chu Xia's Thunder Wings, curled her lips after hearing what the other said.

And Dark Blood thought for a while and asked: "Did it become darker? Could it be because the energy was shrunk?"

Chu Xia shook her head, she seemed dissatisfied with both of them's answers, and turned her head to look expectantly at the remaining empty fantasy.

(Don't look at me like that, I'm under a lot of pressure ==) Ignoring Chu Xia's eyes with the expression of staring at the wings intently, Kong Huan carefully looked at the pair of still dazzling wings.

At this time, he suddenly narrowed his eyes...

Gradually, a trace of exclamation appeared on Kong Huan's face: "This, how could the energy become like this!"

"But in fact, it has indeed become like this."

From Kong Huan's expression and tone, she could see the fact that Kong Huan had already seen it, Chu Xia smiled and spread her hands helplessly, but even Chu Jie and An Xue could see the pride in her heart.

"What the hell is going on, don't hang people's appetites!"

"Okay, okay, let me say it."

Holding back Dark Blood, who seemed to be planning to teach Void Phantom a lesson, Chu Xia comforted him as if she were a child, and then said with a smile: "The first time the Thunder Wings appeared was because the destructive energy of Thunder invaded the body. To be safe, I subconsciously used my thoughts to lay a layer of skin-like things along the wings, forming the most primitive Thunder Wings."

"I can't control the wings of thunder at this time. I can only use my thoughts to bind these energies. I neither dare to release nor compress them. They are dazzling, dangerous, and irritable. At this time, I actually just wrap them with my thoughts. It’s just energy.” As if recalling the time when it seemed beautiful but actually painful, Chu Xia sighed and shook her head.

"After that, the energy of thunder and lightning began to merge with the power of thought. In this process, what we didn't notice was that not only the power of thought was merging with the energy of lightning, but the energy was also transforming the cells of my body, no..."

Shaking her head heavily, Chu Xia thought for a while and said: "It's not a transformation, it looks more like the cells of the body. In order to adapt to the energy of lightning, they were updated little by little, and finally became the current one, which can accommodate high-energy cells. cells of energy."

Satisfied looking at the three surprised faces around her, Chu Xia smiled and said, "This process, I call it [transformation], and it's still going on."

Withdrawing his gaze from the Wings of Thunder, Kong Huan looked at Chu Xia's skin in doubt, with a flash of amazement and understanding in his eyes.

Although there was no big difference between him and the others in appearance, after careful comparison by Kong Huan, he found that Chu Xia's skin was more crystal clear and deeper than that of the three present.

In terms of feeling, it seems to be a bit close to calcium carbide crystals or energy cores, and because people usually have more contact with each other, they don't notice these subtle changes.

But Chu Xia's status was determined. Not many people dared to comment on her skin, not to mention that this skin looked good, even if someone said it, if they didn't pay attention to it, they would think it was just an ordinary compliment.

But Kong Huan's eyes lit up: "This is a change close to the cell level. I don't know if it will affect the genes."

He stretched out his hand and pinched Chu Xia's body, completely oblivious to the emptiness in the strange eyes of the other three, as if caught in some kind of scientific madness: "Chu Xia, how long have you been in this situation?"

"Ah, this, it should have started to change after having Thunder Wings, but because it is a gradual change, the process is too slow, so I only noticed it recently." Chu Xia, who was frightened by the illusory eyes, subconsciously He turned his head away, but didn't withdraw the hand that was tightly held by Kong Huan.

But Kong Huan didn't notice the other party's performance, but lowered his head and pondered: "It starts with having the Thunder Wings, so this situation should be gradual, otherwise if it suddenly becomes like this, it is impossible for no one to notice arrive."

The three people around thought for a while and nodded in agreement, but they discovered to their dismay that Kong Huan was talking to himself.

"As for the appearance of Thunder Wings, it has been more than ten or 20 years now. During this period, the cells have been regenerated continuously. If there is no change at the genetic level, it is impossible for each cell to regenerate and divide successfully. But you, Chu Xia, did not appear. Diseases caused by genetic problems..."

After thinking about it, Kong Huan raised his head to look at Chu Xia, but this kind of look really made Chu Xia turn her head away again with some dissatisfaction.

"This is definitely evolution!"

A loud roar startled the three people who had their own thoughts. Ignoring the reproachful eyes of the three, Kong Huan patted Chu Xia in surprise and said, "Whether this is the way to enter the Yin God level or not, but your change, Chu Xia, But it can already be called evolution, which is an extremely great thing!"

"If, if this process of active evolution can be summed up and extended to ordinary people, by then, the entire friend race will usher in the first large-scale evolution since the destruction of the editing space decades ago!"


At this time, Kong Huan's expression was a little crazy, which made Chu Xia and the three of them look at him worriedly, but they didn't know where to start, and Kong Huan continued talking to himself because no one stopped him.

"This is different from the evolution of editing space. It is the autonomous and active evolution of our friends. Of course, the change of cells actually involves a lot of uncertainty and fluke, but at least it is a way, etc... ..."

The emptiness that was still fantasizing about a beautiful future scene was flapping its wings excitedly, but suddenly its expression froze, its head gradually lowered, and its mind cooled down a little bit. The crazy appearance disappeared without a trace after a while .

"Although it is a way, it is too difficult to popularize it without the support of Youshen level thought power."

He rubbed his head, crushed the ice not far away and sprinkled it on top of his head, accompanied by the coolness penetrating his scalp, Kong Huan shook his head heavily, and looked at Chu Xia and the others again: "Sorry, I was distracted .”


"Okay, let's get down to business."

Rubbing her forehead helplessly, Chu Xia, who saw that nothing was wrong, also breathed a sigh of relief.

She patted Kong Huan lightly, and then continued: "The method I came up with, as you can see, is related to this cell that has become a combination of crystals and organisms."

"My family doesn't have a lot of biological knowledge, most of which are provided by illusory research models, and then summarized by various schools, but the development time is not long after all, so research on cells, everyone It’s still not very clear.”

"So I'll keep it simple."

Folding the Thunder Wings behind her back like the wings of a Winged Man, Chu Xia nodded and said: "You have also seen that the cells in my body are actually transforming into energy crystallization. And the two pairs of Thunder Wings on the back , it seems that some cellular objects have begun to appear on it."

"Because it is getting closer to the cells of the body, I call the cells that are obviously transforming now [Crystal Cells]; and the objects that are also transforming on the Thunder Wings are called [Energy Cells]."

"From this point of view, it should be that my body is adapting to the energy of the Thunder Wings; and since the Thunder Wings merged with the mind force, it is also adapting to the biological body."

"Could it be possible that when the transformation is successful, Chu Xia, you will become a combined state of energy and living things?" Dark Blood, who barely had a little knowledge of biology, thought about it, and couldn't believe it, and said his conjecture. Kong Huan also nodded in agreement.

"I don't know exactly how, after all, I don't have any experience." Chu Xia shook her head helplessly: "I only know that as the changes in my body become more and more obvious, I can feel that it is the kind of The feeling that comes from the depths of my consciousness, which I don’t know how to describe, tells me that when the transformation of the two is completed, I can get rid of the shackles of the Youshen level.”

"Getting rid of the Youshen class, isn't that the same as entering the Yinshen class?" Chu Jie looked at Chu Xia with envy, and turned her head and muttered depressedly: "It's a pity that I don't have a body now, it's completely a consciousness and energy core There are no cells in the composed existence to allow energy to guide the transformation."

Seeing Chu Jie squatting on the ground with a desolate face, Kong Huan and An Xue both smiled wryly, then reached out at the same time, intending to pat Chu Jie.


Dazed for a moment, Anxue turned his head away with a displeased face, while Kong Huan also wagged his tail depressedly, and turned his eyes to Chu Xia for help.

"Okay Chu Jie, in fact, I think compared to our Youshen level who still retains the biological body and needs to transform cells a little bit, the Youshen body with only consciousness and energy core may be easier to succeed. Maybe."

"Huh?" The three pairs of surprised eyes looked at Chu Xia this time.

Void Fantasy and Dark Blood, in fact, just want Chu Xia to comfort Chu Jie. After all, there is a big gap between Youshen level and Youshen body. One is more refined in mental power, and the other is more refined in energy.

And although Chu Jie didn't say anything about it, Chu Xia might become the No. 1 person who entered the Yin God level, but she herself, the No. 1 person who entered the You God level, still didn't even know how to enter the Yin God level. The road was not found. This kind of thing was obviously a big blow to her who had hidden her competitive spirit deeply.

Looking at Chu Jie, Chu Xia smiled and said, "Actually, what I have summarized before is all useful to me, but not the essence of this [transformation]."

"Essence?" The three of them repeated in unison, bringing out a chuckle from Chu Xia.

"Yeah, essence," reaching out to pat Majestic's chest, Chu Xia didn't care about the illusory feeling at all, pointing to the chest and said: "Actually, from the previous changes, I found that the most important thing is The location is actually the energy core."

"When the Wings of Thunder were first wrapped by thought power, what first connected with my body was neither thought power nor cells, but the energy core."

"Of course, if biological organisms are excluded, I think my appearance is probably an abnormal energy core with two pairs of thunder wings growing." Imagining such a scene, Chu Xia shivered unnaturally, Shaking his head, he retracted his thoughts and continued.

"So, it was only after Thunder connected with the energy core that the fusion of thought power and Thunder's wings occurred."

"At this time, as you can see, my action of putting the wings of thunder in my body is actually just wrapping the energy of thunder around the energy core."

Looking at Chu Jie's chest, which suppressed the light from the energy core outside the body, and the core on the whole looked blurry, Chu Xia thought for a while and said, "If my guess is correct, this change is actually a Originated from the fusion of energy core, thought power and thunder energy."

"After that, the fused substance began to infect my body, and the cells, which are the main components of the body, began to be replaced rapidly in order to adapt to this substance, so it became what it is now."

After thinking about it distressedly, Chu Xia spread her hands in a helpless gesture.

"So far, that's all I can come up with."

"In fact, my current practice method is to try to actively guide the energy of the wings of thunder to stimulate the body's cells to accelerate the renewal. Although it is a bit uncomfortable during the practice, the speed is much faster, and the cells Aging, to be honest, with the constant renewal, I don't see any signs of aging in the cells now."

"It won't be dangerous, will it?"

The so-called haste makes waste, Kong Huan does not want Chu Xia to put her life, or body, in order to enter the Yin God level early.

"Don't worry," Chu Xia shook the tentacles on the back of her head with a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, and flapped her wings to show the wing roots in front of everyone: "Actually, maybe you are right about Kong Huan, I am indeed Evolving."

"In your opinion, I'm just a little part of the root of the wing, which has transformed into an energy state like the wings of thunder."

"But in fact, most of my internal organs have become tissues similar to energy crystallized cells, and most of the fluid flowing in the blood vessels and body has become an energy fluid."

Looking at her body with complicated eyes, Chu Xia smiled and said: "If my calculations are correct, at this rate, it will not take another five years. The final change, that is, the complete transformation of the skin and brain It will be completed, and after the successful cell, I plan to call it [Energy Crystallization Cell], I am afraid that by then, I will officially enter the Yinshen level."


(Sure enough, no matter whether it is me or my race, the naming skills are not good.) In the midst of wiping sweat...

"However," rubbing her body, Chu Xia didn't seem to be very happy that she would enter the Yinshen level in a few years: "This kind of physical change always feels a bit weird, as if I am no longer It's like a friend."

"Don't worry about that."

He patted Chu Xia's shoulder nonchalantly, Kong Huan said calmly: "You used to be your friend Chu Xia, now you are your friend Chu Xia, no matter what you become in the future, you will still be your friend Chu Xia!"

"In this life, you can't change this fact."

"So, keep working hard as your friend Chu Xia."

After that, several people took advantage of their spare time to find Youshen-level members of the Elder's House and Shenting, and discussed with each other this cultivation method that seems to be the most feasible now.

Although some people also suggested that Chu Xia guide Lei Ting to invade the Youshen class in order to test this method.

But because it was too dangerous, it finally fell through.

It took more than two months. By the end of August, more than a dozen Youshen-levels finally summed up an experimental "Energy Transformation Technology" after hard thinking and meditation.

Combining the current research experience in the energy of the friends, everyone can ensure the safety of the experimenters under the condition that it is basically effective. It is only the premise of the experiment that everyone agrees on.

In this method, the Youshen-level method applicable to living organisms is called "Segmented Transformation Technology".

The segmentation method is divided into two aspects: one is the segmentation of energy intensity; the other is the segmentation of the transformation site.

Among them, the division of energy intensity is to guide the energy slightly higher than the body's energy capacity to flow into the body according to the energy of the person after the attribute of the Youshen level.These energies will directly stimulate the cell level under the control of thoughts, and then lead to cell mutation and evolution bit by bit.

At the same time, within the range that the cells can bear, the upper limit of energy is raised little by little, and finally the cells evolve to the Yinshen level state proposed by Chu Xia.

It's just that the time required for this process may take more than ten or twenty years or even longer for people at the advanced Youshen level.

As for the division of the transformation parts, perhaps it was influenced by Chu Xia, everyone agreed: from the wings, to the tail tentacles, to the civil war, to the skin, and finally to the brain transformation steps, because this step is the transformation of Chu Xia's body. The self-transformation steps are safe and effective so far.

Of course, these are only rough parts, and the specific implementation will vary from person to person.

At the same time, while experimenting with this method, Kong Huan and the others also got an unexpected surprise.

That is, they found that the cells of friends are very special.

Perhaps it is because of the existence of the growthable energy core that the cells of the human body are adapted to the energy of the energy core that will continue to become stronger after exercise, and they are born with the ability to adapt to the growth of energy.

And this kind of growth, even in order to ensure that it does not affect the reproductive inheritance, is naturally distinguished from the reproduction of the race.

To put it simply, as long as it is not a sudden encounter, the cells of a friend can undergo autonomous evolution in order to adapt to the increase in energy, and quickly spread this evolution to all parts of the body. .

For example, if an ordinary Winged Man with an energy of about 50 uses a thunder attack with an energy of about 2000, he will obviously turn into coke in an instant; but if he only uses 50 to 60 energy for continuous stimulation, although the Winged Man will feel uncomfortable, But after a period of time, his cells will evolve on their own to adapt to this level of energy.

Of course, if the cells are too old, or they will die prematurely before the evolution of the cells is completed, this makes this kind of research results only applicable to young people.

In fact, many years later, when the biological research technology of the Pengzu entered the level of genetic inheritance, the fundamental reason was discovered.

That is, there is a special paragraph in the friend's gene, which stores the information of the cell's [energy capacity].

It is isolated from ordinary genetic paragraphs. Whenever a gene replicates and proliferates, if the [Energy Tolerance] information in the two genes is different, then the paragraph with the larger [Energy Tolerance] will be able to cover up the smaller one smoothly. Paragraphs are copied successfully, while small paragraphs will fall into latency or even dissipate.

It is this special genetic situation that leads to the strange evolution of friends' energy tolerance.

Under the circumstances that the energy bearing capacity of each individual race is different, friends can mate and reproduce normally and stably. At the same time, the new generation has a higher probability of having the energy limit inheritance of the parent with the greater energy bearing capacity. .

So, let’s get down to business.

The above two divisions are actually for the Youshen level of the biological body, but for the Youshen body of the pure consciousness body, because the whole is the consciousness and the energy core, everyone thinks it is such a simple body , Transformation is not easy to grasp it?
But soon people found that they were wrong, and it was very wrong.

It is precisely because the body is too simple that everyone doesn't know how to do it.

The key point is 'how to connect the thunder energy with the energy core without damaging the energy core in fusion state? '

In this regard, Chu Xia once proposed that according to her own changes, as long as the thunder energy is connected with the energy core, the Youshen body may be successfully transformed within a few years.

"Tempting is very tempting." Chu Jie shook her head depressingly, but quickly recovered, smiled and said to Die Wu who was comforting herself, "But Youshen level can be developed step by step, step by step from shallow to deep. It's easy to get to the end; but we ghost bodies have to take a little risk."

In fact, the significance of Chu Xia's discovery this time is far beyond what can be compared with the upgrade from the Youshen level to the Yinshen level. use.

And this discussion lasted for more than half a year. The people who were experimenting and thinking at the same time suddenly realized that it was another spring when they were in a trance.

"Time flies."

(End of this chapter)

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